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G.R. No. 199802 accordance with their own priorities.

accordance with their own priorities.1 Such autonomy is as indispensable (VATs) and documentary stamp taxes (DSTs) - have not been included
to the viability of the policy of decentralization as the other. in the base amounts for the computation of the IRA; that such taxes,
CONGRESSMAN HERMILANDO I. MANDANAS; MAYOR albeit collected by the BOC, should form part of the base from which the
EFREN B. DIONA; MAYOR ANTONINO A. AURELIO; KAGA Implementing the constitutional mandate for decentralization and local IRA should be computed because they constituted NIRTs; that,
WAD MARIOILAGAN;BARANGAY CHAIR PERLITO autonomy, Congress enacted Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known consequently, the release of the additional amount of
MANALO; BARANGA Y CHAIR MEDEL as the Local Government Code (LGC), in order to guarantee the fiscal ₱60,750,000,000.00 to the LGUs as their IRA for FY 2012 should be
MEDRANO;BARANGAY KAGA WAD CRIS RAMOS; autonomy of the LGUs by specifically providing that: ordered; and that for the same reason the LGUs should also be released
BARANGA Y KAGA WAD ELISA D. BALBAGO, and ATTY. their unpaid IRA for FY 1992 to FY 2011, inclusive, totaling
JOSE MALVAR VILLEGAS, Petitioners ₱438,103,906,675.73.
SECTION 284. Allotment of Internal Revenue Taxes. - Local
vs. government units shall have a share in the national internal revenue taxes
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY PAQUITO N. OCHOA, JR.; based on the collection of the third fiscal year preceding the current In G.R. No. 208488, Congressman Enrique Garcia, Jr., the lone
SECRETARY CESAR PURISIMA, Department of Finance; fiscal year as follows: petitioner, seeks the writ of mandamus to compel the respondents thereat
SECRETARY FLORENCIO H. ABAD, Department of Budget and to compute the just share of the LGUs on the basis of all national
Management; COMMISSIONER KIM JACINTO-HENARES, taxes. His petition insists on a literal reading of Section 6, Article X of
Bureau of Internal Revenue; and NATIONAL TREASURER (a) On the first year of the effectivity of this Code, thirty percent (30%); the 1987 Constitution. He avers that the insertion by Congress of the
ROBERTO TAN, Bureau of the Treasury, Respondents (b) On the second year, thirty-five percent (35%); and words internal revenue in the phrase national taxes found in Section 284
of the LGC caused the diminution of the base for determining the just
G.R. No. 208488 (c) On the third year and thereafter, forty percent (40%). share of the LGUs, and should be declared unconstitutional; that,
moreover, the exclusion of certain taxes and accounts pursuant to or in
Provided, That in the event that the National Government incurs an accordance with special laws was similarly constitutionally untenable;
HONORABLE ENRIQUE T. GARCIA, JR., in his personal and that the VA Ts and excise taxes collected by the BOC should be
official capacity as Representative of the 2nd District of the Province unmanageable public sector deficit, the President of the Philippines is
hereby authorized, upon the recommendation of Secretary of Finance, included in the computation of the IRA; and that the respondents should
of Bataan, Petitioner compute the IRA on the basis of all national tax collections, and
vs. Secretary of Interior and Local Government, and Secretary of Budget
and Management, and subject to consultation with the presiding officers thereafter distribute any shortfall to the LGUs.
HONORABLE [PAQUITO) N. OCHOA, JR., Executive Secretary;
HONORABLE CESAR V. PURISIMA, Secretary, Department of of both Houses of Congress and the presidents of the "liga", to make the
Finance; HONORABLE FLORENCIO H. ABAD, Secretary, necessary adjustments in the internal revenue allotment of local It is noted that named as common respondents were the then incumbent
Department of Budget and Management; HONORABLE KIM S. government units but in no case shall the allotment be less than thirty Executive Secretary, Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of the
JACINTO-HENARES, Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue; percent (30%) of the collection of national internal revenue taxes of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and the Commissioner
and HONORABLE ROZZANO RUFINO B. BIAZON, third fiscal year preceding the current fiscal year: Provided, further, That of Internal Revenue. In addition, Mandanas, et al. impleaded the
Commissioner, Bureau of Customs, Respondents in the first year of the effectivity of this Code, the local government units National Treasurer, while Garcia added the Commissioner of Customs.
shall, in addition to the thirty percent (30%) internal revenue allotment
which shall include the cost of devolved functions for essential public The cases were consolidated on October 22, 2013. 3 In the meanwhile,
DECISION services, be entitled to receive the amount equivalent to the cost of Congressman Garcia, Jr. passed away. Jose Enrique Garcia III, who was
devolved personal services. subsequently elected to the same congressional post, was substituted for
BERSAMIN, J.: Congressman Garcia, Jr. as the petitioner in G.R. No. 208488 under the
The share of the LGUs, heretofore known as the Internal Revenue resolution promulgated on August 23, 2016.4
The petitioners hereby challenge the manner in which the just share in Allotment (IRA), has been regularly released to the LGUs. According to
the national taxes of the local government units (LGUs) has been the implementing rules and regulations of the LGC, the IRA is In response to the petitions, the several respondents, represented by the
computed. determined on the basis of the actual collections of the National Internal Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), urged the dismissal of the
Revenue Taxes (NIRTs) as certified by the Bureau of Internal Revenue petitions upon procedural and substantive considerations.
Antecedents (BIR).2
Anent the procedural considerations, the OSG argues that the petitions
One of the key features of the 1987 Constitution is its push towards G.R. No. 199802 (Mandanas, et al.) is a special civil action are procedurally defective because, firstly, mandamus does not lie in
decentralization of government and local autonomy. Local autonomy has for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus assailing the manner the order to achieve the reliefs sought because Congress may not be
two facets, the administrative and the fiscal. Fiscal autonomy means that General Appropriations Act (GAA) for FY 2012 computed the IRA for compelled to appropriate the sums allegedly illegally withheld for to do
local governments have the power to create their own sources of revenue the LGUs. so will violate the doctrine of separation of powers; and,
in addition to their equitable share in the national taxes released by the secondly, mandamus does not also lie to compel the DBM to release the
National Government, as well as the power to allocate their resources in Mandanas, et al. allege herein that certain collections of NIR Ts by the amounts to the LGUs because such disbursements will be contrary to the
Bureau of Customs (BOC) - specifically: excise taxes, value added taxes purposes specified in the GAA; that Garcia has no clear legal right to
sustain his suit for mandamus; that the filing of Garcia's suit violates the Whether or not the petitioners are entitled to the reliefs prayed for. Considering that its determination of what constitutes the just share of
doctrine of hierarchy of courts; and that Garcia's petition seeks the LGUs in the national taxes under the 1987 Constitution is an entirely
declaratory relief but the Court cannot grant such relief in the exercise of Simply stated, the petitioners raise the novel question of whether or not discretionary power, Congress cannot be compelled by writ
its original jurisdiction. the exclusion of certain national taxes from the base amount for the of mandamus to act either way. The discretion of Congress thereon,
computation of the just share of the LGUs in the national taxes is being exclusive, is not subject to external direction; otherwise, the
On the substantive considerations, the OSG avers that Article 284 of the constitutional. delicate balance underlying our system of government may be unduly
LGC is consistent with the mandate of Section 6, Article X of the 1987 disturbed. This conclusion should at once then demand the dismissal of
Constitution to the effect that the LGUs shall have a just share in the the Garcia petition in G.R. No. 208488, but we do not dismiss it. Garcia
Ruling of the Court has attributed the non-release of some portions of their IRA balances to
national taxes; that the determination of the just share is within the
discretion of Congress; that the limitation under the LGC of the basis for an alleged congressional indiscretion - the diminution of the base amount
the just share in the NIRTs was within the powers granted to Congress The petitions are partly meritorious. for computing the LGU's just share. He has asserted that Congress
by the 1987 Constitution; that the LGUs have been receiving their just altered the constitutional base not only by limiting the base to the NIRTs
share in the national taxes based on the correct base amount; that I instead of including therein all national taxes, but also by excluding
Congress has the authority to exclude certain taxes from the base amount Mandamus is an improper remedy some national taxes and revenues that only benefitted a few LGUs to the
in computing the IRA; that there is a distinction between the VA Ts, detriment of the rest of the LGUs.
excise taxes and DSTs collected by the BIR, on one hand, and the VA Mandanas, et al. seek the writs of certiorari, prohibition
Ts, excise taxes and DSTs collected by the BOC, on the other, thereby and mandamus, while Garcia prays for the writ of mandamus. Both Garcia's petition, while dubbed as a petition for mandamus, is also a
warranting their different treatment; and that Development Budget groups of petitioners impugn the validity of Section 284 of the LGC. petition for certiorari because it alleges that Congress thereby
Coordination Committee (DBCC) Resolution No. 2003-02 dated committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
September 4, 2003 has limited the base amount for the computation of jurisdiction. It is worth reminding that the actual nature of every action is
the IRA to the "cash collections based on the BIR data as reconciled with The remedy of mandamus is defined in Section 3, Rule 65 of the Rules determined by the allegations in the body of the pleading or the
the Bureau of Treasury;" and that the collection of such national taxes by of Court, which provides: complaint itself, not by the nomenclature used to designate the
the BOC should be excluded. same. 6 Moreover, neither should the prayer for relief be controlling;
Section 3. Petition for mandamus. - When any tribunal, corporation, hence, the courts may still grant the proper relief as the facts alleged in
Issues board, officer or person unlawfully neglects the performance of an act the pleadings and the evidence introduced may warrant even without a
which the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, prayer for specific remedy.7
trust, or station, or unlawfully excludes another from the use and
The issues for resolution are limited to the following, namely: enjoyment of a right or office to which such other is entitled, and there is In this regard, Garcia's allegation of the unconstitutionality of the
no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of insertion by Congress of the words internal revenue in the
I. law, the person aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in the phrase national taxes justifies treating his petition as one
proper court, alleging the facts with certainty and praying that judgment for certiorari. It becomes our duty, then, to assume jurisdiction over his
Whether or not Mandamus is the proper vehicle to assail the be rendered commanding the respondent, immediately or at some other petition. In Araullo v. Aquino III,8 the Court has emphatically opined that
constitutionality of the relevant provisions of the GAA and the LGC; time to be specified by the court, to do the act required to be done to the Court's certiorari jurisdiction under the expanded judicial power as
protect the rights of the petitioner, and to pay the damages sustained by stated in the second paragraph of Section 1, Article VIII of the
the petitioner by reason of the wrongful acts of the respondent. Constitution can be asserted:
The petition shall also contain a sworn certification of non-forum xxxx to set right and undo any act of grave abuse of discretion
Whether or not Section 284 of the LGC is unconstitutional for being shopping as provided in the third paragraph of section 3, Rule 46.
repugnant to Section 6, Article X of the 1987 Constitution; amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction by any branch or
instrumentality of the Government, the Court is not at all precluded from
For the writ of mandamus to issue, the petitioner must show that the act making the inquiry provided the challenge was properly brought by
III. sought to be performed or compelled is ministerial on the part of the interested or affected parties. The Court has been thereby entrusted
respondent. An act is ministerial when it does not require the exercise of expressly or by necessary implication with both the duty and the
Whether or not the existing shares given to the LGUs by virtue of the judgment and the act is performed pursuant to a legal mandate. The obligation of determining, in appropriate cases, the validity of any
GAA is consistent with the constitutional mandate to give LGUs a 'just burden of proof is on the mandamus petitioner to show that he is entitled assailed legislative or executive action. This entrustment is consistent
