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This chapter presents the discussion on the background of the study, statement of
the problems, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of
the study, assumption of the study, and definition of key terms.

A.1   Background of the Study

Lecturing method is a most preferred teaching method especially for a big class.
Many researcher has been spoken against this method but until today lecturing method
are still widely used until today (Marmah, 2014). Marmah also said that lectures could
not be for a long time in order to maintain students’ focus to the lesson. From that, we
know that it needs to be combined with more modern method especially in enriching
students’ vocabulary mastery in the context of reading. In indonesia, this type of
teaching strategy are common to be used stand-alone or the only method that used
without companion of other method. As stated by Sihombing, (2010) Teachers in
indonesia still using lecturing method where ussually the teacher are only being a
speaker in front of the class while the student listening and also taking a note. It is very
important to keep the class climate to be fun and interresting in order to make student
comfortable and keep them away from pressure circumtances. One of the way to do it
is by using flashcard because it can be a tool for motivate student to learn and helping
them in remembering new vocabularies (Sitompul, 2013) some other researchers
(Hung, 2015; Kusuma et al, 2017; Abbasian & Gholam-rea, 2016; Komachali &
Khodareza, 2012) also has proved that flashcard could infuence students’ activity such
as attracting their attention, increase their motivation, etc.

In a research conducted by Herlina, (2004) about flashcard, the result of the

treatment given to the participant is from only 52,5% percent of 40 participants who
got score >70 is increased to 80,0%. As the matter of fact, another research done by
Fasko, (2010) prove that flashcard was effective for increasing speed and also
accuracy in word recognition. In his research, three 2nd grader are being a subject.
experimental subject number 1 aquired an average of 1.43 words per day and his error
rate dropped from 5 errors per minute to 3 errors/minute. Similar improvement on
reading fluency were also aquired by the subject number 2 and 3 which were from an
average of 15.8 words per minute to 42 words per minute meanwhile the error rate
dropped from 9 to 4.25. In Reading context, flashcard give a great improvement.

Although it is proven to be an effective media, flashcard still have some

weaknesses in vocabulary learning. After an interview done by Wardani, (2015)
conducted, it can be concluded that there are some weaknesses of using paper
flashcard which are : (1) Flashcards spends too much money on paper and also
printing (2) if the teacher who are using flashcard is not creative, it could ward the
mood of the student off and they will be bored easily. (3) it consumes so many time in
making and also printing out the picture. Moreover, paper flashcard is not effective in
term of space. It is very space-consuming because it should be big enough for student
to see from their seat. As the matter of fact, the more words that are being presented to
the student, the thicker it will be and it is difficult to carry around. There also a chance
where the student don’t have so much time to observe the card once the lesson ended.

To overcome that problem, nowadays there are an innovation of conventional

flashcard into the mobile and also digital version which make flashcard more handy
and accessible for everyone. Nowadays, There are many types of digital flashcard
there on the internet that teacher can use in their teaching

The digital version of flashcard has been proved to be an effective alternative by

some research which resulting in a significant improvement towards student’s
vocabulary skill. Dizon, (2016) in his research approve that using quizled can support
L2 vocabulary enhancement. A study by McLean, Hogg, & Rush, (2013) also
resulting in positive result. some research provide a positive empirical result when
using digital flashcard on teaching. for example a research done by Sitompul, (2013)
The result show that post-test score of the experimental group (M=80.53) was
statistically higher that the pre-test score which is M=68.00. on the other hand,
according to a research done by Dizon, (2017) after a treatment using digital flashcard
(in this case was Quizlet) out of 10 statements given to the student by using
SurveyMonkey site, the one statement that had the highest agreement (M=4.67) is
“Using Quizlet improved my vocabulary”. Another statement such as “I was able to
learn english vocabulary more quickly with Quizlet” and also “I think Quizlet was
useful in my class” are scored highly with the mean score (4.56). on the same research,
the improvement of the students score are significant between pre-test and post-test. in
this case the mean score is 0.05, which are mean that the score are significantly
improved (t(8)= -2.64 p=0.03). as the matter of fact, a research done by Davie &
Hilber, (2015) showing the same result as previously mentioned. On Davie & Hilber’s
research, when the student are asked to comment on statement “Mobile Learning can
help me improve my english” 77% of the students are strongly agreed or agreed to the

By innovating the learning media, in this case from paper to digital fashcard,
teacher want an improvement of the performance of the old media. This research is
important to know the difference between the performance of the conventional paper
flashcard and digital flashcard so we know if the innovations perform well, or still
having the same performance with the old one.

