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Chee 2 10.1 Kaowing thatthe torsional spring at Bis cf constant K and thatthe bar 4B is rigid, determine the critical loed P,. SOLUTION Let © be the ongfe change of bar AB. M= RKO x Lsm® % LO DmgrO0 M-Px =O KO-PLO@=0 (k= PLI@ =O Ree K/L ~ PROBLEM 10.2 10.2 Knowing thot the spring at 4 is of constant k and thatthe bar AB is rigid, determine the critical load P,. SOLUTION het © be the angle chang? of bar AB. Foz kx = kb sind DImM=0 Fhes6 - Px = 0 kL*sin® cos - Plsind = 0 Dsing sin XO and cosO #1 kKLO-PLO =O (elt - PLO 70 Pee = kL - eee Geel a cic Hoot 10.3 Two rigid bars AC and BC are connected as shown toa spring of constant PROBLEM 103 Knowing thatthe spring can actin either tension or compression, determine the critical load P. forthe system. SOLUTION Let x be the Pateral dellection of poind C x= 4hsind fiekx= kb sino Joint C2 4% =O 1 FyecosO- Figs O =O Fue = Fes ALD RPO Fag sin O + RgsinO- R= O -2Fig sin - FkL sin® = O = (Ret PkL Vem =O Age a gkh Joint At Zkyzo -P + FigeesO =O P= Fics * Hk Ler® with @= oO Pen 2 GRE - 104 Two rigid bars AC and BC recone by ain at Cas shown, Kooning PROBLEM 10.4 that the torsional spring at B is of constant K, determine the eritcal load P forthe system. SOLUTION let © be the angle change of exch bar Ma = KO Dmyro Ko-RLro Fs Bar AC DIML= O ooh ectem cen daee \ Par? > K _ L ofn PROBLEM 104 40.8 Te ii bar AD tae io two springs conta kandi cgi iemrction inthe position shown. Knowing thatthe equal an opposite loads P and P’ remain ‘horizontal, dctermine the magnitude P, ofthe critica load forthe system, paps ep, soution = bet Ya and ye be the deflections of pats ——— B and Cy” positive epward. Then Fat hyp oe ky P. es moo Yo=-Ye Fa and Fann 9 couple D let @ be the ang change? ygr-% = 4Asin® , $= Dsind Pond P! form a couple O of amount PS DIn-0, kGGasino a cosO - PlsmO =O p= ke ose — ie at ket 6 ° Ree Ke = 10 A fae in of ur tape ment ced PRORLEM 86 ifn Koon at onl cP ae ap ep ad Bresshown determine te cal vale P, ofthe ous applied othe Gane SOLUTION A # > Let © be the rotetion each L- shaped mem ber. & G Ande change across each torsionad spring B - le. is 26 Fey wshlsind x $L0 >) KGe) 6 =M, =o K@e) K@e)+ KG@e)- Px =o ~ 4K@ . K ie p, 7 the. BK O re m a fio em 10.7 The rigid rod AB is attached to a hinge at A and to two springs, each of PROBLEM 10.7 ‘constant 2.0 kipfin, that can act in ether tension or compression. Knowing that A= 2.0 f, determine the critical load. SOLUTION P Let @ be the small roteton angde 6 Ap HHO, X%ShO , X—~ HHO re Fiz kx, % 3khO For kt % KhO Fs DIM =o hFo+ ShE - Pxg=O0 kR@s 7khO - 4hP =O, PeEkh Detar ke 20 kiplin, he 2ft + tin pe F(20Gr) = 120 hips. - 108 Ifm=125 kg, h= 700, and the constant of each spring is k= 2.8 KN‘m, PROBLEM 10.8 etermine the range of values of the distanced for which the equilibrium of the rigid ‘rod AB is stable in the position shown. Each spring can actin either tension or ‘compression. SOLUTION h® 700 mm. = 700%t0* m Let © be the small rotation of AB w= dO Fekx = kde DIM, =o 2FA- mghO = 0 2Ka°O - mgh = O ais mah 7 dat - [OR5G.81Geon0™ nf x 2.8 10%) = 0.89% = B92 mm d > 892mm for stabitdy ~« PROBLEM 10.9 10.39 Determine the critical load ofa round wooden dowel that is 48-in. long and has ‘a diameter of @) 0.375 in. () 0.5 in, Use B= 1.6 ¥ 10° psi. SOLUTION @ exgtds 0.1875 in T= Jct = 970.7610" int T*(Le 2104 (970.7 »10"*) Ca) = 6.65 Jb = ) c# td = O.asin T=Bc* = 3.068 «ju73 in* = TYEE _ T(.énlothXs,o68nios) _ Poe =e Cait ao Mb = pose aa 10.10 Determine the rtcal lad of steel eube that is 5.0 m Tong and has a 100- ‘mm outer diameter and a 16 mm wall thickness. Use E= 200 GPa. 1enm SOLUTION Cot fale = SO mm 2 G-t = SO-16 * 34 mm 10.0 Ie Bet-e")= 3.859 «10% mm” = 3.85 10% mn" EL 7 xl0* (3. 859 x [O° ?, 2 ete Taso oN B91). sogmic'W = 20S kN we oS (eee eae eae): (ere) or: ae (eed aeed I (= a went ‘Determine (a) the critical load forthe brass strut, (8) the dimension d for PROBLEM 10.11 the aluminum strut will have the same critical load, (¢) the weight of the ‘Bshnam seu xo pees ofthe weight ofthe brats SOLUTION Go Brass str T= A(zeioy = 12.333x10% rom = 13,3834 /o% mt Re THLE _ TCaoxioth 13, 383 x10") ae AE Liye = 18,06 ¥/0° N= 13.06 kN (6) Aluminum strut 2 EG c Brae B= 12007 B= TOPs P= SHOkym® =p = 2710 g/m? t= 22Pekt _ (2x3, 610° YN Tea T* (Te *10*) A = RG HOF Mm = BI mm 6. Vaba® 2. panna 2 ee ee = = 274,3%(5" ms = 10.12 A compression member of 20 in, effectiv> length consists of solid 1.0-in= PROBLEM 10.12 510.51 "107 mom! = S10.51%10°7 wm 2 2(105 «10% x10" . Pe? wel. Ti(ios nto V(S10.S/*10") - sgsxic*h = SB.BKN =e 0) Square? Ts ylbt-b*)* 736,85 «10° mm = 736.8510" m* pe. - Mee Testo" Nyse esis”) = S4BWIN = B.8KN =e 710.14 A column of effective length L can be made by gluing together identical PROBLEM 10.14 plants i each of the arrangements shown. Determine the ratio ofthe etal load ‘sing the arrangement a to the critical load using the arrangement b, SOLUTION eB __ Arrangement (a) L Te aa A bas @ ® Rerengenent C6) Taw? Tye e(Sb+ RGIS + ASM? Bh Payb = WET i9n*Ed? bee BY Ena mee = Be aay = dna, Anping ments oneal icagh sma ty wadog mobs PROBLEM 1015 wold 102 12 anges none Bae lamin allowable centric load | od ae the ‘fr the member ifa ctr 3 safety of 2 is eauired 102mm 02m SOLUTION Angte L152 x 102 « 12.7 A= 3060 mm* Tee 7. 20%/0% ram* T= 2.64 410% mmm” 152 mm YF 50.8 mm X= 25.3 men Two angles: Ty > @V720K10°)2 14,00%/0 ment Tys 20 264notsGocodes.} = 9.197 «108 mm Tein = Ty 9.197 10% sm? 2 9, 197 «10 m* P= wet = TQoax1o"X9.19710") F 370.54,0°N + 870.8 kw (roy > Be. 375 | Prue * Es 7 GG ead kw ~= BRIG A column of 26 effective length is made stom half a WI6 » 40 rolledateel, PROBLEM 10,16 shape. Knowing that the centroid of the cross set ms losted as shown, dase the factor of safety ithe allowable centric load is 2 kip. Use E= 29 10" par SOLUTION Fuld Wiex 40 Az LB int Ine S18 iw¥ Tye 28.4 int Half Wléxto A = GMB) © S90 int Te= $(618) ~(6.90)(8.005- ).81)* = 92.57 in" Ty = 2C8.9)= 4S in = Dann Rey TEEn, wate HHS) = 42.5 410 Ab > 42.5 kip Le IR) Fs.> fe. & 7 2s = ae PROBLEM 10.17 Te aye Ty 42.64 @Ye1.758) * aes 264 Wel. e(zrnsor 187.75) = Ton AL = 770 hips ie 10.17 A can of 2-4 effective gh tobe mde by welding 190980. plates toa W8 » 35 as shown. Determine the allowable centric lod if factor of Eafety of2.3 is required, Use B= 29% 10* psi, SOLUTION © Wsr8S Iy= 127 int bet 2.02 in T7426 int @adI@ For each phate A= (0.5040) > 45in"| = w(osVay = 30.375 ia* > hosts (4.5 MEF + 3S)]= 21758 int? 2)(20.375) = 187-75 int = Tmin 206.1% in Pe, TU. gas kips Te 3.70110 pare? Tyr 02644108 4,0 Arrangement (a) alate QX3.70%(0*) + 7. 40%10* wy? ye [ore yo! y O70 Vi2a¥] = 1.0370 4/0" mame Tei, F 108700108 way wo 1.0370 xto™*,,¥ WEL Saal «10°, x10° 3 Pe» MELon Oc eS 227 bw Pyar Be. wr, 94.8 WW Arrange ment a Le Qi. 7010¢) ama qe 2[o.2c4410F +(n0\48-229¢) = 4.911 410% mom? Tain = Ty = 4.91 10% mm FFD IO mn Py» Tele, . 1200 EMO vay 107 kw fast ea: ca Canes) 10.19 Koowing that P= 5.2 RN, determine the factor of safty forthe structure ‘shown, Use = 200 GPa and consider only buckling inthe plane ofthe structure. PROBLEM 10.19 SOLUTION Soint Be From force trian te Fas. Ei = 53. Bin2S° ~ SindOt ” Sin 13S ate 22-mm ameter Fan 7S. 1079 UN Coomp) Fc = 28152 kw Ccomp) b— 12m Mente AB: Te E(2)t= E(B) = S.tsseto% mn’ © S. 1530/57 mt 2 Fane ® ues = FG tor Y(5.153 210") = 7.0686" (0* N = 710696 kN rm i = Esmee, 2.0686, es + ies Bee + zr Member BC: Ines B(A)t= GG)" = 149g 10% nl = 11.499 110" Lec = Lats 2% + 2.88 m* © 2(g00 x107M1.4992(0* Faye 7 SER = Wi@oo »10"M11.499>(0") feo 499>(0") - 7 g3i3st0*N = 7.8613 kv 2 Fae . 2883, Fs. 7 ase 7 3.13 Smadfest FS. governs. FS. = 2.27 = 10.20 Members AB and CD are 30-mm-dlameter steel rods, and members BC and PROBLEM 10.20 respect to ‘buckling of 2.75 is required, determine te largest allowable tension in AC. Use E= SODLGPS and conidoronlybadifng nthe pln ofthe arctre 4 c SOLUTION Lae 21BEY* + (225) 41808 mw AZER2O Fa -BTc 0 co Tae = The = 1 B4926 Fee Re - ae oo HERO Feo ~ igo Tae O \.igaa Fe Members BC and AD: Tagg * B(AE)> E(B) 494 10% wt = NANATIS™ wo 7 377(200% * Lect 225m Faye? SESE = iGoorie ustnio) - Ay BSex1o* N Faye? GRE > 16s0dt NN Tiga 7 3.02210" N MembersAB and CD: Ty Fey ERY = 29,761 vio mnt = 32.261410" in! tee? 5m Finan re Tlasowotyan7elsio™) . 200 10°F TEIO™) - ¢ woe9 xio* WV .& Fae * Fae ane uN = 277 x1ON Smaller value for Treat governs Theat = R77 H1EN = 277K o an female 4 oye aac) ae eee ae esha O PROBLEM 10.21 a @ ® ; 10.564 FS le* QO) te = (G0) = Zoom, (2) Le= GX20)7 Hom, GY Le (20)= Lom, @ Le- ©.11@0)* L4m, EY Lex (0X26) > 2.0m, Pan 1021. Each ofthe five struts consists of an aluminum tube that has a 32-mm outer diameter and a 4-mm wall thickness. Using £ ~ 70 GPa and a factor of safety of 23, ‘determine the allowable foed , for each support condition shown. Po SOLUTION Cot das FG2)= 16 mm Ct CoB t [6-45 12mm Ts F(Co- 0") = 35,1858 10" mm = BS. 1858410" m? WET = 1° (70 n10* (35. 195810") seca " = 24309 N-m* a iw mer , 24399 a TE. A Pat 2642 N = ZEVEN -_ Ras 66) N = 0.661 kV _ Pa = 1oset NO + 10,57 ky = Pa ® SBIZN 7 SBG kV —_ Pug = 2042 N= 264 kW = 40.22. Two columns are used to support block weighing 3.25 kips in each ofthe eee four ways shown. (a) Knowing that the column of Fig. (1) is made of steel with 1125.inciameter, determine the fcior of safety with respect o busking for Toading shown, (0) Determine the diameter ofeach ofthe other clumrs for which the for of sty is the same asthe factor of safety obtained in para. Use £=29 +10" pst SOLUTION cay T= A(8): FCS = 0.119842 in* Lz aft % in EL Ree = OT Re me (zr eterYoutis ee?) = 3722 dL = 3.722 kip, for one codomn, w pedwe 228. 1.625 kip. 7 See eee e e cee pT hes = 2.29 = wEL wel Pew) = TF Foca = Cea Rg et dete” 2 Ew : i oe = Paci 7 ut! (2) (2 ) da= dy @ Llew/l = 2.0 dy = ASLO =F LTB ins = (3) leay/L = LO dy > LAS in -_ WM bee ZL = 0.7 da = 125 40.7 = L046 in, = fel eo: ao 1023 A 25-mm-square aluminum strut is maintained in the position shown by a pin support at and by sets of rollers at B-and C that prevent rotation of the strut in the plane ofthe igure. Knowing that Lg ~ 1.0 m, Lyc~1.25 m, and Len 0.5 m, Setermine the allowable load P using a factor of safety with respect to buckling of| 2.8. Consider only buckling inthe plane ofthe figure and use E= 75 GPa. PROBLEM 10.23 Pe SOLUTION —7 oO eb HESS = 32.552«10% mmm? = 32.552 x10 m" as er? TE Portion AB? Le 0.7 bag = (0.7001.0) = 0.7 mm Portion BCI Ler OS Lge= (OSXaS) > C625 m tus Portion CDI Le F 2 ley 7 ROKOS) = Om Tis Pa = aye 8.6) kw = 8.6)x10" M 1024 A 32-m0m-square aluminum strut is maintained inthe position shown by a pin support at 4 and by sets of rollers at B and C that prevent rotation of the strut in the plane ofthe figure. Knowing that L,y= 1.4 m, determine (a) the iargest values of Lac fd Le» that may be used ifte allowable load P is to be as large as possible, (B) the ‘magnitude of the corresponding allowable lod ifthe factor of safety is 2.8. Consider only buckling in the plane ofthe figure and use E=72 GPa. PROBLEM 10.24 SOLUTION Le bh = 2 G21G2) + 87,381 10° ma® = 87. 