share" to national taxes following Article X, Section 6 of the 1987 to the performance of a legal right, and that the respondent has a with the republican system of checks and balances. 9
Constitution; corresponding duty to perform the act. The writ of mandamus may not
issue to compel an official to do anything that is not his duty to do, or Further, observing that one of the reliefs being sought by Garcia is
IV. that is his duty not to do, or to obtain for the petitioner anything to which identical to the main relief sought by Mandanas, et al., the Court should
he is not entitled by law. 5 rightly dwell on the substantive arguments posited by Garcia to the
extent that they are relevant to the ultimate resolution of these x x x second, those necessarily or fairly implied in or incident to the True, there are certain notable innovations in the Constitution, like
consolidated suits. powers expressly granted; third, those essential to x x x. Any fair, the direct conferment on the local government units of the power to
reasonable, doubt. 13 tax, which cannot now be withdrawn by mere statute. By and large,
II. however, the national legislature is still the principal of the local
Municipal corporations and their relationship with Congress The modified Dillon's Rule has been followed in this jurisdiction, and government units, which cannot defy its will or modify or violate
has remained despite both the 1973 Constitution and the 1987 it. [Bold underscoring supplied for emphasis]
The correct resolution and fair disposition of the issues interposed for Constitution mandating autonomy for local governments. This has been
our consideration require a review of the basic principles underlying our made evident in several rulings of the Court, one of which was that Also, in the earlier ruling in Ganzon v. Court of Appeals, 15 the Court has
system of local governments, and of the extent of the autonomy granted handed down in Magtajas v. Pryce Properties Corporation, lnc.: 14 pointed out that the 1987 Constitution, in mandating autonomy for the
to the LGUs by the 1987 Constitution. LGUs, did not intend to deprive Congress of its authority and
In light of all the above considerations, we see no way of arriving at the prerogatives over the LGUs.
Municipal corporations are now commonly known as local governments. conclusion urged on us by the petitioners that the ordinances in question
They are the bodies politic established by law partly as agencies of the are valid. On the contrary, we find that the ordinances violate P.D. 1869, Nonetheless, the LGC has tempered the application of Dillon's Rule in
State to assist in the civil governance of the country. Their chief purpose which has the character and force of a statute, as well as the public the Philippines by providing a norm of interpretation in favor of the
has been to regulate and administer the local and internal affairs of the policy expressed in the decree allowing the playing of certain games of LGUs in its Section 5(a), to wit:
cities, municipalities or districts. They are legal institutions formed by chance despite the prohibition of gambling in general.
charters from the sovereign power, whereby the populations within xxxx
communities living within prescribed areas have formed themselves into The rationale of the requirement that the ordinances should not
bodies politic and corporate, and assumed their corporate names with the contravene a statute is obvious. Municipal governments are only (a) Any provision on a power of a local government unit shall be
right of continuous succession and for the purposes and with the agents of the national government. Local councils exercise only liberally interpreted in its favor, and in case of doubt, any question
authority of subordinate self-government and improvement and the local delegated legislative powers conferred on them by Congress as the thereon shall be resolved in favor of devolution of powers and of the
administration of the affairs of the State. 10 national lawmaking body. The delegate cannot be superior to the local government unit. Any fair and reasonable doubt as to the
principal or exercise powers higher than those of the latter. It is a existence of the power shall be interpreted in favor of the local
Municipal corporations, being the mere creatures of the State, are subject heresy to suggest that the local government units can undo the acts government unit concerned; [Bold underscoring supplied for
to the will of Congress, their creator. Their continued existence and the of Congress, from which they have derived their power in the first emphasis]
grant of their powers are dependent on the discretion of Congress. On place, and negate by mere ordinance the mandate of the statute.
this matter, Judge John F. Dillon of the State of Iowa in the United States xxxx
of America enunciated in Merriam v. Moody's Executors11 the rule of Municipal corporations owe their origin to, and derive their powers
statutory construction that came to be oft-mentioned as Dillon's Rule, to and rights wholly from the legislature. It breathes into them the
wit: breath of life, without which they cannot exist. As it creates, so it III.
may destroy. As it may destroy, it may abridge and control. Unless The extent of local autonomy in the Philippines
[A] municipal corporation possesses and can exercise the following there is some constitutional limitation on the right, the legislature
powers and no others: First, those granted in express words; second, might, by a single act, and if we can suppose it capable of so great a Regardless, there remains no question that Congress possesses and
those necessarily implied or necessarily incident to the powers expressly folly and so great a wrong, sweep from existence all of the municipal wields plenary power to control and direct the destiny of the LGUs,
granted; third, those absolutely essential to the declared objects and corporations in the State, and the corporation could not prevent it. subject only to the Constitution itself, for Congress, just like any branch
purposes of the corporation-not simply convenient but indispensible; We know of no limitation on the right so far as to the corporation of the Government, should bow down to the majesty of the Constitution,
fourth, any fair doubt as to the existence of a power is resolved by the themselves are concerned. They are, so to phrase it, the mere tenants which is always supreme.
courts against the corporation-against the existence of the powers. 12 at will of the legislature.
The 1987 Constitution limits Congress' control over the LGUs by
The formulation of Dillon's Rule has since undergone slight This basic relationship between the national legislature and the local ordaining in Section 25 of its Article II that: "The State shall ensure the
modifications. Judge Dillon himself introduced some of the government units has not been enfeebled by the new provisions in autonomy of local governments." The autonomy of the LGUs as thereby
modifications through his post-Merriam writings with the objective of the Constitution strengthening the policy of local autonomy. ensured does not contemplate the fragmentation of the Philippines into a
alleviating the original formulation's harshness. The word fairly was Without meaning to detract from that policy, we here confirm that collection of mini-states, 16 or the creation of imperium in imperio. 17 The
added to the second proviso; the word absolutely was deleted from the Congress retains control of the local government units although in grant of autonomy simply means that Congress will allow the LGUs to
third proviso; and the words reasonable and substantial were added to significantly reduced degree now than under our previous perform certain functions and exercise certain powers in order not for
the fourth proviso, thusly: Constitutions. The power to create still includes the power to them to be overly dependent on the National Government subject to the
destroy. The power to grant still includes the power to withhold or limitations that the 1987 Constitution or Congress may impose. 18 Local
recall. autonomy recognizes the wholeness of the Philippine society in its
ethnolinguistic, cultural, and even religious diversities.19
The constitutional mandate to ensure local autonomy refers to Illustrative of the limitation is what transpired in Serna v. Commission (c) Subject to civil service law, rules and regulations,
decentralization.20 In its broad or general sense, decentralization has two on Elections,26 where the Court struck down Section 19, Article VI of local officials and employees paid wholly or mainly
forms in the Philippine setting, namely: the decentralization of power Republic Act No. 9054 (An Act to Strengthen and Expand the Organic from local funds shall be appointed or removed,
and the decentralization of administration. The decentralization of power Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Amending for the according to merit and fitness, by the appropriate
involves the abdication of political power in favor of the autonomous Purpose Republic Act No. 6734, entitled "An Act Providing for the appointing authority;
LGUs as to grant them the freedom to chart their own destinies and to Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao," as Amended) insofar as the
shape their futures with minimum intervention from the central provision granted to the ARMM the power to create provinces and cities, (d) The vesting of duty, responsibility, and
government. This amounts to self-immolation because the autonomous and consequently declared as void Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. accountability in local government units shall be
LGUs thereby become accountable not to the central authorities but to 201 creating the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan for being contrary to accompanied with provision for reasonably adequate
their constituencies. On the other hand, the decentralization of Section 5, Article VI and Section 20, Article X of the 1987 Constitution, resources to discharge their powers and effectively
administration occurs when the central government delegates as well as Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the 1987 Constitution. carry out their functions: hence, they shall have the
administrative powers to the LGUs as the means of broadening the base The Court clarified therein that only Congress could create provinces power to create and broaden their own sources of
of governmental powers and of making the LGUs more responsive and and cities. This was because the creation of provinces and cities revenue and the right to a just share in national taxes
accountable in the process, and thereby ensure their fullest development necessarily entailed the creation of legislative districts, a power that only and an equitable share in the proceeds of the
as self-reliant communities and more effective partners in the pursuit of Congress could exercise pursuant to Section 5, Article VI of the 1987 utilization and development of the national wealth
the goals of national development and social progress. This form of Constitution and Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the within their respective areas;
decentralization further relieves the central government of the burden of Constitution; as such, the ARMM would be thereby usurping the power
managing local affairs so that it can concentrate on national concerns.21 of Congress to create legislative districts and national offices.27
(e) Provinces with respect to component cities and
municipalities, and cities and municipalities with
Two groups of LGUs enjoy decentralization in distinct ways. The The 1987 Constitution has surely encouraged decentralization by respect to component barangays, shall ensure that the
decentralization of power has been given to the regional units (namely, mandating that a system of decentralization be instituted through the acts of their component units are within the scope of
the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao [ARMM] and the LGC in order to enable a more responsive and accountable local their prescribed powers and functions;
constitutionally-mandated Cordillera Autonomous Region [CAR]). The government structure.28 It has also delegated the power to tax to the
other group of LGUs (i.e., provinces, cities, municipalities and LGUs by authorizing them to create their own sources of income that
barangays) enjoy the decentralization of administration.22 The distinction would make them self-reliant.29 It further ensures that each and every (f) Local government units may group themselves,
can be reasonably understood. The provinces, cities, municipalities and LGU will have a just share in national taxes as well in the development consolidate or coordinate their efforts, services, and
barangays are given decentralized administration to make governance at of the national wealth.30 resources commonly beneficial to them;
the local levels more directly responsive and effective. In turn, the
economic, political and social developments of the smaller political units The LGC has further delineated in its Section 3 the different operative (g) The capabilities of local government units,
are expected to propel social and economic growth and principles of decentralization to be adhered to consistently with the especially the municipalities and barangays, shall be
development. 23 In contrast, the regional autonomy of the ARMM and constitutional policy on local autonomy, viz.: enhanced by providing them with opportunities to
the CAR aims to permit determinate groups with common traditions and participate actively in the implementation of national
shared social-cultural characteristics to freely develop their ways of life programs and projects;
and heritage, to exercise their rights, and to be in charge of their own Sec. 3. Operative Principles of Decentralization-
