Art of Gardening

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2006 The Art of Gardening

The 2006 theme, The Art of Gardening, will highlight and describe art and design styles,
colors, patterns, well-known artists as well as artistic periods. The Art of Gardening will be
evident in all aspects of the Gardens’ programming from flowers to butterflies, events to

2006 Indoor Conservatory Displays:

Flowers of Georgia O’Keefe (January 9 – February 12)
This display will highlight the flowers Georgia O’Keefe used as subjects in her paintings.
Included will be calla lilies and representative sculpture. Interpretation will focus on how
O’Keefe represented flowers in her artwork.

Green is a Color (February 13 – April 2)

This display will highlight the many shades of the color green through a celebration of spring
flowers and events, such as kite flying. Imagine a Conservatory filled with an array of green,
blue and yellow metallic kites drifting above a “meadow” of spring flowers. Interpretation will
focus on how plants create their many shades of green through pigmentation and
photosynthesis, plus explain the color wheel and differentiate between tones and shades.

Insect Plant Patterns (April 3 and May 28)

This display will highlight the ironic beauty created when insect damage plants and leave
behind dramatic patterns. Large insects and leaves will fill the Conservatory. Interpretation
will focus on several insects and insect damage to various plants. This show coincides with
the increase in youth tours scheduled at Reiman Gardens. The format will be child-friendly
and interactive as to become an integral part of the education component.

Artful Study of Rain (May 29 – August 6)

This display will highlight the creative use of water in a garden and how plants utilize it. The
design will play with the idea of rain by including elements such as umbrellas, plants that look
like umbrellas, fountains and maybe some “rain”. Interpretation will focus on the unique ways
plants utilize water and describe the earth’s water cycle.

Bromeliads and Roberto Burle Marx (August 7 – October 1)

This display will focus on the artful, tropical plant – the bromeliad. The famous Brazilian
landscape architect, Roberto Burle Marx, who often used bromeliads in his designs, inspires
the structure of this display. Interpretation will focus on the artful form of bromeliads and on
Roberto Burle Marx as a designer.

The Scream (October 2 and November 19)

This display will use plants and props inspired by the painting, The Scream by Edvard
Muench. This painting corresponds with the Halloween festivities of fall at Reiman Gardens
called Spirits in the Garden. Our Interpretation will focus on how to use a concept to develop
a garden, and discuss the history of the well-known painting, The Scream.
Art Deco Holiday (November 20 – January 3)
This display is based upon the art style of art deco found at its peek in the decade of the
1930’s. Concepts will incorporate the color palate of silver and pink. The Gardens’
interpretation will focus on how Art Deco has a basis of origination that can be found in

2006 Butterfly Wing Display:

The Art of Butterflies

This interpretation will focus on the art and symbolism of butterflies in history.

2006 Outdoor Garden Displays:

2006 Spring Tulip Displays
Partner: Floyd Penkhus, in memory of Margaret Penkhus
Dunlap Courtyard: Progressive Color Scheme
Campanile Garden: Pointillism
Joey & Jessie’s Herb Garden: Hatching

2006 Summer Outdoor Garden Displays:

Artsy Tropicals in Artsy Containers (plaza and entrance)

These areas will incorporate a wild look so our guests will have their first impression of what
is to come.

Campaniles and Cars: A Study of Post-Modernism in the Garden (Campanile Garden)

This garden will highlight the unconventional use of cars as sculptures and plant containers.

Herb Couture (Herb Garden)

This garden will highlight the “fashion” of herbs. Highlights will be mannequin topiaries with
plants to create unique clothing.

Dr. Seuss (Children’s Garden)

This garden will highlight horticulture inspired by the stories of Dr. Seuss.

Blue Garden (Pattern Garden)

This garden will highlight the use of a monochromatic color scheme in a garden.

Grant Wood (Home Production Garden)

This garden will be inspired by the regionalism of Wood’s paintings and life.

Special Olympics (Lake)

This garden will highlight the cauldron and symbols of Special Olympics the first week of July.

Flower Fonts (South Field Beds) Still in creation….coming soon…

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