381x 10° wo Equivehest dengths > AB Les 0.7 Lan = 0.98 m Bc Le 2 0S bee Oe eaits Equating beet 27% by (L4H 196 mm Leo 9? Lan + (0.38.04): 0.04 m - 10.25 Column ABC has a uniform rectangular cross section and is braced inthe x= PROBLEM 10.25 pasting Dart rao hr ea of ny feume ling tbe andy planes () Using he rao oud Inputs dl hector ote caso tahoe wilbe 2? |S when P12 ips, £24 in, and = 10.6 10 pa 2 souwmion u Backing in X2-plane # fe Te mab r a) pe Bes BEL, Bede [ FS 2 f : 2 Le * “WES Le 1 fights ARPES Te? _ aviansst 27X24)" qj TE © WE CB.G 10ST a = iw’ 1 0.21406 i BuckBing in ye-plane? le = 2h> GMs Win Ts bd? fay WEI _ WEbd* | } | Welt ~ les) 0.85625 in? {] i i alt bat = BEES, 1 ' db? = d(gat)= gd4= o.2i0s int, d= Ladin me 7 wrad> O.S7Zin PROBLEM 10.26 Smaller fength queens 410.26 The alurniqum column ABC has a uniform rectangular cross section with b= i snl in Torco tdi pnt pit Cand tis a contr oa P of magniude 1.1 Kips. Kaawing that factor of safety of25 is required, determine the largest allowable length L. "Use E= 10.6 x 10 psi. SOLUTION Pe = (ESP = (asULIHtor > 2.75 KI% Ab, > HEL = 0 fee Par “Te hes TYR Bucking in x2-plane: I= hae = HCP NR) = 9.1146 65° i [) be af - » ERE ~ = 8.62 in | E BuckLing in y2-ptane ‘ + 27.9188 107 in Fal a amar tt Le \ 7 a \ the: F ex EL. 3 [OC Cw VGRAIBHO) 16.29 in, 275 *1O* Le 16.29 in = PROBLEM 10.27 410.27 Te wmf se be 4 rectangle ro sein and is suppor by pins and brackets as shown. Each end ofthe bur can rotate freely about ‘Eis Grou the pn bt oan bale vere! exes prevented bythe rcs (@) Determine the ratio bid for which the factor of safety isthe same about the horizontal and vertical axes. (b) Determine the factor of safety IP = 1.8 kips, L=7 A d=15in, and £= 15 % 10° psi. SOLUTION BuckJing ia horizonte? plane: Le= $b, I= kab? TEI _ ymedlt fom? Tt gis Buck2ing in n vertical plane? leh, I=pba® e. TE bd* cre a ta @ > Py SEEM TEP apd betd al bed = 0.76 in Le 7 PH 84 in 2 Using @) Rae FAgRIO GAELS yng 140" Mb» 8.496 hips. FS. Oe. Ae 2 ne = 10.28. Column 4B carries a centric load P of magnitude Te KN. Cables BC and BD PROBLEM 10.28 Git ad prevent motion of pn Bin th plane, Using Fue mul nda factor of salty of 2.3, feeting the tension in the cables, determine the ‘maximum allowable length £. Use £ = 200 GPa. SOLUTION W 250% 32.7 Tye 48.9 IOS met = 09.9 x10 ® Ty = 4.73 totmm'= 473% 1S mn? P= 72%10° N Par min = (ESP Y= 165.8210 N BuckRing in xz-plane? be = 0.7L TeELy Pen = (B7L*) aoa = ele: Gog Jo Yu. 73 10"** 7 OT ee OWT 16S33x/03 = 10.74 *ET, = RL BR. Tene 1 MO*NGE. 9 x10" eerie = 12.08 m -_ 10.29 An axial load P is applied to the 1.25-in-squere sluminum bar ABC as shown. When P= 3.8 kips, the horizontal deflection at end Cis 0.16 in, Using E= Toot (@) the eccentricity ¢ ofthe load, (6) the maximum stress in SOLUTION a . Te (-28)" = 0.20845 inY A=. 1.25* 1.5625 in be = 2L = SO in Ly = 2b = $0 in Ppt ual. w tots igoa20sss) = 81a Zen! fe x 10% E+ Baas 7 Odeeuz (0) Jone * el see(BVE)- 1] = e[sec($yonensa )-! = e[see(1.075038)- 1] = 1.1023 € e+ ee, : n = 11028 oe! (bY Mae = PCO+ Yann = (3.8x10°)(0.M51 + 0.16) = 118957 fein BBntOF , (L1S9S7Y0.029) 5.99 410% pay = SITs 2 Me 6. ‘yy 0.203895 ome I puanins ia 10.30. The line of action of the 310-KN axial load is parallel tothe geometric axis of the column 4B and intersects the x axis atx. Using E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the eccentricity e when the deflection of the mipoint C ofthe column is 9 mam, (8) the ‘maximum stress inthe column. SOLUTION For W250>58 A= 7820 wm’ = 7490 110° we 188 *10% nn? = 18.8 10S By IBS x 1D wms™ = 18S x 107% ms L +65 m les 65m REET _ T#(z00x10% (18-8410) _ wo Ree rae area C5) = 878.3*lo" N = Sto Et deat = 0.88299 pk Yuu? &L ste (FYE )- 1] = 0.67990 € es : ca) = Messe = SRS = 13 ute? = 18.24 om a Wo) Mane? Pl] + Youn D7 (B10 10?) 94 13.24?) = 6893.5 New 7 Me . By M, Bloxlo® 6393. Goon? Ke HE = a*s° ASU + gee = 41.78 xlo* + 32.26"/o® = 719.04x10' Pa = 70MPa =m 1031 The axial load P is applied ata point located onthe x axis at a distance € PROBLEM 1031 fiom the geometric axis ofthe rolled-seel columa BC. When P = 82 kips, the ‘horizontal deflection of the top of the column is 0.20 in, Using E=29 « 10 psi, determine (a) the eoventrcit ¢ of the load, (8) the maximum stress in the column, SOLUTION wexsr: A= @iSin, Tye 37 )int, So 127 in® Le ad Pt = 28 iw Le= 2L > 225.6 in ~ WELD _ Waamoty(37.1) . x10? Poe EF Casey* = 208.63x/0" epee gawlonsee cis Pi 203.63570% 0.39204 AY Yuu e[see (FYE 1] = 0.80816 © 0.2 s Yee, OR, : © aoa * o.g08le ~ .247 in ee Mae? PCO+ Yon) © (82% 107 )(0.247 40.20) * 36.698 «10? Mb-in ~Py Me. By M , B2xlo? , 26.693 _ 2 os, Gua Fe Bes RAS + BG = 12.94 «10 psi = 12.94 ksi me 10.32. An axial load P is applied to the 32-mm-diameter ste rod AB as shown. For PROBLEM 1032 P=37KN and e~ 1.2 mm, determine (a) the deflection at the midpoint C of the rod, (@) the maximum stress in the rod. Use £ = 200 GPa. SOLUTION Te BS) © FCSB) = Su a7 10% me! = 51.47 «107m Le= Lt ham ~ BEL _ aT Qoorsot M147 10) _ a Re? = tas = 70.556 x10" N BR. 32. Be 7o.5s6x10> * O-S2NH0 ~BBI7@ = (1.38172) @ You = else (SJE) 1] = rua (bY Mae= PCOt You) = (37105 (124 1.658) C0) = 105.75 Nem Az Bdt = G2) = 804.25 ma) = BOFRTHO mm) C= 16 Om 3 3 Sine Be Be = Bilt GER « mereen Les 4 = 78.9 MPa penetra 1033 The line of action ofthe axial load P of magnitude 270 KN is parallel tothe gna pola (9 nd hues es a4 determine the defen a the midpoint Cof the clu) ‘maximum stress in the column. cae Ea SOLUTION W200%52 A= GeGO mnt = GCCOHISS me ae 1728108 tym? = 17,8 210" wo" 175 x 10% mm? = 17S 10% mt J Ls 7am Le = 72m Py = PEEL, Bgoowr0t)(i7.8010°*) o te Cray = 677,771 N 2 - Zexto® = Sete 7 0.87836 ) You? @[ sec (EYE) - 1] = o.szcus © = (OazcusXin) = 11.57 mm — We) Mae? PCO+ Yow) = (2TOwLO*C14 + 1.57110") = GIO Nem = = ~ Zloxjos , 6904 _ i Cun Bs PE Ev hs AOU e + pgihe = B01 Pa = 200 MPa | aaa (ee) e 410.33 The line of action of the axial load P of magnitude 270 kN is parallel to the ee geometric axis ofthe column 4B and intersects the x axis at = 14 mm. Using = 200 GPa, determine (a) the defleion of te midpoint Cof the cum, (the ‘maximum sess in the column. 10.34 Solve Prob. 10,33 ifthe load P is applied parallel to the geometric axis ofthe ‘column 4B so that it intersect the x axis at = 21 mm, SOLUTION W200%52 A= 6660 mm = 6660%/0"% m* 17.8 x 10% mm™ = 17.8%10* mm vet = 175 «10% mm> 75 «)0* m* Le 72m Let 22m = TEI _ 7(200%10°X'17.8%/0%) Re “TE = Czy = 677.7710" N Bs Alorte® 0.39836 R ° 67.77xi08 = @) you =e [sec(EJE)- 1] = oszevee = O.ercya¥er) = 17.3000 =e Co) Mae PCO + Yau) =(270x/0*X21 + 17.86 lo) = 10356 Nem i Me. = Rloxo* «10% Pe = 99. Gee Rt He Pees Rone. pase 99.7 «10% Pa = 99.7 MPa = 10.35 An axa load P i applied a point D that is 0.25 in. Som the geometric axis PROBLEM 10.35 fie sgare dunner BC." ‘Petermine (a) the load P fir ‘which the horizontal deflection of end € is 0.50 in., (6) the ‘stress in the cotumn. Use E = 10.1 «10% si, baer ere SOLUTION T= deh = £QasMi2s¥ A=(.75)* = 3.0625 } 0.78157 in? ce BCs) + 0.875 on L+25 ft = 80% le = 2L = GO im. 2 MEX , 0.110%) (0.78157) « on Re? RE Teoye = A164) hips. (HE) = Yet2, GE): sce * Sf Z avccos 028 — me] = [F oncom tie Pe O.GIYH Pep = 13.29 kips 2 (BY Mena = PCE 4 Yuen) = 13-40. 95+0.50) = 4.9675 kip-in. (4.4675 X0.875) EET 15.50. ksi ~ 7 an rds eee o mao co 10.36 A bress pipe having the cross section shown has an axial load P applied $ PROBLEM 10.36 we tom he peso tne. Using E= 120 GPa, determine (2) the lad Pfc which aaa atcaion ate midpoint Cts S mm, (te coesponding maxims ne Str inthe col | - SOLUTION 120 mm a fee Cot tds CO mm Cyt O- Es St mm CMM ete Te F(Co 04) © 2.500510 mm" = 8.5005 115% wo* aii Le 28m Le = 2.8m —_ TEL , W(120n10*)(B.S00s4t5*) Par Hee - war he = S28.axJo' NM > §28.8 kW jE e @) your e[sec(BYE)-'1— sec(EyE) = Jet z suciet Bisset [SZ poet ene eve (3 JE) Jone i -[é mat fae] eee ae - DF - gE. [2 ances ote Y= ongyee P= OnHddYY Poe © 235 KN Cb) Mie 7 PCO+ Yon) = (235% 10°)C5+5 lo) = 2350 Nem Az w(ch-c2)= m(Go* $4") 2.1488 (OF mm” = RINBB xO m™ ~ By Me - 235x1o* (g350Keoxs*) - tm, = Smet RT Zien t iS socs cio 144.6x10%Pa = 149.6 MPa, a 10.36 ra pipe having the cos ton hows hs nal oa Papi § See eeeeeaee its eometic axis. Using £= 120 GPa, determine (a) the load F for which ie hormetldeflcon athe mijn Cs 3mm (ne coepenng cinam ue strest inthe column. Car 1037 Solve Prob. 10.36, assuming tha the axial load P is applied 10 mm fom the i ‘ometric as ofthe column. 120 mm _ SOLUTION le Cot 3d, = 60 mm GF Cor be SH mm eae T = B(cst+ ca") = 3.8008 110% mm" = 3, 5005 n10°* mn? L= 28 m Ler 28m Fe : T? (120 x/0* 3.5005 ¥/0%} a] Pons SPRL « Ti la0n10° Xs soos ui?) tee = 528.8 x1 N = $28.8 kW (@) Yout €] sec (EVE) 11 see(E/E) = ete a -f2 ooVE)- gSe =: i ereces oe 2 : [ ¥ arcess =| = 0.28610 P= 0.28670 R, = ISLC KN =m (6) Mena = PCC Youn) = (ISLE x10? Wio4 SiO") = 2274 Nem A= Wcc-c2)= 1(60%- 54") = 2.1988 x fo mms 2.1988 ¥ IO? wo Gann + Be MS. JSLGrIer 4, GAM ComeD — 107 Sxlo" Pax 109.5 MPa age edt (b) PR 103 cl adi eld ap od om co cemes ¢= 12 ee ‘msn from the geometric axis of the W310 x 60 rolled-stee! ool BEES tnt ining E~200 GPa, deminer hc he ‘horizontal deflection at end C is 15 mm, (5) the corresponding maximum stress in the ‘column. SOLUTION W31ox60 = A= 7590 mm = 7840 210% m* ae F 18.3106 mm" = 18.3 x/0°* in” Sy = 180 x Jo%mm* = 180 ¥10% m® Le a.m Ler 2L 5 20m ~ HEEL , W(Q00*10 X18.3x10"°) Peet 7.0)" = 787.2x(0"N = 737.2 kW yout ef see(EVR)-1] see(EVE)= “eS cos) ySre B= [F once phe] + [forces gig] = 0.49957 @ P+ 0.49957 Ry = 368.28 EN = Men = P(O4 yuu) = (268.2810 X12 415)io*) = 9944 Nem Me. = 36826xf0% , aay < Sone E+ HE Fed SHexist* Teorjoe * '05-8710% fa = 108.8 MPa 10.38 An axial load P is applied at a point located on the x axis ata distance e = 12 rm from the geometric axis ofthe W310 x 60 rolled-stel column BC. that L= 3.5 m and using = 200 GPa, determine (a) the load P for which the borin deflection a nd C's 15 min, (6) he corresponding maximum stress i the 10.39 Solve Prob. 10.38, assuming that L is 4.5 m. SOLUTION W3lOK6O As 7590 met = 7540 "15% mi" Tyr 18.34/08 mmt = 18,3%/0°% mi? + 18Ox 10% mm? = 180 x10" m3 Le 4S m le = 2L = 2m RB wet + Bifgooesoryliagrto"), a Gey = 496.96 xJO°N = 495.96 kV joer e[see(EYR)-11 sec(BE)= et® eos) Sve E x [2 aveces 325 ]" = [ZorcarePag] = 0.4057 (@) Pe 0.49957 Per = 222.79 kN = Mee = PCO 4 You) = (222.74 [0 Kine iso") = GOIS Nem - (b) Gun? Bate - Fi Be Bae tient = 62.8 Hloo Pe = 62.8 MPa ae ial sees Jgey men eames ca 1 Sans O (ca (o) 10.40 The line of action ofan axial load P is parallel to the geometrio axis of the column AB and intersects the x axis at x~ 1.2 in, Using E = 29 x 10% pa. determine (@) the load P for which the horizontal deflection ofthe midpoint C of the column is 0.8 in, () the corresponding maximum stress in the column, SOLUTION WiaxSo A=14. Tin’, T= 56.8 in", Sy =13.9 int L=24 FFs 288 in lee 288 in® R= MED _ MGquloe 56.3) ae” (s8)* = 194.28 hips: yee @[sec(FYE)-!] see HE) > At cos HE)" 5e € + [Zarcees je i = 0.84849 P= 0.34844 Re = 67.7 kips — 2 194.28 x10" A, Mone =P CO+ You) cee BY 1BSL4 kip-in tet 35.4 _ 6. E+ He = Peet: He fe eat = 3 es 7 PROBLEM 10.41 1041 The stect bar AB has a that are a fixed distance apart ‘geometric axis of the bar. Knowing that at temperature T, ane = 003in ‘With the bar and that the force in the bar is zero, determine the temperature Mi net wil ustimake conte wih pon 1d 2001 a. Use E=29 « 10° pei. and the coefficient of thermal expansion @= 6.5 x 104. A= GG) © 0.146625 int Te RQ) = 16479510" int i EL = GaquiotXer7esnig*) - 4774 db-in® : fet MEL. TWN. a570 sb, cane Colevdate P using the secant Pormoda. yout ds e [secG/E)- 17 sec BYE td HE = ea (1S BY! = cas (14 SLY" © cos''(0.75) = 0.72273 £ = [era]! = 0.2070 Pr 0.21170 Re = 1860.2 bb. Thermal analysis. ) Simple approrimetion by ignoring eccenteceity. i Pu. Total elongetion = OLATY- Ee =O fo - &- eos” AT? ERGL 7 EAA" Genes eenee) 7 SRIF @) Analyeis with ivichusion of eccentricity. Total ce F cervoidl ews + ab (aT) ~ BE = 2e H Flas 0 Te oe differentiate eq. (10.26) He ele tantt EE cos — ~ psin px) Moxso die ep ton 2 ef me HE The elongation oP the controidel amis ix Ze nF + BE) = (2)(0.08 5 T5222 tan(0.72273) = 286.8 10S in WIT alan) = Eb + ze a. ieee 286, 8%10% 286.8%10°% o? AT? epg + BE 58+ CIT * S844 5.5 = 64 rm eae CQ) a fc] fa ci PROBLEM 10.42 | 1a Teste bar AB asa in sess stn ai ld by is that are afxed distance apart and are loud a distance e 0.03 ‘eometre axis of the ba. Knowing that at temperature Ty the wale 0.0510 ‘with the bar and thatthe force in the bar is zero, determine the increase Temperature for which the bor wil jst make contact with point Cif 0.01 in, Use E= 29 = 10° psi, and the coefficient of thermal expansion a= 6.5 x 10/°F. 10.42 For the bar of Prob. 10.41, determine the required distance d for which the ‘bar witl just make contact with point C when the temperature increases by 120°F. SOLUTION ain A= GME) = 0.140625 int Te kG) = 104795 «107 int? EL + Gan lo )O.erIt exter) = 47791 Abe int apenas Be MEL s mga = 7370 tb. Colesdate P Prom Herma analysis. To obtain au approximate vakve, neghect the eect of eccentrecty im the thermal amefsrs Totel efongefton = aL (AT) - BE = 0 P= EAART) = (27x lo*o.14oces\(6.