affairs through the establishment of a special governance regime for (h) There shall be a continuing mechanism to
certain member communities who choose their own authorities from The formulation and implementation of policies and measures on local enhance local autonomy not only by legislative
within themselves, and exercise the jurisdictional authority legally autonomy shall be guided by the following operative principles: enabling acts but also by administrative and
accorded to them to decide their internal community affairs. 24 organizational reforms;
(a) There shall be an effective allocation among the
It is to be underscored, however, that the decentralization of power in different local government units of their respective (i) Local government units shall share with the
favor of the regional units is not unlimited but involves only the powers powers, functions, responsibilities, and resources; national government the responsibility in the
enumerated by Section 20, Article X of the 1987 Constitution and by the management and maintenance of ecological balance
acts of Congress. For, with various powers being devolved to the (b) There shall be established in every local within their territorial jurisdiction, subject to the
regional units, the grant and exercise of such powers should always be government unit an accountable, efficient, and provisions of this Code and national policies;
consistent with and limited by the 1987 Constitution and the national dynamic organizational structure and operating
laws. 25 In other words, the powers are guardedly, not absolutely, mechanism that will meet the priority needs and
abdicated by the National Government. service requirements of its communities;
(j) Effective mechanisms for ensuring the and to improve their administrative and technical capabilities.34 It is an For sure, fiscal decentralization does not signify the absolute freedom of
accountability of local government units to their act by which the National Government confers power and authority upon the LGUs to create their own sources of revenue and to spend their
respective constituents shall be strengthened in order the various LGUs to perform specific functions and responsibilities.35 It revenues unrestrictedly or upon their individual whims and caprices.
to upgrade continually the quality of local encompasses reforms to open sub-national representation and policies to Congress has subjected the LGUs' power to tax to the guidelines set in
leadership; "devolve political authority or electoral capacities to sub-national actors. Section 130 of the LGC and to the limitations stated in Section 133 of
"36 Section 16 to Section 19 of the LGC characterize political the LGC. The concept of local fiscal autonomy does not exclude any
(k) The realization of local autonomy shall be decentralization in the LGC as different LGUs empowered to address the manner of intervention by the National Government in the form of
facilitated through improved coordination of national different needs of their constituents. In contrast, devolution in favor of supervision if only to ensure that the local programs, fiscal and
government policies and programs an extension of the regional units is more expansive because they are given the authority otherwise, are consistent with the national goals.46
adequate technical and material assistance to less to regulate a wider array of subjects, including personal, family and
developed and deserving local government units; property relations. Lastly, policy- or decision-making decentralization exists if at least one
sub-national tier of government has exclusive authority to make
(l) The participation of the private sector in local Administrative decentralization or deconcentration involves the transfer decisions on at least one policy issue.47
governance, particularly in the delivery of basic of functions or the delegation of authority and responsibility from the
services, shall be encouraged to ensure the viability national office to the regional and local offices. 37 Consistent with this In fine, certain limitations are and can be imposed by Congress in all the
of local autonomy as an alternative strategy for concept, the LGC has created the Local School Boards,38 the Local forms of decentralization, for local autonomy, whether as to power or as
sustainable development; and Health Boards39 and the Local Development Councils,40 and has to administration, is not absolute. The LGUs remain to be the tenants of
transferred some of the authority from the agencies of the National the will of Congress subject to the guarantees that the Constitution itself
Government, like the Department of Education and the Department of imposes.
(m) The national government shall ensure that Health, to such bodies to better cope up with the needs of particular
decentralization contributes to the continuing localities.
improvement of the performance of local IV.
government units and the quality of community life. Section 284 of the LGC deviates from the plain language
Fiscal decentralization means that the LGUs have the power to create of Section 6 of Article X of the 1987 Constitution
their own sources of revenue in addition to their just share in the national
Based on the foregoing delineation, decentralization can be considered taxes released by the National Government. It includes the power to
as the decision by the central government to empower its subordinates, allocate their resources in accordance with their own priorities. It thus Section 6, Article X the 1987 Constitution textually commands the
whether geographically or functionally constituted, to exercise authority extends to the preparation of their budgets, so that the local officials allocation to the LGUs of a just share in the national taxes, viz.:
in certain areas. It involves decision-making by subnational units, and is have to work within the constraints of their budgets. The budgets are not
typically a delegated power, whereby a larger government chooses to formulated at the national level and imposed on local governments, Section 6. Local government units shall have a just share, as determined
delegate authority to more local governments.31 It is also a process, being without regard as to whether or not they are relevant to local needs and by law, in the national taxes which shall be automatically released to
the set of policies, electoral or constitutional reforms that transfer resources. Hence, the necessity of a balancing of viewpoints and the them.
responsibilities, resources or authority from the higher to the lower harmonization of proposals from both local and national officials, who in
levels of government.32 It is often viewed as a shift of authority towards any case are partners in the attainment of national goals, is recognized
local governments and away from the central government, with total Section 6, when parsed, embodies three mandates, namely: (1) the LGUs
and addressed.41 shall have a just share in the national taxes; (2) the just share shall
government authority over society and economy imagined as fixed.33
be determined by law; and (3) the just share shall be automatically
Fiscal decentralization emanates from a specific constitutional mandate released to the LGUs.48
As a system of transferring authority and power from the National that is expressed in several provisions of Article X (Local
Government to the LGUs, decentralization in the Philippines may be Government) of the 1987 Constitution, specifically: Section 5;42 Section
categorized into four, namely: (1) political decentralization or Congress has sought to carry out the second mandate of Section 6 by
6;43 and Section 7.44 enacting Section 284, Title III (Shares of Local Government Units in the
devolution; (2) administrative decentralization or deconcentration; (3)
fiscal decentralization; and (4) policy or decision-making Proceeds of National Taxes), of the LGC, which is again quoted for
decentralization. The constitutional authority extended to each and every LGU to create ready reference:
its own sources of income and revenue has been formalized from Section
128 to Section 133 of the LGC. To implement the LGUs' entitlement to Section 284. Allotment of Internal Revenue Taxes. - Local government
Political decentralization or devolution occurs when there is a transfer of the just share in the national taxes, Congress has enacted Section 284 to
powers, responsibilities, and resources from the central government to units shall have a share in the national internal revenue taxes based on
Section 288 of the LGC. Congress has further enacted Section 289 to the collection of the third fiscal year preceding the current fiscal year as
the LOU s for the performance of certain functions. It is a more liberal Section 294 of the LGC to define the share of the LGUs in the national
form of decentralization because there is an actual transfer of powers and follows:
wealth. Indeed, the requirement for the automatic release to the LGUs of
responsibilities. It aims to grant greater autonomy to the LGUs in their just share in the national taxes is but the consequence of the
cognizance of their right to self-government, to make them self-reliant, constitutional mandate for fiscal decentralization. 45
(a) On the first year of the effectivity of this Code, the words of a statute there should be no departure). 50 Equally merchandise to or from a foreign country. Although customs duties have
thirty percent (30%); impermissible is that Congress has also thereby curtailed the guarantee either or both the generation of revenue and the regulation of economic
of fiscal autonomy in favor of the LGUs under the 1987 Constitution. or social activity as their moving purposes, it is often difficult to say
(b) On the second year, thirty-five percent (35%); which of the two is the principal objective in a particular instance, for,
and Taxes are the enforced proportional contributions exacted by the State verily, customs duties, much like internal revenue taxes, are rarely
from persons and properties pursuant to its sovereignty in order to designed to achieve only one policy objective.54 We further note that
support the Gove1nment and to defray all the public needs. Every tax Section 102(00) of R.A. No. 10863 (Customs Modernization and Tariff
(c) On the third year and thereafter, forty percent Act) expressly includes all fees and charges imposed under the Act under
(40%). has three elements, namely: (a) it is an enforced proportional
contribution from persons and properties; (b) it is imposed by the State the blanket term of taxes.
by virtue of its sovereignty; and (c) it is levied for the support of the
Provided, That in the event that the national government incurs an Government.51 Taxes are classified into national and local. National It is clear from the foregoing clarification that the exclusion
unmanageable public sector deficit, the President of the Philippines is taxes are those levied by the National Government, while local taxes are of other national taxes like customs duties from the base for determining
hereby authorized, upon the recommendation of Secretary of Finance, those levied by the LGUs.52 the just share of the LG Us contravened the express constitutional edict
Secretary of Interior and Local Government and Secretary of Budget and in Section 6, Article X the 1987 Constitution.
Management, and subject to consultation with the presiding officers of
both Houses of Congress and the presidents of the "liga", to make the What the phrase national internal revenue taxes as used in Section 284
necessary adjustments in the internal. revenue allotment of local included are all the taxes enumerated in Section 21 of the National Still, the OSG posits that Congress can manipulate, by law, the base of
government units but in no case shall the allotment be less than thirty Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended by R.A. No. 8424, viz.: the allocation of the just share in the national taxes of the LGUs.
percent (30%) of the collection of national internal revenue taxes of the
third fiscal year preceding the current fiscal year: Provided, further, That Section 21. Sources of Revenue. - The following taxes, fees and charges The position of the OSG cannot be sustained. Although it has the
in the first year of the effectivity of this Code, the local government units are deemed to be national internal revenue taxes: primary discretion to determine and fix the just share of the LGUs in the
shall, in addition to the thirty percent (30%) internal revenue allotment national taxes (e.g., Section 284 of the LGC), Congress cannot disobey
which shall include the cost of devolved functions for essential public (a) Income tax; the express mandate of Section 6, Article X of the 1987 Constitution for
services, be entitled to receive the amount equivalent to the cost of the just share of the LGUs to be derived from the national taxes. The
devolved personal services. phrase as determined by law in Section 6 follows and qualifies the
(b) Estate and donor's taxes; phrase just share, and cannot be construed as qualifying the succeeding
There is no issue as to what constitutes the LGUs' just share expressed in phrase in the national taxes. The intent of the people in respect of
percentages of the national taxes (i.e., 30%, 35% and 40% stipulated in (c) Value-added tax; Section 6 is really that the base for reckoning the just share of the LGUs
subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) of Section 284 ). Yet, Section should includes all national taxes. To read Section 6 differently as
6, supra, mentions national taxes as the source of the just share of the (d) Other percentage taxes; requiring that the just share of LGUs in the national taxes shall be
LGUs while Section 284 ordains that the share of the LG Us be taken determined by law is tantamount to the unauthorized revision of the 1987
from national internal revenue taxes instead. Constitution.
(e) Excise taxes;

