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Assalamualaikum my name is Nabilla putri handayani from D3 MLT stud

ent poltekkes jakarta 3
today im going to interview about my cousin opinion for covid 19

N : first of all please introduce your self

K : My name is muhammad ksatria I’m 19 y.o currently I’m taking my c
ollege at a university
N : How are you today ???
K : I’m good thank you, How about you ?
N : I’m also good thank you, so what do you think about this current situ
ation in indonesia??
K : sorry about what situation?
N : about covid 19 situation
K : ohh… well I think this current situation is very unfortunate for all of
us as especially lower class citizen
N :can you elaborate why is it unfortunate for lower class citizen?
K :yes so it’s unfortunate for them because their line of work are from s
elling stuff or working at a factory and now everyone are being fired from
their work and everyone is saving their money for themselves so my conc
lusion is that lower class citizen have their income drastically decline bec
ause of this pandemic.
N :ok thank you for your opinion do you have anything else to say ?
K :well yes actually….i want to say that i disagree with the policy of sel
f quarantine in indonesia. Self quarantine isn’t effective here in indonesia
and it’s only making lower class citizen suffer more from this pandemic.
what the government supposed to do is to undo the policy and focus on b
uilding more temporary corona hospital like the Chinese government did
and also help middle to low class citizen by giving them more social and
economy assistance.
N :ok is that all ?
K :Yes I guess im done
N :okay then thank you for your time ksatria and also thank you for liste
ning to us have a good day
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah wabarakatuh
my name is nabilla from mlt student poltekkes jakarta 3
today im going to have a speech about
"New Normal with still Healthy Life Style"

All praise be to Allah SWT, the merciful and the beneficent one who crea
tes the world to the all man kind.
Sholawat and salam be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who saved
the human life from destruction in the safety, that’s the right path of Allah.

Now we are facing covid 19 pandemic. Whereas this virus is a new strain
that we haven’t found the cure yet so we have to prevent it now, at this ne
w normal situation prevention can be perform by Healthy life style such a
s: washing hands after and before doing activities, taking care environme
nt,and taking care of body immunity by eating healthy foods.
So then by following the government protocol: by keeping safe distance,
and wearing mask, but this virus is evolving rapidly so we have to make s
ure to stay at home so that we don’t be a carrier or victim by this virus.
People who are infected with this virus doesn’t have to show symptoms,
so we have to be more careful. We have to be strong and be optimistic
about going through this pandemic. By not being tired of implementing
health protocols and jointly conquering this COVID 19

So that is it from me thank you for listening

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah wabarakatuh

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