$ xi" Vi20) = 3181 db, Calcudate He deffection using the secant formula d= You e] sec(¥VE)- 1] = (0.08)] sec ${22E)- il = (0,08)[see(1.03197) - 1] = (0.03)(0.44883) = 0.0285 im. = For an improved thermal analysis inefuding eccentricity , see sofvtion of Prob. 10.41. 10.43 A 3.5-m-long steel tube having the cross section and shown is used PROBLEM 1043 eae tn el hg tata BoB Ge Reng that cor of sty 2.6 with eset permanent doorman sealed the coveatrcity¢ is (a) 15 mm, (6) 7.5 mm. Cnt: ‘yen er fay mat be oped oe lo Pot to the stress, use Fig, 10.24 to determine P,). SOLUTION 2 Az 3400 10% wn Y= 48.3 210% m Let 3.5m des pA = 72.46 ¥8. 3x10" ee ee 2 a () @= 1Smm 9g sess) = 0.40829 Using Fig 10-24 with be Ue = 1246 and ec/t*> O4OBRY = = INTIS MPa > 144.75%10% Po. + (144.75 «10 (3400 *(0"F) = 492% 10% N wn factor of sfety Pays AER™O* _ igpio"N = 1849 kN me ) @= 7S mm a = (eee) = 0.20015 Using Fig. 10.24 with — Le/r > 72.46 and ec/P* = 0.20018 P/A = 175.2 MP = 17522 10% Pa P = (17S. 2 x1o* X3400 x10" ) = 596x105 N Using factor of safety Par * Siglo agri = UN me Ge] 1 oc O erie teen 3 c Mm 1043 A 3.5.avlong ste! tbe having the cross section and properties shown is wed PROBLEM 10.48 asa column. For the gade of tel used o;= 250 MPx and f= 200 GPa. Knowing that a factor of sat of2.6 with respect to pemnanent deformation i required, ‘determine the allowable load P when the eccentricity ¢ is (a) 15 mm, (b) 7.5 mm. (ine: Since the fcr of atx mt be applied to thc load P, ne tothe ress, we yp Fie 1024 deernine P). 12 an | [7 10.46. solve Prob, 1043, assuming that the length ofthe soo tube is increased to Sm. 4 SOLUTION 271mm A= 3400 ¥10°% wr P= 48,3 10> ale be gS = 103.5; A= 3400 mnt Let Sm VT agsret = 103.5% 12 799% 108m etapa = damm erase eet a 2c, 51G8.5) | 7 @) © = [Sum fe 7 GREY = 0.90824 Vsing Fig. 10.24 with 4f = 103.52 and 2S = 0.40824 gives R= 112.75 Mpa + 1275410" Pa P= (IZ 78K10%)(SHoOH/O*) = 3B3x107N Using facter of safely Py = 383% = zee = NZ RN me ) e725 mm % - GENES) = 9 20415 Using Fig. 10.24 gives 2 = 133.2 MPa = 183.2"/0° Pa, P= (133.2105 K3400x10"% ) = 483x108 M Using Factor of cafety Ry? AS8MS L i74eio*N + 174 KY me 1045 An axial load P is applied to the W10 x 30 rolled-stee coluran BC that is free atts top C and fxed at its base B. Knowing thatthe eccentricity ofthe load is ¢ = 1.5 in. and that forthe grade of sel used ; = 36 ksi and B=29 x 10° psi. ‘determine (a) the magnitude of P of the allowable load when a factor of saiéty of 2.4 ‘with respect to permanent deformation is required, (8) the ratio ofthe load found in ‘art ato the magnitude ofthe allowable centric oad forthe column. (See hint of Prob 10.43. PROBLEM 10.45 SOLUTION Wiox 30 A= &.84in* We 137 in c= & SBIO 2 290Sin — Ty= 16.7 in’ L= 25 ft? 9Oin le = ZL = 180 in de. 182. 191.39 e705 in et . (0.502.905) 2 0.7734 aa + oeieges) » 0. Using Fig 10.24 Re 10.47 ksi P= (10.47K8.384) = F26 képs 6 : fa) Using Factor of safety Pus = 38 = 38.6 kips a TEL _ 2(22000)(16.79 : P.» Dee: Gee¥ 147.5 kip Using Factor of safety Puy = PRE 2 CLS kips (be) votio = = O.GRB -_ Gifiecslle ber 10.45 An axial load P is applied to the W10 x 30 rolled-stecl coluinn BC that atts top C and fixed at its base B, Knowing that the eccentricity ofthe load is ¢ = (0.3 in, and that forthe grade of steel used 0, = 36 ksi and E= 29 « 10° psi determine (a) the magnitude of P of the allowable load when a factor of safety of 2.4 ‘with respect fo permanent deformation is required, (6) the ratio ofthe load found in Barta he magnitude ofthe allows centr ad othe column (Seen of Prob. 10.43.) 10.46. Solve Prob. 10.45, assuming that the length of the column is reduced to 5.0. PROBLEM 10.46 | re SOLUTION i Wiow30 A= 3.84in" Dye 16.7in® y= 37m cr ee SB 2 2.905 in a Ls 5.0 Ft = GOin Le = 2b = 120 im a be. 122 , ni “a - W387 © eae U 2c - OSX2.905) = 0.7789 ci (37)* | Vaing Fig 12.24 B= a0 bi Pr(4.40Xs. 34) = 131.7 kips | @ sing Factor of safety Par ABE? 54.9 hips -= i 2 ET _ W2(29006V6.72 = 382 kips e te (lao ac Using fache of safety Rar $8R = 198.3 kips ya wo x eT ae | tb) vatio > yee 7 0+897 =~ i a 1047 A SS-Kip axial load P is applied toa W8 * 24 rolled-stecl column BC that is 3LEM 10.47 frezat is tp Cand fixed as bate B. Knowing hth omntriiy ofthe oad ise in, determine the largest permissible length Z if the allowable stress inthe colar ta Use B= 28 10 po SOLUTION Data: Ps SS kis, €= 0.25 in E = 29x10% psi = 29000 ksi W824: At 7.08 in bet 6.495 in c= Be. Basin, T= 12.31 Sean V4 keer we ELI E se(F/E)] + @8 sec (BYE) au (HE): zy: Stn 22 a) cos (EYE) = 0.39075 BYE = vicass = [2 (useass)]* = 0.55418 Pp WeeL ass > Us z O.SSHB WET _ 0.55418 1 (24000Vi3.3) _ st he P . 5 $2.78 x10 in Le = 229.7 in = 2b Le H4.gin > 9.57 Ft. = = 2.5592 a Tye hGl in, 1048 A 264ip axial load P is applied to a W6 x 12 rolled-stel column BC that is PROBLEM 10.48 fem op Cand fied ait toe 8. Koowing tat te eoeniy ofthe odie =0.25in,, determine the largest permissible length Z ifthe allowable stress in the column is 14 ka Use B= 29» 10" pal. SOLUTION Dalat Ps 26 kips, @ = 0.25 in E = 29x10% psi -* 27000 ksi WGExIR? A=3.SS in® log = 4.000 in = Be 2000 im, Tye 2m int, ye 0.9/8 in Some = 14 ksi oar EL 1+ SE sec(HEY] ASime | = $F see( (AVE) se (HE) +E (AB=1) tb Gee oo EYE = 0.86204 2 ie ee 2 g- [2 G.se204)] 0.30117 p= 2 - mer er © 0.807 Let 2. 0.307 Tt ET _ 0.8017 1*(2q9000K 2-94) _ 2 int ers P Fe 9.413 lO be = 99,56 in = QL = 49.78 in, = 4S FE = 1.53635 10,49 Axial loads of magnitude P = 84 KN are applied parallel tothe geometric axis, ‘ofa W200 x 22.5 rolledsteel column AB and interset the x axis ata distance e from its geometric ais. Knowing that allowable stress 0y = 75 MPa and £ = 200 GPa, determine the largest permissible length Z when (a)e=5 mm, (8) ¢= 12 mm. SOLUTION Detat P= 84x? NF = 200%/0" Pa W 200 22.5 A= 2860 mm™ = 2860 21S m* bp = 1OR mm = Be Simm YF ARS mm Ty = 142 110% mm" = 142 21S Cun + Snun = 7S MPa > 75x10% Pa. 6a E [is Sse(ZE)] AGue = 98 ec(HE) see (FE) - 2 (AS*-1) (a) @: Sum sec (E{E)= Gage larcouesrio) 4) - 2.0297 cos (FYE ) = 0.33006 EYE = 1.2344 [2 (.2e04)]? = o.e7s7 , TEL Poe ™ sere 7 ~T,* 2, 0.61287 WEL he P : a tot vio 0.61957 n*(200%10* IHAYIO™) © 26 6) yt BY 108 Lee 4S4m L= le = &SHm = ras} | Geo xIsY(USHIO)_)) (oe) @=1amm see (FYB, = gaedh | CMene NUE) = czas cos (JE): o.79216 FE = o.csevess eugene er OLNTNCE Le’ Ube HMR TTER , _o.17HCE MOH LIMO) S28 ot 84% LOS Le= 2.4m Le be = 24lm -_ co m PROBLEM 10.50, 10.50. Axial Joods of magaitude P ~ $80 kN are applied parle! othe gamete ‘ads of a W250 » 80 rolled-stocl column A@ and intersect the x axis ata distance ¢ ffom ils geometric axis. Knowing that allowable stress 0g ~ 75 MPa and B= 200 (Gra, determine the largest permissible length L wien () e~ 5 mam, (6) €= 10 mum. SOLUTION Dede? P= 580%10"N E 200%10° Pa, W 250%80 A=10200 mm = 10200xI0 m* bp = BSS mmc HIRST mm YF ESO mm T, = 43.) x/o% mm" H3.| «10% wn" a Cian = Se = TS MPa + 75x10 Pa ous E| 1 + SS see(HEYI Ase) = % sec (FE) sec(JE) = 2(4=-') ed (EVE ) = (65.01 (oz00 ¥i6*)0sx10°) ee es (FE) Bury | S#oxTos 28d cos (FYE) = 0.47205 JE - ors0¢ a £- [EG o7804)] = 0.97101 pee eee eee er = OMTiOL Tet 2 EL * (200 10% )(¥8, 1 ot - te out gh wel | otto Le (oonte W818) 69.09 Le= 8.31 L= le = 831m -_ = - ost UozooxteS)(75x108) ey ex tonm see (EV) rate ~5a0K10s cos (EYE) = 0.94611 HE = 0.32980 4 . + (222280) J + o.o¥1083 2-2 _ mer or OORS be* ) a 0.044083 TET _ 0.04083 (200 w10t)(uB1 v0 . Ls = or = GAGE m 1.05696 Le = 2.SHm Lele = 254m = 1051 A 12-kip axial load is applied with an cocentricity e= 0.375 in. to the circular PROBLEM 10.51 ‘steel rod BC that is free at its top C and fixed at its base B, Knowing that the stock of rods availble for use have diameters in increments of in ftom 15. 103.0 in, determine te lightest od thet may be used if oy 15 ksi. Use E=29 «10% SOLUTION 4 2 E = 24x10 psi = 297000 ksi , Asa rth: L = 4OFt = 48 in be = 2L = 96 in wereoeyd = 1.52449 a" kis rt at i a ‘i F- Mam z P= IR hips rte =: (o.s7sX4d) - + Gu Elis & see (HE)] Use 22.125 in, Rtgs) Cus 2.25 34.07 wo |3.14ie | 24.89 212s | 3.946 31,04 esses) 1851 A 2. ea ot plied with en ay 0275 he ol "2C thai free a ts tap Cand xed ats base B. Knowing that Seen ep. ehet Ghoeninimcenemot iv on Sin ie30 in, determine the ightest od tht may be used if = 1S Ks. Use E= 29x 10 ps. 1052 Solve Prob. 10.1, assuming that the 12-ip axial oed will be applicd tothe rod with an coomrichye= + d. SOLUTION E = 24% 10% psi © 24000 kor ad = chiameter (in) Av Bat Ie RG) Hd" crta ext Le 4fR = 4B in he F ZL * im 2 Fer = age Ei areelind) (argo yaa) = \.saqvad® ~-2- Ut 2 ag : wee Zs DR: bd’ Pri kips es . GAGS) 2 ao ™ ea w= Eli SS sec(BE)] = E11 + +e se(HEY] Gin) | AGeY | ReeCkips) | Sante] Use d= 2.625 in me 2as | 3.976 34.07 | 21.75 Ginan = 13.27 ksi < IS kev 3.0 7.068 123,48 9.39 2.5 |4.909 | 59.55 | 15.28 ges |s.4ia | 72.38 | 13.27 Shape _|A(io*wt | bm) 10.53. An axial loed of magnitude P «220 KN is applied ata point located on the = ‘axis ata distance e =6 mum from the geometric axis ofthe wide-flange column BC. ‘Knowing that £ ~200 GPa, chose the lightest W200 shape that may be used if og = 120 MPa. SOLUTION Pz 220xJ8N Lehdm Le=2L= 36m Qs TE. Pere sz e=Gmm cz Tylon )| rym] BC] FE [Erna WR00 x41,7] 5310 W200 * 26.6) 3340 W200 ¥ 22.5} 2860 “ue 133 102 9.01 42 | 137% 0.2934) 56.5 3.30 | 31.2 | 502.6 |0,4099] 117.4 1a 22.3 : Use W200 26.6 Cus NT MPA X 410,53 An axial load of magnitude P = 220 KN is applied ata point located on the x pee ‘axis ata distance ¢= 6 mm from the geometric axis of the wide-flange column BC. Knowing tat =200 Ga, chon the gett W200 stage ht may be wed Ifa = 120 MPa. 10.54 Solve Prob, 10.53, assuming that the magnitude ofthe axial oad is P = 345 KN. SOLUTION Pr 245x109 N LE hBm Let 2L 236 m Pee MER. MGW) E . iszano Tv a bec, She er Gmm co F ve 7 BRS ene = fi la && se(F7E)] \ Shape | Aloe be Crm} Ly Co%m) vy Cro} L W 200x417] 5310 | Vee | aot | 412 Z W 200 « 26.6] 3390 133 3.30 32 502.6 |0.4099| 253 in W 206 « 359%) 450. es 76+ 40.8 | G4 10.2974] [Ons eet Waoox 3.3] ooo | 134 | Ho | 320 | E2¥.4 [0.3926] 172.6 Use W200% 35.7 — Cig = 1075 MPa (ned a PROBLEM 10,55 Axial loads of magnitude P= 175 EN are applied toa point located on the x 1085 taxis at distance e= 12 mum from the geometric axis of the W250 x 44.8 rolled-stee! ‘column 4B. Knowing that 0,- 250 MPa and £~= 200 GPa, determine the facior of Safety with respect to yield. (Hin: Since the factor of safety must be applied tothe foad P, not tothe stresses, use Fig. 10.24 to determine Py) ‘SOLUTION For W250%9Y.8 A= S720 mm* Vy? 35.1 mm Le = 3800 mm Le/h = 108.26 ce bs We ee e+ 1S mm ec . G24) a Say = 0.72077 sing Fig 10.2% woth Le/rs 108.26 ant 85 + 0.72017 R/A = 90.87 MPa = 90.37*/0% N/n* P= ABA = (5720K10V10.3710°) = STIR N= S17 kw rs. > = R45 = 10.55 Axial loads of magnitude P= 175 KN are applied to a point located on the x axis ata distance e= 12 mam from the geometric axis ofthe W250 = 44.8 rolled-steel ‘Column 4B. Koowing that 0,250 MPa and_E = 200 GPa, determine the factor of Sefey with respect to yicld. (Hint: Sinoe the factor of safety must be applied tothe Toad P, not to the stresses, use Fig, 10.24 to determine P) 10.56 Solve Prob. 10.55, assuming that e= 16 mm and P = 155 KN. SOLUTION For W250 *44.8 AzS72ZO mm, ty = 35.1 mm Le = 3800 mm le/v = 108.26 ce Be BE mm = 1G mm ec . Were) , sf woe 0.96103 Using Fig 10.24 with Le/n = 108.26 andl $F = 0.96103 B/A = BILIT MPa = 8/17 N/m™ Re A(RAAY = (S720 x15 )CB1. 