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Problem statement

Which fruit juice has the highest content of vitamin C?

Orange juice, calamansi juice and lemon juice, 0.1% ascorbic acid solution, 1% DCPIP
solution and distilled water
Syringe needles (1 ml and 5 ml), knife, 50 ml beaker, specimen tube, juicer and sieve

1 Put 1 ml of 1% DCPIP solution in a specimen tube.
2 Fill the 1 ml syringe needle with a 0.1% ascorbic acid solution. Ensure that there are no air
bubbles trapped in it.
3 Insert the tip of the syringe needle into the specimen tube and drip ascorbic acid drop by
drop into the DCPIP solution while stirring slowly until the blue colour of the DCPIP solution
is decolourised.
4 Record the volume of the 0.1% ascorbic acid solution needed to decolourise the blue colour
of the DCPIP solution.
5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 twice to get the average volume for each different juice.
6 Record the volume of each juice in the table below.
7 Calculate the concentration of vitamin C of each juice using the following formula.
Percentage of vitamin C = volume of ascorbic acid solution × 0.1%
volume of juice used
Vitamin C concentration (mg ml-1) = volume of ascorbic acid solution × 1.0 mg ml-1
volume of juice used


1 Which juice has the highest content of vitamin C?

2 Why is a 0.1% ascorbic acid solution used as the standard?

Is the hypothesis accepted?

Suggest a suitable conclusion for this experiment.

Answer all questions
1. Based on table result above, state one observation.

2. State an inference which correspond to the obsevation in question 1.


3. Complete the variables based on the experiment;

Manipulated variable
Responding variable
Constant variable

4. State the hypothesis for the experiment.


5. Construct a table and record all the data collected from the experiment. Your table
should have the following titles;
 Types of solution or fruit juice
 Average volume of solution or fruit juice used to decolorise 1ml of 0.1%
DCPIP solution
 Concentration of vitamin C in mgml-1

6. Use graph paper to answer this question.

Using the data in table question 5, draw a bar chart of the concentration of vitamin C
againts the types of fruit juices.

7. Another group of students carried out the same experiment by using processed mango
juice as shown in diagram.

Predict the volume of processed mango juice that need to decolorised the DCPIP
solution. Explain your answer.

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