Systemic Infl Ammatory Response Syndrome & Sepsis: Part 1: Recognition & Diagnosis

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Systemic Inflammatory Response

Syndrome & Sepsis
Deborah Silverstein, DVM, Diplomate ACVECC
University of Pennsylvania

Small animals frequently present to veterinarians

with vague signs of illness. The decision whether to
Examples of Inciting Factors of SIRS
treat dogs or cats symptomatically as outpatients or
immediately perform diagnostics and recommend
hospitalization requires an astute clinician and Nonseptic SIRS Septic SIRS
logical approach to:
• Burns • Anaerobic bacteria
• Patient history
• Chemical aspiration • Fungi
• Physical examination • Heatstroke • Products of gram-
• Preliminary diagnostic findings. • Immune-mediated disease negative bacteria
Animals with evidence of a widespread • Ischemic organ necrosis • Products of gram-
(eg, splenic torsion) positive bacteria
systemic inflammatory condition should never be
• Neoplasia • Protozoa
ignored; the deleterious consequences of excessive • Pancreatitis • Viruses
inflammation may include organ injury and death. • Trauma
Recognition and diagnosis of these emergent
patients is the focus of Part 1 of this article series; TABLE 2.
Part 2 will review stabilization and treatment. Distinctions Between SIRS & Sepsis
SIRS Clinical manifestation of systemic
PROFILE inflammation, which results from
Definition either:
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome • Infectious insult (septic SIRS)
• Noninfectious insult (nonseptic
(SIRS) describes a clinical condition characterized
by widespread activation of the inflammatory
SEPSIS Clinical manifestation of SIRS, sec-
system, secondary to a sterile inflammatory disease
ondary to an underlying pathogenic
or infectious insult (Table 1). organism
The term SIRS was first introduced by the
SEVERE Sepsis—with associated SIRS—with
Learn More American College of Chest Physicians and SEPSIS 1 or more of the following:
Society of Critical Care Medicine (ACCP/SCCM) • Arterial hypotension
Read the ACCP/SCCM
Consensus Conference Consensus Conference in 1991, in an attempt to • Organ dysfunction
Committee’s emphasize the importance of the inflammatory • Hypoperfusion; abnormalities
Definitions for Sepsis suggestive of hypoperfusion
process as a systemic contributor to organ failure in
and Organ Failure may include hyperlactatemia and
patients with sepsis.1 oliguria
and Guidelines
for the Use of SEPTIC Despite adequate intravascular fluid
Innovative Therapies Inflammatory Response SHOCK resuscitation, sepsis-associated:
in Sepsis at journal In sites of localized tissue damage or infection, it is • Acute circulatory failure
.publications.chestnet • Persistent arterial hypotension
well known that the localized inflammatory response
chest/21647/1644.pdf. is characterized by 5 cardinal signs—heat, pain, MODS Physiologic derangements of at least
redness, swelling, and loss of function—which 2 major organ systems associated
are caused by local capillary dilation and an increase with SIRS (see Table 4)
in permeability, and occur in order to protect the MODS = multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

38 TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE | January/February 2015 |


Clinical Manifestations of SIRS & Sepsis
PHYSICAL FINDINGS: • Bounding pulses*
Hyperdynamic Phase • Brick red mucous membranes (Figure 1)*
• Fever
• Tachycardia*
• Tachypnea
Advanced Disease • Hypothermia
Progression • Pale mucous membranes
• Weak pulses
• Lethargy
• Loss of appetite
• Mental depression
• Vomiting FIGURE 1. Brick red mucous membranes of a dog in the
* Cats frequently do not develop these clinical signs.
hyperdynamic phase of SIRS.