17 410°) = HCE 1O* N > doy kw ps: & = Hf + 3.00 = ] La 1 Lo al 7 faa Seats TEORLEN eo) 10.57 Using allowable stress design, dctermine the allowable centric load for a 7 column of 6.5-m effective length that is made from the following rlled-stel shape: (a) W250 x 49.1, (6) W250 80. Use o= 250 MPa and £ = 200 GPa, SOLUTION i 27 «(Oo* sa eee t or ae B50 x08 «125-664 (ad W250%49.1 = G20 «1D m* % 4.26107 wm be 6.5 f* tae an > Oy e eerie Gy > DE, Meonle) (200107). cg a njot Pa, Taatirey> * GCA Pan = AGy = (625010 58.4x10°) = 368x107 N = 368 kV = (b) W250% 80 A= 10200% 10% m* ren? 65.0107 mm h Gs %? Geonor 7 100 < fe = 0.79877 Rs. = ee = 1.90204 Gan = SE fia GLY] = BEE [1 slots] + en. 82xi0t & Pau = ra r Cosmas DF UHM G6 KN me 10.58 A WS > 31 rolled-steel shape is used to form a column of 21-f effective PROBLEM 10.58 Jength. Using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric load ifthe yield strength of the grade of steel used is (a) 0, = 36 ksi, (b) a, = 50 ksi. Use B= 35% 10 pst SOLUTION Steed? E = 24000 ksi W3x31 A= 9.13 int® Thin = 2.02 in Lez 2) FH = 252 in Lefrs 124.75 Lesre cb = 098992 Rs. = £ + $(0.939982) - $(0.78982)° = s.qucez Lfe 3 e) = 6ur SE[r- SEY] = Boag] 1-4 Co-sans2¥] = 2.59 si Pu GuA = (45999.13) = 87.6 kips _ (6) 6 * 50 kes C. + PREGEAET = 107.00 Leip > Ce Suu = ao 7 9.59 ksi Pat Gud = (4.590913) = 826 kips ae 1059 _A sel pipe having the cross scion shown i used ana cohumm. Using PROBLEM 10.9 Allowable sess dcsign, determine the allowable centric load if the effecsive length of the elena s (2) [8B () 26 Use oy 36 ka and B= 29» 10° pk = SOLUTION cet Beso tbs 27m t= 0.28in, Ds 1 A= a(ct-e)= 5.0816 in Ts EG S-6r") = 20.627 int Steel: £7 29000 ksi ic “fee Pe (a) Le = 1B FR 216 im ler = 106.68 < C bsle - o.g4cor Ce Fs: £4 $G.8ecor)- g@.e4co!)* = 1.9082 Gage [HET] > he Lt sewer] = 2 e = 2.0247 in = 126.10 par = GyAe (I2Ms.0316) = GLO Kips os b) Le = 26 FF = BIZ in Le/et 154,097 > Cy we. Wage) a Siu Taz (ine ” (ha2YI57.077)* Seat Pu = Sw A + (6.28)(5. 0316) = 31.6 kips oS 10.60. A column is made from half of a W360 x 216 rolled-ste! shape, with the PROBLEM 10.60 tometric properties as shown. Using allowable stress design, determine the llowable centri load ifthe effective length ofthe column is (2) 4.0 m, (8) 6.5 m. ‘ {Use o;= 345 MPa and E = 200 GPa, = SOLUTION = 138% 10 mnt _ fim. [eee 1," 260% 10F ant PPR tage 18.406 om 1, = 120% 10% mnt = 43,406 +10" R= 13.8010 mt neta fap taeos Stel Cor 20 2) ARGS Ds toc.97 @) bes4om Ee WBISa < Ce ipl = 0.86149 Fs. = $+ F(o-8619)- go.gewa)> = 1.7098 = Se [i aeey] + Bee] k@screay'] = 3.61 «10% Pa Pan = Gow A £ (113.6 be1o® (13.810) = 1S6BxlO2N > IS6ZKN — be) ber 6Sm Be HIS > Co ~E _ _ TQeonto*) uae Su Tab) * aes Tsp 7 S84 lo* Pa Par = Geb = US.84 S108 (13.8108) = ea3xitN = 6azkN me ao (ual a 10.61 _A3.5-m effective length column is made of sawn lumber with a 114 « 140- PROBLEM 10,61 rum ross section. Knowing ht forthe pade of wood wed the adjed allowable Stes fr compresion pra ote grain e = 7.6 MPa and 10.GPa,deennine the maximum allowable centric lad fer the coma. SOLUTION Sawn Jomber? ¢F0.8, G6L= 726 MPa Keg 0.8 £21000 MPa A a LA = BS/IY IO W442) = 18460 mm = 15%0x10* m* Hy me 2 Me 1O™* wn = 30.70 = Ke& , (0.3¥I0000) _ P. Gare Sie = the = Saekeye? = 3.1927 MPa S = 0.41873 = Lt Gals, 1.91378 | = & v= 1p Se, Ue - 0.88673 v= SYE- o.szanrs u-for-v = 0.37408 SG. Cp = (7%6)(0.37408) > 2.84 MPa Par = GA = (Zed \isieoxio® ) = 45.4x/o8N = 4S kU me Pia 410.62 A sawn lumber colurmn witha 7.5 x 5.5-in cross section has a 18. effective SOLUTION Tength. Knowing that forthe grade of wood used. the adjusted allowable stress for ‘compression parallel to the rain is @-" 1220 psi and that E~1.3 % 10* psi determine the maximum allowable ceotre load forthe column. Sawn fumber? ¢-= 0.8, C= 1220psi E= 1 3xlo'psi Ker 0.3 A= (LS MES)> 41.25 in® A= SS in Le iB > 26 in L/d = 26/55 = 39.273, = KeE _ (0.3¥13xto%) _ , = Se = UFaye > Soave) = 252.86 ps & = 0.10726 u %e Cee ve forey Sys Be Cp = (12: 1+ Ge/G 4, 20726 = = lS , 5 Geay = 0. 154537 vz SiS = 0.259078 = 0.197535 2O\(O.17585) = 241.0 psi Pa = GA = (241.0 C4.25) = 244 10% Fb = 19,94 kps =e 783A emprein mente ste co son shown and ffeive lng PROBLEM 10.65 34 Kron at china ay ed CEE ear elon cen SOLUTION ob Fb RE SAF iw 4.0F = (3.28% = 5.4395 int Lz SF 60im > hie = 40.33 << 55 fee 201N-TE eduminum alloy Gut = 30.7 - 0.23(L/r d= 30,7 - (.23%40.83) = 21.42 kei Per 2 Ow A = (24a MS4375) = NES kips -_ 10.64 A compression member as the cross section shown and an effective length of PROBLEM 10.64 15S m. Koowing thatthe aluminum ally used is 6061-76, determine the allowable circ oad 109.0 E 2 aoe SOLUTION 10mm ae Tp 2 ROALISY + Coortis (wes = 2.7875 nlf om a oes Tun tA (AM70)S = 257.25 +108 mes F “ Ty = 2Tat Ta = 5.78225 +108 mm lyr al zUisXtool] « GMA = 2 S042S * 10% mm! A = 2lloo\(is) 4 (FMI) = 2630 mm” > ESO HIE m* ee cet eeeeeet REET mm = LES * IO mm be 2 LSS m lees 52.01 < 66 (606I-TE aetumnon ) Gun = 189~ 0.868 (U/r) = 139~ (0.8b2%52.01) = 87.78 MPa P= Suc A > (87.7810 (3cR0%/0%) > 31/08 N = 317 kw ~ c focal (eed ad eel fire ee xe) oer) eee 1 10.65 A column of 6.4-m effective length i obtained by comecing four 89 = 89 * eee {9.Semm steel angles with acing bars as shown. Using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric lead for the column Use. op = 345 MPa and f= 200 ore Pay SOLUTION Steed: C= PRE = fT) - 106.47 fl tial 84x B19.5 am oonghe = es 1600 mmm ian a Tyr 819 10% mm d= (00 =x = THR mm T= 4 (Ads Ly) = 4[Qcoortay + 11908] = 39.996 10% mu G4H00 mm™ = GYOOK1O™ m* 19.053 mm > 77.053%I0>m aor er * 80.958 cea = (ZMSWI7. 0075) = 242 kips ~ 100 A resample column witha 44m efecive lenght made of pad fee eas acelin tat he gus of weal ted the aut lowable ss fr compesion pr! othe ga = 8.3 MPaand tat E~10 GPa, siti determine the maximum allowable centric load for the column. SOLUTION uomm Ghed Paiminated cofomn C= 0.9% , Keg 2 OHld i Lh | 6. 8.3 MPa E = 10000 MPa A= AIEQIOY = 3ORYO mm? = BOROHC OHO mL eam L/d = 31,429 0.41% (10000) a = S2,iB Clonee) = 4.2518 MPa Gale = 0.50986 Gul. 150786 « ~ le. = Boa) * 08988") v= S242 ~o.scem ~fo*=v = o4egor Cp = Gus 6.0, = (83046801) = 3.8845 MPa Pur = SrA = (5.83452 10% (30240 x16°) = 17S 1" N = IS KN me PRORLEM 10.66 10.66 A column of 21-8 effective length is obtained by conneting two C10 » 20 ? steel channels with lacing bas as shown. Using allowable stress design, determine the allowable centric load for te column. Use 0; = 36ksi and £ = 29 > 10" psi, SOLUTION ! C10%20 : 606 im Vint Tye 2.81 int a Eee > 2.894 in Fer the cofomn > A = RX5.88)" 11.76 in* @X78.9) > i Bint alaats Cs.aad(2.8e4)] = 1041 int Ly oe fe - = 2975 in Le= 2) Ft = 252 in dee once Ge EE = | ea={gsa0e} = 126,10 wee, ke. o.enes R= $s dese 4(o.c7es)? = 1.8807 Zi + = 4B kee Cun fale]. Sof 1 - d@-c7resy] = 14.82 Pat Sal = egeas = 174.3 kips —_ 10.67 A compression member of 2.3m effetve length is obtained by bolting PROBLEM 10.67 together two 127 * 76» 127mm sel anges a8 shown. Using allowable sess ‘design, determin the allowable centric lad forthe column. Use 7-250 MPa and £200 GPa. oo : fi (200-109 Sheets, = 2B eonte 125.66 LARD 1G #127 wm Tbe gives AZ 2920 met, Tye 3.98 010% mn” Ye Hem, Ty = LOemlof mt, x = MOmm, Wye For column Tn = ROP am = QX1.06 #108) = 2.12% 10% mnt > Tan = Dy = 2AR*1OF am = RAZWIO. mm? A ® 2A,= 4840 mat = 4840 x JO" m* 7 TR Tages sone = onde < CG lft = o.arass : Es. = wpa 2 (0.27455)-4 (0.87455) = 1.4110 Su + Sol 4] = See [a Garess]= 80.79 1108 Pa 2 = Car A = (80.7410 (4840 *10%) = 39) x(0? N= 391 kN oe 10.70. An aluminum structural tube is reinforced by riveting two plates toit 38, PROBLEM 10.70 ‘shown for use as a column of 1.7-m effective length. Knowing that all material is ‘aluminum alloy 2014-16, determine the maximum allowable centric load. SOLUTION bt 6484344 B+ ES = C2 mm bp = 34 mm he 7 8 +5494 B = 70 mm hz = SH wom A= bho~ bchs = (62X(70)-(34MSN) = 2.504 «10% mm = 25042157 m* Le ale. ho = beh?) > 4 Alacer ersa'] = 1.32602 >10 mm 7 7 ie = hb? ] - [trove tonen] = 121837108 rm" + Tain 1.21337: 2.504 ioe ‘ arn = 77.28 > SS for abeminum abfey 20M TE = BIQxlo® _ 372x108 _ 6 > BENS. SBE = 62.37 MPa 22.018 mm > 22013 %16" mw Lehdm Pat Sa A = (62.37 x10°)(2.504% 10%) = 156.2x107N = 156.2kN —e 10.71 A280-KN centric lod is applied to the column shown, that is fe at its top A PROBLEM 10.71 and fixed at is base 8. Using aluminum alloy 2014-T6, select the smallest square ‘ross section that can be used. SOLUTION le = ZL = (20.30) = 0.60 m A= bt I- ab wk > L, o6o/2 . 20785 ® 6 2O14-TC aluminuse allay Cg = 2I2- SBS) = 212 - (58S V(2,0785 7b) = (zi2~ 322) pe =[ain- 2f84 ]liot) Pe (21a b? - 3.2946] (10%) = 280%00* Assume # < SS Rat SA = ZI2b™- 3.2Mb ~ Zeorlo® =O b= Sats VGA Gaia aso 107) gy.g e108 m GARY Lo, 2.0785 . 2.0785 2 4¢.26 < SF r & 8.4418 Answers b= 849x107 mF YT mn PROBLEM 10.72 P yy : 18a, i 10.72 A L6cip centri load must be supported by an ahuninum column as shown, sing the aan lly GOT, deere te nuns nc ba be SOLUTION bet Ls 1B in A= 2b mt (able) = bY a ee ee = G23S4 rf = eg. mS gaa 6061-T cdominum aMoy. Assume < GG Gua = 20,2 - 0.126 (Lin) = 20,2-(0,126) $2884 = R0.2- LES |; Pa = Gu A = (20.2~ PEK) 2 nou Be ists kip 4o.4 bP be 1G bb + Sts + ss)" Wk ae. AGE) hk, 623sy . r 6 L Assume > @X4o.4) = 0.853 in 2.354 _ ‘ = Bye? = 78.09 > ce Assumption not ver Fred, : 1000, | SJo00 bt | Ceara ee Cua = feat Gagepye 7 BT BT kee Pars Gy A = (13.17 b7 AB) = 26.2384 bt = 16 kips b> ValSar = 0.884 in. ge SBBEt 70.56 > 66 Assumption verified b= 0.884 in, = forte ienad o pant ennie 10.73 An aluminum tube of 90mm outer diameter is 1 cary a centric load of 120 ae KN, Knowing thatthe stock of tubes availabe for use are made of alloy 2014-T6 and ‘with wall thickness in increments of 3 mm ffora 6 mm to 1S mm, determine the Tightest tube tat can be used. 120k SOLUTION L =, P= 12d*107N 1h dS mm the -b Att(ntent) I= ¥(nit-n) soiomouier = VIZA ‘daeter For 2014-TC cluminum abloy Cy = UA 1-SKS (LA) MPa GP L/e e SS = BIRx103 7 Sut = G2Rx1O2 MPa PF bye > $5 Pa = Saud Cabcrdete Paw Fer each thickness. t v A I r Lie Ox Pat vars 10% mom aoe MPa uN, c 34 23 oy 75.56 6S.16 103.1 > 7 3 2240 1.901 28,82 78,08 BOY 1847 12 33 RAH 228A 21.90 -BO.6S S720 168.2 1S 30 3534 2584 27.04 83.20 $3.74 189.9 Since Pay must be greeter than 120k, vse = 4 mm = 10.74 A 18-kip cenric load is epplied to rectangular saw lumber column of 22-f PROBLEM 10.74 effective length. Using sawn lumber for which the adjusted allowable stress for compression parallel tothe grin is -™ 1050 psi and knowing, 10x 10° psi determine the smallest cross section that can be used for the column if b = 2d. SOLUTION Sawn fumber c= 0.8 Ke 7 0.8 G.