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SELF-CONCEPT: A Portrait of Myself


Directions: Create an art piece provided the space below, it can be a collage, a drawing or a painting, that
represents “WHO YOU ARE” or how you view yourself (Self-concept). Provide a one paragraph explanation
about your drawing and how this reflects to your Self-Concept. You may also write your own title. Kindly refer to
the Art Piece rubric on the succeeding page for you to know and understand what the instructor’s expectation
for the entry is and how you will be graded.



The Positive Action model works because it directly and cognitively links self-concept with behavior.
The Positive Action model defines self-concept as feelings about one-self and provides a philosophical basis. We
feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions for continued physical, intellectual, social and emotional
growth. As what we see in the picture, we can see there is a student that taking the course of a pharmacy. It
describing of what I am right now, I’m a student that have a positive mindset in every actions or in any thing
because I want to finish as a pharmacy student soon. Positive feelings about one-self lead to more positive
thoughts and, consequently, more positive actions. Negative thoughts lead to negative actions and, consequently,
negative feelings about oneself.

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