Has not Congress thereby infringed the constitutional provision? V.

(f) Documentary stan1p taxes; and Congress can validly exclude taxes that will constitute the base
amount for
Garcia contends that Congress has exceeded its constitutional boundary (g) Such other taxes as arc or hereafter may be the computation of the IRA only if a Constitutional provision allows
by limiting to the NIRTs the base from which to compute the just imposed and collected by the Bureau of Internal such exclusion
share of the LGUs. Revenue.
Garcia submits that even assuming that the present version of Section
We agree with Garcia's contention. In view of the foregoing enumeration of what are the national internal 284 of the LGC is constitutionally valid, the implementation thereof has
revenue taxes, Section 284 has effectively deprived the LGUs from been erroneous because Section 284 does not authorize any exclusion or
Although the power of Congress to make laws is plenary in nature, deriving their just share from other national taxes, like the customs deduction from the collections of the NIRTs for purposes of the
congressional lawmaking remains subject to the limitations stated in the duties. computation of the allocations to the LGUs. He further submits that the
1987 Constitution.49 The phrase national internal revenue exclusion of certain NIRTs diminishes the fiscal autonomy granted to the
taxes engrafted in Section 284 is undoubtedly more restrictive than the LGUs. He claims that the following NIRTs have been illegally excluded
Strictly speaking, customs duties are also taxes because they are
term national taxes written in Section 6. As such, Congress has actually from the base for determining the fair share of the LGUs in the IRA, to
exactions whose proceeds become public funds. According to Garcia v.
departed from the letter of the 1987 Constitution stating that national wit:
Executive Secretary,53 customs duties is the nomenclature given to taxes
taxes should be the base from which the just share of the LGU comes. imposed on the importation and exportation of commodities and
Such departure is impermissible. Verba legis non est recedendum (from
(1) NIRTs collected by the cities and provinces and divided Garcia insists that the foregoing taxes and revenues should have been As to the share of the affected LGUs in the excise taxes imposed on
exclusively among the LGUs of the Autonomous Region for included by Congress and, by extension, the BIR in the base for locally manufactured Virginia tobacco products under R.A. No. 7171
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), the regional government and the computing the IRA on the strength of the cited provisions; that the LGC (now Section 289 of the NIRC); the share of the affected LGUs in
central government, pursuant to Section 1555 in relation to did not authorize such exclusion; and that the continued exclusion has incremental revenues from Burley and native tobacco products under
Section 9,56 Article IX of R.A. No. 9054 (An Act to Strengthen undermined the fiscal autonomy guaranteed by the 1987 Constitution. Section 8, R.A. No. 8240 (now Section 288 of the NIRC); the share of
and Expand the Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in the COA in the NIRTs pursuant to Section 24(3) of P.D. No. 1445 in
Muslim Mindanao, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. The insistence of Garcia is valid to an extent. relation to Section 284 of the NIRC; and the share of the host LGUs in
6734, entitled An Act providing for an Organic Act for the the franchise taxes paid by the Manila Jockey Club, Inc., and Philippine
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao); Racing Club, Inc., under Section 6 of R.A. No. 6631 and Section 8 of
An examination of the above-enumerated laws confirms that the R:A. No. 6632, respectively, the exclusion is also justified. Although
following have been excluded from the base for reckoning the just share such shares involved national taxes as defined under the NIRC, Congress
(2) The shares in the excise taxes on mineral products of the of the LGUs as required by Section 6, Article X of the 1987
different LG Us, as provided in Section 287 of the NIRC57 in had the authority to exclude them by virtue of their being taxes imposed
Constitution, namely: for special purposes. A reading of Section 288 and Section 289 of the
relation to Section 290 of the LGC;58
NIRC and Section 24(3) of P.D. No. 1445 in relation to Section 284 of
(a) The share of the affected LGUs in the proceeds of the sale and the NIRC reveals that all such taxes are levied and collected for a special
(3) The shares of the relevant LGUs in the franchise taxes paid conversion of former military bases in accordance with R.A. No. 7227; purpose. 70 The same is true for the franchise taxes paid under Section 6
by Manila Jockey Club, Inc.59 and Philippine Racing Club, of R.A. No. 6631 and Section 8 of R.A. No. 6632, inasmuch as certain
Inc.;60 percentages of the franchise taxes go to different beneficiaries. The
(b) The share of the different LGUs in the excise taxes imposed on
locally manufactured Virginia tobacco products as provided for in exclusion conforms to Section 29(3), Article VI of the 1987
(4) The shares of various municipalities in VAT collections Section 3, R.A. No. 7171, and as now provided in Section 289 of the Constitution, which states:
under R.A. No. 7643 (An Act to Empower the Commissioner NIRC;
of Internal Revenue to Require the Payment of the Value Section 29. x x x
Added Tax Every Month and to Allow Local Government
Units to Share in VAT Revenue, Amending for this Purpose (c) The share of the different LGU s in incremental revenues from
Certain Sections of the National Internal Revenue Code) as Burley and native tobacco products under Section 8 of R.A. No. 8240, xxxx
embodied in Section 283 of the NIRC;61 and as now provided for in Section 288 of the NIRC;
(3) All money collected on any tax levied for a special purpose shall
(5) The shares of relevant LGUs in the proceeds of the sale and (d) The share of the COA in the NIRTs as provided in Section 24(3) of be treated as a special fund and paid out for such purpose only. If
conversion of former military bases in accordance with R.A. P.D. No. 144567 in relation to Section 284 of the NIRC; the purpose for which a special fund was created has been fulfilled or
No. 7227 (Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992);62 abandoned, the balance, if any, shall be transferred to the general funds
(e) The shares of the different LGUs in the excise taxes on mineral of the Government. [Bold emphasis supplied]
(6) The shares of different LGUs in the excise taxes imposed products, as provided in Section 287 of the NIRC in relation to Section
on locally manufactured Virginia tobacco products as provided 290 of the LGC; The exclusion of the share of the different LGUs in the excise taxes
in Section 3 of R.A. No. 7171 (An Act to Promote the imposed on mineral products pursuant to Section 287 of the NIRC in
Development of the Farmers in the Virginia Tobacco (f) The NIRTs collected by the cities and provinces and divided relation to Section 290 of the LGC is premised on a different
Producing Provinces), and as now provided in Section 289 of exclusively among the LGUs of the ARMM, the regional government constitutional provision. Section 7, Article X of the 1987 Constitution
the NIRC;63 and the central government, pursuant to Section 1568 in relation to allows affected LGUs to have an equitable share in the proceeds of the
Section 9,69 Article IX of R. A. No. 9054; and utilization of the nation's national wealth "within their respective areas,"
to wit:
(7) The shares of different LGUs in the incremental revenues
from Burley and native tobacco products under Section 8 of (g) The shares of the relevant LG Us in the franchise taxes paid by
R.A. No. 8240 (An Act Amending Sections 138, 140 and 142 Manila Jockey Club, Inc., and the Philippine Racing Club, Inc. Section 7. Local governments shall be entitled to an equitable share in
of the National Internal Revenue Code as Amended and for the proceeds of the utilization and development of the national wealth
Other Purposes) and as now provided in Section 288 of the within their respective areas, in the manner provided by law, including
Anent the share of the affected LG Us in the proceeds of the sale and sharing the same with the inhabitants by way of direct benefits.
NIRC;64 and conversion of the former military bases pursuant to R.A. No. 7227, the
exclusion is warranted for the reason that such proceeds do not come
(8) The share of the Commission of Audit (COA) in the NIRTs from a tax, fee or exaction imposed on the sale and conversion. This constitutional provision is implemented by Section 287 of the NIRC
as provided in Section 24p) of P.D. No. 1445 (Government and Section 290 of the LGC thusly:
Auditing Code of the Philippines) 65 in relation to Section 284
of the NIRC.66
SEC. 287. Shares of Local Government Units in the Proceeds from the guaranteed by the 1987 Constitution. The mandate under Section 15 to 7. 5% of the franchise taxes in favor of the national government paid by
Development and Utilization of the National Wealth. - Local Section 21, Article X of the 1987 Constitution is to allow the separate franchise holders in accordance with Section 6 of R.A. No. 6631 and
Government units shall have an equitable share in the proceeds derived development of peoples with distinctive cultures and traditions in the Section 8 of R.A. No. 6632.
from the utilization and development of the national wealth, within their autonomous areas.71 The grant of autonomy to the autonomous regions
respective areas, including sharing the same with the inhabitants by way includes the right of self-determination-which in turn ensures the right of VI.
of direct benefits. the peoples residing therein to the necessary level of autonomy that will Entitlement to the reliefs sought
guarantee the support of their own cultural identities, the establishment
(A) Amount of Share of Local Government Units. - Local government of priorities by their respective communities' internal decision-making
processes and the management of collective matters by themselves.72 As The petitioners' prayer for the payment of the arrears of the LGUs' just
units shall, in addition to the internal revenue allotment, have a share of share on the theory that the computation of the base amount had been
forty percent (40'Yo) of the gross collection derived by the national such, the NIRTs collected by the provinces and cities within the ARMM
will ensure local autonomy and their very existence with a continuous unconstitutional all along cannot be granted.
government from the preceding fiscal year from excise taxes on mineral
products, royalties, and such other taxes, fees or charges, including supply of funding sourced from their very own areas. The ARMM will
related surcharges, interests or fines, and from its share in any co- become self-reliant and dynamic consistent with the dictates of the 1987 It is true that with our declaration today that the IRA is not in accordance
production, joint venture or production sharing agreement in the Constitution. with the constitutional determination of the just share of the LGUs in the
utilization and development of the national wealth within their territorial national taxes, logic demands that the LGUs should receive the
jurisdiction. The shares of the municipalities in the VATs collected pursuant to R.A. difference between the just share they should have received had the
No. 7643 should be included in determining the base for computing LGC properly reckoned such just share from all national taxes, on the
the just share because such VATs are national taxes, and nothing can one hand, and the share - represented by the IRA- the LGUs have
(B) Share of the Local Governments from Any Government Agency or actually received since the effectivity of the IRA under the LGC, on the
Government-owned or - Controlled Corporation. - Local Government validly justify their exclusion.
other. This puts the National Government in arrears as to the just
Units shall have a share, based on the preceding fiscal year, from the share of the LGUs. A legislative or executive act declared void for being
proceeds derived by any government agency or government-owned or In recapitulation, the national taxes to be included in the base for unconstitutional cannot give rise to any right or obligation. 73
controlled corporation engaged in the utilization and development of the computing the just share the LGUs shall henceforth be, but shall not be
national wealth based on the following formula, whichever will produce limited to, the following:
a higher share for the local government unit: Yet, the Court has conceded in Arau/lo v. Aquino III74that:
1. The NIRTs enumerated in Section 21 of the NIRC, as amended, to be
(1) One percent (l %) of the gross sales or receipts of the preceding inclusive of the VA Ts, excise taxes, and DSTs collected by the BIR and x x x the generality of the rule makes us ponder whether rigidly
calendar year, or the BOC, and their deputized agents; applying the rule may at times be impracticable or wasteful. Should
we not recognize the need to except from the rigid application of the
rule the instances in which the void law or executive act produced an
(2) Forty percent (40%) of the excise taxes on mineral products, 2. Tariff and customs duties collected by the BOC; almost irreversible result?
royalties, and such other taxes, fees or charges, including related
surcharges, interests or fines the government agency or government- 3. 50% of the VATs collected in the ARMM, and 30% of all other
owned or -controlled corporations would have paid if it were not The need is answered by the doctrine of operative fact. The doctrine,
national taxes collected in the ARMM; the remaining 50% of the VA Ts definitely not a novel one, has been exhaustively explained in De
otherwise exempt. [Bold emphasis supplied] and 70% of the collections of the other national taxes in the ARMM Agbayani v. Philippine National Bank:
shall be the exclusive share of the ARMM pursuant to Section 9 and
SEC. 290. Amount of Share of Local Government Units. - Local Section 15 of R.A. No. 9054;
government units shall, in addition to the internal revenue allotment, The decision now on appeal reflects the orthodox view that an
have a share of forty percent ( 40%) of the gross collection derived by unconstitutional act, for that matter an executive order or a municipal
4. 60% of the national taxes collected from the exploitation and ordinance likewise suffering from that infirmity, cannot be the source of
the national government from the preceding fiscal year from mining development of the national wealth; the remaining 40% will exclusively
taxes, royalties, forestry and fishery charges, and such other taxes, fees, any legal rights or duties. Nor can it justify any official act taken under
accrue to the host LGUs pursuant to Section 290 of the LGC; it. Its repugnancy to the fundamental law once judicially declared results
or charges, including related surcharges, interests, or fines, and from its
