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Santi Damaris Pardede





sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following
the grammatical basic rules of syntax.

Example: The car Turner the corner


is a self-contained unit of discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph
consists of one or more sentences.

Example :

I have a friend named Julie Rose. She is my classmate in Senior High School grade 12. She is 17 years
old. She likes music, swimming and going to the cinema. She also likes hanging out with friends. She
is very kind and friendly.

She is a very normal American girl. But, she has one unusual hobby. She loves extreme sports like
parachuting, bungee jumping, wing-suit flying, kite surfing, skateboarding, and many more.

Julie joins one sport club. This club conducts one extreme sport on Sunday, twice a month. Julie wins
many competitions of this kind of sport. Julie wants to be a professional athlete of extreme sport.

She is never afraid of danger or being injured. She always says that extreme sports are a part of her
life. She is alive and feels joy of life while doing the extreme sport.



contextual is depending on the context, or surrounding words, phrases, and paragraphs, of the


conceptual is something having to do with the mind, or with mental concepts or philosophical or
imaginary ideas.

Process of scientific writing

1. Write a vision statement

What is the key message of your paper? Be able to articulate it in one sentence, because it's a
sentence you'll come back to a few times throughout the paper. Think of your paper as a press
release: what would the subhead be? If you can't articulate the key discovery or accomplishment in
a single sentence, then you're not ready to write a paper.

2. Don't Start at the Beginning

Logically, it makes sense to start a paper with the abstract, or, at least, the introduction. Don't. You
often end up telling a completely different story than the one you thought you were going to tell. If
you start with the introduction, by the time everything else is written, you will likely have to rewrite
both sections.

3. Storyboard the Figures

Figures are the best place to start, because they form the backbone of your paper. Unlike you, the
reader hasn't been living this research for a year or more. So, the first figure should inspire them to
want to learn about your discovery.

4. Write the Methods Section

Of all the sections, methods section is simultaneously the easiest and the most important section to
write the accurately.

5. Write the Results and Discussion Section

In a few journals, results and discussion are separate sections. However, the trend is to merge these
two sections. This section should form the bulk of your paper-by storyboarding your figures, you
already have an outline!

6. Write the Conclusion

In the conclusion, summarize everything you have already written. Emphasize the most important
findings from your study and restate why they matter. State what you learned and end with the
most important thing you want the reader to take away from the paper-again, your vision
statement. From the conclusion, a reader should be able to understand the gist of your whole study,
including your results and their significance.

7. Now Write the Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for your article. If it was a fictional story, the introduction would be
the exposition, where the characters, setting, time period, and main conflict are introduced.

8. Assemble References
The first thing that any new writer should do is pick a good electronic reference manager. There are
many free ones available, but often research groups (or PIs) have a favorite one. Editing will be
easier if everyone is using the same manager.

9. Write the Abstract

The abstract is the elevator pitch for your article. Most abstracts are 150–300 words, which
translates to approximately 10–20 sentences. Like any good pitch, it should describe the importance
of the field, the challenge that your research addresses, how your research solves the challenge, and
its potential future impact. It should include any key quantitative metrics. It is important to
remember that abstracts are included in search engine results.

10. The Title Comes Last

The title should capture the essence of the paper. If someone was interested in your topic, what
phrase or keywords would they type into a search engine? Make sure those words are included in
your title.



Example :

Using relevant physical objects, such as money when teaching math skills

Allotting time for students to create artistic reflections and interpretations of lessons

Job Advertisement

Example :


Experience: at least 1 year as waiter/waitress


1. Female 18-24 years

2. Honest (thorough), discipline, agile

3. Ready to be placed anywhere

Requirements :

1. Fresh graduated from senior/ vocational high school

2. Salary: Rp. 1.300.000 – Rp. 1.700.000


Bandar Lampung, Sukarame.

For Interested applicants:

Send your application soon to elfa’

Contact us: 0721 100715

Application Letter


Medan, May 11th, 2019

Attention to :

Human Resources Department

PT Bank Negara Syariah

Jl. Sudirman No. 11, Medan

Dear Sir/Madam,

Based on the information I obtained from the official website of PT Bank Negara Syariah, that your
company is looking for a Bank Teller. I intend to apply for this position.

The undersigned bellow :

Name : Misaki Lim

Address : Jl. Selasih No. 56

Place, Date of Birth : Lampung, June 1st, 1996

Gender : Female

Phone Number : +62812-8888-0000

Recent graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Padjajaran University. My

specialization is Finance Accounting. I consider myself that I have qualifications for this position. I
have some computer skills, like using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Accounting software. I
like to learn something new and I can work effectively under pressure.

As a consideration, I enclose my:

Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate

Copy of Academic Transcript

Curriculum Vitae

Copy of KTP

Copy of Indonesian Police Sertificates (SKCK)

Recent photograph, size 4×6

Thank you for your attention and I am looking forward to an opportunity to work with you in the

Best Regards,

Misaki Lim


Example :

Ann Kowalski

1000 Second Ave. NE | Portland, OR 97205

503-555-0123 |

Masters of Communication, 2017

University of Denver


University of Georgia Center for Computational Chemistry

Research Assistant 2009–2011

Conducted physical and chemical laboratory tests to assist research scientists in qualitative and
quantitative analyses.

Operated experimental pilots and assisted in developing new chemical engineering processes.

Maintained all laboratory equipment to ensure a clean and safe work environment for students and


Project management

Curriculum planning

Fluent in English and Mandarin

Awards and Honors

Wolf Foundation

Wolf Prize in Medicine, 2018

Awarded to up to three individuals globally, each year, for achievements in medical science.

Making contracts

Example :


01 / SPK / PT.DANDELION-PT.EM / XYZ / 2015

On Tuesday 10th March 2015 we were undersigned:

In this case act on behalf of PT. Dandelion, hereinafter referred to as Parties

In this case act on behalf of PT. EM, hereinafter referred to as Parties

Both parties have agreed and agreed to cooperate in the field of investment projects

housing in Pulogadung, Jakarta.


First Party agrees on investment housing development cooperation projects with funding of

Rp 50,000,000,000, – (Fifty billion dollars) as initial capital development. The fund

transferred to the (Name Bank) Account no. xxxxxxxxx. on Name Desi Yanti.


Both parties have agreed, that the project construction period reached a maximum

for 24 months, and what if there are delay, it will be charged a fine (penalty) Rp

500.000.000, – (Five hundred million dollars) per month.


First Party and Second Party have agreed on the construction of housing projects, with

payback on the First Party of Rp 100,000,000,000, – (One hundred billion dollars) will be

Second Party paid no later than 60 days from the date of project completion.

This agreement letter has been read and understood by both parties in a state of conscious and
without any coercion from any party.

First Party, Party Second,

PT.Dandelion PT. EM

Report Text

Example :

The Planets

Universe consists of planets. A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine
planets in our solar system, and these nine planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets
are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Planets travel in orbits around the stars. All of the planets of the solar system revolve in elliptical
orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time that it takes a planet to make
one revolution around the sun is called a year.

The Greeks were the first people to recognize and gives name to some of the planets. Tile word
planet comes from a Greek word meaning wanderer if a person wanders, this means that he goes
from one place to another and does not have a home. The Greeks thought that planets “wandered”
in the sky. However, modern scientists can predict the movement of the planets very accurately.

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