The aim of this research is to find out the significant difference between the effect
of paper flashcard and the use of digital flashcard on student vocabulary mastery in
reading context. In this case, researcher can also find out whether online vocabulary
teaching would be more effective than the traditional instruction. According to the aim
of this research, fouth grade student are choosen to be the subject of this research
because in vocabulary learning are started at elementary school especially at fourth

A.2   Statement of Problem
Based on the background of study, the problem of the study is as follows:
1. Is there any significace difference between the effect of paper flashcard and the use
of digital flashcard on student vocabulary mastery .
A.3   Objective of the Study
Based on the research statement, this particular study aimed at finding out:
1. The difference between the use of paper flashcard and the use of digital flashcard on
student vocabulary mastery
A.4    Significance of the Study
The result of the study is expected to be used theoretically and practically:
1. Theoretically
a. This study are expected to be beneficial in the area of media usage for teaching
2. Practically
a. The use of either paper/digital flashcard for teacher can engage the students to learn
more especially in vocabulary learning
b. The result of this study is expected to be able to widen the knowlegde of teachers in
teaching media in order to know the difference in effect towards student’s
vocabulary achievement
A.5  Hypothesis of the Study
  A hypothesis is a statement of the research assumption about the relationship
between two variables that the researcher plans to test within the framework of the
researcher study (Kumar, 1993: 9). The hypothesis of this study was prepared as an
answer for the research problem stated previously. In this case the hypothesis as read
     “There is no significant difference between the use of paper flashcard and the use
of digital flashcard on student vocabulary mastery”
A.6  Scope and Limitation of the Study
The scopes of the study are limited to the subject and object investigated.
1. Subject
The subect of this research is two classes from 4th grade student at SDN 1 and 2
2. Object
The object of this study is the effect between paper flashcard and digital flashcard.

