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Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (ETE) – CoICT

TE 331: Principles of Analogue Telecommunications

Tutorial 5 : Sampling, PAM, Multiplexing 2018/2019

1. Assume that a voice channel occupies a bandwidth of 4 kHz. We need to multiplex 10 voice channels
with guard bands of 500 Hz after each channel using FDM. Calculate the required bandwidth for
2. a) 12 voice channels are combine using FDM to form a group. If the bandwidth of these channels
are between 3.2 kHz to 4 kHz, calculate the required of the composite signal
b) If 5 composite signals in a) above are combined by FDM to form a bigger composite signal
(super-group), what will be the required bandwidth?

3. A voice signal with bandwidth B = 3.4 kHz is PAM modulated and transmitted. Calculate the
Transmission bandwidth if fs = 8 kHz and pulse width T = 0.1Ts .

4. Given the following message signal m(t )  2cos(4000πt )cos(2000πt )

a) What is the maximum frequency component of this signal?
b) Find the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval

5. Twelve different music signals each of bandwidth 10 kHz are PAM modulated and TDM multiplexed
to be transmitted. Determine the minimum bandwidth required for the system

6. 24 signals each with bandwidth, B = 4 kHz are sampled uniformly and then multiplexed (TDM). The
sampling operation uses flat top samples with 2 μs duration. The multiplexing operation provides for
synchronization by adding extra pulse of 2 μs duration. If the signals are sampled at Nyquist rate,
calculate spacing between successive pulses of multiplexed signal

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