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G.R. No.

135813            October 25, 2001 commission per thousand paid daily to [petitioner]
(Exh. 'A')x x x . Nieves kept the books as
FERNANDO SANTOS, petitioner, representative of [petitioner] while [Respondent]
vs. Arsenio, husband of Nieves, acted as credit
SPOUSES ARSENIO and NIEVES REYES, respondents. investigator.

PANGANIBAN, J.: "On August 6, 1986, [petitioner], x x x [Nieves] and

Zabat executed the 'Article of Agreement' which
formalized their earlier verbal arrangement.
As a general rule, the factual findings of the Court of Appeals
affirming those of the trial court are binding on the Supreme
Court. However, there are several exceptions to this principle. "[Petitioner] and [Nieves] later discovered that their
In the present case, we find occasion to apply both the rule and partner Zabat engaged in the same lending business
one of the exceptions. in competition with their partnership[.] Zabat was
thereby expelled from the partnership. The operations
with Monte Maria continued.
The Case
"On June 5, 1987, [petitioner] filed a complaint for
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari assailing the recovery of sum of money and damages. [Petitioner]
November 28, 1997 Decision,1 as well as the August 17, 1998 charged [respondents], allegedly in their capacities as
and the October 9, 1998 Resolutions,2 issued by the Court of employees of [petitioner], with having misappropriated
Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 34742. The Assailed Decision funds intended for Gragera for the period July 8, 1986
disposed as follows: up to March 31, 1987. Upon Gragera's complaint that
his commissions were inadequately remitted,
"WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is [petitioner] entrusted P200,000.00 to x x x Nieves to
AFFIRMED save as for the counterclaim which is be given to Gragerax x x . Nieves allegedly failed to
hereby DISMISSED. Costs against [petitioner]."3 account for the amount. [Petitioner] asserted that after
examination of the records, he found that of the total
Resolving respondent's Motion for Reconsideration, amount of P4,623,201.90 entrusted to [respondents],
the August 17, 1998 Resolution ruled as follows: only P3,068,133.20 was remitted to Gragera, thereby
leaving the balance of P1,555,065.70 unaccounted
"WHEREFORE, [respondents'] motion for
reconsideration is GRANTED. Accordingly, the court's
decision dated November 28, 1997 is hereby "In their answer, [respondents] asserted that they
MODIFIED in that the decision appealed from is were partners and not mere employees of [petitioner].
AFFIRMED in toto, with costs against [petitioner]."4 The complaint, they alleged, was filed to preempt and
prevent them from claiming their rightful share to the
profits of the partnership.
The October 9, 1998 Resolution denied "for lack of merit"
petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration of the August 17, 1998
Resolution.5 "x x x Arsenio alleged that he was enticed by
[petitioner] to take the place of Zabat after [petitioner]
learned of Zabat's activities. Arsenio resigned from his
The Facts job at the Asian Development Bank to join the
The events that led to this case are summarized by the CA as
follows: "For her part, x x x Nieves claimed that she
participated in the business as a partner, as the
"Sometime in June, 1986, [Petitioner] Fernando lending activity with Monte Maria originated from her
Santos and [Respondent] Nieves Reyes were initiative. Except for the limited period of July 8, 1986
introduced to each other by one Meliton Zabat through August 20, 1986, she did not handle sums
regarding a lending business venture proposed by intended for Gragera. Collections were turned over to
Nieves. It was verbally agreed that [petitioner would] Gragera because he guaranteed 100% payment of all
act as financier while [Nieves] and Zabat [would] take sums loaned by Monte Maria. Entries she made on
charge of solicitation of members and collection of worksheets were based on this assumptive 100%
loan payments. The venture was launched on June collection of all loans. The loan releases were made
13, 1986, with the understanding that [petitioner] less Gragera's agreed commission. Because of this
would receive 70% of the profits while x x x Nieves arrangement, she neither received payments from
and Zabat would earn 15% each. borrowers nor remitted any amount to Gragera. Her
job was merely to make worksheets (Exhs. '15' to '15-
DDDDDDDDDD') to convey to [petitioner] how much
"In July, 1986, x x x Nieves introduced Cesar Gragera
he would earn if all the sums guaranteed by Gragera
to [petitioner]. Gragera, as chairman of the Monte
were collected.
Maria Development Corporation6 (Monte Maria, for
brevity), sought short-term loans for members of the
corporation. [Petitioner] and Gragera executed an "[Petitioner] on the other hand insisted that
agreement providing funds for Monte Maria's [respondents] were his mere employees and not
members. Under the agreement, Monte Maria, partners with respect to the agreement with Gragera.
represented by Gragera, was entitled to P1.31 He claimed that after he discovered Zabat's activities,
he ceased infusing funds, thereby causing the
extinguishment of the partnership. The agreement On appeal, the Decision of the trial court was upheld, and the
with Gragera was a distinct partnership [from] that of counterclaim of respondents was dismissed. Upon the latter's
[respondent] and Zabat. [Petitioner] asserted that Motion for Reconsideration, however, the trial court's Decision
[respondents] were hired as salaried employees with was reinstated in toto. Subsequently, petitioner's own Motion
respect to the partnership between [petitioner] and for Reconsideration was denied in the CA Resolution of
Gragera. October 9, 1998.

"[Petitioner] further asserted that in Nieves' capacity The CA ruled that the following circumstances indicated the
as bookkeeper, she received all payments from which existence of a partnership among the parties: (1) it was Nieves
Nieves deducted Gragera's commission. The who broached to petitioner the idea of starting a money-lending
commission would then be remitted to Gragera. She business and introduced him to Gragera; (2) Arsenio received
likewise determined loan releases. "dividends" or "profit-shares" covering the period July 15 to
August 7, 1986 (Exh. "6"); and (3) the partnership contract was
"During the pre-trial, the parties narrowed the issues executed after the Agreement with Gragera and petitioner and
to the following points: whether [respondents] were thus showed the parties' intention to consider it as a
employees or partners of [petitioner], whether transaction of the partnership. In their common venture,
[petitioner] entrusted money to [respondents] for petitioner invested capital while respondents contributed
delivery to Gragera, whether the P1,555,068.70 industry or services, with the intention of sharing in the profits
claimed under the complaint was actually remitted to of the business.
Gragera and whether [respondents] were entitled to
their counterclaim for share in the profits."7 The CA disbelieved petitioner's claim that Nieves had
misappropriated a total of P200,000 which was supposed to be
Ruling of the Trial Court delivered to Gragera to cover unpaid commissions. It was his
task to collect the amounts due, while hers was merely to
prepare the daily cash flow reports (Exhs. "15-
In its August 13, 1991 Decision, the trial court held that 15DDDDDDDDDD") to keep track of his collections.
respondents were partners, not mere employees, of petitioner.
It further ruled that Gragera was only a commission agent of
petitioner, not his partner. Petitioner moreover failed to prove Hence, this Petition.9
that he had entrusted any money to Nieves. Thus,
respondents' counterclaim for their share in the partnership Issue
and for damages was granted. The trial court disposed as
follows: Petitioner asks this Court to rule on the following issues:10