= 1080 psi E = 10x10 psi Az 2d* Ls 2aft = 264 L/a= 264 Assumed Cp = 0.5 Gy GCp = (loSO)C-5) = S25 psi Ru = GaAs 26ud* a ee = Keb .(0.3Mloviot) __3.x10¢ f See = a (Ay Tea ye 1877 PS Gee /S_ * 0.7028 Checked Cp = UbS + Sauls. [Sey GE = 0.501 Resofts. of similar trials are summavized in the teble below. Assomed Co | Gurr (psi | Min) L/l__| Ge (psi )| Gee /Se | Checked Col dC, L/d = 63.76 Os gas 4.19 | 68.76] 737.4 | 0.7028] 0.5601} 0.0601 0.56 | 533 3.41 | 67.48| 658.8] 0.6275) 0.5169} ~0.0431 0.535 | 561.75 | 4.00] 66.00} 688.7] 0.6559} 0.5337 | ~ 0.0018] 0.8343] 561.0 | 4.o0s] 6s92| e90,4| 0.6875] 0.5846) =O | Answer d> 4.01 in, eee = oo cm Aiea. om : om cm mo 10.77 Acolumn of 5.6-m effective length must carry a centric load of 2750 kN. PROBLEM 10.77 Kacwving thal oy 250 MPa and E~ 200 GPa use allowable stress design to selec the wide-lange shape of 360-mrn nominal depth that should be used. WARES, (.92X2750> 1 VGC) _ 99.94 15%m" = 83.9210 mm” we Wom to* ) Try W 360x216 A= 27600 mnt = 27600010 m* ok * = 283% 10% mm* ok Ol mm = Jol {o> m ae _ GE = 125.66 he = S54: tel = oayias BGR Sew GEE oe F.s.= $+ $(0.94123)-4(o.w4is)® = 1.824 ie. Lie) 1 2) . 6a = [Gey] ae (o.4via)'] = 128.9 #lof Pa at = Se A = (123-9 «10% 27600 *10° ) = B4Z0> 10° M = 3420 kN B42 kN > 2750 kN Use W360 216 ~ 10.78. A column of46-m effective lenggh mst cary a centric Ind of 525 KN. PROBLEM 10.78 Knowing that oy 349 Mla and £= 200 GPa, use allowable stress design to select, ‘the wide-flange shape of 200-mm nominal depth that should be used. SOLUTION A > EDP. (SAY S2SIO) 2g gyyjo% @t = aSHO mnt o FHS x10" SEL p< BEL I> (ag Pla = (1.42 \(525 tO YE = 10,8910" wm + 10.84 x10% me WE Hie oe 523% 10 mm, PE S11 HLS? mw an W 200% 46.1 Lede. zs weg 7 O-8HIS4 + e ar sin 7 . a = 1.9077 &f[i- ay] - 3 BASICS T | - L(osaisyll] = 116.8 «10% Pa Su 407? . a : (esa! (5000 +8 = G84 kN > Saskw Use W200 46.1 -_ Oo (esis (oe 2 10.79 A column of 22.5-A effective length must carry a centric ood of 288 kips. PROBLEM 10.79 Using allowable stress design, select the wide-fange shape of I¢-in, nominal depth that should be used. Use o;~ 50 ksi and = 29 = 10° psi SOLUTION <« &A SESIP. . (svsyase) . . a ES A> e7 = = 4.6 in Le = 24S FH = 270 in E = 29x/0% psi = 24000 ksi ‘ere 92 Phe*_ (0.92 (2882270)* _ in® Pi iaie 1? er (24000) eeleeere Try Wit 82 FMD in?) Tew? 148 i vr 248 in c.f [ead ees fs ae. = 108.87 > 107.00 = OE _ WG@so00) : Su = Taam 7 OMS = 12.58 ksi Pa = CAs (i2s8Xantys 303 kips > 288 kipe Dse WIY*8Q = 4.80 cum of 7-8 fective length mus cry acento of 25 kip, PROBLEM 10.80 ‘sing allowable stress design sclct the wide-lnge shape of IO-i nonind depth that should be used. Use oy = 36 ksi and E=29 > 10° psi. SOLUTION p< Se a> Ege + WSS) = 0.98 in® Le 17 FR = 204 in® E> 29xJ0% psi = 21000 ksi < EE 1.92 Phe _ (1.92 (ass (2o1)™ 7 P SA =(S.37)(16.8) = 243 kips > 235 kips Use W loxS¥ —_ PROBLEM 10.81 1081 A centiclond P must be supored bythe steal bar 4B. Using allowable determine the: 'dimension d ofthe cross section tha stress design used when (a) P= 108 KN, (6) P= 166 KN, Use 0,=250 MPa and E'= Soo OPe, SOLUTION G = PEE E . [zi Gooxo*) Moore") = 125.66 e Le Lam A = (dla) = 3 d* T+ kaart > Fd ve fee *~ = 0.288675 of (@ P= 108*|037N Assume b> C. - wiEL ~ 52) Pu le* 2 age Fur Tag det Ts Ee = 44 ae G92) Phe* (491.929 C108 108 G4) Pree ate (ibaa) Phe’ ae een i = 823.59 +107 m A= 30,125 *107%m r= 8.696 x/O7* m 14 a“ a ic tes git © [60.41 > 25.00 d= 30.1 mm () Pe ice «ION Assume > Ce > UWP LY. (G92) 16621 Aes TF? (200 10%) A 83. 543xIoF m= 9.6 B29SHIOM r WSB > 125,66 d= 33.5 mm 1.26588 5/0" m* Le | tet Vv * F6B1S lO O [eens or oo 1082 Two 34% 2} in. angles are bole together as shown for use as 8 PROBLEM 10.82 column of effective length to cay s enti load of 41 Kips. Knowing tht the : angles available have thicknesses of in., 3 in, and 4 in. se allowable stress frotecpostin| 642 BE (24000) ut > Tay? Laz Cassy 86 es Pant = GA = (8.36004.22) = 35.3 kips < Hkips De nob use. Wy b She Zar kin AF VATS) * 5.50 in® ¥ = 0.704 in i ‘i ata > ane Ce Se | W(ateoo. Out Taachiny® > (LAA \I8e. 36 Paes Sah = (2,025.50) = FL kips > 41 kips Use L 84x 2be4 in - = B02 ksi 1083 Two 34% 24 in. angles ar bolted together as shown for use as a PROBLEM 10.83 column of 6 effective length to carry centric lad of $4 kips. Knowing thatthe angles available have thidenesses of} in, in, and 4 in, use allowable stress cae eg dete te gent angle be ed. Use 0-36 bw 29 —F SOLUTION SH Steed Ee 29000 ksi le = 64 = 72in + [ZRE . [2m@aece) . CQ Sr = = 126.10 Try L She Abd in A= Xan) = 422int y= (2256) = 5.12 int Ty= aLiorsCzuyo.ccor] = 4018 int = Dun t oe = O18 = 0.4958 te. 2 W878 | . 758 eee fs + $4+$(0.58801)-4(0.58501)" = 1.610 Sn * S[i-4 4) > Hel !- 1. ss5007 = 16.08 kee Pr = Gab > (16.03X#22)= 627 kips > SH hips (a Mowed ) Tey L Se 2ge 4} in A> @XUAH) > 2.88 in® Ty? @YUL80)= 3.60 in® Ty 2210777 +¢.44K0.64Y"] = 26897 n* = Tey + 73.78 < Cy ve of See = 0.97588 im, ema Lin , 25.205 . des Woe + 16.208 < ie = TERES = 0.59038 Fs. = £ + $(e.s16a3) - go stesay = 18688 Ger Sfr- eV] = hal 1 £o.st6830'] = is. 8e bes Pas GwA= (is.38)(288) = 4S.7kips < SH hips Donut use Dse L 3h» tho} im = ma o bie (aie teed O = oo fae 10.84 A aque srucurl be ving he rs soon show sed won PROBLEM 10.84 of. amefectve lenght cary acetic load of 129 KN, Kaowing th totes rae rane de ul kone 3 Zn, $d ta ales ig ri ign et Use 9, = 250 MPa and E = 200 GPa, et ‘62mm SOLUTION a Az bF- b* barton T= (bt be) be = Bom Pe ie kv by 76.2 mm Sted: Coe + of 2 Gone) o ias.ce Ty Le 4.8 mm TE.R~ 9.6 = 66.6 mm A = (16.208 =(606)* = 1.37088 xfotmm® +b 37OBE 21S Te dlre2yt=(ca6)"]= 1217005108 me = 1.170052 10% mm? 2421 *IT* mm 106.11 < Ce F 0.84443 + $+ 3 (o.esus)-d.sev4sy = 1a08r + Se ]i- LZ) ] « 2822104) )~ a (cenmsy] = 843x108 Pa = Gay A = (84.3%10°)(1.37088 x15") = MIS.C x 10% N = SG EN = 129 kv ‘De not use. Tey b= 6.4mm bp * 76.2- 128 = 634 mm KR = (76.2)*- (63.4 = 1,786BBRIO* mm” = 1.78E8B*I0* wn* = AL e.2- RH] = 14CR1G ¥ 108 mm = 1 4C8I6 + 10% mY vey = 2B6ISeIo* m Le/n _ + gotta = 10883 < G Ash = 0.86212 Fs. = $+ Z@.2e212) -4@ eal = 1.4099 se SL a (EY] = REL 2G.26212)'] + 22.25 «Io* Pa. Pate = Ge = (82.28elo*V(1,78688« lo) = 147.0% 10° N = 197.0 kN > 129 kW Use £ = 6.4 mm = “1035 _A restangalr tube having the con section shown i aed as column of| PROBLEM 1085 4 Som fie Engh Raving int 9250 aod 300 GPa iad ad fase design wo deere th largest enti lve lon hat can be applied wan TFive cours decd fol i 10 N- Us a ead kad fcr Yo 12 ela or Feaeeeue| ‘ye 16 ad the resistance factor b= 0.85. SOLUTION t= 8mm, smn hy = 127mm bee 7B mm Wee hy RE = HL mam Bt = 162 mm As bah, - bh; = (79 127) - Clean) = 4GRY mm” 4624 vl m* T= BL bho beh?) = A Llre G27) — Gear] = 11.9213 « 10% mm” faa ‘ a fae O.718 wan © SOTIS#IO wr eae Feit te (EOE ie <1 det ene | Boris = 08474 cm: XP 0.4448 Pos A (0.658) & = (42d WI 1(0.658)°7""" (250 x10) = 762.3 x10" = 762.3 kN YoPe + TLR = PPo G2 igo + LSP * O.85%K23) R= 300 XN —_ on oma Lo m (odie, t (Camieicee] “10.36 A calurn with a 19.5 effeive length supports acetic lomd, wth aio of PROBLEM 10.86 following rolled-stce| shape: 2) W1O » 39, (6) W 14 x 68. Use £~ 29 10* psi and = 50s SOLUTION Le = 14.5 FE > 234 in (a) W10x89 AF Wad int = 9B in Wy? N81 te [Se - 1st go = 1.sez0 > 1.6 TYE a Va4000 6.827 (USM 0.87750) 206.67 wes a(S) 6 = (1.5620 > r WR eNR = PR : atic + 18.7 kips ~ (290.35 LY + 16 B= (0.85 1(206.67) PL > 54.6 kips = (b) Wi4x68 AF 20,01" ty 26 in Levy = ASI We /E 12672 < 1S 48.12 [so a T | 21000 he’ = 15806 = A (0.052) 6, = (20.0)(0.658)"* (50) = $16 ips Seen eee 23.9 kips =e C2 C.85 PLY + 16 R e(O.8s MEIC) 136.2 kes *10.87-‘The structural tube having the cross section shown i seas acon of 15- Sedov length to cary a cntic dead load of $1 kip and a cote live load of 38 ips. Kooring thatthe us available for use ae tad with wal thoknesses in increments of 5 'in.ffom into § in. use lood and resistance factor design to determine the lightest tbe that an be used, Use y= 36 ks and E~29 » 10'ps, ‘The dead lod factor Yp= 1.2, the live load factor, = 1.6 ad he rsitance factor =085, PROBLEM 10.87 SOLUTION ee] EIS FR 180 in Whe EPL EPP KRRrKP _ (2S + 1.6058) 7 LRsEP . det = 181% keps Try t= bint 0.25ia bet 6.Oin by = b- Rte SS in ‘i 7 Required Pu = A= bib? = (6%-6.5¥ = 5.75 int T= kb bs) = ALO*-GsV] = 21.74 int i an : be "i {E : {= = 2.3096 i Z - be [Re . Te a ei de= 4 Ve = 2461 [ae 0.85916 Ls 82 0.73815 Pot A (0,658) 6 = (S.1S(o.6s8) (36) = 152.6 kips < 181.2 Kips Thickness is te sma/f, Since Po is appronimetedy proportional te thieknes > the vequived thickness is approximatedy z Poy . 1BLIF Se Te? We boy % 0.296 im Try tf Hin = 0.3125 in, b; = S.395 Ax 71094 int, T= 38.44 int, WF 2.3254 in Bs 772at n= etl Boe = osc < us df 0.7836) 0.75861 P= (7.1099) (0.658) (36) = 186.7 kips > 181.2 keys Use L= Ein -= "10-88 A column of $.5-m effective length must carry a cenric dead load of 310 KN PROBLEM 10.88 and a centric live load of 375 KN. that oj ~ 250 MPa and £'= 200 GP, use Toad and resistance factor design to select the wide-flange shape of 310-mm nominal pth thet should be used, ‘The dead load factor y= 1.2, the live load factor y, = 16 and the resistance factor @= 0.85. SOLUTION WP + LP = PPL Required Py = ea = G21810)+ (6975) Bo eX) = \a3 lal Prediminary coderdations Po< GA 2 A> Bee WISHED = usrzwiot wt + 4572 mel PBL > Byld - Manto WSS)" 2 47, sansotw = 17.527 108 mn! Re eee wee Ht (200 ¥ 10" ) a a A= 7890 mm = 7S9OR 10" wm” ce Iz 18.3 «10% mone, We YL mm = GAP LO” [25ex10% = 1.2606 <5 *) ¥ 200% 10% . es B= A(0.688)"6; = (7590x 10° )(0.688) somo") = 475 x1O>N = WS kN < 143 kN Teo fight. De not vse. de 1.5892 Tey W3lo * 74 A= F480 mat = 1480 «107% m® ge YD 7 mm = 49.7 10% der Ef OHS = nas hte 1 SSIO = Flare) 1 200% (08 Pot (4480 «10% (0.658) (zsoxto") = 1238 x10" N = 1238 kw > 1143 kN Dse W3lox74 _ ae 10.89 A sawn lumber column with a 125-mm-square cross section and a 3.6m 108 ‘effective length is made ofa grade of wood that has an adjusted allowable stress for ‘compression parallel tothe grain ge ~9.2 MPa and a modulus of elasticity E= 12 ‘GPa. Using the allowable-stress method, determine the maximum load P that can be safely supported with an eccentricity of $0 ram, SOLUTION De NRT mm = OLS Ax AP 15.625210* Bo = 28.8 as 6.= 7.2MPa, E= 12000 MPa, san Punber: c= 0.8, kK, = 0.300 = Ke& | (e.s00X 2000) , = Cen = aay * CERT 4.34 MPa = Gig /G = 0.47177 Cp 12 Gels) _ [Sate Sele = 0.41347 Sa = G.Ce = (4.2YO.41397) = 3. 