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Aprobación oficial Decreto 002 de 2003. Alcaldía Municipal de Soacha Versión 2.0

“Formamos seres humanos por vocación con la razón para una sociedad del Fecha de elaboración:
conocimiento” Agosto de 2020

DOCENTE: Natalie Betancourt Areiza TIEMPO 30 minutos


1. OBJETIVO: Comprender textos en pasado simple con verbos 2. COMPETENCIA: Cognitiva Habilidad: Comprender
1. 3. EVIDENCIA DE APRENDIZAJE PLANEADA (DBA) “Exchanges information about academic and general interest topics, through
simple conversations, dialogues, and role-plays”.

4. Contenidos : Pasado Simple

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1. Read the letter and answer questions bellow:

Dear Sara:
Last week, I was in France with my friend Pierre. It was great. Pierre and I were very lucky.
His uncle lives in Paris, and he invited us for the weekend. He was very generous! We
stayed in his apartment. Pierre was a great tourist guide! On Saturday, we visited the Eiffel
tower and on Sunday we visited the Louvre museum. Pierre and his family live in Avignon.
It is ok, I liked it! But I prefer Paris, It is more romantic, but more expensive! But Paris is
better than Avignon. In my opinion, Paris is the best and most exciting city in the world!

Emily ,

1. Where was Emily?

a. London
b. Paris
c. Berlin

2. Who was Emily with?

a. With her mother
b. With her friend
c. With her sister
3. Where were they stay?
a. In a Hotel
b. In the friend´s house
c. In the uncle´s apartment

4. On Saturday they…..
a. Went to the museum
b. Went to the Eiffel tower
c. Ate typical food

5. According to Emily….
a. Paris is more expensive
b. Avignon is more expensive
c. Paris is Ugly

5. ESTRATEGIA METODOLOGICA Los estudiantes deben solucionar la guía y enviarla a la docente, vía classroom, en la asesoría
virtual, se solucionarán preguntas, se hará retro alimentación y además se tendrá en cuenta la participación. Los estudiantes
pueden usar cualquier herramienta física y/o tecnológica que tengan disponible.
6. EVALUACION: Guía resuelta, participación en asesoría virtual.

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