"39. WHEREFORE, the Court hereby renders judgment as follows:"Whether or not Respondent Court of Appeals acted
39.1. THE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT dated July 26, 1989 with grave abuse of discretion tantamount to excess
or lack of jurisdiction in:
39.2. The [Petitioner] FERNANDO J. SANTOS is ordered to pay the [Respondent]
NIEVES S. REYES, the following:
1. Holding that private respondents were partners/joint
39.2.1. P3,064,428.00 - The 15 percent share of the [respondent]venturers NIEVES
and notS. employees of Santos in connection
REYES in the profits of her joint venture with
with the
agreement between Santos and Monte
39.2.2. Six(6) percent of - As damages from August 3, 1987 untilMaria/Gragera;
the P3,064,428.00
P3,064,428.00 is fully paid.
39.2.3. P50,000.00 - As moral damages 2. Affirming the findings of the trial court that the
phrase 'Received by' on documents signed by Nieves
39.2.4. P10,000.00 - As exemplary damages Reyes signified receipt of copies of the documents
39.3. The [petitioner] FERNANDO J. SANTOS is ordered to pay andthenot[respondent]
of the sums shown thereon;
ARSENIO REYES, the following:
39.3.1. P2,899,739.50 - The balance of the 15 percent share 3. of Affirming that the signature of Nieves Reyes on
the [respondent]
ARSENIO REYES in the profits of his joint venture witha the
Exhibit 'E' was forgery;
39.3.2. Six(6) percent of - As damages from August 3, 1987 until4.the Finding that Exhibit 'H' [did] not establish receipt by
P2,899,739.50 is fully paid. Nieves Reyes of P200,000.00 for delivery to Gragera;

39.3.3. P25,000.00 - As moral damages

5 Affirming the dismissal of Santos' [Second]
39.3.4. P10,000.00 - As exemplary damages Amended Complaint;
39.4. The [petitioner] FERNANDO J. SANTOS is ordered to pay
the [respondents]: 6. Affirming the decision of the trial court, upholding
39.4.1. P50,000.00 - As attorney's fees; and private respondents' counterclaim;

39.4.2. The cost of the suit."8

7. Denying Santos' motion for reconsideration dated
September 11, 1998."
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Succinctly put, the following were the issues raised by
petitioner: (1) whether the parties' relationship was one of
partnership or of employer employee; (2) whether Nieves regardless of the expenses incurred in the operation
misappropriated the sums of money allegedly entrusted to her of the business. The sharing of gross returns does not
for delivery to Gragera as his commissions; and (3) whether in itself establish a partnership."11
respondents were entitled to the partnership profits as
determined by the trial court. We agree with both courts on this point. By the contract of
partnership, two or more persons bind themselves to contribute
The Court's Ruling money, property or industry to a common fund, with the
intention of dividing the profits among themselves.12 The
The Petition is partly meritorious. "Articles of Agreement" stipulated that the signatories shall
share the profits of the business in a 70-15-15 manner, with
petitioner getting the lion's share.13 This stipulation clearly
First Issue: proved the establishment of a partnership.
Business Relationship
We find no cogent reason to disagree with the lower courts that
Petitioner maintains that he employed the services of the partnership continued lending money to the members of
respondent spouses in the money-lending venture with the Monte Maria Community Development Group, Inc., which
Gragera, with Nieves as bookkeeper and Arsenio as credit later on changed its business name to Private Association for
investigator. That Nieves introduced Gragera to Santos did not Community Development, Inc. (PACDI). Nieves was not merely
make her a partner. She was only a witness to the Agreement petitioner's employee. She discharged her bookkeeping duties
between the two. Separate from the partnership between in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Agreement,
petitioner and Gragera was that which existed among which states as follows:
petitioner, Nieves and Zabat, a partnership that was dissolved
when Zabat was expelled.
shall handle the solicitation and screening of
On the other hand, both the CA and the trial court rejected prospective borrowers, and shall x x x each be
petitioner's contentions and ruled that the business relationship responsible in handling the collection of the loan
was one of partnership. We quote from the CA Decision, as payments of the borrowers that they each solicited.
"3. That the bookkeeping and daily balancing of
"[Respondents] were industrial partners of account of the business operation shall be handled by
[petitioner]x x x . Nieves herself provided the initiative the SECOND PARTY."14
in the lending activities with Monte Maria. In
consonance with the agreement between appellant,
Nieves and Zabat (later replaced by Arsenio), The "Second Party" named in the Agreement was none other
[respondents] contributed industry to the common than Nieves Reyes. On the other hand, Arsenio's duties as
fund with the intention of sharing in the profits of the credit investigator are subsumed under the phrase "screening
partnership. [Respondents] provided services without of prospective borrowers." Because of this Agreement and the
which the partnership would not have [had] the disbursement of monthly "allowances" and "profit shares" or
wherewithal to carry on the purpose for which it was "dividends" (Exh. "6") to Arsenio, we uphold the factual finding
organized and as such [were] considered industrial of both courts that he replaced Zabat in the partnership.
partners (Evangelista v. Abad Santos, 51 SCRA 416
[1973]). Indeed, the partnership was established to engage in a money-
lending business, despite the fact that it was formalized only
"While concededly, the partnership between after the Memorandum of Agreement had been signed by
[petitioner,] Nieves and Zabat was technically petitioner and Gragera. Contrary to petitioner's contention,
dissolved by the expulsion of Zabat therefrom, the there is no evidence to show that a different business venture
remaining partners simply continued the business of is referred to in this Agreement, which was executed on August
the partnership without undergoing the procedure 6, 1986, or about a month after the Memorandum had been
relative to dissolution. Instead, they invited Arsenio to signed by petitioner and Gragera on July 14, 1986. The
participate as a partner in their operations. There was Agreement itself attests to this fact:
therefore, no intent to dissolve the earlier partnership.
The partnership between [petitioner,] Nieves and "WHEREAS, the parties have decided to formalize the
Arsenio simply took over and continued the business terms of their business relationship in order that their
of the former partnership with Zabat, one of the respective interests may be properly defined and
incidents of which was the lending operations with established for their mutual benefit and
Monte Maria. understanding."15

xxx           xxx           xxx Second Issue:

No Proof of Misappropriation of Gragera's Unpaid Commission
"Gragera and [petitioner] were not partners. The
money-lending activities undertaken with Monte Maria Petitioner faults the CA finding that Nieves did not
was done in pursuit of the business for which the misappropriate money intended for Gragera's commission.
partnership between [petitioner], Nieves and Zabat According to him, Gragera remitted his daily collection to
(later Arsenio) was organized. Gragera who Nieves. This is shown by Exhibit "B." (the "Schedule of Daily
represented Monte Maria was merely paid Payments"), which bears her signature under the words
commissions in exchange for the collection of loans. "received by." For the period July 1986 to March 1987,
The commissions were fixed on gross returns, Gragera should have earned a total commission of
P4,282,429.30. However, only P3,068,133.20 was received by "Nieves' testimony that the schedules of daily
him. Thus, petitioner infers that she misappropriated the payment (Exhs. 'B' and 'F') were based on the
difference of P1,214,296.10, which represented the unpaid predetermined 100% collection as guaranteed by
commissions. Exhibit "H." is an untitled tabulation which, Gragera is credible and clearly in accord with the
according to him, shows that Gragera was also entitled to a evidence. A perusal of Exhs. "B" and "F" as well as
commission of P200,000, an amount that was never delivered Exhs. '15' to 15-DDDDDDDDDD' reveal that the
by Nieves.16 entries were indeed based on the 100% assumptive
collection guaranteed by Gragera. Thus, the total
On this point, the CA ruled that Exhibits "B," "F," "E" and "H" amount recorded on Exh. 'B' is exactly the number of
did not show that Nieves received for delivery to Gragera any borrowers multiplied by the projected collection of
amount from which the P1,214,296.10 unpaid commission was P150.00 per borrower. This holds true for Exh. 'F.'
supposed to come, and that such exhibits were insufficient
proof that she had embezzled P200,000. Said the CA: "Corollarily, Nieves' explanation that the documents
were pro forma and that she signed them not to
"The presentation of Exhibit "D" vaguely denominated signify that she collected the amounts but that she
as 'members ledger' does not clearly establish that received the documents themselves is more
Nieves received amounts from Monte Maria's believable than [petitioner's] assertion that she
members. The document does not clearly state what actually handled the amounts.
amounts the entries thereon represent. More
importantly, Nieves made the entries for the limited "Contrary to [petitioner's] assertion, Exhibit 'H' does
period of January 11, 1987 to February 17, 1987 only not unequivocally establish that x x x Nieves received
while the rest were made by Gragera's own staff. P200,000.00 as commission for Gragera. As correctly
stated by the court a quo, the document showed a
"Neither can we give probative value to Exhibit 'E' liquidation of P240.000 00 and not P200,000.00.
which allegedly shows acknowledgment of the
remittance of commissions to Verona Gonzales. The "Accordingly, we find Nieves' testimony that after
document is a private one and its due execution and August 20, 1986, all collections were made by
authenticity have not been duly proved as required in Gragera believable and worthy of credence. Since
[S]ection 20, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court which Gragera guaranteed a daily 100% payment of the
states: loans, he took charge of the collections. As
[petitioner's] representative,
'SECTION 20. Proof of Private Document —
Before any private document offered as Nieves merely prepared the daily cash flow reports
authentic is received in evidence, its due (Exh. '15' to '15 DDDDDDDDDD') to enable
execution and authenticity must be proved [petitioner] to keep track of Gragera's operations.
either: Gragera on the other hand devised the schedule of
daily payment (Exhs. 'B' and 'F') to record the
(a) By anyone who saw the projected gross daily collections.
document executed or written; or
"As aptly observed by the court a quo:
(b) By evidence of the genuineness
of the signature or handwriting of '26.1. As between the versions of SANTOS
the maker. and NIEVES on how the commissions of
GRAGERA [were] paid to him[,] that of
'Any other private document need only be NIEVES is more logical and practical and
identified as that which it is claimed to be.' therefore, more believable. SANTOS' version
would have given rise to this improbable
situation: GRAGERA would collect the daily
"The court a quo even ruled that the signature thereon amortizations and then give them to
was a forgery, as it found that: NIEVES; NIEVES would get GRAGERA's
commissions from the amortizations and
'x x x . But NIEVES denied that Exh. E-1 is then give such commission to GRAGERA."'17
her signature; she claimed that it is a forgery.
The initial stroke of Exh. E-1 starts from up These findings are in harmony with the trial court's
and goes downward. The initial stroke of the ruling, which we quote below:
genuine signatures of NIEVES (Exhs. A-3, B-
1, F-1, among others) starts from below and
goes upward. This difference in the start of "21. Exh. H does not prove that SANTOS gave to
the initial stroke of the signatures Exhs. E-1 NIEVES and the latter received P200,000.00 for
and of the genuine signatures lends delivery to GRAGERA. Exh. H shows under its sixth
credence to Nieves' claim that the signature column 'ADDITIONAL CASH' that the additional cash
Exh. E-1 is a forgery.' was P240,000.00. If Exh. H were the liquidation of the
P200,000.00 as alleged by SANTOS, then his claim is
not true. This is so because it is a liquidation of the
xxx           xxx           xxx sum of P240,000.00.
"21.1. SANTOS claimed that he learned of NIEVES' "We earlier ruled that there is still need for an
failure to give the P200,000.00 to GRAGERA when he accounting of the profits and losses of the partnership
received the latter's letter complaining of its delayed before we can rule with certainty as to the respective
release. Assuming as true SANTOS' claim that he shares of the partners. Upon a further review of the
gave P200,000.00 to GRAGERA, there is no records of this case, however, there appears to be
competent evidence that NIEVES did not give it to sufficient basis to determine the amount of shares of
GRAGERA. The only proof that NIEVES did not give it the parties and damages incurred by [respondents].
is the letter. But SANTOS did not even present the The fact is that the court a quo already made such a
letter in evidence. He did not explain why he did not. determination [in its] decision dated August 13, 1991
on the basis of the facts on record."20
"21.2. The evidence shows that all money
transactions of the money-lending business of The trial court's ruling alluded to above is quoted below:
SANTOS were covered by petty cash vouchers. It is
therefore strange why SANTOS did not present any "27. The defendants' counterclaim for the payment of
voucher or receipt covering the P200,000.00."18 their share in the profits of their joint venture with
SANTOS is supported by the evidence.
In sum, the lower courts found it unbelievable that Nieves had
embezzled P1,555,068.70 from the partnership. She did not "27.1. NIEVES testified that: Her claim to a share in
remit P1,214,296.10 to Gragera, because he had deducted his the profits is based on the agreement (Exhs. 5, 5-A
commissions before remitting his collections. Exhibits "B" and and 5-B). The profits are shown in the working papers
"F" are merely computations of what Gragera should collect for (Exhs. 10 to 10-I, inclusive) which she prepared.
the day; they do not show that Nieves received the amounts Exhs. 10 to 10-I (inclusive) were based on the daily
stated therein. Neither is there sufficient proof that she cash flow reports of which Exh. 3 is a sample. The
misappropriated P200,000, because Exhibit "H." does not originals of the daily cash flow reports (Exhs. 3 and 15
indicate that such amount was received by her; in fact, it shows to 15-D(10) were given to SANTOS. The joint venture
a different figure. had a net profit of P20,429,520.00 (Exh. 10-I-1), from
its operations from June 13, 1986 to April 19, 1987
Petitioner has utterly failed to demonstrate why a review of (Exh. 1-I-4). She had a share of P3,064,428.00 (Exh.
these factual findings is warranted. Well-entrenched is the 10-I-3) and ARSENIO, about P2,926,000.00, in the
basic rule that factual findings of the Court of Appeals affirming profits.
those of the trial court are binding and conclusive on the
Supreme Court.19 Although there are exceptions to this rule, "27.1.1 SANTOS never denied NIEVES' testimony
petitioner has not satisfactorily shown that any of them is that the money-lending business he was engaged in
applicable to this issue. netted a profit and that the originals of the daily case
flow reports were furnished to him. SANTOS however
Third Issue: alleged that the money-lending operation of his joint
Accounting of Partnership venture with NIEVES and ZABAT resulted in a loss of
about half a million pesos to him. But such loss, even
Petitioner refuses any liability for respondents' claims on the if true, does not negate NIEVES' claim that overall,
profits of the partnership. He maintains that "both business the joint venture among them — SANTOS, NIEVES
propositions were flops," as his investments were "consumed and ARSENIO — netted a profit. There is no reason
and eaten up by the commissions orchestrated to be due for the Court to doubt the veracity of [the testimony of]
Gragera" — a situation that "could not have been rendered NIEVES.
possible without complicity between Nieves and Gragera."
"27.2 The P26,260.50 which ARSENIO received as
Respondent spouses, on the other hand, postulate that part of his share in the profits (Exhs. 6, 6-A and 6-B)
petitioner instituted the action below to avoid payment of the should be deducted from his total share."21
demands of Nieves, because sometime in March 1987, she
"signified to petitioner that it was about time to get her share of After a close examination of respondents' exhibits, we find
the profits which had already accumulated to some P3 million." reason to disagree with the CA. Exhibit "10-I"22 shows that the
Respondents add that while the partnership has not declared partnership earned a "total income" of P20,429,520 for the
dividends or liquidated its earnings, the profits are already period June 13, 1986 until April 19, 1987. This entry is derived
reflected on paper. To prove the counterclaim of Nieves, the from the sum of the amounts under the following column
spouses show that from June 13, 1986 up to April 19, 1987, headings: "2-Day Advance Collection," "Service Fee," "Notarial
the profit totaled P20,429,520 (Exhs. "10" et seq. and "15" et Fee," "Application Fee," "Net Interest Income" and "Interest
seq.). Based on that income, her 15 percent share under the Income on Investment." Such entries represent the collections
joint venture amounts to P3,064,428 (Exh. "10-I-3"); and of the money-lending business or its gross income.
Arsenio's, P2,026,000 minus the P30,000 which was already
advanced to him (Petty Cash Vouchers, Exhs. "6, 6-A to 6-B"). The "total income" shown on Exhibit "10-I" did not consider the
expenses sustained by the partnership. For instance, it did not
The CA originally held that respondents' counterclaim was factor in the "gross loan releases" representing the money
premature, pending an accounting of the partnership. However, loaned to clients. Since the business is money-lending, such
in its assailed Resolution of August 17, 1998, it turned volte releases are comparable with the inventory or supplies in other
face. Affirming the trial court's ruling on the counterclaim, it business enterprises.
held as follows:
Noticeably missing from the computation of the "total income" G.R. No. 126881             October 3, 2000
is the deduction of the weekly allowance disbursed to
respondents. Exhibits "I" et seq. and "J" et seq.23 show that
Arsenio received allowances from July 19, 1986 to March 27, HEIRS OF TAN ENG KEE, petitioners,
1987 in the aggregate amount of P25,500; and Nieves, from vs.
July 12, 1986 to March 27, 1987, in the total amount of COURT OF APPEALS and BENGUET LUMBER
P25,600. These allowances are different from the profit already COMPANY, represented by its President TAN ENG
received by Arsenio. They represent expenses that should LAY, respondents.
have been deducted from the business profits. The point is that
all expenses incurred by the money-lending enterprise of the
parties must first be deducted from the "total income" in order DE LEON, JR., J.:
to arrive at the "net profit" of the partnership. The share of each
one of them should be based on this "net profit" and not from In this petition for review on certiorari, petitioners pray
the "gross income" or "total income" reflected in Exhibit "10-I,"
which the two courts invariably referred to as "cash flow"
for the reversal of the Decision dated March 13, 1996