804 MPa @= 50mm = 0,050 m air = d= Rls)" = 20,3945 /0% std = 0.0625 m By Pec c ey (fr 1s Gale) _ TT ETE . Cp & [SEB EEE = on nis e Gage = G+ (4AXO.NISHT)E $804 MPa SOmm= 0.050 m T= gat klo.125)'> 20.345«10" Cbd = 0.0625 m 2 Pee \ eee i ied 1 + ule a bef. 0.6921 es. = £+$(0.ca2a'-g(o.caar)y = 1984s - £44 y] - al! -4(o.6921F] = 14.526 ksi Bey Bas cy (fSE)Pue Ge Ra a] Rw (4. 626) gle agony" = 14! kips —_ PROBLEM 10.92 10.91 An eccentric load is applied at a point | in. from the geometric axis of a 2.2- in-diameter rod made of a sel for which a = 36 ksi and £ = 29 « 10% psi. Using the allowable-stres method, determine the allowable load P. 10.92 Solve Prob. 10.91, assuming that the load is applied at a point 1.6 in. rom the geometric axis and thatthe effective length is 33 in. SOLUTION rgd ll in A= Tc = 3.8013 in® Ts Bets 4990 0 YE = 0.550 in let azin be/r+ 33 /0.ss0 = Go Ce? ae Bae [2x A000) my rea Yr bef + 0.4758 Fs. = $+ P(o.47s8)-$(o.urse} = 1.2316 e -&[!- +t] + fg] '- 4 (ownsey'] = 17.480 ksi Bas Bate cy (KS) Rue Ra Gala? Pate = (17.480)] xo = 7.72 kips -_ 1 | ao PROBLEM 10. 158mm 152 m+ @ €79° We) @= dono m 93 10.93 A column of 5.5-m effective length is made ofthe aluminum alloy 2014-16 {or which the allowabie stress in bending is 220 MPa. Using the interaction detzrmine the allowable load P, knowing that when the eccentricity is (a) e=0, (6) € =40mm. SOLUTION bet SZ mm byt be REF 12 mer A= bob = 820 mnt = 8220 ¥10% ma T= &(b.'-b") = 26,02 10% mam” Es 56.26 mm = 56.26 > 107 m 97.16 > SS 38.42 MPa for contic Foscling P= A Gime = (8220 r10°)($8.929/08) 3 B2OKIGN = 320kN —O 4Cs2) = 76 mm > 762l0% m Ponto MEO"). secesristP = agntoe) * (e.0R*lOr*)(220 x (08) aa 273 xjo® N= 27S kN _ 1093 A.column of 5.5-m effective length is made of the aluminum alloy 2014-6 PROBLEM 1094 fe ihe aati sees edn 290 Ma Ung th eran mc Setemin the allowable lon F, knowing that when the csr is (a) =, () ¢ 10.94 Solve Prob. 10.93, assuming thatthe effective length of column i 3.0 SOLUTION r 182 am uu T= SR mm be = bL-AE = 122 mm A= bt bit = 8220 mm* = B200¥Is Sm™ LT Cet b2) > 26.02 2105 mam” r 24 = S6.RE mn = SR 2L*IC? mw Lt — 3.1 ures? 53.32 < ss Cate = IR = 1885 CLM) = 212 ~0.585 (53.32) = 127.5 MPa eee aat en Réae * I6an 220 Pr AGy* G20 %6*)(127.Sm10#) = 1048 tN > los KN me (ed es YOmm= 4YOxlo wm = AYIS2) = 76 mur = 7621078 mm 2 Ponto"? )Cre x15") Garona rise + Tae. 0a Manon 1o%) = NBER HIOTP = 1 Pr 673 x (of N = 678 kv = PROBLEM 10.95 er > 10.95 An cocentric load P= 10.8 kis is applied ata point 0.8 in. from the geometric exis of 2-in.-diameter rod made ofthe aluminum alloy 6061-T6. Using method and an allowable stress in bending of 21 kai, determine the the interact P= 108tips Jarget allowable effective length J that can be used. 061. SOLUTION 4 ergds hoi Asmct> 8.146 in* I? Bet = o7estint pe dE cas in e+ 0.8 in Gun = 21 ks! ee Pec, ered ee: ee gece cree Mud Vo Tee 10.8 AC a Fee y= Settle) . (12.8 10.8900) = 0.1385 wi (ores4 Xa) TRE ksi Assume L/n > 66 $1000 L. gme. any ¥ {= 84.05 > Ls 84.08 n = (8405 (0.5) > 420 in - PROBLEM 10.96 | P= 108s ose. a 10.95 An eccentsic load P = 10.8 kis is applied ata point 0.8 in. fram the Joomertic axis of 2-n-diameter rod made ofthe aurinum alloy 6061-76, Using Forreraction method and an allowable stress in bending of 21 ksi, determine the 10,96 Solve Prob. 10.95, assuming thatthe aluminum alloy wed is 2014-76 and that the allowable stress in bending is 26 ksi. SOLUTION 2m. lametor Te Ect = 07984 in* r are 2 OS iw J Crd Loin Ae mes BME int Bl e+ 0.8 in Suey = 26 ksi eee ree BR .)- Lec Roqe* Fes 7! REge* |” Toms a A Pi = Bulges , — (1e:80(0.80(10)) - at te P (1- F865.) > FB ji - Seaeies | 0.1678 ksi Ce 5.46 ksi = $4900 Sone = “Ce Assome L/r > SS 5 fe = BRE = 18.190 758 L= 914K = (9519 MOS Y= 472E Ine =< 10.97 _A rectangular column is made of sawn lumber that has an adjusted allowable ‘stress for compression parallel to the grain 9: = 8.3 MPa and a modulus of elasticity E111 GPa. Using the allowable-stress method, determine the largest allowable ‘effective length that ean used. SOLUTION gen dF BO mm + OBO mW bE 240 mm £ 0.240 m At bd = 43.2xto%m* Ex 11100 MPa Tye Kab > £(O.180Y(0.240 = 207.36 10% mi @= 2mm = 0,025m C= B= O.120m Bs Pe cay Guy % WELL 4 osrdOMOOI YON) = 5 a4ge wiohre i #2710 0736 x10°* = 3.9496 MPa Cp= See Sue , 0.47886 = y het x= Cue/G yr We - {GEE where ¢ = 0.8 for savn Domber Lex Le Ke Cay -% ae a L- (0.8)(.47586) | - 6.47586 fa x= y eS r (0.47586) O. 56227 Te Gee = 6, (0.56227) = (8.3)(0.56227) > 4.6668 MPa > kek 2. Kaed* 7 Se war 4? where Kuz 7 0.300 = af ee Ls dye 4B) om ca ma =e ened th oe! 10.97 A rectangular column is made of sawn lumber that hasan adjusted allowable ‘stress for compression parallel tothe grain q = 8.3 MPa and a modulus of elasticity E=11.1 GPa, Using the alowable-stress method, determine the largest allowable eifective length vat can used. 10.98 Solve Prob, 10.97, assuming that P = 85 KN. SOLUTION A= 180 wm = 0,/80 m b? 240 mm = 0.240 m At bd = $3.2%10% m* E=11}00 MPa. Tet kab - & (0.180X0. 240)" = 207. 36410 m™ @ = 2S mm = 0.025 m c= B= o.nem PB, Pec < BSx10* , (85x 1o*Xo.025 Yo. 120). ne RYDE <6 Se Faas Xo 015 YORE). 3.5496 «10 Pa - MPa Cee St = S98 =o. sasaz-y Let x= Ge/6z yr lex - (Bey - = where ¢=0.8 for sau dumber ity > {G-E (BF = Dey RT -E eee 1 -(0.8 XO. 33522) _ x yy 2( 0.38522) SF apiag 7 On NSBSO Gg = Ge (0.48850) = (8.30. 43350) = 3.598 MPa a7 LT Kee where Kup = 0.300 Le af = (o.ise fee ¥u1929 00) = 5.48 m - 41099 column of 48 fee enh sensi of etn of sel tubing ha PROBLEM 10.99 he eos eon shown. Us stein the maxim Mevnbiremtay eo) P= 35 i (Poe ‘Use oy = 36 ksi and B= e c SOLUTION a TI | Steed: = 36 ksi 2 29000 Ini ae EnuMEx? = i he . {es 126.10 ae in byt b-2tr B.25in C720 Lain] ae = SABIS int — T= Hy(b'= b,*) = 12.086 in” f ve PE = 4878 im Lee MFRS 168 in Le/v = < Lf = 0.89547 FS. = : + $(0.89547)- 4.99597) = 1.9127 ous Sel gGey] = Sse] k@ersny] = 2s bi ies tas yu Bass. cy BY es S64 BY @) Pat SS kips « 12086 $5. e GSS |e - sie] © 0.127 in - tb) Py = 35 kips = 12.036 e = @ikeae du 275~ oe) - 0.832 im =< PROBLEM 10.100 we = 192 0)* Puee . Cu Pu = 28 ips 10.99 A column of 14 effective length consists of a section of stcel tubing having ‘the cross section shown. Using the allowable-stress method, determine the maximum allowable sonic ¢ if (0) P=55 ks, (0) P= 35 kip. Use oy = 36k and = 10's. {10.100 Solve Prob. 11.99, assuming tat te effective Length ofthe column is increased to 18 f and that (a) P= 28 kips, (0) P = 18 kips. SOLUTION Stef: Gy = 36 ksi E = 29000 ksi Co PARE + [AeH009) . 126.10 br 40 im bet ba 2E= 32m CF ZO in A= bf-bt = 5.4375 mw T= Cb b.") = 12,086 in” Le= IB Ft = ZIG in Lefre 145.12 > Cy Wi C24000) : (aevueyc ce Bwee Pas «=D (ey,- Be rattan © eum Z O. 413 in. -_= = LSB in - 10101 The compression member AB is made ofa sce! foe which oy ~250 MPa and PROBLEM 10.101 00 GPa. tise att top 4 and fixed at base B. Using te allowable- fie mad dain ge lima ey knight () 6, = SOLUTION Stee: G.= 250 Pa E> 200000 MPa - [em Reeme ‘a i = [BE fegme2 125.06 Me. U} A = (1SuI0* M50 %15*) + 3750 *10% mn” Ty= A GSO *XSonio*)> = 781.25 410% = = x10" e Yy : fz = MBH IO mF Nw j Ty = (60-1) 15?)* = 1.7578 foe mn? PE = 216SIH1Oo% m * J} Les ZL = R055) = IO m Le Mai, = LOS 14.434 18 = 76.21 < Ce : | baftis = 4b - o.cocs BS. = $+ 3(0.coes)-3(0.coes)* = 1.8602 : at = Sf] - B52. [}-4@.coesy'] = 109.32 MPa dl ee ee Ol | en Plo B-B]- ol F- 4-8 ' Sys Bs BSH 2 siesx tot me | Sy F : BEX Le = 46,875 «10°C et : P= I70%10* N \ @ g:0 ext ahas no“| BE - LT - 0] = 176 x1o* m = ) ey = 8x10? m Cy 8125 H15 eas tio* oO t ieee 1 mt 10.102 The compression member 4B is made of see fir which = 250 MPa and E7200 GPa, Irs fee atts top and Fixed a its bese B. Using the infraction ‘hathod seth an allowable Bending stress equal to 120 MPa and knowing that the +) p= vi0Kn ‘ccoentrcities e, and ¢, are equal, determine the largest allowable common value. PROBLEM 10.102 SOLUTION Steel: 6,= 250 MPa___£ = 200000 MPa [SEE = 7? (Zoodee) _ [AEE = | BE gemed = 125.66 As (S10 )( 50 m1) 3750 *10% wn® ys BS¥IO*Sorto*)? = 781.25% 10% m* pede = esate T= § (sonto* 75 1107) = 1.7578 10° mn” Werf = 2651 x1o% Le = 2L = W055) > LeMay = 16.20 Ce 125.66 10 wm Le Mmm = 11/1493 4415? = 76.21 Co + 0.6065 FE 7H+ $ (0.0065 )-$ (0.0065) = R662 Lefts)” ) = 250 S.ueetriey 7S) i- ade Y) = 3S ~4(0.coest} = 107.32 MPa Sutlbending) = 120 MPa P —Pe.¥__. = with e.= WEatarn) * Gaim) * Eee ' th ey. > ey eee (+ * x) e? I~t— CuseComatingy \ Tx yy, AG (ented Homtot [_stsnict 4 2st , 2 pees Woxlo® \b1s78xlo-e 781.25 ~ 10 C52 S* (04.82 #10 15.586 @ * 1 O.414E? e@ = 275 «loom = TIS mm ~ 110.103 A sewn lumber colunm of rectangular cross section fas 2 7.2-R effective emeereen icin Tengah and supports «9.2 kip load as shown, The sizes availabe for use have b equal to5 ing 53h 73 in- and 9.3 in, The grade of wood has an adjusted allowable Stress for compression parallel tothe grain oj ~ 1180 psi and. = 1.2 x 10* psi. Use the allowablesstrss method to determine the lightest section that can be used. SOLUTION Sawn dumber? 6.7 1180 psi EF 1.Rx/O% ps: 0.8 Keg = 0.300 les 7.2 = 8.4 in te , Byec = ceases a * d Se Par Es A = e= 16 in ee £(7.8)* 3.75 in. A= 75b Ty = Rb(ZSY © BH1SEb t = 3.2895 b Paps 3.2295 bOu t +88 ga SREP d= 7S in of b, whichever is smatier. = a Ed® . (0,300)(1.2%10°) A _ a iv See = ig = MES” « COS n eS = ua.zes A” (psi) Cie/C. = (H8.225A* 1180 = 0.04087 at Cee ls [ERIS SE Gig 2 SéCp = 1180 Cp Pup © (2.2895) b (1180 G)= 3882 b Cp (AL.) Colevdate Pav for ott four vadves ob b, See ble below. bla | Ca/8 Y Ga) | ba ws 3.5 [0.5007 P= 9200 $b, Use be SS in. = | | | PROBLEM I 110.103 A sawn umber column of rectangular cross section has 0 7.2-f effective nee Tength and supports a 9.2 kip load as shown. The sizes available for usc have b equal to 33 ins 53m, 7.5 in, and9.5 in The grade of wood has an adjusted ‘ress for compression parallel tothe grain oe 1180 psi and # = 1.2 10° psi. Use to determine the lightest section that can be used. 10,104 Solve Prob. 10.103, assuming that ¢=3.2 in. SOLUTION Sawn domber? 6, = 1180 psi Es 12x18 psi © 20.8 Keg 70.300 hes 7.2 FF = B64 in. Pw , Pee _ = Gut Rate cae ACD e€ 232 in eas) = 3.75 in Ar 25b Ips hbGsYr as.ise b 1 = = 2,J067b Pay = 2.1067 & Op Hie 2 (375) ott Ree oe SS at 2 on b, whrehever is smaller = KeE . Kebd* _ ©.s00y.axiot)d® * Se * Clays 7 EEE = GE cence Gig (6, = 48.225 87/1180 = 0.04087 d* Sut = 8 Cp = NBO Ce Py = (21067) b (1180 Cp) = 24BE bo Cp Calcodate Par for af four vades of b. See tubse below. b a 62/6e Co Pa Ga)_| Gin Gh) -S 3S 0.5007 | O.4341 | 3780 . wal £3 | SE | (hace | Slaess | wate Po oe Zs | 1s | 2aay | 08432 | 16s¢0 aS 2S AAV 0.8882 | 20/00 Dse b= Sin. ae PROBLEM 10.105 P= 22k ID 10.105 A.32-4N vertical lood P is applied atthe midpoint of one edge of the square ‘ross section of the aluminum conmpression member 4B that is free atts top A and fined at ifs base B. Knowing thatthe alloy used is 6061-T6, use the allowable-stress, method to determine the smallest allowable dimension d. SOLUTION Ardt I=? vez sea ced ertd d@ Assume L/r > 66 Sut er Be3s/+0" Pe Br', Bd'. 