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In what ways can the study of literature be contextualized in the life of a Paulinian

The reading of literature in general offers one a kind of fulfillment and a refreshed perspective of
the world. Especially our institution doesn’t only cater Filipino students but also students from
different countries like Japan, China and other countries. It is a great help to know the
individual’s belief and culture by just reading their literature. We can explore, observe and
appreciate other people's unique cultural practices.

We also study history and unfamiliar behaviors by reading, and meet characters who are
fictitious or not, and study about their lives. Like Nelson Mandela one of the greatest moral and
political leaders of all time, Racial oppression was his lifelong advocacy. And as a paulinian we
were taught that everyone is equally blessed as we are all created in the image and likeness of

Since Afro-Asian literature is as beautiful as it is complex, learning its literary highlights will be
interesting. Also their literature reflects the similarities in the beliefs and practices of African and
Asian countries, their concept of life, and the difficulties and accomplishments of their emerging
countries and peoples. Many of the writings of African and American Literature have had a
significant impact on the rest of the world. Like The bible , which is very essential in our lives as
an individual and as a Paulinian. Which being Christ-Centered is on our core values.

2. As a Paulinian, how should you imbibe the culture of reading Afro-Asian literary

As a Paulinian, It is essential to understand the significance of learning literature not only as a

prerequisite to complete a certain course, but also to expand our minds and grow our
personalities. So whenever we have the chance to interact with students who came from African
countries or Asian countries I already have a hint on what their practices are and through reading
their literary pieces I can also have some sort of their personalities. The analysis of literature also
helps us to see the nation-people, environments, objects , events-through fresh perspectives and
different points of view. This leads to the student shaping and creating his or her own sets of
values, thoughts, preferences, and so on.

Reading Afro-Asian texts introduces me to new thoughts and perspectives that can enrich my
understanding. Reading literary texts allows me access to complete engagement in the different
events of our contemporary society. It contributes to the quality of living by giving me access to
diverse backgrounds and different heritages. Reading literature empowers and emancipates me as
a person and brings people together as a country.

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