sheets. of the former Fifth Division of the Court of Appeals in

CA-G.R. CV No. 47937, the dispositive portion of

Similarly, Exhibits "15" et seq.,24 which are the "Daily Cashflow which states:
Reports," do not reflect the business expenses incurred by the
parties, because they show only the daily cash collections. THE FOREGOING CONSIDERED, the
Contrary to the rulings of both the trial and the appellate courts, appealed decision is hereby set aside, and the
respondents' exhibits do not reflect the complete financial
condition of the money-lending business. The lower courts complaint dismissed.
obviously labored over a mistaken notion that Exhibit " 10-I-1"
represented the "net profits" earned by the partnership. The facts are:

For the purpose of determining the profit that should go to an Following the death of Tan Eng Kee on September
industrial partner (who shares in the profits but is not liable for 13, 1984, Matilde Abubo, the common-law spouse of
the losses), the gross income from all the transactions carried
on by the firm must be added together, and from this sum must the decedent, joined by their children Teresita, Nena,
be subtracted the expenses or the losses sustained in the Clarita, Carlos, Corazon and Elpidio, collectively
business. Only in the difference representing the net profits known as herein petitioners HEIRS OF TAN ENG
does the industrial partner share. But if, on the contrary, the KEE, filed suit against the decedent's brother TAN
losses exceed the income, the industrial partner does not ENG LAY on February 19, 1990. The
share in the losses.25 complaint, docketed as Civil Case No. 1983-R in the