4p dts aape 2 Uh ie = a +e REPT , fas yernio aay . ne a BY 35t x10" Suien wio> hes 24 - 20.45 ¥10* m ie bt = 117.3 > 66 ansver A= TO.A mm = PROBLEM 10.106 P= 20k ler 2L= 24m 10.105 A 32-4N vertical load P is applied atthe midpoint of one edge of the square ‘ross section ofthe aluminum compression member 42 that is free st its top 4 snd fixed at its base B. Knowing thatthe alloy used is 6061-T6, use the allowable-stress ‘method to determine the smallest allowable dimension d. 10.106 Solve Prob, 10.105, assuming thatthe vertical load P is applied at comer ‘of the square eross section of the compression member 4B. SOLUTION Ard, Iegdt eefE sf xsyrdd e=e, + 4a £, Pe Pey . By Pdddd) , PGA) BeBe Rae «Mat mda = B= 35/*/0" Pa 34 PLE B 8LSX/O"* m A= 815mm me sBtiar 1020 > 60 BErIo O eee ood eed = 7) ) orn eet GroweMariasinior) * (a. 8asde07 PICISC*/O) EAOELEN Lie, 10.107 A compression member made of steel has a 720-mm effective lengsh and ‘ust support the 198-KN load P as shown. For the material used o, = 250 MPa and £=200 GPa. Using the interaction method with an allowable bending stress equal {0 130 Ps, determine the smallest dnersion df the os etn tat cn be SOLUTION Using dimensions in meters A= 4ouo* a e= 120 mm + 0.720 m T= gldoxot Vda = 5.3333 %I0° J Tys perio) d* = 3.338310" JF axle € yl? 22 mm = 0.020 m = 18K LS* Steef: 6, = 250 MPa E> 200000 MPa 2 (2 c, +f 2a Gocove) Cozens) = 125.66 Assome A >4Omm= 4OrS%m. Then Taw = Te ve [Fe = [ESBS = sive, tes cass Howlo™* mm al = 83.4 mm = 10.107 A compression member made of steel has a 720-mm effective length and ‘must support the 198-KN load P as shown. For the material used oj 250 MPa and E~200 GPa, Using the interaction method with an allowable bending stress equal 8150 MP, dete the smallest dimension ofthe oe svn at can be 10.108 Solve Prob. 10.107, assuming that the effective length is 1.62 m and thatthe magnitude P of the evoentric load is 128 KN. SOLUTION Veing dimeasrous in meters A= Hout Le = 1.62 m T= Adora? Pd = 5.3333%10% Ty = (Yoxio®)d® = 3.3333 * o* a* Wwe 4a, Wl = 20mm? 20x15" wr Nee|= 18 me = 188/07 SteeR: 6 250 MPa E+ 200000 HPa a: {B= + [2 ge0e2) <= 125.66 Assome > 40mm = YO%IS* wm The T= Te v-/F + [PBB suse Bs ota > & 7 BE - W@oooo) _ _ e Guayeobic* allay "(KINO > 54286 MP —P. , Pex. KSagentin TySatsky 128 x to* 4, 428 xlo*Viavi* Yt) Cowie deren) * (Z.a88BIO ISOM) 61.260xlo* , 2304%I0* _ 4 a a d? - Cl. 26oxIo*d - 2304210" = 0 de 4f 61.260 116" +4f(01,260 2107 4 AN(2. 304 «Io ) t = 87.6 «lo m > Yoxlo’ m a= 87.6 mm = faa PROBLEM 10.109 10.109. The eccentric load P as a magnitude of 85 KN and is applied at a point ata distance e ~ 30 mm from the geometric axis ofa rod made ofthe sluminum alloy 6016-76, Use the interaction method with a 140-MPa allowable ‘ress in bending to determine the smallest diameter d that can be used, SOLUTION 4 | Assume L/P > 66 bun ax B-35il0" Pa woe um Ge 2 Arwet=Ed* Ie ets Fel” | e+e 2 epee een | AGecwtie © TE Ley beding see eset eect Agr FIG, tang a Pie 32 Ped teat * Wet : 4 YeseoU.5)' , (2\(e5x1o* Kano") _ at ea + Sragoronas >! het x= 4 taxi x" + 195,53xio x. = | SoDoing x= 14.2726 wt = 70.0 x10* m d=70.0 mm =e . 33 Ls 17, 50% 15? m ti L et + BS.7 > 66 10.109 The cocentic load P has a magnitude of 85 kN and is applied at a point binitened ated located ata distance ¢ = 30 ram from the geometric ans of rod made ofthe lurinum alloy 6016-76. Use the interaction method with a 140-MPa allowable stress in bending to determine the smallest diameter d that can be used. 10.110 Solve Prob. 10.109, using the allowable-stress method and assuming thatthe aluminum alloy used is 2014-T6. SOLUTION Assume L/ > SS ex2 AenetsTdt + Zet= Zav ve fE eda fo Bee br i, Peeid , GePl? , 3zPl? _ e Age Ter f wae ‘odes 7 | kote GHPL yo 16(6u ) PL*e 7s * ae (AY BSI VLSI 4, Meet (BSF UST ESIS) _ 1 (372«10% ) =) 2m (372 x1o*) =) 10.473 xfo® x + 25IBEx IO XE = 1 2.44) mn! det 80.4x10o%% d= 204 mm @- xo 4.5. Pe Ge RIT ww Fo Faye TS > SS n PROBLEM 10.111 TOA1T1 A steel compression member of 5.8-m effective length is to support 3 296- [EN ecosntric load P. Using the interaction method, selec the wide-flange shape of 200mm namie dep a ode ened. Ue B= 200 Ge = 250 od Om in bending. SOLUTION Steefi E+ 200000 MPa c.f 4eF = 128.66 bet 5.8m 6, = 250 MPa ° Sie, mting = 150 MPa For 200 mn nominal depth wide Paage section Vy % 88 mm = BExO* mm , y ¥ BPe 105 mm = 108 #107 m 7 - 2 is Wy 4B em = HeRlo tn 47 Bis 4 the ws 0.96 8. 2 £+ F.%)- glow = Lae 2 Se) 1- sey) > are + 70 MPa Per . ica Ta Ga testng © i am +e] - Pe A= G@omt VW ad, bing : = Berio (246 «10° 4S x10 (host) = 2573*1o* Toxioe HOF) Sono - (BB KIO CSOxIOY iaeemeracas Az 7S¢0x10* a Ye Hosmicttm , Ly = Gb 1 aIsS Tyr Sha 18m hefty = WIS < Ce ad 2 J Leffs = 0.9898 RS. = 14122 see eee gre ‘ee a R6aobn * TE, Candin Ty W200%54 Suan = 79.04 MPs _Q4ex10* Wi2Sr10" * (105 10%) (eu to )Ci 50 * 10%) = 0.4954 + 0.4239 = 0.9193 <1 (cMoweat ) Trying W200 x62 deads te Geiecl castieaae geese a eee RE uxcntie 1047 > | Tx Gating 10.112 A steel column of 7.2-m effective length is to support an 83-KN eccentric ‘oad P st a point D located on the x axis as shown. Using the allowable-stress ‘method, select the wide-lange shape of 250-mm nominal depth that should be used. Use = 200 GPa, oy =250 MPa. SOLUTION neat E = 200000 MPa = 250 MPa. = [Pee a \25-¢¢ be= 22m Try W250*44.1 Az 62S010"* bp = 2024107 m, c= 1ol¥ om, IS.1x1om* Vy > 4921? Le 22 a = 1NG.34 > Ce YW 492810 ites freee . Ti*(200000) 6a = arte Te * Ua weary ~ 180! MPa Bi, Pace, savior, (eee ous? Gores?) G $250 v1o* 1s x1o* = 1B. 2BH(Oo + 38.86 r(0% = S214 MPa > 48.01 MPa Cot oAowed ) Required aren A % (Nese mot) G7BB mm Try W 250% 5% be. 22 cae = T(R00000) % ok = 8 Ce Giga Vinee 7 50-18 MPa PB, Pac, _83x10% 4 83x10 Tonto M1110") A dy Fito rio * 18.8% 10° = H.14e)o% + B37 x lof = 42.56 MPa < SO.18 MPa Dse W250%58 = (anal. 1 10.113 A ste column of 2-f effective length must cary a fond of 82 kips with an PROBLEM 10.113 satis fbi as shown, Use th neacton nbd sl he Wide ge ‘Shape of 12in. nominal depth that should be used. Use £=29 x 10* psi, oj = 36 ks fand oq 22 in ending. ryan SOLUTION steed: E+ 29000 wi C+ [REE . fAPGIES) © 126.10 be = 2H + 252 in Try W 12x35 ty? Sdn < + 163.04 > C We + TP Qtece: nat Gutentne * TAZ GRT™ 7 Gace 7 SST ksi 1 , Pec = 82, @ AGiajcntere Uy Gt ting 0. 3)6.57) C285 (22) = 142% + 0.172% LGol (net allewel) Appronimebe vequires A 7 (1,596 (10.3) = 16.4 int Tey Wize 50 Ge MG im Hs BST > Ce ecm eee ee ae Guu, contne * Tag (ierye* Grae niae.s7y* = 7-02 Ker iP pe: = 82! ¢ 92002114. 12.19) BK Soajentire "Ty But tnding — O4TM AOL) © GAN YC2RY = 0.61B + O.1Z1 = 0.739 (ebfovel ) Ty witsdo Ge natin Be HE = 130.57 > Ee _ T@4e00) ‘ =? Gad) | Gants 7% ber 921214 4) Gio WaRD 0.795 + 0.15) = 0.946 Caffowed) = Use W12x4o = O14 _A.43-kip axial loud P is applied to the rolled-stecl column BC at point on PROBLEM 10.114 ‘hex axis ata distance ¢= 2.5 in. fom the geometric axis ofthe column. Using the ‘lowable-sress method, elect the wide-flange shape of in. norinal depth that ‘Should be used. Use B= 29 « 10" psi. and oy ~ 36 ks. SOLUTION Steel: Es 24000 ksi Gy = 8 & z BnTAAOSO aft - [FE LeBf= 46m ler RL Zin 126.10 Ty Ww 8x3It Ronin, HEF W5.05 < Co ble 2 0.784 Fat +4 (0.784)- #0754)" = 1.896 S, 1). 36-f}- 7 Ga = Siedler) Hell so-re 13.59 ksi By Pec . 4a, anzsthr95) 2 4.7 + 1.58 = 16.20 bei A ty FAB Era > 13.54 ksi 7 not atfoued ) Approrimte required acca (1:22 \(4.13) = 10.8 int Tey WERSS — Yy> 2.03 qss< C tM. 0.750 9 Co FS. = 1.895 Gan = 13-65 leas =: - hg MEMES BHD 514, 29 as > 13.68 bot Coat loved) Ly : : Ty w8rdo noo BHR bef > O76 FS. = 1895 Sure 13.70 boi fy Bec = aa + aasiies.or) 2 12S) Wei < 137k Lowel | race Ne % Use W2x4O = [=x 10.115 A sicel tube of 80-mun outer diameter is to carry a 93-KN Jond P with an PROBLEM 10.115 ‘ecentricity of 20 mm. The tubes available foc use are made with wall thicknesses in Increments of 3 mam ffom 6 mm to 15 mem. Using the allowable-stress method, ‘determine the lightest tube that can be used. Assume E=200 GPa oy 250 MPa, = 20mm SOLUTION RAST dm, vt WE outer ArT T3Q@-n or It ameter ton A L e 22m let 22m 34 Pe 43xJ0°N a0 28 2s Stef: E+ 200000 MPa C2 fAEE - a "Ggee09) _ \asce be 22 Try Bt Ime ME eares = 86.92 < 0.6917 $+ Floean)-yloemn! = 1.885 Se [i- GE] > 282. [1-400] = 100.9 mPa Bo, Pec, aseio% , (5Hl0I(a0n1stXortO™) © gy 2 mPa > 100.9 MPa KOT UT heotsto® 1.285 vier Chot abdowedd) Approximate vequived ares (ES Nace et0 2073% 10% mw’ = 2073 mm” Fr te itwe Beth = aoe G eee 0.7172 FS. = L890 Sa = 98.3 MPa By Pee. Bros Garior oust Woe) 5 35.9 Hi < 48.3 MR Use EF 12mm _ TO.115_ A ste ube of -nm oer ameter iso cry a 934 load P with an PROBLEM 10.116 cent of 2 may The tubes aval free re nade with wal theknescs a frermeis of} mm fon 6 nano 13mm. Using the allowadletress mend, vermin the ightest be that canbe used. Asie B= 200 GPa, 250 MP. 10,116 Solve Prob. 10.115, using the interaction method with P= 165 KN, e= 15 mmm, and an allowable stress in bending of 150 MPa. SOLUTION Le + 2.8m Ps icsatot N Cut tenty = 150 MPa Steef: = 200000 MPa > {4 - = 125.66 L Ty r = = 0.6917 Bs. = £+§(0.617)-¢ loca) = 188s Cayenne = SE LI-RGLY] = BEL £Co-en7'] = 100.9 Mee +—Pes i 16Sxto* U6S x10 (1s 410" \Uorio*) RGaete TSana, — (207910°*)(100.9810%) (1.285910 150% 108) = 0.815 + 0.814 + 1-329 71 Cnet «Moved ) Appreximede required aven A = G.329)(2007) = 2667 mn For tzitmm = B= gph = gon < Co ff = o.7i72 RS = 1.890 Sujemtece = 98.3 MPa Pec lesm1o8 4 6S x10 Miseto” (40 #10) Teach * EG key ES RIT EY FEEFIO “USB IO UD IO ‘ 0.655 + 0.432 = 1.087 > 1 Cnt abflouet ) Thy 2215 nm ee BR = 9326 < Ce (le P/Ce = 0.7422 2.5 FS 21804 Ga, ore = 95.64 MPa Pec lesxto® 7 (16Snto® His xlo"*(Hoxto"*) Kigate TExwtn Coeuoryascitey C104 x10 KISO* 10") = 0.563 + 0.387 = 0.950 <1 ( T+ A ss.2-15280 oc = 0.883 «10% + @88104.4)* = 0.686 ¥/0% mmé ab T= QXo.686«107)= 1.372 « Jo% mm" = 1.872 n/a. m* Pe, WEL | WiGaventorK 3721) «og oi? w Fs Foe (283.5 )* E +740 kN _ PROBLEM 10.118 10.118 Member 4B consists of a single C130 * 10.4 steel channel of length 2.5 m. ‘Knowing thatthe pin at 4 and B pass through the centroid ofthe cross section of the ‘channel, determine the factor of safety for the load shown with respect to buckling in ‘the plane ofthe figure when @ = 307. Use Euler's formula with £ = 200 GPa. ‘SOLUTION fsosedes, Since AB = 25m, triangle ABC « R20 | = Fy ees IS* 4 Rg cos B07 2 0 6.3ky Fret © Fig Sin S0°~ Fac Bin IS" 6.80 Fug (sin 30" S/S ESE") = 0.26795 Fag = 6-8 Fig = 25.378 kN C 130%10.4 sn F022 10% mm" = O.227*10° vm* p> EiBdee . EGoontoYo.224si0") - 72 sey xJo" N= 72.924 kw eae sata « Rs, + ee 9a378 2.85 10.119 Suppors 4 and B ofthe pin-ended column shown areata fixed distance PROBLEM 10.119 fiom each other. Keowing hl ata tmperature 7 the force inthe column is 270 and that buckling ours wen the temperature is = 7, + AT, express AT in tems ‘of, Land the coefficient of thermal expansion a SOLUTION Let P be the compressive Fovee im the codomn. rauar) - FE = 0 P= EAa Cr) p= TEE = p= EAGT ar: TEL. feb 2 | 7th ae “ TRERL SE b~ a Ge [ama i (oa) 1 Te ane oa c q (=) a 10.120 Knowing that a factor of safety of 2.6 is required, determine the largest load PROBLEM 10.120 P that can be applied tothe structure shown. Use =200 GPa and consider only ‘buckling in the plane of the structure. SOLUTION Be: let ft Os* = Lue. m Te Rdg’ + E(go)*= 1.854 210% me? = BSH RIO mm" AB. Lag 140.54 OS" * 0.70711 m Te Rats Elis) = 2.485010 mm = 2485 x17 m* | TEED | TG@oortotX2.¥8sx10) eae Pee? TF Totem y* = 4, 810GxN = 9.8106 kW ~ Reo . 43106 . Fane? pace 3.773 kN : os Le P = ZE.