share in any co-production, joint venture or production sharing in its being to all intents and purposes a mere scrap of paper. As the new
agreement in the utilization and development of the national wealth 5. 85% of the excise taxes collected from locally manufactured Virginia Civil Code puts it: 'When the courts declare a law to be inconsistent with
within their territorial jurisdiction. [Bold emphasis supplied] and other tobacco products; the remaining 15% shall accrue to the the Constitution, the former shall be void and the latter shall govern.'
special purpose funds pursuant created in R.A. No. 7171 and R.A. No. Administrative or executive acts, orders and regulations shall be valid
7227; only when they are not contrary to the laws of the Constitution. It is
Lastly, the NIRTs collected by the provinces and cities within the understandable why it should be so, the Constitution being supreme and
ARMM whose portions are distributed to the ARMM's provincial, city paramount. Any legislative or executive act contrary to its terms cannot
and regional governments are also properly excluded for such taxes are 6. The entire 50% of the national taxes collected under Section 106,
Section 108 and Section 116 of the NIRC in excess of the increase in survive.
intended to truly enable a sustainable and feasible autonomous region as
collections for the immediately preceding year; and
Such a view has support in logic and possesses the merit of VII. predicated on the approval of the annual appropriations of the offices or
simplicity. It may not however be sufficiently realistic. It does not Automatic release of the LGUs' just share in the National Taxes agencies concerned.
admit of doubt that prior to the declaration of nullity such
challenged legislative or executive act must have been in force and Section 6, Article X of the 1987 Constitution commands that the just Directly contrasting with the foregoing provisions is Section 6, Article X
had to be complied with. This is so as until after the judiciary, in an share of the LGUs in national taxes shall be automatically released to of the 1987 Constitution because the latter provision forthrightly ordains
appropriate case, declares its invalidity, it is entitled to obedience them. The term automatic connotes something mechanical, spontaneous that the "(l)ocal government units shall have a just share, as determined
and respect. Parties may have acted under it and may have changed and perfunctory; and, in the context of this case, the LGUs are not by law, in the national taxes which shall be automatically released to
their positions. What could be more fitting than that in a subsequent required to perform any act or thing in order to receive their just share in them." Section 6 does not mention of appropriation as a condition for
litigation regard be had to what has been done while such legislative the national taxes.77 the automatic release of the just share to the LGUs. This is because
or executive act was in operation and presumed to be valid in all Congress not only already determined the just share through the LGC's
respects. It is now accepted as a doctrine that prior to its being fixing the percentage of the collections of the NIRTs to constitute
nullified, its existence as a fact must be reckoned with. This is merely Before anything, we must highlight that the 1987 Constitution includes
several provisions that actually deal with and authorize the automatic such fair share subject to the power of the President to adjust the same in
to reflect awareness that precisely because the judiciary is the order to manage public sector deficits subject to limitations on the
governmental organ which has the final say on whether or not a release of funds by the National Government.
adjustments, but also explicitly authorized such just share to
legislative or executive measure is valid, a period of time may have be "automatically released" to the LGUs in the proportions and
elapsed before it can exercise the power of judicial review that may To begin with, Section 3 of Article VIII favors the Judiciary with the regularity set under Section 28579 of the LGC without need of annual
lead to a declaration of nullity. It would be to deprive the law of its automatic and regular release of its appropriations: appropriation. To operationalize the automatic release without need of
quality of fairness and justice then, if there be no recognition of appropriation, Section 286 of the LGC clearly provides that the
what had transpired prior to such adjudication. Section 3. The Judiciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Appropriations for automatic release of the just share directly to the provincial, city,
the Judiciary may not be reduced by the legislature below the amount municipal or barangay treasurer, as the case may be, shall be "without
In the language of an American Supreme Court decision: ‘The actual appropriated for the previous year and, after approval, shall be need of any further action," viz.:
existence of a statute, prior to such a determination [of automatically and regularly released.
unconstitutionality], is an operative fact and may have consequences Section 286. Automatic Release of Shares. - (a) The share of each
which cannot justly be ignored. The past cannot always be erased by a Then there is Section 5 of Article IX(A), which contains the common local government unit shall be released, without need of any further
new judicial declaration. The effect of the subsequent ruling as to provision in favor of the Constitutional Commissions: action; directly to the provincial, city, municipal or barangay
invalidity may have to be considered in various aspects, with respect to treasurer, as the case may be, on a quarterly basis within five (5)
particular relations, individual and corporate, and particular conduct, days after the end of each quarter, and which shall not be subject to
private and official.' Section 5. The Commission shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Their approved
annual appropriations shall be automatically and regularly released. any lien or holdback that may be imposed by the National
Government for whatever purpose. x x x (Bold emphasis supplied)
The doctrine of operative fact recognizes the existence of the law or
executive act prior to the determination of its unconstitutionality as an Section 14 of Article XI extends to the Office of the Ombudsman a
similar privilege: The 1987 Constitution is forthright and unequivocal in ordering that
operative fact that produced consequences that cannot always be erased, the just share of the LGUs in the national taxes shall be automatically
ignored or disregarded. In short, it nullifies the void law or executive act released to them. With Congress having established the just
but sustains its effects. It provides an exception to the general rule that a Section 14. The Office of the Ombudsman shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. share through the LGC, it seems to be beyond debate that the inclusion
void or unconstitutional law produces no effect.75 But its use must be Its approved annual appropriations shall be automatically and regularly of the just share of the LGUs in the annual GAAs is unnecessary, if not
subjected to great scrutiny and circumspection, and it cannot be invoked released. superfluous. Hence, the just share of the LGUs in the national taxes shall
to validate an unconstitutional law or executive act, but is resorted to be released to them without need of yearly appropriation.
only as a matter of equity and fair play. 76 It applies only to cases where
Section 17(4) of Article XIII replicates the privilege in favour of the
extraordinary circumstances exist, and only when the extraordinary
Commission on Human Rights: 1. DECLARES the phrase "internal revenue" appearing in Section 284
circumstances have met the stringent conditions that will permit its
application. of Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government
Section 17(4) The approved annual appropriations of the Commission Code) UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and DELETES the phrase from
shall be automatically and regularly released. Section 284.
Conformably with the foregoing pronouncements in Araullo v. Aquino
III, the effect of our declaration through this decision of the
unconstitutionality of Section 284 of the LGC and its related laws as far The foregoing constitutional provisions share two aspects. The first Section 284, as hereby modified, shall henceforth read as follows:
as they limited the source of the just share of the LGUs to the NIRTs is relates to the grant of fiscal autonomy, and the second concerns
prospective. It cannot be otherwise. the automatic release of funds. 78 The common denominator of the Section 284. Allotment of Taxes. - Local government units shall have a
provisions is that the automatic release of the appropriated amounts is share in the national taxes based on the collection of the third fiscal year
preceding the current fiscal year as follows:
(a) On the first year of the effectivity of this Code, (b) Land Area-· Twenty-five percent (25%); and from the preceding fiscal year from mining taxes, royalties, forestry and
thirty percent (30%); fishery charges, and such other taxes, fees, or charges, including related
(c) Equal sharing--Twenty-five percent (25%) surcharges, interests, or fines, and from its share in any co-production,
(b) On the second year, thirty-five percent (35%); joint venture or production sharing agreement in the utilization and
and development of the national wealth within their territorial jurisdiction.
Provided, further. That the share of each barangay with a population of
not less than one hundred (100) inhabitants shall not be less than Eighty
(c) On the third year and thereafter, forty percent thousand (₱80,000.00) per annum chargeable against the twenty percent Article 378, Article 379, Article 380, Article 382, Article 409, Article
(40%). (20%) share of the barangay from the allotment, and the balance to be 461, and related provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations
allocated on the basis of the following formula: of R.A. No. 7160 are hereby MODIFIED to reflect the deletion of the
phrase "internal revenue" as directed herein.
Provided, That in the event that the national government incurs an
unmanageable public sector deficit, the President of the Philippines is (a) On the first year of the effoctivity of this Code:
hereby authorized, upon the recommendation of Secretary of Finance, Henceforth, any mention of "Internal Revenue Allotment" or "IRA" in
Secretary of Interior and Local Government and Secretary of Budget and Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government Code) and its Implementing
(1) Population - Forty percent (40%); and Rules and Regulations shall be understood as pertaining to the allotment
Management, and subject to consultation with the presiding officers of
both Houses of Congress and the presidents of the "liga", to make the of the Local Government Units derived from the national taxes;
necessary adjustments in the allotment of local government units but in (2) Equal sharing - Sixty percent (50%)
no case shall the allotment be less than thirty percent (30%) of the 2. ORDERS the SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF
collection of national taxes of the third fiscal year preceding the current (b) On the second year: FINANCE; the SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF
fiscal year; Provided, further, That in the first year of the effectivity of BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT; the COMMISSIONER OF
this Code, the local government units shall, in addition to the thirty (1) Population - Fifty percent (50%); and INTERNAL REVENUE; the COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS;
percent (30%) allotment which shall include the cost of devolved and the NATIONAL TREASURER to include ALL
functions for essential public services, be entitled to receive the amount COLLECTIONS OF NATIONAL TAXES in the computation of the
equivalent to the cost of devolved personal services. (2) Equal sharing - Fifty percent (50%) base of the just share of the Local Government Units according to the
ratio provided in the now-modified Section 284 of Republic Act No.
The phrase "internal revenue" is likewise hereby DELETED from the (c) On the third year and thereafter. 7160 (Local Government Code) except those accruing to special purpose
related sections of Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government funds and special allotments for the utilization and development of the
Code), specifically Section 285, Section 287, and Section 290, which national wealth.
(1) Population - Sixty percent (60%); and
provisions shall henceforth read as follows:
For this purpose, the collections of national taxes for inclusion in the
(2) Equal sharing - Forty percent (40%).
Section 285. Allocation to Local Government Units. - The share of local base of the just share the Local Government Units shall include, but shall
government units in the allotment shall be collected in the following not be limited to, the following:
Provided, finally, That the financial requirements of barangays created
by local government units after the effectivity of this Code shall be the
(a) The national internal revenue taxes enumerated in Section
responsibility of the local government unit concerned.
(a) Provinces - Twenty-three percent (23%); 21 of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended,
collected by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of
xxxx Customs;
(b) Cities - Twenty-three percent (23%);
Sectfon 287. Local Development Projects. - Each local government unit (b) Tariff and customs duties collected by the Bureau of
(c) Municipalities - Thirty-four percent (34%); and shall appropriate in its annual budget no less than twenty percent (20%) Customs;
of its annual allotment for development projects. Copies of the
(d) Barangays - Twenty percent (20%) development plans of local government units shall be furnished the
(c) 50% of the value-added taxes collected in the Autonomous
Department of Interior and Local Government.
Region in Muslim Mindanao, and 30% of all other national tax
Provided, however, That the share of each province, city, and collected in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
municipality shall be determined on the basis of the following formula: xxxx
The remaining 50% of the collections of value-added taxes and
(a) Population -- Fifty percent (50%); Section 290. Amount of Share of Local Government Units. - Local 70% of the collections of the other national taxes in the
government units shall, in addition to the allotment, have a share of forty Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao shall be the
percent (40%) of the gross collection derived by the national government exclusive share of the Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao pursuant to Section 9 and Section 15 of Republic collections as the auditing fee of the Commission on Audit
Act No. 9054. is VALID;