Regional Trial Court of Baguio City was for

When the judgment of the CA is premised on a accounting, liquidation and winding up of the alleged
misapprehension of facts or a failure to notice certain relevant
facts that would otherwise justify a different conclusion, as in partnership formed after World War II between Tan
this particular issue, a review of its factual findings may be Eng Kee and Tan Eng Lay. On March 18, 1991, the
conducted, as an exception to the general rule applied to the petitioners filed an amended complaint impleading

first two issues.26 private respondent herein BENGUET LUMBER

COMPANY, as represented by Tan Eng Lay. The
The trial court has the advantage of observing the witnesses amended complaint was admitted by the trial court in
while they are testifying, an opportunity not available to its Order dated May 3, 1991. 5

appellate courts. Thus, its assessment of the credibility of

witnesses and their testimonies are accorded great weight,
even finality, when supported by substantial evidence; more so The amended complaint principally alleged that after
when such assessment is affirmed by the CA. But when the the second World War, Tan Eng Kee and Tan Eng
issue involves the evaluation of exhibits or documents that are Lay, pooling their resources and industry together,
attached to the case records, as in the third issue, the rule may entered into a partnership engaged in the business of
be relaxed. Under that situation, this Court has a similar
selling lumber and hardware and construction
opportunity to inspect, examine and evaluate those records,
independently of the lower courts. Hence, we deem the award supplies. They named their enterprise "Benguet
of the partnership share, as computed by the trial court and Lumber" which they jointly managed until Tan Eng
adopted by the CA, to be incomplete and not binding on this Kee's death. Petitioners herein averred that the
Court. business prospered due to the hard work and thrift of
the alleged partners. However, they claimed that in
WHEREFORE, the Petition is partly GRANTED. The assailed 1981, Tan Eng Lay and his children caused the
November 28, 1997 Decision is AFFIRMED, but the challenged conversion of the partnership "Benguet Lumber" into a
Resolutions dated August 17, 1998 and October 9, 1998 are
corporation called "Benguet Lumber Company." The
incorporation was purportedly a ruse to deprive Tan
Eng Kee and his heirs of their rightful participation in
the profits of the business. Petitioners prayed for
accounting of the partnership assets, and the
dissolution, winding up and liquidation thereof, and
the equal division of the net assets of Benguet SO ORDERED.
Private respondent sought relief before the Court of
After trial, Regional Trial Court of Baguio City, Branch Appeals which, on March 13, 1996, rendered the
7 rendered judgment on April 12, 1995, to wit:

assailed decision reversing the judgment of the trial
court. Petitioners' motion for reconsideration was

WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, denied by the Court of Appeals in a Resolution dated

judgment is hereby rendered: October 11, 1996.

a) Declaring that Benguet Lumber is a joint Hence, the present petition.

venture which is akin to a particular
partnership; As a side-bar to the proceedings, petitioners filed
Criminal Case No. 78856 against Tan Eng Lay and
b) Declaring that the deceased Tan Eng Kee Wilborn Tan for the use of allegedly falsified
and Tan Eng Lay are joint adventurers and/or documents in a judicial proceeding. Petitioners
partners in a business venture and/or complained that Exhibits "4" to "4-U" offered by the
particular partnership called Benguet Lumber defendants before the trial court, consisting of payrolls
and as such should share in the profits and/or indicating that Tan Eng Kee was a mere employee of
losses of the business venture or particular Benguet Lumber, were fake, based on the
partnership; discrepancy in the signatures of Tan Eng Kee. They
also filed Criminal Cases Nos. 78857-78870 against
c) Declaring that the assets of Benguet Gloria, Julia, Juliano, Willie, Wilfredo, Jean, Mary and
Lumber are the same assets turned over to Willy, all surnamed Tan, for alleged falsification of
Benguet Lumber Co. Inc. and as such the commercial documents by a private individual. On
heirs or legal representatives of the deceased March 20, 1999, the Municipal Trial Court of Baguio
Tan Eng Kee have a legal right to share in City, Branch 1, wherein the charges were filed,
said assets; rendered judgment dismissing the cases for

insufficiency of evidence.
d) Declaring that all the rights and obligations
of Tan Eng Kee as joint adventurer and/or as In their assignment of errors, petitioners claim
partner in a particular partnership have that:
descended to the plaintiffs who are his legal
heirs. I

e) Ordering the defendant Tan Eng Lay and/or THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS
the President and/or General Manager of ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THERE WAS NO
Benguet Lumber Company Inc. to render an PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE LATE TAN
accounting of all the assets of Benguet ENG KEE AND HIS BROTHER TAN ENG
Lumber Company, Inc. so the plaintiffs know LAY BECAUSE: (A) THERE WAS NO FIRM
their proper share in the business; ACCOUNT; (B) THERE WAS NO FIRM
f) Ordering the appointment of a receiver to EVIDENCE; (C) THERE WAS NO
preserve and/or administer the assets of CERTIFICATE OF PARTNERSHIP; (D)
Benguet Lumber Company, Inc. until such THERE WAS NO AGREEMENT AS TO
time that said corporation is finally liquidated PROFITS AND LOSSES; AND (E) THERE
are directed to submit the name of any person WAS NO TIME FIXED FOR THE DURATION
they want to be appointed as receiver failing in OF THE PARTNERSHIP (PAGE 13,
which this Court will appoint the Branch Clerk DECISION).
of Court or another one who is qualified to act
as such. II

g) Denying the award of damages to the THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS

plaintiffs for lack of proof except the expenses ERRED IN RELYING SOLELY ON THE
in filing the instant case. SELF-SERVING TESTIMONY OF
h) Dismissing the counter-claim of the BENGUET LUMBER WAS A SOLE
defendant for lack of merit. PROPRIETORSHIP AND THAT TAN ENG
COMMISSION: As a premise, we reiterate the oft-repeated rule that
findings of facts of the Court of Appeals will not be
a. THAT THE FAMILIES OF TAN disturbed on appeal if such are supported by the
ENG KEE AND TAN ENG LAY WERE evidence. Our jurisdiction, it must be emphasized,