°O Stem Fe ~ Tigo Fie Fee Fae + 0.79087 Fro + 2h t Pro 0.70711 Fags (0.947210, 7907Fg ) - P =o P= 106066 Fan a Fae 2 P = (noeose ) aera = 1341e Foe AMowahbe Valse for P. P< 106066 Frau > (L06066 (8.7731 = 4.00 kN P< 1.341e Fea = (1.3416 4770 2= 6.40 KN Puy? 4.00 KN -_ M21 The lo JC ato he rgd A and the Ged apo ot ‘Knowing that G = 11.2 * 10° pl, determine the diameter of rod BC for which the isa Toad Pe of he ssn 80s PROBLEM 10.121 SOLUTION hook at torsion spring Be gd oT Seeks G= WR x10 psi i. gs Res Ba L = 20 in Ke Sasa dad" sires dt q DEMyr Oo T- Plsing = O Kg ~ P£sing = o 8 W 9 P= Hes RF g P K = saq7a at = PQ = (8001S) = 1200 a + PghtBe = 0.884 in, - distance e = 8am from the geometric axis ofthe W 200 x 46.1 rolled-steel column | BC, Using.#'~ 200 GPa, determine (a) the horizontal deflection of end C, (6) the | | | [mooning ona tien terme \ ‘maximum stress in the oolumnn. SOLUTION Le = ZL AUZSY= 46 wm = Bxlot wm W 200% 46.1 AF 5860 mm" + 5360415 pm Ly 21S:3x lot mm! = 16.3 410% m* p,: wes. Ti (00 «10° IS. 3% 10") te a = 1.42727 x18 _ Siero? £,- Sais « osrase ya e [sec 3 JE = 1] = Geno [seeEJo-aazae = 17 = (@xiv"* )[see (0.48843) - 1] = (8mio*)[ taose - 17 q = 6.447 «10% m = 64S mer -~ Meee =P Cyat e+ (G60%l0*)( 8 mest 6.447810") = 8,090 x10" Nom Sy 7 151 x1 mem™ = ASHI om? i In g s B,090%10% | . M . Sboxlo" a ra xlo® Fie | Smee 7 ot 5 Seesto* isimioe 7 GE lo® Pa = 149.1MPa 10.123 A column withthe cross seation shown has a 13.5-t effective length. PROBLEM 10.123 Knowing thet o;~ 36 ksi. and E = 29 « 10° psi, use the AISC allowable stress design formulas to determine the largest ceatric load that can be applied tothe cum —!im SOLUTION A= 2A, +A, = RAVE 4 Wo) = 8.5 in® | Tye AT, 4 T, = QMAYEIEY + GEOG) = 18.013 int din, cok + Gee (BEB = 14557 in eee fe let IBS FH + 162 in He aa < SteePi E> 29000 ksi, 6 = 3C ksi C.=fABE + PEED = 126.10 ifr = 0.8826 Fs. $+ $G.es2c)-d (osaze)’ = 1.912 Gu = Sef - 4] > BL ale ssxcy'] = a9 des Par SauA = (4908S )= 927 kips = PROBLEM 10.125 10.125 Bar AB is free at its end A and fixed tits base centric load P ifthe aluminum alloy is (a) 6061 ‘SOLUTION Tan = (22X10) = 2,50 110" mm fo) 6061-TS Lin < 66 = 87.4 MPA A = @orllod = 300 mm = 300 * IOS -T6, (6) 2014-76. Voie? ae : ze = 2.887 mm Le = 2L = Ais) [70 mar de: 58.98 Gu = 189 - 0.868 (L/r) = 139 -©.868X58.48) Par = GxA = (82.9%10°N300%10%) = 26.4% 10 V (b) 2014-76 Léa >ss 7gwjo* _ 372%10% _ Sy * este > ear = 107.3 MPa Par = Sap A = (107. 32108 (300% 16%) = 32.2%10° N = 20.4 kN > 32.2 kW .B. Determine the allowable _ = 0 10.126 A sawn lumber column of 5.0 « 7.5-in, cross section has an effective length ea ‘of 8.5 ft. The grade of wood used has an adjusted allowable stress for c ‘compression ‘paralle to the grain a, 1180 psi and a modulus of elasticity E = 1.2 10 psi. eine tn allovable-svessmnehod, determine the largest xzetric lod P that can be applied wien (a) ¢e=055 in, (@)e™ LO in. SOLUTION Sawn domben? 6.> 1180 pw EE 1.2%10* psi c= 0.8 Kg = 0.300 lez &SH = [OZ in b=7Sin, de S.Oin, ce Be 87S in Rebd= (sMsor= 325i Tyr k(S0N75)S= 175.78 int _ Ke& , Kad, (0.200¥1.210¢)(5.01* _ : Sea = oe ‘ae Cea ES = B65 psi 6ee/ 6 7 865/80 = 0,738! Cer 1+ feelSe (BEG) SE = 0.573 6n = Ge Cp = (1180KX0.5763) = 680 psi Bu, Puee . Rey HS = Gu Sut Put ws @ €= O.Sin Pa = Reyer = 18210 th = 18.RE hips =< ane 18.96 (by er LO iw 680 Pe ayes = (To Ah = IT kips —_ as ioe c 10:27 Twos x3 x § -in.stel angles are welded tether to form te column 4B. An axial load P of magnitude 14 kips is applied at point D. Using the allowablo- sso metiog decree wae leg, Assume E29 1 pa and = 36 PROBLEM 10.127 SOLUTION = One angte L Wx 3x¥ Az 248 in a Ty 3.4 SpFL dCi Wyeth RCin yr LB iv, ptt Ty- 142 in’, WyrO.87in, K=O.782 in Two angdes AF QNGN8Y = HIG in® Ty = (AX8-96) = 2.9% int Sy @KLMED © 292i MeL 2, yt 2B in, Ty 2[Lpse Axe] =(afiaz severe] © 6.878 in® = Ton Yon = LITT in ery hs 8-8 = Losin 14, GNLOTS X20) _ : Po 14 kips 6a f+ beys ane t a = 5.204 kas E+ 2900 wi G+ f2EE - fem ~ ze L 2 BE Ly, me, Aesome > Ce Sut * Teeny Ga. 1.44 Gur bh .f/me . | masooo) - 167.8: > & Ven 192 Cae (925,299) Li 167.8 Vac, = (162802177) © 197.8 in, = 16,46 FF ~= | Uy t i i) PROBLEM 10.128 Assome L/fan > 5S. Sane Py AGae 409 a SeDving for x, L/M, + (MRM 80)/ 1.874 = 65.8 > 66 10.128 A compression member of rectangular cross section has an effective length ‘made of the aluminum alloy 2014-T6 for which the allowable stress 4 ksi. Using the interaction method, determine the smallest dimension Le? 36 iw Assome Y= ie d<’as Ltn = VR Le/d E4000 _ Stove A”, Syose ys fi Gres > ARIE > aes 7 3.47202 a pects 32. 4 Gare2yo4id) 2, TGe, @esarsdraad) (225a*) (24) ~ LH A2A2 bet xe a ’ x= 0.5288, a 4.096 x° + LAR2AAR* = I E> URIY in «RAEN d= 1894 ine PROBLEM 10.C1 10.C1_A solid steel rod having an effective length of 500 mm is to be used as a compression strut to carry a centric load P. For the grade of steel used E = 200 GPa and oy = 245 MPa. Knowing that a factor of safety of 2.8 is required and using Euler's formula, write a computer program and use it to calculate the allowable centric load Pay for values ofthe radius ofthe rod from. 6 mm to 24 mm, using 2-mm increments. SOLUTION ENTER RADIUS RAL) EFFECTIVE LENGTH Le AND FACTOR OF SAFETY FS COMPUTE RAvIUS OF GYRATION As 1 RA” i + zak Rao pede = avo DETERMINE ALLOWABLE CENTRIC LORD me eee LET @ EQVAL SMALLER OF Gee ANDO, m cA Fon = Ee PROGRAM OVTPUT Radius Critical Allowable of rod stress load EY Mpa kat 006 ma 2.97 +008 126:3 9107 1010 397.4 22115 -012, 284.2 39.58 fora 386.8 53188 1016 505.3 70.37 1018 639.6 39.06 020 789.5 109.96 1022 955.4 133105 1024 113710 158.34 Below the dashed line we have: critical stress > yield strength aa. Ieeeeo) eee Gaal 7 PROBLEM 10.C2 BUeHLine il gz PLANE Le? OTL ucKLiNe IN XZ PLANE 10.62 _An aluminum bar is fixed at end A and supported at end B so that itis free to rotate about a horizontal axis through the pin. Rotation about a ver- tical axis at end B is prevented by the brackets. Knowing that E = 10.1 10° psi use Euler's formula with a factor of safety of 2.5 to determine the allowable centric load P for values of b from 0.75 in, to 1.5 in., using 0.125- in, increments, SOLUTION ENTER E, LENGTH L AND FACTOR OF SAFETY FS) FOR b= @7F TO WS With ales INcREMEpTS COMPVTE RADIOS OF GYRATION COMPUTE CRITICAL STRESSES ae Ge, Pine (.), = EE * (asly)* 3 ry) LET @,, FOUAL SMALLER STRESS COMPUTE ALLOWABLE CENTRIC LOAD Ter A fan = FS PROGRAM OUTPUT » Critical Critical Allowable stress stress load x axis y axis in. ksi kei kips +750 7.358 3.6 1.62 1875, 7.358 as 2.58 1.000 7.358 64 3185, alas 7.358 Bn 497 41250 7.358 10:0 $152 11375, 7.358 32.1 6.07 1.500 71358 144 6.62 PROBLEM 10.C3 tw Ty 2 views TM sow 10.03. The pin-ended members AB and BC consist of sections of alu- ‘minum pipe of 120-mm outer diameter and 10-mum wall thickness. Knowing that a factor of safety of 3.5 is required, determine the mass m of the largest block that can be supported by the cable arrangement shown for values of f+ from 4 m to 8 m, using 0.25-n increments. Use E = 70 GPa and consider only ‘buckling in the plane of the structure, SOLUTION Compute MOMENT OF INERTIA + = (000"- 0.05") 4 FoR h = 4 TO 8 USING 0.25 INCREMEMTS see tte ner Fas ree = Gem! (Fee) er 3.5 (G)* DETERMINE / LLOWABLE w (Way dy = 2 Fase 5 Man de ee i Way EQUALS SMALLER VALUE COMPUTE _MAss om m= PROGRAM OUTPUT h Height weight mass eritical critical atress stress AB BC a et cy kg 495.11 259.7 7854.88 455.11 236.6 8345.80 455.11 303.4 8536.74 455.11 320.3 9327-66 455.13, 337.2 9818.59 455.11 354.0 10309.52 438.11 370.8 10800.45 455.11 387.7 1128138 455.11 404.5 31762131 455.11 421.4 1273.24 455.11 438.3 12764.37 455.11 455.1 13255.10 455.11 472.0 13255.10 455-11 488.8 13255.10 455.11 505.7 13258110 495.11 522.5 13285110 455011 539.4 13255.20 eeteei ee) | PROBLEM 10.C4 40.04 An axial lad P is aplied ata point located on the x axis at distance ¢ = 0: in, fom the geometric axis ofthe WS X 40 rolled-steel col umn AB. Using E = 29 X 10° pi write a computer program and use it to cal culate fr vals ofP from 25 1 75 kip, using 5-kip increment, (a) the hor. ‘izontal deflection at the midpoint C, (b) the maximum stress in the column. SOLUTION ENTER LENGTH Ly ECCENTRICITY © Eure pRoereTIES A Ty, Fy, bp COMPUTE CRITICAL LOAD 7 — WEL er Le For P= 25 TO 75 IN INCREMGNTS OFS COMPITE HORIBONTAL DEFLECTION ATC Jet e (see (E/E )- 10) MAXIMUM STRESS. P a /P ag Elie cbs sect |=) A ane ZN Ry PROGRAM OUTPUT Load maximum maximum deflection “stress kip ine Kips. 25.0 089 3.29 30:0 to72 3199 35.0 S086 “69 40:0 [100 sia 45.0 fas 6.14 50.0 ‘330 6.88 55.0 sae 7265 50-0 163 8.43 65.0 fet 9:22 70.0 fis9 10:08 75.0 tai 10188 PROBLEM 10.C5 10.05 A column of effective length L is made from a rolled-steel shape and caries a centric axial load P. The yield strength forthe grade of steel used is denoted by ory the modulus of elasticity by E. the cross-sectional area ofthe ‘elected shape by A, and its smallest radius of gyration by r. Using the AISC ‘design formulas for allowable stress design. write a computer program that can bbe used with either SI or U.S. customary units to determine the allowable toad P. Use this program to solve (a) Prob. 10.57, (6) Prob. 10.58, c) Prob. 10.60, SOLUTION enter L,E, oy ENTER PROPERTIES A, "% DETERMIN ALLOWABLE STRESS o£, af yy). 1 (ee es= $+3(2%)- 9 (Ce) ar teAey)* satis ze eh | CACULATE ALLOWABLE LOAD: Feta CONTINUED (eee) (Goon Hee eee ee eee ieee CO ane jy a oO Fa mee a c PROBLEM 10.C5 CONTINUED PROGRAM OUTPUT Problem 10.57 (a) Bffective Length AS ry Yield strength z Allowable centroid Problem 10.57 (b) Effective Length a ty Yield strength E 6.50 m 6250.0 m2 49.2 mm 250.0 MPa 200 Gea lead: P= 369.139 kN 6.50 m 10200.0 mur*2 65.0 mm 250.0 Mea 200 cea Allowable centroid Problem 10.58 (a) Effective Length a ry Yield strength E load: P= 916.148 kw 21.00 £t 9.130 inte2 21020 in. 36.0 kei 29000 ksi Allowable centroid Problem 10.58 (b) Effective Length ~ AS ry Yield strength © Bo Allowable centroid Problem 10.60 (a) Effective Length a ry Yield strength B Allowable centroid Problem 10.60 (b) Effective Length = Ao ry Yield strength E Allowable centroid load: P= 87.566 kips 21.00 ft. 9.130 int#2 21020 in. 50.0 ket 29000 ksi load: P= 87.452 Kips 4.00 m 13800.0 mn**2 43.4 am 345.0 MPa 200 apa load: P = 1567.879 kN 6.50 m 13800.0 mm**2 43.4 om 345.0 Mpa 200° Gea load: P= 632.667 KN PROBLEM 10.06 10.C8 A column of effective length L is made from a rolled-seel shape and js loaded eecentrcally as shown, The yield strength of the grade of steel ‘sed is denoted by or, the allowable stress in bending by 7 the modulus of Ty DETERMINE ALLOWABLE STRESS 207 £ cs PE IF ly 2 = me San * (eee IF Ly < i be Ea 3 "y Lt rsx S43 (S4)- 5 (HA) Gy py, (yy ane Gul zee) FOR ALLOWASLE-STRESS METHOD coer a> Goer FOR INTERACTION METHOD 1 (ey/sy)+ (ey /sy) corre + A Gout (01 ering eo. Pa “ CoEF coxrinveD Cc ference PROBLEM 10.C6 CONTINUED PROGRAM QUTPUT Problem 10.111 Effective Length = 5.80 m A= 7560.0 mmt*2 zy 51.300 mm ‘Sx = 582000.0 mn**3 Yield strength = 250.0 MPa © = 200 Gea Using Interaction Method Allowable load: P = 322-022 kN Problem 10.112 Effective Length = 7.20 m A= 7420.0 mmta2 ry = 50.300 mm Sy = 185000.0 mm**3 Yield strength = 250.0 Mea = = 200 GPa Using Allowable-Stress Method Allowable load: P = 97.781 kN Problem 10.113, Effective Length = 21.00 £t R= 11.800 ineaz ry = 1,930 in. Sx = 51.90 iné+a Yield strength = 36:0 kai B= 29x 1093 ket Using Interaction Method Allowable load: P = 86.722 kips

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