This chapter presents about related information topics of the recent study. It is
intended to provide some theoretical concepts which could support this investigation.
B.1 The Concept of Vocabulary
In the elementary school curriculum, teaching English covers four skills namely
reading, listening, speaking and writing. The four skills are supported by the learning
of language elements. They are structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling.
Therefore, vocabulary is one of the important language elements the student should
develop. Vocabulary includes a collection of words. The words are known not only as
individual words but also as a group of words that have meaning. To develop students’
language skills in reading, listening, speaking and writing, the learners must have
some degree of vocabulary. Nining, (2019) stated vocabulary is all words in a
language which is used by people to convey ideas or feeling. It refers to a word which
is used to communicate in oral and written language. In order that students must be
able to be flexible in using words that they recognize and understand. The purpose
students can be reached in learning the vocabulary process is primarily their ability to
recall word at will and to recognize it in its spoken and written form. Vocabulary is
knowledge of how the words fit into the world.
Vocabulary has critical importance to language learning. According to Coady &
Huckin, (1997) Vocabulary is a set of words which are usually in alphabetical order
that can be used as individual words or in a group. It is essential for English learners to
be mastered because vocabulary takes a big role in language learning. Tarigan (1984)
in Zahroyul (2015), points out the importance of vocabulary in language is essential
for successful language use, because without an extensive someone will be unable to
use structure and function that has learned for comprehensible communication.
Someone uses vocabulary to listen, read, speak, and write effectively. Moreover,
according to Hornby, (1974: 959) vocabulary is a total number of words which make
up a language.
According to Harmer (1991) in Alqahtani (2016), there are two types of
vocabulary, namely receptive and also productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is
words that learners can comprehend and respond to even when they cannot produce.
Another state, according to Nation (2008: 66) in Zahrotul (2015), says that vocabulary
is central to language. The quotations mean that vocabulary is the main element of
language. Language is the expression which is constructed by words or vocabulary.
Words are the tools which used to think, to express idea and feeling, and to learn about
the world. In language, learning vocabulary is an essential component. It links to four
skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. On the other hand, expressive
vocabulary is the opposite, it refers to words that learners can comprehend and also
produce correctly so they can use it constructively in speaking and writing.
B.2 Reading
Reading is an activity of extracting and constructing meaning from a text in order
to retrieve an information. As stated by Adams (2004); Alderson (2000); Day and
Bamford (1998) in Zhang & Anual, (2008) their article stated that one should be able
to decode the printed message in order to build a mental representation of the text so
the meaning can be understood. Moreover, according to Gilakjani, (2016) explain
reading as making meaning from a printed text. Furthermore, Snow, (2002); Weber,
and Roeber (1987) stated that there are three main elements on reading which are : (1)
the reader who are doing the comprehending process (2) The text which is being
comprehended, and (3) the reading activity itself. There are two kinds of reading
according to Gilakjani, (2016) which are extensive and also intensive reading.
Extensive reading is when the reader skim/scan the information (Hedge (2003) in
Gilakjani, (2016). While in intensive reading, the reader does more than
skimming/scanning. They will try to find a meaning in a page of written information.
B.3 Flashcard
Nowadays there are a numbers of the type of flashcard available on the market.
Flashcard itself is usually used as a medium that promotes students’ sense of sight in
learning (Herlina, 2004). Jeremy Harmer (1991) in Sutresno, (2017) define flashcard
as small cards that can be held up by the teacher for students to see. Moreover,
Haycraft (1978) in Sutresno, (2017) defines flashcards as cards to which words or
pictures are written or drawn. Haycraft also notes that there are two styles of
flashcards available. They're word flashcards and picture flashcards
In conclusion, Flashcards are a word card or a collection of images that the
teacher shows to a student. Flashcards are a form of study aid designed to provide a
person with a specific issue or problem-related to a particular subject. Usually, each
flashcard is simply in a form of an index card or a sheet of paper that has a question,
problem or situation to consider on one side of the card and the answer to a question or
problem or the assessment of situations on the other side of the card. As a result,
flashcards are a very easy but very effective way for a student to learn a particular
B.4 Flashcard as a Media in Teaching
According to its benefits, a flashcard is a helpful strategy to conduct for drilling
and presenting new words. (Sitompul, 2013) As an addition, according to Özen
(2018), a good motivation has a positive effect on student achievement. Moreover, a
previous study conducted by Sukarno (2008: 62) in Astuti & Widya, (2014) using
flashcard as a media in teaching help teachers convey the material and also it gives an
effect to the classroom situation to be more alive and it causing the student to be more
motivated. Flashcard has been proved to be effective by many researchers. For
example from the result of research done by (Kohyama & Shimada, 2005) their result
saying that “Although the levels of autonomy reached by each student differed,
flashcards encouraged children to reflect on learning and be responsible for it. By
personalizing the learning activities and goals, students became more motivated to
learn and made exerted efforts to the best of their abilities. The levels of autonomy
achieved by students depended on their experience dealing with it, not their age” (p.
120). Another statement by Cross (1991) in Habibi, (2017) notes that flashcard is a
simple picture on a piece of card or paper, which is probably the most widely visual
aids in language teaching. It is used as a personal dictionary for students with a
disability that can improve their vocabulary. Flashcards also can be the instrument to
play a game. This learning strategy is expected to make the students with disabilities
in the integrated classrooms more active, enjoy and motivated in learning the English
process. (Saeidi & Mozaheb, 2012) stated, in the process of teaching vocabulary to
ESL/EFL students, both sides of these cards should be used. In other words, on the one
side, the new vocabulary item should be written in the second language and on the
other side should be written the translation and pronunciation. In some cases, a sample
sentence from the dictionary would pave the way for vocabulary learning. Both
teachers and learners can devise their flashcards.
While the use of flashcards will help the students to learn to improve their
vocabularies. It can be declared in Insantri Aulia’s research that “The use of flashcard
in learning as a strategy for teaching vocabulary can be a resting way of teaching
because flashcard contains pictures, words, or symbols, or the real shape of the things’
name. Usually, flash card is used for teaching vocabulary as the basic knowledge that
has to be understood better before the others. It will be best if this media is used for
teaching young learners or beginner learners, and elementary level. Because these
three levels of educations are still focusing on enriching the vocabulary. This media
will help them better. When the teacher tells them a name of the thing, they do not
have to imagine the shape of the thing, let the teachers show them the picture, then,
they will know the shape of the thing’s name. So, they will get a clear understanding
or shape of the thing.”