(d) 60% of the national taxes collected from the exploitation 4. DIRECTS the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Bureau of
and development of the national wealth. Customs and their deputized collecting agents to certify all national tax
collections, pursuant to Article 3 78 of the Implementing Rules and
The remaining 401% of the national taxes collected from the Regulations of R.A. No. 7160;
exploitation and development of the national wealth shall
exclusively accrue to the host Local Government Units 5. DISMISSES the claims of the Local Government Units for the
pursuant to Section 290 of Republic Act No. 7160 (Local settlement by the National Government of arrears in the just share on the
Government Code); ground that this decision shall have PROSPECTIVE
(e) 85% of the excise taxes collected from locally
manufactured Virginia and other tobacco products. 6. COMMANDS the AUTOMATIC RELEASE WITHOUT NEED
OF FURTHER ACTION of the just shares of the Local Government
The remaining 15% shall accrue to the special purpose funds Units in the national taxes, through their respective provincial, city,
created by Republic Act No. 7171 and Republic Act No. 7227; municipal, or barangay treasurers, as the case may be, on a quarterly
basis but not beyond five (5) days from the end of each quarter, as
directed in Section 6, Article X of the 1987 Constitution and Section 286
(f) The entire 50% of the national taxes collected under of Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government Code), and
Sections 106, 108 and 116 of the NIRC as provided under operationalized by Article 383 of the Implementing Rules and
Section 283 of the NIRC; and Regulations of RA 7160.

