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drawstring gift bag

Stop spending money on disposable paper gift bags and start making your
own. These pretty little gift bags are very inexpensive to make and take
minimal time. Your gift recipient will appreciate the extra effort.
Copyright 2013 Swoon Sewing Patterns
Materials Needed:
• 1 fat quarter and some scraps for drawstring cuff
• 1 yard of rope, twine or ribbon for drawstring
• Coordinating thread

1) PREPPING Stitching
Measure and cut:
• Bag Body (fat quarter) Cut two: 10” x 9” (or the size that you need)
• Drawstring Cuff (scraps) Cut two: 4” x 9” (if increasing size, match the width of the Bag Body, leaving 4” the same)
• Drawstring Cut two: 18”


Fold each short edge 1/2” under towards the wrong side and press. Edgestitch down each short edge
about 1/4” away from the folded edge. Now fold in half wrong sides together, matching the long raw
edges and press to make a crease. Unfold and fold each long raw edge under towards the wrong side
1/2” and press. Unfold and you should have the following creases. Repeat with other Cuff.

Center the long edge of a Cuff right side down on the wrong side of a Bag Body panel, centering it along
one of the short edges (the Bag Body panel will be 1/2” longer on each end). Sew along the first crease
that is 1/2” away from the raw edge to attach the Cuff to the Bag Body panel. Repeat with other Cuff and
other Bag Body panel.

cuff wrong
side up

bag body panel

wrong side up
Fold a Cuff over at their center crease, so that the folded long edge just barely covers the stitching on the
right side. Making sure the 1/2” fold is tucked under, and the seam allowance is in between the Cuff,
press well. On the right side, edge stitch about 1/8” along the folded edge and then press. Repeat with
other Cuff and other Bag Body panel.

cuff edge
under 1/2”

bag body panel

right side up


With WRONG sides together, stitch around the 3 raw edges of the Bag Body panels at 1/2” seam
allowance (Image 1). Trim the seam allowance down to 1/8”, turn wrong side out and press seams. Now,
with bag wrong sides out, sew along the seams you just made, at 1/4” seam allowance. Make sure to
sew up over the cuffs about 1/2”, leaving big enough holes for your drawstring to pull through. This will
create french seams, encasing the raw edges of your bag for a neat appearance. Turn right side out and

start sewing
right outside
of cuff


bag body panels

right sides out bag body panels
wrong sides out

Thread each of your drawstring pieces through the Cuffs. I tied a knot in one end of my rope, stuck it on
the pointy tip of my seam ripper, then pushed it through to the other end. Tie each end of drawstrings
together. Now sit back and admire your handmade gift bag!

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