C.1     Research Design
     The research design used in this research is experimental research of post-test
only control group design. The study design is adopted from Ary, (2002: 308).
This research design will present several characteristics; (1) it has two groups of
experimental subjects or treatment; (2) measurement on the dependent variable for
both groups will be done with the same test. As an addition, According to Sehgal
(2012:9) in experimental research, we use logic and symbol which are found in natural
science. Meaning that this type of research allow the researcher to modify something
in a situation andthen see how whether it gives an effect to the situation or not. In this
research both experimental groups are picked randomly. After that, the researcher will
give treatment to both groups. Next, a post test will be conducted to find out the effect
of the given treatment. The table is as follows:

A X1 O
Experimental Treated by using Post-test
Group Class Quizlet
A X2 O
Control group Treated by using Post-test
class paper flashcard

Note :
A = Assignment
X1 = Treated by using Quizlet
X2 = Treated by using paper flashcard
O = Vocabulary test
--- = Non strictly controlled
There are several steps which are implemented :
1. Two sample class which are selected randomly
2. Experimental group 1 will be treated by using Quizlet
3. Experimental group 2 will be treated by using paper flashcard
4. the same post-test will be given to both eperimental group
5. the result will be analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics
C.2    Population and Sample
1. Population
According to Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, (2012) Population is the Largest group
that used in the studythat generalize the result. In this study, the population of the
study includes the student of SDN 1 and 2 Mekarsari
2. Sample
According to Creswell, (2012) Sample is a sub-group of the target population
which has function for generalizing about the target population. In this research, the
sample is two groups among fourth grade student in SDN 1 and 2 Mekarsari.
3. Sampling Technique
The sampling technique which are used in this research is group random sampling
technique where the groups will be picked randomly. In this case, a simple random
sampling is retrieved from different clusters among the population so every item in the
population has the same chance to be picked. There will be only two classes that will
be picked. In order to find out if those two groups don’t have significance different
and are appropriate to be tested, normality and homogenity test are conducted.
The data that will be used in those tests are the students’ score from the previous
semester that will be analyzed to find out the normaity and the homogenity of
variance. Kolmogrov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk are admistered to prove both groups
were normally distributed. Therefore, the homogenity test are using Levene Statistic to
examine the homogenity of both groups. It is also improtant to find out if both groups
has equal level by using independent sample t-test where the hypothesis for sampling
should be considered.
4. Instrument
According to Creswell, (2012) the definition of an instrument is a tool which can
be used to get, process, and interpret the information from the respondents which are
done by measurements. In this case, instruments are used as a tool to find out the
significant effect between paper flashcard and also online flashcard The instruments
which are used in this research consists of :
a. Lesson plan. This is used as a guidance in teaching and also learning process.
This instrument is very important to make sure the lesson is well planned. There
will be 2 kind of lesson plans which are used for this research. One lesson plan
will be designed by using paper flashcard as a media, while the other one is
designed by using online flashcard (Quizlet) as the media.
b. Vocabulary multiple choice test. This is used as the post-test which are given
after the treatment is finished. The test will help to measure the improvement of
the student and also the performance of each media. The blueprint of the test is
adopted from

Basic Material Indicators Level of Cognition Total

Competency Domain Number
of Items
C1 C2
Hewan 1. Mentions 1, 3, 7, 9, 11
dalam the things in 11, 18, 19,
bahasa the 30, 32, 37,
inggris classroom, 40
tindakan sesuai
animals, and
dengan instruksi
secara berterima
based on the
2. Matching 4, 10, 13, 9
dan dalam
the 16, 27, 29,
wordswith 31, 38, 39
the suitable
3. 2, 5, 6, 8, 12
Identifying 12, 14,
the function, 15, 17,
ability and 25, 26,
characteristic 28, 33
af the things
in the
animals and
4. Complete 20, 21, 8
the question 22, 23,
based on the 24, 34,
text given 35, 36
Total Numbers of Items 30

