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English final work II

Activities people do in your city

Jeimy Denisse Guzmán

Tayshalorisan Pujols

Esthepany Montero Montero

Juan José Sánchez Suriel

Caribbean university Unicaribe

Hotel management

Dominican Republic, 7/24/2020


Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3

Justificación ............................................................................................................. 4

Desarrollo ................................................................................................................ 5

La Sirena ..............................................................................................................

Almacenes Garrido .............................................................................................. 5

Supermercados Olé: ............................................................................................ 6

Supermercado La Cadena: .................................................................................. 8

Catedra Primada de América ............................................................................... 9

More information: .............................................................................................. 9

Pizza Hut: .............................................................................................................


Casas Reales Museum: ..................................................................................... 10

Faro a Colón: ..................................................................................................... 11

More information: ............................................................................................ 11

Panteón de la Patria: ..........................................................................................


Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 13

References ........................................................................................................... 14

In this work we intend to show the clothing that people wear to go to different
establishments, showing important aspects such as the schedule, the place where
it is located, among other things.

This work has a general structure of introduction, development, conclusions,

bibliographies and annexes; as the work progresses, the reader will be able to see
some knowledge that we have acquired.

Tayshalorisan Pujols

This research will focus on determining the work performed by people within the
establishments where they work either in cities or towns in order to deepen what
has been learned in each unit of the subject.

After investigation the establishments, the students will be able to speak fluently
about the clothes, the different locations, what people do in those places and hours
when we can go to the establishments.

Esthepany Montero
In my city (Santo Domingo) there are several stores and supermarkets among

La Sirena. In this store, the employees wear a yellow shirt, thin black pants, a
navy jacket, and black shoes, and the employees wear a yellow shirt and thin black

pants and black shoes. There are fourteen stores throughout Santo Domingo. Their
hours are from eight in the morning to ten at night (8:00 AM-10: 00 PM)

Almacenes Garrido: In this store, the employees wear a navy-blue shirt with
red, a thin black or navy pants and black shoes, and the employees wear a white
or red polo shirt, black thin pants or dark jeans and black shoes. Their hours are
from eight thirty in the morning to eight thirty at night (8:30 AM-8: 30 PM)

Esthepany Montero

Supermercados Olé: the employees wear shirts with khaki pants and
black shoes as their uniform. There are thirteen stores throughout
Santo Domingo. Their hours are from 7 in the morning to 12 midnight
(7:00 AM-12: 00 AM)

Esthepany Montero

Supermercado Bravo: In this supermarket, employees wear a pink shirt, khaki
pants and black shoes. This supermarket has six stores throughout Santo
Domingo. Their hours are from seven in the morning to twelve at midnight (7:00
AM- 12:00 AM)

Esthepany Montero
Supermercado La Cadena: In this supermarket, employees wear a

white sleeve shirt, a navy dress bag, navy pants and black shoes. The people who
usually visit these stores and supermarkets are families who go to buy basic food
items for their homes, usually dressed in jeans, t-shirt, or blouses, dresses, in
short, casual clothing.

Esthepany Montero
Catedra Primada de América: The Cathedral of Santo Domingo, better
known as the Primate Cathedral of America, was declared in 1546 the first
cathedral of the New World by Pope Paul III, at the request of Emperor Carlos V.

This precious minor basilica is dedicated to Santa María Encarnación. People who
visit this place wear casual clothes like: jeans, shorts, sandals, etc. Tourists are the
most frequent of these places, and they are going to take photographs or intend to
know our history.

More information:
Location: Isabel La Católica Street, Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic.

Entry: Free.

Schedule: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut is an American restaurant chain, based in Plano Texas.
And an international franchise founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas by Dan and
Frank Carney. Pizza hut is a family establishment, people who visit this place wear
casual and comfortable clothes, to spend a pleasant time with the family.

Location: Av. Tiradentes · (809) 620-2020

Open Closing hours: 23:00

Tayshalorisan Pujols

Casas Reales Museum: The Palace of the Royal Audience of Santo
Domingo, also known as the Museum of the Royal Houses or Royal Palaces, is
one of the Cultural Monuments of Dominican History, since it was one of the
buildings made by the Spanish during the colonial era. People who visit this place
wear casual clothes, pants, shorts, t-shirt or blouse.

Address: Calle Las Damas, Santo Domingo 10210

Schedule: Open Closing hours: 17:00Telephone: (809) 682-4202

Tayshalorisan Pujols

Faro a Colón: the monument-museum erected in honor of Columbus. Be sure to
visit one of the most important monuments in the city, where past and present are
perfectly mixed and complemented. People who visit this place wear casual
clothes, pants, shorts, dresses, t-shirt or blouse.

More information:
Location: Santo Domingo Este. Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic.
Entry: Adults - RD $ 30 / Children and students - RD $ 5.
Schedule: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Telephone: (809) 591 1492.

Tayshalorisan Pujols
Panteón de la Patria: Formerly it belonged to the Society of Jesus, finished in
1755. It is popularly known as the Church of the Jesuits. It lost its religious
character in 1772 when the Jesuits were expelled from the Spanish dominions. The

last restoration, carried out in 1961, turned it into the National Pantheon, where
famous figures from Dominican history have a grave.
People who visit this place wear formal clothes, long pants, shirt, dresses, shoes
and heels

Address: Damas street, next to the Plazoleta María de Toledo.

Hours: Open Monday to Sunday from 8:00 a.m. at 5:45 p.m. Free entry Attractive:
changing of the guard at noon.

Address: Calle las Damas, next to the Plazoleta María de Toledo.

Tayshalorisan Pujols
At the end of this work, the students are able to identify the different clothing items,
the things that people do in each establishment and the hours that we can go to

those places. We also acquire new knowledge that we can put into practice in our
daily and professional life, if we know how to take advantage of it.

Tayshalorisan Pujols


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