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The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of (1) system dynamics as a

structural theory for operations management and (2) system dynamics models as content
theories in operations management. The key findings are that, although feedback loops,
accumulation processes, and delays exist and are widespread in operations management, often
these phenomena are ignored completely or not considered appropriately. Hence, it is reasoned
why system dynamics is well suited as an approach for many operations management studies,
and it is shown how system dynamics theory can be used to explain, analyze, and understand
such phenomena in operations management. The discussion is based on a literature review and
on conceptual considerations, with examples of operations management studies based on
system dynamics. Implications of using this theory include the necessary re‐framing of some
operations management issues and the extension of empirical studies by dynamic modeling and
simulation. The value of the paper lies in the conceptualization of the link between system
dynamics and operations management, which is discussed on the level of theory.

Summarized version of the background of the study


Materials and methods

This special issue necessarily spans a small subset of the work at the intersection of operations
management and system dynamics

objective: to expand the way we think and theorize about operations management

The Interdependency of operations management and systems dynamicshas been an important area of
research for imminentscholar’smotivatedworking towards deriving precise theoretical explanations for
humanbehavior and effects on and relationship with system dynamics on anoperations management
context. This issue by Elsevier is an analysis of anarrow yet significant perspective of operations
management related to systemdynamics which the author attempts to contemplate using the core ideas
fromseveral research work and findings in supply chain management and projectmanagement related to
system dynamics and its effect on the decisivebehavior of managers. Primarily, the paper is aimed at
developing anunconventional context of explaining the theories of operations management.This has
been done based on the combination of perspectives and approachtaken by imminent scholars to
explain the behavioral and decisive patterns ofmanagement whenever the realms of operations
management and systemdynamics intersect each other. Instead of relying on exclusive
empiricaldeductions, the author derives from the use of practices in a collaborativeapproach of both the
realms defined by the overall outcome of the researchworks that has been discussed in the issue.
Addressing the dynamic nature ofthe operations management realm based upon previous
researchfindings and theoretical benchmarks, the author introduces the article statingthat even though
enhanced and updated modules of operations managementtheory and methods have been established
very recently, none of the changesand enhancements is particularly linear in nature when it comes to
operationsmanagement. Therefore, the problems lies within the approach and the core

perspectives from which the intersection of operations managementand system dynamics has been
approached till date and needs review andrectification. This includes the results of behavioral
operations and exclusiveexperimentations that have been derived from on field and studies aimed
atelaborative explaining operations management contexts

Sterman, John and Oliva, Rogelio and Linderman, Kevin Wayne and Bendoly, Elliot, System Dynamics
Perspectives and Modeling Opportunities for Research in Operations Management (2015). Journal of
Operations Management. Vol. 39-40: 1-5 .Doi:10.1016/j.jom.2015.07.001, Available at SSRN:

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