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“With God, nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26).

”- This is the main highlight of the

movie “Facing the Giants”. This film is about a man named Grant Taylor who faces struggles in

his life and then later on finds God and devoted his life to Him. He is the head coach of the

football team of Shiloh Christian Academy and his team always lose on every game that they

encounter. Facing all of the challenges, he managed to get through it by discovering that there is

always God and later on started dedicating his life to God. The protagonist finds the purpose of

life and shared it to others especially to his team. Since then, Grant Taylor changed the

philosophy and objective of their team. It is faith that binds them once again. He teaches his

players not to give up in every step of the way and always think of God always.

I can associate the story to the theories we’ve tackled in our past lessons. Alfred Adler

believed that people are motivated to either strive for success or to strive for superiority. On the

other hand, striving for success is healthy if it seeks success for all humanity. Similar to Grant

Taylor, he was not just motivating and encouraging for himself rather to all the people around

him. When we feel encouraged, we feel capable and appreciated and will generally act in a

connected and cooperative way. When we are discouraged, we may act in unhealthy ways by

competing, withdrawing, or giving up. It is in finding ways of expressing and accepting

encouragement, respect, and social interest that help us feel fulfilled and optimistic. In addition,

Social Interest was Adler’s term for “a feeling of oneness with humanity.” This term depicts that

relating with others and genuinely caring for them make it possible for all to cooperate with one

another instead of seeking personal gain. Together they succeeded in the challenge of life and

rejoice how good our Almighty God is.

In conclusion, I realized that in life there is nothing we can’t accomplish with faith. We

have our own giants, but we cannot face them without God in our side. The movie also shows
that it is also important that our lives should be guided by the word of the Lord because his

words can renew our mindsets and spirits. The word of God can light up our journey in this

world. I also learned that wherever God put me, I must do my best not for myself, not for

anybody else, but for his name to be glorified.

We knew that this friendship was unexpected. None of us foresee that we’ve come this

far. I never imagined going along with your drama and craziness in life. But I believed in the

saying “Unexpected friendships are the best ones.” You are one of the people I will treasure the

most for the rest of my life. You have a good heart and I appreciate you as a person. Stating here

my gratitude for having you in my life is not enough but let me tell a few things. First and

foremost, I want to thank you for being with me since day 1. I always treasure the memories

we’ve created and there is never a dull moment when I’m with you. Being with you is like a bird

who have a freedom to fly. I am free to express my true self in front of you because I know that

you are not that kind of person who will judge me. I would also like to grab this chance to say

sorry for all the hurtful things I’ve said to you. You probably knew why I said those things, it is

better to slap you with the truth than to comfort you with a lie. Damak even though we are
separated now, please know that distance doesn’t even matter as long as we keep our friendship

in our hearts. We may have new set of friends but I hope the friendship we have will not be

forgotten.You and Duyo were my best of friends. I will just be right behind you supporting you

with all your dreams and goals in life. I love you so much and I wouldn’t trade you for anything.

You were once a stranger to me. A stranger who eventually played a big role in my life.

A stranger who makes me laugh hard till my tummy aches with her fun personality. I never saw

this coming. I never expected that this friendship will last. As time pass by, I’ve seen how good

and genuine you are as a person causing you to be loved by the people around you and your fun

personality is one of the factor. I want to take this chance to say how grateful I am to have you in

my life. I really treasure you a lot that is why I easily get mad when you’ve done something

wrong. Please understand that I am saying those things to you because I want you to work for

your own. I know that this is not the time yet, but soon enough you will bloom just like the lotus

flower. I always believe in you. I know you are capable and I know you are determined to

achieve your goals. I’m just here right beside you to support every step you may take. Being with

you is the happiest day of my life. All of the struggles and pains I’m experiencing will be
replaced by your unending jokes which makes my heart filled with love and happiness. Babuy, I

want this friendship of ours to last for a life time. Promise me that you won’t forget me and we’ll

figure things out if we have misunderstandings. Let’s build a wall for the intruders who will try

to ruin our friendship. I may not be vocal with my feelings but know that I love you so much and

I wouldn’t trade you anything else.

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