Psychometric Assessment

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I will do whatever it takes to get promoted at work

I would rather stay in a job that I can do well than be promoted into a job that requires
more work.

When I feel strongly, I am always willing to share my opinion, even if other people might not
like it.
It takes a lot for me to lose my temper.

If given several tasks to complete in a short period of time, I would feel good if I completed
most of them.
I always focus and work hard until I finish a task, no matter how long it takes.

I sometimes like to meet new people

I am good at sensing what others are feeling.

I tend to enjoy working on group projects, although it depends on the group members
In general, I tend not to let a bad experience ruin my day.
Sometimes, I am nicer than usual to people when I need help from them.
It is hard to stay focused when there are many things happening around me.

At work, I prefer not to take on a leadership role if I am not ready for it.
I do best when things are consistent and predictable.

I wish I could observe myself from a distance so I could better understand why I say and do
the things I do.
I always know why I do things.

I am not particular about keeping my things neat and organized.

I prefer to avoid difficult tasks, in case I end up making mistakes.

It is natural to be nervous when a deadline is approaching.

I consider myself to be a composed, steady person.
I always share my opinion, even when it is not in my best interest to do so.
I am not very assertive because I do not want to upset anyone.

I do all I can to achieve my goals, even though it can sometimes be very difficult.
I like to learn about complex issues.

When I am very upset, it is sometimes hard for me to control my emotions

I often am not sure why I feel the way I do about certain things.

I do not mind using flattery to get ahead because I believe others do the same.
I strongly prefer not to work in groups.

I bounce back very quickly after setbacks.

Sometimes, I fear for the worst.
I can often persuade people to my point of view.
I like to learn as much as I can about my work, even if the knowledge does not help me do
my job better.

A new way of doing something may take a while to learn, but it is usually worth it.
I can adjust if I have to, but I strongly prefer that things go as planned.

I like to take charge at work as long as I know what I am doing.

More often than not, I tend to have a positive point of view.

I sometimes like to make new friends.

I often feel refreshed after a short break from others.

I always make an effort at work, but I am not a very career-focused individual.

I do not know why I do some of the things I do.
Some people focus on being neat all the time, but there are other things that are also
I like to follow plans or steps to achieve a goal.

I am willing to select a challenging work assignment I can learn a lot from.

Learning new things can be difficult, but I will do it when I need to.

I am usually aware of how I react to things and how that impacts others.
Others can always rely on me to get my tasks done well and on time.

Other people sometimes find it odd, but I like thinking about how things work.
I am pretty good at understanding what other people are thinking.

I am usually quiet around others.

I usually prefer to do things the way they have always been done.
I will do whatever it takes to get promoted at work
I would rather stay in a job that I can do well than be promoted into a job that requires
more work

I tend to enjoy working on group projects, although it depends on the group members
I remain optimistic, even in very difficult situations

When I am tired, I have a hard time focusing on the task at hand

I always try to stay busy, even when things are going slowly

I can often persuade people to my point of view

It takes a lot for me to lose my temper

I sometimes like to meet new people

I am pretty good at understanding what other people are thinking
I am always able to keep calm, even when others are being rude to me
I tend to react strongly to things

When working on a task, I make sure all of the minor details are correct
I am willing to select a challenging assignment I can learn a lot from

I am often able to catch myself when I am talking too much

I do not always see myself the way that others do

I do not mind using flattery to get ahead because I believe others do the same
It is hard to stay focused when there are many things happening around me

I am content doing my job and am not interested in having a position of power

I like to do things the same way I have always done them
I always share my opinion, even when it is not in my best interest to do so
I prefer not to argue with others and will avoid topics which may lead to an argument

It is wrong to pretend to like a person to get something from them

Being a team player is one of my greatest strengths

I like to have something challenging to work towards

I often think about how things work

Even when things do not go as planned, I am still a generally happy person

I try to be optimistic, but sometimes it is difficult

I sometimes have a quick temper

I sometimes get confused by own thoughts and feelings
When someone asks a question in a group, I am never the first to respond
I prefer to avoid difficult tasks, in case I end up making mistakes

As soon as I have achieved a goal, I start looking for the next thing I want to accomplish
I generally know what I want in life

I often consider new ideas

I can adjust if I have to, but I strongly prefer that things go as planned

I like working with a team, but I am just as happy to work by myself

I am often quiet around people I do not know well

I find that when I am in charge things go more smoothly

I think I am a cheerful person even on stressful days
My workspace could be neater, but I prefer to spend my time on more important and
productive tasks
I sometimes spend a lot of time making sure things are organized

I sometimes try to think about new ideas, just for fun

It is difficult for me to walk away when I see someone in need

I am usually aware of how I react to things and how that impacts others
My persistence has led me to finish tasks others may not have thought possible

I have difficulty building social relationships

There are both positive and negative things about change, but I prefer things to stay the

At work I set goals for my own development, even if it is not required

I prefer to learn new skills that are simple and straightforward

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