(g) 5% of the 25% franchise taxes given to the National Let a copy of this decision be furnished to the President of the Republic
Government under Section 6 of Republic Act No. 6631 and of the Philippines, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
Section 8 of Republic Act No. 6632. House of Representatives for their information and guidance.


(a) The apportionment of the 25% of the franchise taxes

collected from the Manila Jockey Club and Philippine Racing
Club, Inc. - that is, five percent (5%) to the National
Government; five percent (5%) to the host municipality or
city; seven percent (7%) to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes
Office; six percent (6%) to the Anti-Tuberculosis Society; and
two percent (2%) to the White Cross pursuant to Section 6 of
Republic Act No. 6631 and Section 8 of Republic Act No.
6632 - is VALID;

(b) Section 8 and Section 12 of Republic Act No. 7227

are VALID; and, ACCORDINGLY, the proceeds from the
sale of the former military bases converted to alienable lands
thereunder are EXCLUDED from the computation of the
national tax allocations of the Local Government Units; and

(c) Section 24(3) of Presidential Decree No. 1445, in relation

to Section 284 of the National Internal Revenue Code,
apportioning one-half of one percent (1/2of1%) of national tax
1. To improve preventive health care of pregnant women and
young children

2. To increase enrollment/attendance of children at elementary

G.R. No. 195770               July 17, 2012 level

AQUILINO Q. PIMENTEL, JR., SERGIO TADEO and NELSON 3. To reduce incidence of child labor
ALCANTARA, Petitioners,
vs. 4. To raise consumption of poor households on nutrient dense
(DSWD), Respondents. 5. To encourage parents to invest in their children's (and their
own) future
6. To encourage parent's participation in the growth and
development of young children, as well as involvement in the
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: community.6