C.3 Instruments Validity

According to Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, (2012) Validity is the test used to
measure the instruments and the way how to know the appropriates of the instruments.
It is also can be used to measure the accurateness of any test before the process of data
collections. There is two processes in this phase namely empirical validity and
1. Empirical Validity
Empirical validity are conducted to describe how closely scores on a test
correspond with behaviour as measured in other context. For this research, the
multiple choice test will be adopted from book online. This instrument will be
analyzed by using anatest to check the significance of each question. If there is
question(s) which are not significant, it will be discarded.
2. Reliability
According to Gay, Mils, & Airasian (2012) Reliability is the stability of the score
which is gained by using an instrument. It is very important to show whether the
instruments is reliable and consistent or not. In this research the instrument will be
measured using Anatest software in order to know how reliable is the instrument. If
the reliability of the instruments exceeds 0.70, the instruments can be categorized as
C.4    Technique of Data Collection
1. Research variable
According to Creswell, (2012) a variable is a characteristics of an organization or
an individual that can be measured and observed. There are two variables which are
used in this study namely Independent and also dependent variables. The independent
variables in this research are the use of media in the teaching learning process for both
groups, while the dependent variables are the students’ vocabulary mastery which is
indicated by students’ score after the test.
2. Procedure of data collection
There is some procedures in data colletion. Therefore, the aim of this study is to
find out the significant difference in vocabulary comprehention between both
experimental group by using primary data collection techniques which are statistical
methods. The data that will be used in this research is obtained from students’ score in
the book report of this semester,and also the result of the post-test that will bi given to
the student. Moreover, The procedures is explained as follows:
a. Decide the setting of the study
b. Pre-observation to the school
c. Determine the population of the study
d. Selecting the sample from the population
e. Preparing the instruments
f. Expert judging for the instruments
g. Testing the validity and reliability of the instruments
h. Giving treatment to the experimental groups
i. Conducting the post-test
j. Analyzing the result of the post-test
k. interpreting the post-test result
l. Making summary of the result
C.5    Technique of Data Analysis
The collected data is compiled and analyzed by using SPSS. The result of both groups
is analyzed by using statistics analysis (descriptive and inferential) the description
is as follows
1. Descriptive Statistical analysis
Descriptive analysis are used to explain and resuming data to a form which are
easier and faster in giving information. the information are often served as table,
graph, etc as already explained by Sugiyono, (2006) that descriptive analysis is a
statistic that are used to analyze data by describing or to draw the data (in form of
table, graph, etc) without making a generalized conclusion.
2. Inferential Statistical Analysis
It provides the tools to help in making inference or organisation of the population
by analyzing the sample of the population. It was used for independent sample t-test in
order to investigate whether there issignificant difference between mean score of two
samples or not. There are three testingin inferential analysis namely normality testing,
homogenity testing and hypothesis testing. Normality testing will be done by using
One Sample Kolmogrov Sminov test in order to find out whether there is/not a
distribution of post test score or not. In this thest, if the significant value is <0.05, the
data distribution willbe considered not normal or not normally distributed. Meanwhile
if the significant value exceed 0.05 the data will be concidered as normally distributed.
As an addition, Homogenity test will be using Lavene statistic test to find out
homogenity variance and the homogenous of data. The data will be concidered
homogenous if the significant value of the data exceed 0.05. Lastly, For the hypothesis
testing will be using independent t-test to find out whether is there a significant
difference between online flashcard and paper flashcard towards students’ vocabulary
mastery. In deciding the significant difference between both media, researcher uses
this criteria
The value of ‘t’ Meaning
tob > tcv There is a significant difference
between paper flashcard and online
flashcard towards students’ vocabulary
tob < tcv There is no significant difference
between paper flashcard and online
flashcard towards students’ vocabulary


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