ALL LIVING AT THE BENGUET does not include review of factual issues. Thus:
Filing of petition with Supreme Court. — A
b. THAT BOTH TAN ENG LAY AND party desiring to appeal by certiorari from a
TAN ENG KEE WERE judgment or final order or resolution of the
COMMANDING THE EMPLOYEES Court of Appeals, the Sandiganbayan, the
OF BENGUET LUMBER; Regional Trial Court or other courts whenever
authorized by law, may file with the Supreme
c. THAT BOTH TAN ENG KEE AND Court a verified petition for review on
TAN ENG LAY WERE SUPERVISING certiorari. The petition shall raise only
THE EMPLOYEES THEREIN; questions of law which must be distinctly set
forth. [emphasis supplied]


ENG LAY WERE THE ONES Admitted exceptions have been recognized, though,
DETERMINING THE PRICES OF and when present, may compel us to analyze the
STOCKS TO BE SOLD TO THE evidentiary basis on which the lower court rendered
PUBLIC; AND judgment. Review of factual issues is therefore
ENG KEE WERE THE ONES (1) when the factual findings of the Court of
MAKING ORDERS TO THE Appeals and the trial court are contradictory;
(2) when the findings are grounded entirely on
IV speculation, surmises, or conjectures;

THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (3) when the inference made by the Court of
ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THERE WAS NO Appeals from its findings of fact is manifestly
PARTNERSHIP JUST BECAUSE THE mistaken, absurd, or impossible;
ELPIDIO TAN AND VERONICA CHOI, (4) when there is grave abuse of discretion in
TOGETHER WITH THEIR WITNESS the appreciation of facts;
DO NOT KNOW WHEN THE (5) when the appellate court, in making its
ESTABLISHMENT KNOWN IN BAGUIO CITY findings, goes beyond the issues of the case,
AS BENGUET LUMBER WAS STARTED AS and such findings are contrary to the
A PARTNERSHIP (PAGE 16-17, DECISION). admissions of both appellant and appellee;

V (6) when the judgment of the Court of Appeals

is premised on a misapprehension of facts;
(7) when the Court of Appeals fails to notice the suppliers, (4) their families stayed together
certain relevant facts which, if properly at the Benguet Lumber compound, and (5) all
considered, will justify a different conclusion; their children were employed in the business
in different capacities.
(8) when the findings of fact are themselves
conflicting; xxx             xxx             xxx

(9) when the findings of fact are conclusions It is obvious that there was no partnership
without citation of the specific evidence on whatsoever. Except for a firm name, there
which they are based; and was no firm account, no firm letterheads
submitted as evidence, no certificate of
(10) when the findings of fact of the Court of partnership, no agreement as to profits and
Appeals are premised on the absence of losses, and no time fixed for the duration of
evidence but such findings are contradicted by the partnership. There was even no attempt to
the evidence on record. 12 submit an accounting corresponding to the
period after the war until Kee's death in 1984.
In reversing the trial court, the Court of Appeals ruled, It had no business book, no written account
to wit: nor any memorandum for that matter and no
license mentioning the existence of a
partnership [citation omitted].
We note that the Court a quo over extended
the issue because while the plaintiffs
mentioned only the existence of a partnership, Also, the exhibits support the establishment of
the Court in turn went beyond that by justifying only a proprietorship. The certification dated
the existence of a joint venture. March 4, 1971, Exhibit "2", mentioned co-
defendant Lay as the only registered owner of
the Benguet Lumber and Hardware. His
When mention is made of a joint venture, it
application for registration, effective 1954, in
would presuppose parity of standing between
fact mentioned that his business started in
the parties, equal proprietary interest and the
1945 until 1985 (thereafter, the incorporation).
exercise by the parties equally of the conduct
The deceased, Kee, on the other hand, was
of the business, thus:
merely an employee of the Benguet Lumber
Company, on the basis of his SSS coverage
xxx             xxx             xxx effective 1958, Exhibit "3". In the Payrolls,
Exhibits "4" to "4-U", inclusive, for the years
We have the admission that the father of the 1982 to 1983, Kee was similarly listed only as
plaintiffs was not a partner of the Benguet an employee; precisely, he was on the payroll
Lumber before the war. The appellees listing. In the Termination Notice, Exhibit "5",
however argued that (Rollo, p. 104; Brief, p. 6) Lay was mentioned also as the proprietor.
this is because during the war, the entire
stocks of the pre-war Benguet Lumber were xxx             xxx             xxx
confiscated if not burned by the Japanese.
After the war, because of the absence of
We would like to refer to Arts. 771 and 772,
capital to start a lumber and hardware
NCC, that a partner [sic] may be constituted in
business, Lay and Kee pooled the proceeds of
any form, but when an immovable is
their individual businesses earned from buying
constituted, the execution of a public
and selling military supplies, so that the
instrument becomes necessary. This is
common fund would be enough to form a
equally true if the capitalization exceeds
partnership, both in the lumber and hardware
P3,000.00, in which case a public instrument
business. That Lay and Kee actually
is also necessary, and which is to be recorded
established the Benguet Lumber in Baguio
with the Securities and Exchange
City, was even testified to by witnesses.
Commission. In this case at bar, we can easily
Because of the pooling of resources, the post-
assume that the business establishment,
war Benguet Lumber was eventually
which from the language of the appellees,
established. That the father of the plaintiffs
prospered (pars. 5 & 9, Complaint), definitely
and Lay were partners, is obvious from the
exceeded P3,000.00, in addition to the
fact that: (1) they conducted the affairs of the
accumulation of real properties and to the fact
business during Kee's lifetime, jointly, (2) they
that it is now a compound. The execution of a
were the ones giving orders to the employees,
(3) they were the ones preparing orders from
public instrument, on the other hand, was of the evidence by the court a quo. Inasmuch as the

never established by the appellees. Court of Appeals and the trial court had reached
conflicting conclusions, perforce we must examine the
And then in 1981, the business was record to determine if the reversal was justified.
incorporated and the incorporators were only
Lay and the members of his family. There is The primordial issue here is whether Tan Eng Kee
no proof either that the capital assets of the and Tan Eng Lay were partners in Benguet Lumber. A
partnership, assuming them to be in contract of partnership is defined by law as one
existence, were maliciously assigned or where:
transferred by Lay, supposedly to the
corporation and since then have been treated . . . two or more persons bind themselves to
as a part of the latter's capital assets, contrary contribute money, property, or industry to a common
to the allegations in pars. 6, 7 and 8 of the fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among
complaint. themselves.

