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Life is mysterious at the same time powerful.

Before technology was born and became

rampant in our society, communication such as connection is very difficult to built because of
expensive transportation and lack of things that doesn't discovered yet while conversation on the
other hand is easier and gives people the opportunity to express their self and their emotion face
to face. So what are you willing to sacrifice in order to fulfill your wants? Is it the connection or
the conversation?
As what Sherry Turkie stated in her speech, technology boost in our society which
became a big barrier of interaction to each person. Not only in communication through
conversation but also to things which makes us independent and strong, as we supposedly
depend and being comforted by someone who's real, instead it is the reciprocal, because of grave
and being loss we turn our selves to like and be dependent to technology who doesn't feel
anything even conscience at all. People become dependent here in a way that people who's
already influenced by the technology can't survive a day without checking every technology they
have, that even when someone is talking and explaining, people with their nature that technology
turn them to be, has a habbit of using technology without the control to when and where to use it.
First proof that technology is a barrier to communication is that "alone together", wherein
while we are with one another, at the same time elsewhere, being connected to wherever we want
to be anywhere, anytime. I can say that her first remarks leave a powerful phrase. Because just
like me, I can also relate to that, as a fact whenever me and my friends are together, we do things
that makes us alone. Like facing our gadgets without bothering if any of us wants to have a
quality time together, as long as we're together even thou we don't talk and do conversation, we
knew to our selves that we are comfortable and respects one another.
Next is the Goldilocks effect, which means. Not too close. Not too far. Just right. Turkles
stated that people can't get enough of each other, but only at a distance. This words for me are
very tricky. It's true that only us can control where we will put the attention we have and
sometimes it's our choice if we want to isolate our selves and go to things which will be useful
and accommodating.
Lastly, the face-to-face conversation who unfolds slowly. This teaches us to be patience,
we also gain different habits while communicating and turn our life into simpler and easier. Just
like to us students, we use internet not only because it trends but also in the reason that this is a
big help, especially when doing academic related. And this explains why people defends on
machine rather than human beings.
It is the sad truth that we expect more from technology and less from humanity. I
therefore conclude that, the speaker was so amazing delivering her words of wisdom, that me,
myself was inspired to choose conversation rather than connection. The context is well organized
even thou, sometimes she looks at the projector, it doesn't give her a less standing ovation
performance. The message was so clear that I understand the whole context regarding to the
difference of connecting and conversation.
I learned that communication is very important. With the use of technology many people
can also comprehend the importance of this and yet, we as a user, go beyond our capacity and
stretch more ways of communicating with others that we forgot the basic steps in communicating
with each other, in the sense that we abuse using this to the extend of feeling distance with the
real person and being dependent on the new hope which is the technology.

Collene kate Nino- BS Physics 1A

Conversation teaches us very important not only to myself but also to my improvement
together with other people but as the year go on, I realized that it is nit enough to just learn, we
must also apply what we learned on the process, without forgetting something important,
something valuable and something extraordinary. Technology may bring easiness to our life but
don't forget that it can also brought distraction to all that matter to you the most.

Collene kate Nino- BS Physics 1A

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