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Tender Years Preparatory School



Requirements for online classes: A good computer system with webcam and
good internet connection.

1. Find a comfortable and quiet place for your child to study which should not
be in the bedroom.

2. Make sure your child is prepared and on time for their classes. They should
be punctual and have their notebook and pen ready.

3. Ensure that there is no distraction from your son’s/daughter’s siblings or any

other members of the family during the lesson.

4. Post only relevant messages and comments with regards to the lesson.

5. Stay focused, and disciplined. Do not go to other websites or do other

activities while the lesson is going on.

6. Homework and class activities given will only be accessible for one week on
our Edmodo platform. Thereafter, homework or class activity will be removed.

7. Scholars are advised to read the instructions given carefully before answering
any question.

8. Your child will have to login every morning to his/her Edmodo classroom for
access to the link on zoom before they can participate in the live classroom.

9. Your child will be sent to the waiting room if they persistently disrupt the
lesson. A phone call to parents will follow this.

10. All scholars are to dress appropriately during the online zoom classes.

NB: Please contact any of our IT team members on the numbers indicated
below for any issues relating to the zoom or Edmodo platforms. They are
reachable on 07030835572 or 07010435810.

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