These are not evidences supporting the Two or more persons may also form a
existence of a partnership: partnership for the exercise of a profession. 14

1) That Kee was living in a bunk house just Thus, in order to constitute a partnership, it
across the lumber store, and then in a room in must be established that (1) two or more
the bunk house in Trinidad, but within the persons bound themselves to contribute
compound of the lumber establishment, as money, property, or industry to a common
testified to by Tandoc; 2) that both Lay and fund, and (2) they intend to divide the profits
Kee were seated on a table and were among themselves. The agreement need not

"commanding people" as testified to by the be formally reduced into writing, since statute
son, Elpidio Tan; 3) that both were supervising allows the oral constitution of a partnership,
the laborers, as testified to by Victoria Choi; save in two instances: (1) when immovable
and 4) that Dionisio Peralta was supposedly property or real rights are contributed, and (2)

being told by Kee that the proceeds of the 80 when the partnership has a capital of three
pieces of the G.I. sheets were added to the thousand pesos or more. In both cases, a

business. public instrument is required. An inventory to


be signed by the parties and attached to the

Partnership presupposes the following public instrument is also indispensable to the
elements [citation omitted]: 1) a contract, validity of the partnership whenever
either oral or written. However, if it involves immovable property is contributed to the
real property or where the capital is P3,000.00 partnership. 19

or more, the execution of a contract is

necessary; 2) the capacity of the parties to The trial court determined that Tan Eng Kee and Tan
execute the contract; 3) money property or Eng Lay had entered into a joint venture, which it said
industry contribution; 4) community of funds is akin to a particular partnership. A particular

and interest, mentioning equality of the partnership is distinguished from a joint adventure, to
partners or one having a proportionate share wit:
in the benefits; and 5) intention to divide the
profits, being the true test of the partnership. (a) A joint adventure (an American concept
The intention to join in the business venture similar to our joint accounts) is a sort of
for the purpose of obtaining profits thereafter informal partnership, with no firm name and
to be divided, must be established. We cannot no legal personality. In a joint account, the
see these elements from the testimonial participating merchants can transact business
evidence of the appellees. under their own name, and can be individually
liable therefor.
As can be seen, the appellate court disputed and
differed from the trial court which had adjudged that (b) Usually, but not necessarily a joint
TAN ENG KEE and TAN ENG LAY had allegedly adventure is limited to a SINGLE
entered into a joint venture. In this connection, we TRANSACTION, although the business of
have held that whether a partnership exists is a pursuing to a successful termination may
factual matter; consequently, since the appeal is continue for a number of years; a partnership
brought to us under Rule 45, we cannot entertain generally relates to a continuing business of
inquiries relative to the correctness of the assessment various transactions of a certain kind. 21
A joint venture "presupposes generally a parity of contrary may well be argued that nothing prevented
standing between the joint co-ventures or partners, in the parties from complying with the provisions of the
which each party has an equal proprietary interest in New Civil Code when it took effect on August 30,
the capital or property contributed, and where each 1950. But all that is in the past. The net effect,
party exercises equal rights in the conduct of the however, is that we are asked to determine whether a
business." Nonetheless, in Aurbach, et. al. v. Sanitary
partnership existed based purely on circumstantial
Wares Manufacturing Corporation, et. al., we
evidence. A review of the record persuades us that
expressed the view that a joint venture may be the Court of Appeals correctly reversed the decision
likened to a particular partnership, thus: of the trial court. The evidence presented by
petitioners falls short of the quantum of proof required
The legal concept of a joint venture is of to establish a partnership.
common law origin. It has no precise legal
definition, but it has been generally Unfortunately for petitioners, Tan Eng Kee has
understood to mean an organization formed passed away. Only he, aside from Tan Eng Lay, could
for some temporary purpose. (Gates v. have expounded on the precise nature of the
Megargel, 266 Fed. 811 [1920]) It is hardly business relationship between them. In the absence
distinguishable from the partnership, since of evidence, we cannot accept as an established fact
their elements are similar — community of that Tan Eng Kee allegedly contributed his resources
interest in the business, sharing of profits and to a common fund for the purpose of establishing a
losses, and a mutual right of control. (Blackner partnership. The testimonies to that effect of
v. McDermott, 176 F. 2d. 498, [1949]; petitioners' witnesses is directly controverted by Tan
Carboneau v. Peterson, 95 P.2d., 1043 Eng Lay. It should be noted that it is not with the
[1939]; Buckley v. Chadwick, 45 Cal. 2d. 183, number of witnesses wherein preponderance lies; the 24 

288 P.2d. 12 289 P.2d. 242 [1955]). The main quality of their testimonies is to be considered. None
distinction cited by most opinions in common of petitioners' witnesses could suitably account for the
law jurisdiction is that the partnership beginnings of Benguet Lumber Company, except
contemplates a general business with some perhaps for Dionisio Peralta whose deceased wife
degree of continuity, while the joint venture is was related to Matilde Abubo. He stated that when he

formed for the execution of a single met Tan Eng Kee after the liberation, the latter asked
transaction, and is thus of a temporary nature. the former to accompany him to get 80 pieces of G.I.
(Tufts v. Mann. 116 Cal. App. 170, 2 P. 2d. sheets supposedly owned by both brothers. Tan Eng 26 

500 [1931]; Harmon v. Martin, 395 Ill. 595, 71 Lay, however, denied knowledge of this meeting or of
NE 2d. 74 [1947]; Gates v. Megargel 266 Fed. the conversation between Peralta and his
811 [1920]). This observation is not entirely brother. Tan Eng Lay consistently testified that he

accurate in this jurisdiction, since under the had his business and his brother had his, that it was
Civil Code, a partnership may be particular or only later on that his said brother, Tan Eng Kee, came
universal, and a particular partnership may to work for him. Be that as it may, co-ownership or co-
have for its object a specific undertaking. (Art. possession (specifically here, of the G.I. sheets) is not
1783, Civil Code). It would seem therefore an indicium of the existence of a partnership. 28

that under Philippine law, a joint venture is a

form of partnership and should thus be Besides, it is indeed odd, if not unnatural, that despite
governed by the law of partnerships. The the forty years the partnership was allegedly in
Supreme Court has however recognized a existence, Tan Eng Kee never asked for an
distinction between these two business forms, accounting. The essence of a partnership is that the
and has held that although a corporation partners share in the profits and losses. Each has the

cannot enter into a partnership contract, it right to demand an accounting as long as the
may however engage in a joint venture with partnership exists. We have allowed a scenario

others. (At p. 12, Tuazon v. Bolaños, 95 Phil. wherein "[i]f excellent relations exist among the
906 [1954]) (Campos and Lopez-Campos partners at the start of the business and all the
Comments, Notes and Selected Cases, partners are more interested in seeing the firm grow
Corporation Code 1981). rather than get immediate returns, a deferment of
sharing in the profits is perfectly plausible." But in the

