Eco 104

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Ahmed Tazmeen
Department of Economics
North South University
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dear sir,
I am writing on behalf of my whole class. We are the students of the course ECO-104, section-
14, faculty member- Raisa Afsana (RsA). We wish to raise a concern about the whole marking
system that was followed to grade us in this course. Initially, we were given the following
marking policy:
Midterm-1: 25%
Midterm-2: 25%
Quiz (best 2 out of 3): 10%
Attendance: 5%
Class performance: 5%
We were preparing ourselves according to that till mid-march. However, due to this pandemic,
our online classes started right after. Before the lockdown started, we sat for midterm-1, and a
quiz only. During the lockdown, our respected faculty took few classes where she completed half
of the syllabus of the midterm-2. Then she could not continue taking classes due to her illness.
Therefore, we were not able to attend any further quizzes or midterm-2. After that, we were
given the final assignment based on how far we covered the syllabus of midterm-2, and we were
also introduced with the new marking policy:
Midterm-1: 42%
Quiz 1: 8 %
Assignment: 45%
Attendance: 5%
Total = 100 %

Please note that since we were initially told we will have 3 quizzes, best 2 out of which will be
considered for our grade, the percentage from quiz was not absolute. But since later on only 1
quiz was taken and considered, there was no chance for us to fix our score later. This also led to
an absolute scoring system here, i.e. if we lost 2 marks in the test it led to a deduction of 2%
from our entire grade. The percentage of midterm-1 increased from 25% to 42%, which covered
almost half of the marks, and the final from 30% to 45%. These two combined covered 87% of
the whole syllabus. The students who got poor marks in midterm-1 did not got the chance of
covering it up by attending the midterm-2. Also, the percentage of the class performance were
completely deducted.
In conclusion, you can see that we did not got any proper chances to boost up our marks.
Therefore, we did not get the grades which we were expecting. We would like to request you to
give a solution, such as lenient grading, bonus assignment, or any other possible way which you
think will be better for everyone in general, from which we can boost up our marks and get a
better grade.

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