Marine HSE Awareness: Speakers

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Marine HSE Awareness

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Start : 10.00 AM WIB

Binsar Roy Siahaan
Sr. Technical Advisor Marine & Subsea
Time Activity/Subject
10.00 – 10.15 • Pre Test
10. 15 – 10. 50 • Pengenalan ISM Code (International Safety Management Code)
• Peraturan IMO
• Keselamatan & Operasi Kapal
 Plan of Ship Board Operations
 Ship Board Organization
 Safe Navigation
 Operasi Di Pelabuhan
10:50 – 11:50  Penerimaan Muatan
 Emergency Di Kapal & Penanganannya
 SOPEP (Ship Board Oil Pollution Emergency Plan)
 Maintenance of Ship & Equipment
 Survey & Certifications

11:50 – 13:00 Ishoma Break

13.00 – 14.30 • Keselamatan dan Operasi Terminal
 Penerapan Peraturan Sesuai ISGOTT (IMSBC Code; BLU Code; SIGTTO; MARPOl , ISPS, dsb)
 Safety Operation Plan
 Identifikasi Bahaya
 Safety Check List
 Ship Shore Interface
 Contingency and Emergency Plan
 Perawatan Peralatan, termasuk inspeksi dan sertifikasi
 Escape & Evacuation Route, Assemble Area
 Terminal Information Books
Time Activity/Subject
14:30 – 14:40 • Coffee break ( 10 Minutes )
14:40 – 15:30 • Management Bersama Kapal dan Terminal
 Tugas dan Peran Masing-Masing Personel Terminal dan Kapal
 Terminal Representative
 Informasi Kapal dan Pelabuhan
 Avoidance Damage During Cargo Handling
 Prosedur-prosedur Penting, seperti:
 Hot Work Permit
 Inclose Space Enter
 Gas freeing
 Tank cleaning, dll
15.30 – 16.00 • Sesi Tanya-Jawab/Lesson Learnt
• Post Test

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