host and eliminate noxious agents and injured cells. • In cats, proposed criteria for SIRS were derived
However, in patients with SIRS, severe local or from a retrospective study of clinical findings in
regional inflammation leads to an “overflow” of cats with severe sepsis confirmed at necropsy.2
inflammatory mediators into the systemic circulation • In order for a diagnosis of SIRS to be made, dogs
that results in a variety of global derangements must have at least 2 of the 5 criteria present and
that are characterized by vasodilation and increased cats, 3 of the 5 criteria. Sensitivity is increased
vascular permeability. with the use of stricter inclusion criteria; therefore,
the presence of more SIRS criteria in a given
SIRS versus Sepsis patient increases the likelihood of a true systemic
The distinction between SIRS and sepsis is based inflammatory process.
upon the presence or absence of underlying infection • However, depending on the criteria and reference
(Table 2). values used, sensitivity and specificity range from
77% to 97% in dogs and 64% to 77% in cats.
DIAGNOSIS • The clinician should use the SIRS criteria in the
Clinical Manifestations context of the clinical picture and the underlying
Clinical manifestations of SIRS and sepsis are often inflammatory disease process to enhance the
nonspecific and vary depending on the underlying specificity of the diagnosis.
disease process; historical findings also differ and may
be nonspecific (Table 3). Diagnostic Approach
It is important to note that clinical signs of Patients with SIRS and/or sepsis should have a
SIRS differ in dogs and cats. Cats frequently complete blood count, serum biochemical profile,
do not develop a hyperdynamic response (ie, no urinalysis, and coagulation testing performed.
red mucous membranes nor bounding pulses) and Animals with SIRS frequently have concomitant
are more likely to have relative bradycardia and organ injury or dysfunction that must be detected
hypothermia.2,3 In 1 study, bradycardia was identified
in 66% of cats, highlighting the difference between TABLE 4.
dogs and cats with regard to their physiologic Proposed Criteria for Diagnosis of SIRS in Dogs & Cats
responses to sepsis.2 CRITERIA DOGS CATS
2 criteria required4 3 criteria required2
Diagnostic Criteria
Temperature (F) < 100.6o or > 102.6o < 100o or > 103.5o
Criteria proposed for the diagnosis of SIRS have
been extrapolated from the human medical literature Heart rate (beats/min) > 120 < 140 or > 225
for use in dogs and cats. Respiratory rate (breaths/min) > 20 > 40
Table 4 outlines the clinical criteria that provide White blood cells (× 103) < 6 or > 16 < 5 or > 19.5
the best sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing SIRS
Band cells (%) >3 >5
in septic and nonseptic dogs and cats.2,4 | January/February 2015 | TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE 39


FIGURE 2. Lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) abdominal
radiographs from a dog with partial mesenteric torsion
and ileocolic intussusception. This dog presented with
vomiting and clinical signs consistent with septic shock. B

early in order to determine appropriate therapy, In patients with suspected SIRS/sepsis, additional
monitor for changes, and assist with prognosis. diagnostic tests should include mixed venous
Hematologic and biochemical changes in small or arterial blood gas measurements and
animals with sepsis typically reflect the underlying measurement of serum lactate. Many patients have
disease process and secondary indices of organ a metabolic acidosis that reflects poor tissue perfusion
dysfunction, as outlined in Table 5. and hyperlactatemia.
Specifically, hypoalbuminemia is likely due to 1 or Thyroid function tests are frequently deranged in
more of the following:5 dogs with sepsis or SIRS, but these tests are usually
1. Loss of albumin from the body via the not part of the initial evaluation of these patients.10
gastrointestinal tract or wounds, effusion into a Urinalysis abnormalities may include isosthenuria
third body space, or vascular permeability into due to loss of concentrating ability, proteinuria due to
interstitial space glomerular and/or tubular damage, glucosuria due to
2. Hepatic dysfunction tubular damage and/or hyperglycemia, bacteria (if a
3. Preferential synthesis of acute phase proteins by the urinary tract infection is present), pyuria, hematuria,
liver. and casts secondary to acute kidney injury.
Hyperbilirubinemia may be secondary to cholestasis Thoracic and abdominal imaging (radiographs
in dogs and, possibly, hemolysis in cats. Ionized and ultrasonography) should be performed in all
hypocalcemia is associated with a longer length of patients with suspected SIRS or sepsis. Diagnostic
hospitalization in both dogs and cats.6,7 imaging should focus on detecting the underlying
Coagulation testing may reveal abnormalities infectious or sterile inflammatory disease process
associated with disseminated intravascular (eg, pancreatitis), as well as any coexisting secondary
coagulation (DIC) due to:8 organ damage (eg, acute respiratory distress
• Cytokine-mediated endothelial cell activation syndrome) (Figure 2).
• Platelet stimulation
• Increased tissue factor expression Identifying Source of Infection
• Circulating microparticles A diagnosis of sepsis can be made once infection
• Fibrin deposition in the microvasculature is documented and the patient fulfills the species
• Decreased endogenous anticoagulants specific criteria for SIRS (Table 4). Patient history
• Perturbations in fibrinolysis. and physical examination may initially help guide the
Animals with SIRS or sepsis are initially search for the source of infection.
hypercoagulable (this can be difficult to Appropriate samples (Table 6, page 42) should
diagnose), but often develop hypocoagulability be collected for culture and susceptibility testing
due to consumption of clotting factors. Changes to identify the cause of sepsis and best direct
consistent with later stages of DIC are outlined in antimicrobial therapy. Aerobic and anaerobic
Table 5.9 gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria are both

