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EDI:- Electronic Data Interchange

ALE:- Application Link Enable

ALE communication between 2 SAP systems, also possible for sap to non sap system but
EDI is better tuned for external systems.

EDI Standard technology across the world. For businesses outside company use EDI for


IDOC: (T. Code: WE02)

IDOC is one of the standard format containing data and it is understood by SAP.
It’s divided in to three parts.
 Control Record
 Data Record
 Status Record

Control record- (Table: EDIDC)

It reflects the IDOC number, Direction (whether Inbound or Outbound), Status (last
status), Message Type, sender and recipient port and other technical details like the SAP
Release, Time of creation, last update date, etc. In the Partner tab, you find the partner
number of both Recipient and sender. Depending upon the IDOC type (whether inbound
or outbound) one-partner number will be our system number.

SAP System Number

Data record – (Table: EDID4)

generally has a hierarchy of data , as to which segment comes under which segment, the
definition of this is called syntax…. If not done properly can give you syntax errors.
The are qualifiers in each segments. These qualifiers differentiate same type of segments.
For e.g. partner function (main record)….. Qualifier AG represents Sold to Qualifier LF
represents vendor.

Status record – (Table: EDIDS)

It shows the status of the EDI. It has to be always read upward down. There are standard
status record numbers like
53 – Doc Posted
51 - Failed


IDOC Type has the header data. It contains structure table. You cannot add a field from a
structure table alone. You have to add the entire structure table to IDOC Type.
Message Type decides what to do with the data in the IDOC Type.
For e.g.


It is the first step incase of outbound. Output type decides what to do with application
document once created i.e. whether to print/fax or EDI.
Here we also decide whether the output type is to be processed immediately or latter.
Incase of latter, the output type gets accumulated and latter it is processed by calling a
separate function module.

PROCESS CODE (WE41 for Outbound & WE42 for Inbound)

Process code is link with a Function module. It is also not mandatory to have a Process
code. In such case you can have a stand-alone program, which triggers the EDI. Here you
also maintain whether these Process code is to be processed with ALE or without ALE.
RFC Destination (SM59):

RFC Destination picks the file from the folder or location where the file is placed through
a Port and process further.

RFC is Remote Function Call. It’s a “C” prog which is executed by non SAP.
RFC Destination

The Ports are of two types.

 Transactional RFC: This Ports are used for ALE. This show the RFC Destination
and the version
 File: This port is used for EDI. Here you mention the version, the function
module. You also define the Logical directory. Logical Directory is nothing but a
predefined master where you have already set the path whether the IDOC has to
be stored. You can also maintain the file name in the tab “Outbound File”. System
will create IDOC with the name entered in this tab
In the Outbound Trigger tab, you maintain the RFC Destination. If you tick “Autom.
Start possible”, then system will start executing the RFC Destination immediately

This is one of the most important setting in EDI. Here for each customer and vendor to
whom the IDOC is to be send or received, you maintain outbound and inbound
Outbound Parameter:
In outbound parameter, you define a message type with the partner function. In
each message type, you define the Receivers Port, Basic type. You also define a
Process code for a Output type.
You also maintain whether the IDOC has to be transferred immediately or collect
the IDOC’s and send it latter. You also maintain whether the Subsystem (RFC
Destination) has to start immediately or latter in the batch mode.
Output Type
In the Post processing: permitted agent, you with a workflow maintain the User ID to
whom it should be notified incase of IDOC failure.

Inbound Parameter:
In the Inbound parameter you only define the Process Code and also whether the
function module has to process immediately or by a background program.

Application Output Proces
Output Partner Profile Module
Document Determination Type RSNAST00 s

IDOC File to
File Destination


When a application document is created (Purchase Order/Purchase Req.), from the output
type determined in the application document decides whether a IDOC has to be created.
The output type in the application document also decides whether the IDOC process has
to be done immediately or latter. If it is latter, then program “RSNAST00” has to be
executed to further process the IDOC.
It then goes to partner profile(WE20) and checks the outbound setting for the particular
vendor/customer. It the gets the process code assigned to the particular output type.
From the process code it gets the Function module and executes and creates a IDOC.
It also gets the Port from the partner profile and saves the IDOC in the file/path
maintained in the port. Latter from the RFC Destination maintained in the Partner profile
it executes and sends the IDOC’s to the EDI subsystems.

File From IDOC Process

EDI File IDO Partner
Profile code

Function Application
Module Document

When a IDOC is sent by the vendor/customer, it first goes to the EDI subsystem. EDI
subsystem saves the IDOC file in the predefined location/folder. It then creates a IDOC
and from the partner profile maintained for the specific Vendor/Customer it picks the
process code. From the Process code it gets the Function Module which further process
the Application Document.

Miscellaneous important transactions and information

Control record- table EDIDC

Data record- table EDID4- generally has a hierarchy of data , as to which segment
comes under which segment, the definition of this is called syntax…. If not done
properly can give you syntax errors.
Qualifiers in data segments- decides the meaning of the data for
repetitive segments… eg partner function (main record)….. qualifier AG
Sold to Qualifier LF- vendor.

Status record- table EDIDS

Go to document flow and click on where used to get the document created in SAP.
…. Vice versa
IDOC type- header level data given by SAP.
Message type- what do you do with the data i.e. Processing pattern for the data


Process code- WE41/WE42 can be used for checking the function module used.
Whenever IDOCS are having extensions, user exits can be used for recognizing
segments. Segments should match correctly in function module.

X12 is the file txt file type in subsystems for EDI standards.

RFC destination

RFC- SM59 go to TCP/IP connections.

Connection type is T i.e. TCPIP

Port- WE21- Filepath…. For EDI use File port and for ALE use transactional RFC

Partner Profile WE20

AL11 – download IDOC file

WE16 – For uploading IDOC file to SAP server…. Specify file path.
WE19 execute the idoc and click on inbound idoc file , then give the file path and file
name as desired e.g. \usr\sap\ID1\SYS\global\jacktxt

BD87- idoc is in error and needs reprocessing.

WE40- if idoc is not created


EDI setup

WE20- partner profile…. Create by copying


Maintain logical system

Assign logical system to client
Maintain RFC destination- keep RFC destination name same as Logical system
name… This will create the TRFC PORT automatically.

Create distribution model- BD63

BD60 – message type , function moduke and eetails of object sent.
BD53- reduced IDOC type.

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