Undoubtedly, the best evidence would have been the situation in the case at bar, the deferment, if any, had
contract of partnership itself, or the articles of gone on too long to be plausible. A person is
partnership but there is none. The alleged presumed to take ordinary care of his concerns. As 32 

partnership, though, was never formally organized. In we explained in another case:

addition, petitioners point out that the New Civil Code
was not yet in effect when the partnership was In the first place, plaintiff did not furnish the
allegedly formed sometime in 1945, although the supposed P20,000.00 capital. In the second
place, she did not furnish any help or common right or interest in any property which
intervention in the management of the theatre. the returns are derived;
In the third place, it does not appear that she
has even demanded from defendant any (4) The receipt by a person of a share of the
accounting of the expenses and earnings of profits of a business is a prima facie evidence
the business. Were she really a partner, her that he is a partner in the business, but no
first concern should have been to find out how such inference shall be drawn if such profits
the business was progressing, whether the were received in payment:
expenses were legitimate, whether the
earnings were correct, etc. She was (a) As a debt by installment or
absolutely silent with respect to any of the otherwise;
acts that a partner should have done; all that
she did was to receive her share of P3,000.00
(b) As wages of an employee or rent
a month, which cannot be interpreted in any
to a landlord;
manner than a payment for the use of the
premises which she had leased from the
owners. Clearly, plaintiff had always acted in (c) As an annuity to a widow or
accordance with the original letter of representative of a deceased partner;
defendant of June 17, 1945 (Exh. "A"), which
shows that both parties considered this offer (d) As interest on a loan, though the
as the real contract between them. [emphasis
33  amount of payment vary with the
supplied] profits of the business;

A demand for periodic accounting is evidence of a (e) As the consideration for the sale of
partnership. During his lifetime, Tan Eng Kee
34  a goodwill of a business or other
appeared never to have made any such demand for property by installments or otherwise.
accounting from his brother, Tang Eng Lay.
In the light of the aforequoted legal provision, we
This brings us to the matter of Exhibits "4" to "4-U" for conclude that Tan Eng Kee was only an employee,
private respondents, consisting of payrolls purporting not a partner. Even if the payrolls as evidence were
to show that Tan Eng Kee was an ordinary employee discarded, petitioners would still be back to square
of Benguet Lumber, as it was then called. The one, so to speak, since they did not present and offer
authenticity of these documents was questioned by evidence that would show that Tan Eng Kee received
petitioners, to the extent that they filed criminal amounts of money allegedly representing his share in
charges against Tan Eng Lay and his wife and the profits of the enterprise. Petitioners failed to show
children. As aforesaid, the criminal cases were how much their father, Tan Eng Kee, received, if any,
dismissed for insufficiency of evidence. Exhibits "4" to as his share in the profits of Benguet Lumber
"4-U" in fact shows that Tan Eng Kee received sums Company for any particular period. Hence, they failed
as wages of an employee. In connection therewith, to prove that Tan Eng Kee and Tan Eng Lay intended
Article 1769 of the Civil Code provides: to divide the profits of the business between
themselves, which is one of the essential features of a
In determining whether a partnership exists, these partnership.
rules shall apply:
Nevertheless, petitioners would still want us to infer or
(1) Except as provided by Article 1825, believe the alleged existence of a partnership from
persons who are not partners as to each other this set of circumstances: that Tan Eng Lay and Tan
are not partners as to third persons; Eng Kee were commanding the employees; that both
were supervising the employees; that both were the
ones who determined the price at which the stocks
(2) Co-ownership or co-possession does not
were to be sold; and that both placed orders to the
of itself establish a partnership, whether such
suppliers of the Benguet Lumber Company. They also
co-owners or co-possessors do or do not
point out that the families of the brothers Tan Eng Kee
share any profits made by the use of the
and Tan Eng Lay lived at the Benguet Lumber
Company compound, a privilege not extended to its
ordinary employees.
(3) The sharing of gross returns does not of
itself establish a partnership, whether or not
However, private respondent counters that:
the persons sharing them have a joint or
Petitioners seem to have missed the point in liberties otherwise unavailable were he not kin, such
asserting that the above enumerated powers as his residence in the Benguet Lumber Company
and privileges granted in favor of Tan Eng compound. He would have moral, if not actual,
Kee, were indicative of his being a partner in superiority over his fellow employees, thereby entitling
Benguet Lumber for the following reasons: him to exercise powers of supervision. It may even be
that among his duties is to place orders with suppliers.
(i) even a mere supervisor in a company, Again, the circumstances proffered by petitioners do
factory or store gives orders and directions to not provide a logical nexus to the conclusion desired;
his subordinates. So long, therefore, that an these are not inconsistent with the powers and duties
employee's position is higher in rank, it is not of a manager, even in a business organized and run
unusual that he orders around those lower in as informally as Benguet Lumber Company.
There being no partnership, it follows that there is no
(ii) even a messenger or other trusted dissolution, winding up or liquidation to speak of.
employee, over whom confidence is reposed Hence, the petition must fail.
by the owner, can order materials from
suppliers for and in behalf of Benguet Lumber. WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby denied, and the
Furthermore, even a partner does not appealed decision of the Court of Appeals is
necessarily have to perform this particular hereby AFFIRMED in toto. No pronouncement as to
task. It is, thus, not an indication that Tan Eng costs.
Kee was a partner.
(iii) although Tan Eng Kee, together with his
family, lived in the lumber compound and this Bellosillo, Mendoza, Quisumbing and Buena,
privilege was not accorded to other JJ ., concur.
employees, the undisputed fact remains
that Tan Eng Kee is the brother of Tan Eng
Lay. Naturally, close personal relations
existed between them. Whatever privileges
Tan Eng Lay gave his brother, and which
were not given the other employees, only
proves the kindness and generosity of Tan
Eng Lay towards a blood relative.

(iv) and even if it is assumed that Tan Eng

Kee was quarreling with Tan Eng Lay in
connection with the pricing of stocks, this does
not adequately prove the existence of a
partnership relation between them. Even
highly confidential employees and the owners
of a company sometimes argue with respect
to certain matters which, in no way indicates
that they are partners as to each other. 35

In the instant case, we find private respondent's

arguments to be well-taken. Where circumstances
taken singly may be inadequate to prove the intent to
form a partnership, nevertheless, the collective
effect of these circumstances may be such as to
support a finding of the existence of the parties'
intent. Yet, in the case at bench, even the aforesaid

circumstances when taken together are not

persuasive indicia of a partnership. They only tend to
show that Tan Eng Kee was involved in the
operations of Benguet Lumber, but in what capacity is
unclear. We cannot discount the likelihood that as a
member of the family, he occupied a niche above the
rank-and-file employees. He would have enjoyed

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