40 TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE | January/February 2015 |


Clinical Pathology & Sequelae
Associated with SIRS & Sepsis
Sepsis or SIRS • Anemiaa
• Elevated hematocritb
• Increased band cells (Figure 3)
• Leukocytosis or leukopenia
• Monocytosis
• Thrombocytopeniac 3 4
• Toxic neutrophils (Figure 4)
FIGURE 3. Blood smear from a dog. The central band neutrophil is
SERUM BIOCHEMICAL PROFILE toxic, with foamy basophilic cytoplasm indicating premature release
Underlying • Blood glucose variabled from the bone marrow due to increased demand. (Wright’s stain;
disease process • Hyperbilirubinemia original magnification, x100)
Progressive • Hyperglycemiae FIGURE 4. A toxic band neutrophil containing several distinct Dohle
organ • Hyperlactatemia
dysfunction bodies, which indicate presence of systemic toxins (often bacterial)
• Hypoalbuminemia
that are interfering with development of neutrophils in the bone
• Ionized hypocalcemia
• Metabolic acidosis marrow or accelerated neutrophil production. (Wright’s stain; original
magnification, x100)
Disseminated • Elevated D-dimer PATHOGENESIS OF SIRS
intravascular • Elevated fibrin or fibrinogen The pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for
coagulation degradation products
generation of SIRS are complex and incompletely
• Prolonged activated partial
thromboplastin time understood. The initial insult that stimulates
• Prolonged prothrombin time SIRS can come from a variety of sterile sources or
• Reduced antithrombin infectious agents (Table 1).
• Reduced protein C activity
a. Cats are frequently anemic
b. Dogs often have elevated hematocrit, reflecting
Spread of Inflammation
hemoconcentration secondary to volume depletion, The inflammatory response may initially start locally
splenic contraction, or a combination of both
c. Platelet counts frequently decrease due to consumption
(eg, abscess on a limb, trauma) (Figure 5) but, if
in hypercoagulable animals or loss in animals that severe, can progress to cause systemic signs when
suffer from vascular leak syndromes or bleeding due to
mediators of inflammation enter the circulatory
hypocoagulable states
d. Hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia is commonly reported in dogs4 system and instigate global activation of the
e. Commonly seen in cats2,4
inflammatory system.

frequently cultured from septic dogs and cats,

depending on the source of the infection.3
In addition to culture and sensitivity testing,
fecal testing should be considered in animals with
hemorrhagic diarrhea (eg, parvovirus, salmonellosis).
Cats should be tested for retroviral diseases, and
dogs tested for rickettsial diseases, fungal diseases,
and other infectious agents based on regional
epidemiology or travel history.

Cardiopulmonary Function
Baseline cardiopulmonary function should be
established since the underlying disease, cytokine-
mediated effects, and secondary organ derangements
may lead to abnormalities in any or all of the
• Arterial blood pressure
FIGURE 5. A dog with trauma resulting in global activation of
• Electrocardiography the inflammatory system.
• Pulse oximetry. | January/February 2015 | TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE 41


Possible Sample Sources to Cytokines Generated During
Identify Cause of Sepsis Gram-Negative Sepsis
• Bronchoalveolar wash fluid CYTOKINES CYTOKINES
• Cerebrospinal fluid
• Endotracheal or transtracheal wash fluid • Bradykinin • IL-4
• Joint fluid • IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8 • IL-10
• Organ aspirates • Interferon-gamma • IL-13
• Peritoneal effusion • Nitric oxide • Transforming growth
• Pleural effusion • Platelet-activating factor factor-beta
• Urine • Tumor necrosis factor-

TABLE 7. • Initiation of intracellular signaling that begins

Potential Activators of Macrophages transcription of inflammatory cytokines (Table 8).
• Acidosis In addition to proinflammatory mediators, the
• Extracellular adenosine triphosphate response also generates anti-inflammatory cytokines
• Lipopolysaccharide
• Low oxygen tension (Table 8), soluble receptors, and receptor antagonists
• Proinflammatory molecules, resulting from tissue for cytokines. This compensatory response is often
injury/stress (eg, thrombin) referred to as compensatory anti-inflammatory
response syndrome (CARS).
Although certain cells, such as platelets, Although CARS beneficially balances out the
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and the endothelium, proinflammatory state often seen with SIRS,
also play a role, it appears that the stimulation excessive CARS stimulation may contribute to
of macrophages (Table 7) and their release of immunodeficiency and increased susceptibility to
inflammatory cytokines are pivotal in the generation infection in the later stages of sepsis.11,12
of SIRS.
Immune Response
Production of Cytokines When the immune system is fighting pathogens or
During gram-negative sepsis, the lipid A portion of repairing damaged tissue, proinflammatory cytokines
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)—the glycolipid component signal immune cells, such as T-cells and macrophages,
of the cell wall—binds to LPS binding protein (LBP). to travel to the site of infection. In addition,
This LPS–LBP complex binds to membrane-bound cytokines activate these recruited immune cells to
CD14 on macrophages, and this binding leads to: produce more cytokines.
• Activation of macrophages While cytokines trigger a beneficial inflammatory

