Resumen Consentimiento Informado PDF

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Lo novedoso surgido en bioética médica tiene que ver con la inclusión del
concepto consentimiento informado, expresado bajo la autonomía del paciente y
que esta regulado en todos los países del mundo y no ajeno a la legislación
colombiana, con la adopción rigurosa de los protocolos médicos que se plantea a
al luz de los decretos derivados de la emergencia social. Igualmente se plantea el
aporte jurídico a la actividad médica, como es la aparición consecuente y
necesaria de algunos Derechos Fundamentales que deben respetarse en los
pacientes: el derecho a la salud y la vida, el derecho a la autodeterminación, el
derecho a la libertad religiosa y de conciencia; el derecho al cambio de
tratamiento; el derecho a la intimidad personal y el derecho a morir con dignidad,
entre otros.


Actividad medica, Consentimiento Informado, Derechos, Salud, medicina,

Protocolos, Autodeterminación, Paciente,


The latest in medical bioethics is concerned with the inclusion of the concept of
informed consent, expressed under the patient's autonomy, regulated in all over
the world and no stranger to Colombian law, adopting strict medical protocols
arisen in the light of the decrees from the social emergency. As well, the legal
support for the medical activity, as it is the consequent and necessary occurrence
of certain fundamental rights to be observed in patients: the right to health and
life, the right to self determination, the right to religious freedom and conscience,
the right to change of treatment, the right to personal privacy and the right to die
with dignity, among others.

The latest in medical bioethics is concerned with the inclusion of the concept of
informed consent, expressed under the patient's autonomy, regulated in all over
the world and no stranger to Colombian law, adopting strict medical protocols
arisen in the light of the decrees from the social emergency. As well, the legal
support for the medical activity, as it is the consequent and necessary occurrence
of certain fundamental rights to be observed in patients: the right to health and
life, the right to self determination, the right to religious freedom and conscience,
the right to change of treatment, the right to personal privacy and the right to die
with dignity, among others.
The latest in medical bioethics is concerned with the inclusion of the concept of
informed consent, expressed under the patient's autonomy, regulated in all over the
world and no stranger to Colombian law, adopting strict medical protocols arisen
in the light of the decrees from the social emergency. As well, the legal support for
the medical activity, as it is the consequent and necessary occurrence of certain
fundamental rights to be observed in patients: the right to health and life, the right
to self determination, the right to religious freedom and conscience, the right to
change of treatment, the right to personal privacy and the right to die with dignity,
among others.

The latest in medical bioethics is concerned with the inclusion of the concept of
informed consent, expressed under the patient's autonomy, regulated in all over the
world and no stranger to Colombian law, adopting strict medical protocols arisen
in the light of the decrees from the social emergency. As well, the legal support for
the medical activity, as it is the consequent and necessary occurrence of certain
fundamental rights to be observed in patients: the right to health and life, the right
to self determination, the right to religious freedom and conscience, the right to
change of treatment, the right to personal privacy and the right to die with dignity,
among others.

The latest in medical bioethics is concerned with the inclusion of the concept of
informed consent, expressed under the patient's autonomy, regulated in all over the
world and no stranger to Colombian law, adopting strict medical protocols arisen
in the light of the decrees from the social emergency. As well, the legal support for
the medical activity, as it is the consequent and necessary occurrence of certain
fundamental rights to be observed in patients: the right to health and life, the right
to self determination, the right to religious freedom and conscience, the right to
change of treatment, the right to personal privacy and the right to die with dignity,
among others.

The latest in medical bioethics is concerned with the inclusion of the concept of
informed consent, expressed under the patient's autonomy, regulated in all over the
world and no stranger to Colombian law, adopting strict medical protocols arisen
in the light of the decrees from the social emergency. As well, the legal support for
the medical activity, as it is the consequent and necessary occurrence of certain
fundamental rights to be observed in patients: the right to health and life, the right
to self determination, the right to religious freedom and conscience, the right to
change of treatment, the right to personal privacy and the right to die with dignity,
among others.

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