FIGURE 6. A dog with acute respiratory distress syndrome secondary to SIRS; following
intubation for unsuccessful cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation, a large volume of bloody
fluid poured out of the endotracheal tube (A). Thoracic radiograph of a dog with acute
respiratory distress syndrome showing diffuse severe bilateral alveolar infiltrates (B).

42 TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE | January/February 2015 |


Organs at Risk for Dysfunction
Animals with septic or nonseptic SIRS frequently
develop microcirculatory dysfunction in which Changes in
Secondary to SIRS there is a decrease in density of capillary
vessels and decrease in flow of red blood cells
within the functional microcirculatory vessels
(arterioles, venules, and capillaries). In addition,
Blood Flow
Cardiac • Decreased contractility heterogeneous distribution of blood frequently
• Arrhythmias occurs and the normal mechanisms to increase or
decrease blood flow to a particular tissue bed are
Coagulation • Disseminated intravascular deranged secondary to the effects of cytokines.
coagulation The end result is cellular hypoxia and organ
Endocrine dysfunction.
• Critical illness related
corticosteroid insufficiency
Gastro- • Constipation Normal microcirculation. Note the large
intestinal • Diarrhea number of capillaries that allow movement of
• Ileus only one red blood cell at a time.
• Regurgitation
• Vomiting
Hepatic • Decreased albumin
• Decreased clotting factor
• Icterus Microcirculation of a dog with septic
peritonitis. There are few capillaries visible,
Renal • Acute kidney injury indicating microvascular shunting and
Nervous • Encephalopathy decreased perfusion of the associated tissue.
• Seizures
Pulmonary • Acute lung injury
• Acute respiratory distress
syndrome (Figure 6)
• Myocardial dysfunction
Vascular • Microcirculatory dysregulation
• Mitochondrial dysfunction.
• Vascular leakage
• Vasoplegia Mitochondrial dysfunction, which leads to a
reduction in cellular adenosine triphosphate, is
response that promotes local coagulation to thought to play an important role in development of
confine tissue damage, excessive production of organ dysfunction and/or failure. This mitochondrial
proinflammatory cytokines can be more dangerous failure likely occurs secondary to tissue ischemia,
than the original stimulus because they: resulting from:
• Overcome the normal regulation of the immune • Circulatory collapse
response • Hypoxemia
• Produce the clinical signs classically seen in patients • Poor microcirculatory blood flow (see Videos 1
with SIRS. and 2, available at
This production of a “cytokine storm” and • Mitochondria may also be damaged (or inhibited)
global activation of white blood cells (WBCs) by reactive nitrogen and oxygen species.
ultimately overwhelms the CARS, becoming In the lungs, however, acute respiratory distress
the key component in the pathogenesis of syndrome results directly from inflammation rather
SIRS. The diagnostic and prognostic utility than mitochondrial dysfunction.
of serum cytokine levels in animals with sepsis
and SIRS is the subject of recent and continued Multiple Organ Dysfunction
investigation.5,13-20 These deleterious sequelae of systemic inflammation
can lead to the syndrome of multiple organ
Development of Organ Dysfunction dysfunction (MODS) (Table 9). MODS—
In addition to systemic activation of WBCs, other characterized by abnormalities in organs that were
pathologic effects of inflammatory mediators include: not affected by the original insult—is associated
• Increased capillary permeability with a high morbidity and mortality rate; there
• Vasodilation is a 20% increase in mortality for each failing
• Activation of coagulation system.21 The resulting organ damage may resolve | January/February 2015 | TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE 43


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Deborah Silverstein, DVM, Diplomate ACVECC, is an associate
professor of critical care at University of Pennsylvania Ryan Veterinary
Hospital. Her primary research interests include diagnosis and
treatment of circulatory shock, microcirculatory imaging in small
animals, vasopressor therapy, and fluid therapy. Dr. Silverstein is the
co-editor of the Small Animal Critical Care Textbook, speaks both
nationally and internationally about numerous topics relating to
critical care medicine in small animals, and has published numerous
articles based on her research interests. For questions or comments,
she can be reached by email at

44 TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE | January/February 2015 |

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