The Case This government intervention scheme, also conveniently referred to as

CCTP, "provides cash grant to extreme poor households to allow the
For the Court’s consideration in this Petition for Certiorari and members of the families to meet certain human development goals."7
Prohibition is the constitutionality of certain provisions of Republic Act
No. 10147 or the General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 20111 which Eligible households that are selected from priority target areas consisting
provides a P21 Billion budget allocation for the Conditional Cash of the poorest provinces classified by the National Statistical
Transfer Program (CCTP) headed by the Department of Social Welfare Coordination Board (NCSB)8 are granted a health assistance of
& Development (DSWD). Petitioners seek to enjoin respondents P500.00/month, or P6,000.00/year, and an educational assistance of
Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa and DSWD Secretary Corazon P300.00/month for 10 months, or a total of P3,000.00/year, for each
Juliano-Soliman from implementing the said program on the ground that child but up to a maximum of three children per family.9 Thus, after an
it amounts to a "recentralization" of government functions that have assessment on the appropriate assistance package, a household
already been devolved from the national government to the local beneficiary could receive from the government an annual subsidy for its
government units. basic needs up to an amount of P15,000.00, under the following
The Facts
a) Pregnant women must get pre natal care starting from the
In 2007, the DSWD embarked on a poverty reduction strategy with the 1st trimester, child birth is attended by skilled/trained
poorest of the poor as target beneficiaries.2 Dubbed "Ahon Pamilyang professional, get post natal care thereafter
Pilipino," it was pre-pilot tested in the municipalities of Sibagat and
Esperanza in Agusan del Sur; the municipalities of Lopez Jaena and b) Parents/guardians must attend family planning
Bonifacio in Misamis Occidental, the Caraga Region; and the cities of sessions/mother's class, Parent Effectiveness Service and
Pasay and Caloocan3 upon the release of the amount of P50 Million others
Pesos under a Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) issued by the
Department of Budget and Management.4
c) Children 0-5 years of age get regular preventive health
check-ups and vaccines
On July 16, 2008, the DSWD issued Administrative Order No. 16, series
of 2008 (A.O. No. 16, s. 2008),5 setting the implementing guidelines for
the project renamed "Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program" (4Ps), upon d) Children 3-5 years old must attend day care program/pre-
the following stated objectives, to wit: school
e) Children 6-14 years of age are enrolled in schools and Petitioner Aquilino Pimentel, Jr., a former Senator, joined by Sergio resources, and provide for the qualifications, election, appointment and
attend at least 85% of the time10 Tadeo, incumbent President of the Association of Barangay Captains of removal, term, salaries, powers and functions and duties of local
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, and Nelson Alcantara, incumbent officials, and all other matters relating to the organization and operation
Under A.O. No. 16, s. 2008, the DSWD also institutionalized a Barangay Captain of Barangay Sta. Monica, Quezon City, challenges of the local units.
coordinated inter-agency network among the Department of Education before the Court the disbursement of public funds and the
(DepEd), Department of Health (DOH), Department of Interior and implementation of the CCTP which are alleged to have encroached into xxx
Local Government (DILG), the National Anti-Poverty Commission the local autonomy of the LGUs.
(NAPC) and the local government units (LGUs), identifying specific Section 14. The President shall provide for regional development
roles and functions in order to ensure effective and efficient The Issue councils or other similar bodies composed of local government officials,
implementation of the CCTP. As the DSWD takes on the role of lead regional heads of departments and other government offices, and
implementing agency that must "oversee and coordinate the THE P21 BILLION CCTP BUDGET ALLOCATION UNDER THE representatives from non-governmental organizations within the regions
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program," the DSWD IN THE GAA FY 2011 VIOLATES ART. II, SEC. 25 & ART. for purposes of administrative decentralization to strengthen the
concerned LGU as partner agency is particularly tasked to – X, SEC. 3 OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION IN RELATION TO SEC. autonomy of the units therein and to accelerate the economic and social
17 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE OF 1991 BY growth and development of the units in the region. (Underscoring
a. Ensure availability of the supply side on health and PROVIDING FOR THE RECENTRALIZATION OF THE NATIONAL supplied)
ALREADY DEVOLVED TO THE LGUS. In order to fully secure to the LGUs the genuine and meaningful
b. Provide necessary technical assistance for Program autonomy that would develop them into self-reliant communities and
implementation Petitioners admit that the wisdom of adopting the CCTP as a poverty effective partners in the attainment of national goals,16 Section 17 of the
reduction strategy for the Philippines is with the legislature. They take Local Government Code vested upon the LGUs the duties and functions
c. Coordinate the implementation/operationalization of sectoral exception, however, to the manner by which it is being implemented, pertaining to the delivery of basic services and facilities, as follows:
activities at the City/Municipal level to better execute Program that is, primarily through a national agency like DSWD instead of the
objectives and functions LGUs to which the responsibility and functions of delivering social SECTION 17. Basic Services and Facilities. –
welfare, agriculture and health care services have been devolved
pursuant to Section 17 of Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the
d. Coordinate with various concerned government agencies at Local Government Code of 1991, in relation to Section 25, Article II & (a) Local government units shall endeavor to be self-reliant
the local level, sectoral representatives and NGO to ensure Section 3, Article X of the 1987 Constitution. and shall continue exercising the powers and discharging the
effective Program implementation duties and functions currently vested upon them. They shall
also discharge the functions and responsibilities of national
Petitioners assert that giving the DSWD full control over the agencies and offices devolved to them pursuant to this Code.
e. Prepare reports on issues and concerns regarding Program identification of beneficiaries and the manner by which services are to be
implementation and submit to the Regional Advisory Local government units shall likewise exercise such other
delivered or conditionalities are to be complied with, instead of powers and discharge such other functions and responsibilities
Committee, and allocating the P21 Billion CCTP Budget directly to the LGUs that would as are necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and
have enhanced its delivery of basic services, results in the effective provision of the basic services and facilities
f. Hold monthly committee meetings11 "recentralization" of basic government functions, which is contrary to enumerated herein.
the precepts of local autonomy and the avowed policy of
A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)12 executed by the DSWD with decentralization.
(b) Such basic services and facilities include, but are not
each participating LGU outlines in detail the obligation of both parties limited to, x x x.
during the intended five-year implementation of the CCTP. Our Ruling
While the aforementioned provision charges the LGUs to take
Congress, for its part, sought to ensure the success of the CCTP by The Constitution declares it a policy of the State to ensure the autonomy on the functions and responsibilities that have already been
providing it with funding under the GAA of 2008 in the amount of Two of local governments14 and even devotes a full article on the subject of devolved upon them from the national agencies on the aspect
Hundred Ninety-Eight Million Five Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos local governance15 which includes the following pertinent provisions: of providing for basic services and facilities in their respective
(P298,550,000.00). This budget allocation increased tremendously to P5 jurisdictions, paragraph (c) of the same provision provides a
Billion Pesos in 2009, with the amount doubling to P10 Billion Pesos in Section 3. The Congress shall enact a local government code which shall categorical exception of cases involving nationally-funded
2010. But the biggest allotment given to the CCTP was in the GAA of provide for a more responsive and accountable local government projects, facilities, programs and services, thus:
2011 at Twenty One Billion One Hundred Ninety-Four Million One structure instituted through a system of decentralization with effective
Hundred Seventeen Thousand Pesos (P21,194,117,000.00).13 1âwphi1 mechanisms of recall, initiative, and referendum, allocate among the (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) hereof,
different local government units their powers, responsibilities, and public works and infrastructure projects and other facilities,
programs and services funded by the National Government Now, autonomy is either decentralization of administration or
under the annual General Appropriations Act, other special decentralization of power.1âwphi1 There is decentralization of
laws, pertinent executive orders, and those wholly or partially administration when the central government delegates administrative
funded from foreign sources, are not covered under this powers to political subdivisions in order to broaden the base of
Section, except in those cases where the local government unit government power and in the process to make local governments ‘more
concerned is duly designated as the implementing agency for responsive and accountable’ and ‘ensure their fullest development as
such projects, facilities, programs and services. (Underscoring self-reliant communities and make them more effective partners in the
supplied) pursuit of national development and social progress.’ At the same time,
it relieves the central government of the burden of managing local affairs
The essence of this express reservation of power by the national and enables it to concentrate on national concerns. The President
government is that, unless an LGU is particularly designated as the exercises ‘general supervision’ over them, but only to ‘ensure that local
implementing agency, it has no power over a program for which funding affairs are administered according to law.’ He has no control over their
has been provided by the national government under the annual general acts in the sense that he can substitute their judgments with his own.
appropriations act, even if the program involves the delivery of basic
services within the jurisdiction of the LGU. Decentralization of power, on the other hand, involves an abdication of
political power in the [sic] favor of local governments [sic] units
The Court held in Ganzon v. Court of Appeals17 that while it is through a declared to be autonomous. In that case, the autonomous government is
system of decentralization that the State shall promote a more responsive free to chart its own destiny and shape its future with minimum
and accountable local government structure, the concept of local intervention from central authorities. According to a constitutional
autonomy does not imply the conversion of local government units into author, decentralization of power amounts to ‘self-immolation,’ since in
"mini-states."18 We explained that, with local autonomy, the Constitution that event, the autonomous government becomes accountable not to the
did nothing more than "to break up the monopoly of the national central authorities but to its constituency.22
government over the affairs of the local government" and, thus, did not
intend to sever "the relation of partnership and interdependence between Indeed, a complete relinquishment of central government powers on the
the central administration and local government units."19 In Pimentel v. matter of providing basic facilities and services cannot be implied as the
Aguirre,20 the Court defined the extent of the local government's Local Government Code itself weighs against it. The national
autonomy in terms of its partnership with the national government in the government is, thus, not precluded from taking a direct hand in the
pursuit of common national goals, referring to such key concepts as formulation and implementation of national development programs
integration and coordination. Thus: especially where it is implemented locally in coordination with the
LGUs concerned.
Under the Philippine concept of local autonomy, the national
government has not completely relinquished all its powers over local Every law has in its favor the presumption of constitutionality, and to
governments, including autonomous regions. Only administrative justify its nullification, there must be a clear and unequivocal breach of
powers over local affairs are delegated to political subdivisions. The the Constitution, not a doubtful and argumentative one.23 Petitioners have
purpose of the delegation is to make governance more directly failed to discharge the burden of proving the invalidity of the provisions
responsive and effective at the local levels. In turn, economic, political under the GAA of 2011. The allocation of a P21 billion budget for an
and social development at the smaller political units are expected to intervention program formulated by the national government itself but
propel social and economic growth and development. But to enable the implemented in partnership with the local government units to achieve
country to develop as a whole, the programs and policies effected locally the common national goal development and social progress can by no
must be integrated and coordinated towards a common national goal. means be an encroachment upon the autonomy of local governments.
Thus, policy-setting for the entire country still lies in the President and
Congress. WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby
Certainly, to yield unreserved power of governance to the local
government unit as to preclude any and all involvement by the national SO ORDERED.
government in programs implemented in the local level would be to shift
the tide of monopolistic power to the other extreme, which would
amount to a decentralization of power explicated in Limbona v.
Mangelin21 as beyond our constitutional concept of autonomy, thus:
Then mayor of General Santos City, Pedro B. Acharon, Jr., issued
Executive Order No. 40, series of 2008, creating management teams
pursuant to its organization development program. This was patterned
after Executive Order No. 366 dated October 4, 2004 entitled Directing a
Strategic Review of the Operations and Organizations of the Executive
Branch and Providing Options and Incentives for Government
Employees who may be Affected by the Rationalization of the Functions
and Agencies of the Executive Branch and its implementing rules and

Mayor Pedro B. Acharon, Jr. declared the city’s byword of "Total

Quality Service" in his state of the city address in 2005. This was
followed by the conduct of a process and practice review for each
G.R. No. 199439               April 22, 2014 department, section, and unit of the local government. The product was
an organization development masterplan adopted as Executive Order No.
13, series of 2009.5
CITY OF GENERAL SANTOS, represented by its Mayor, HON.
vs. This was followed by Resolution No. 004, series of 2009, requesting for
COMMISSION ON AUDIT, Respondent. the mayor’s support for GenSan SERVES, an early retirement program
to be proposed to the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
Consequently, Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, was passed together
with its implementing rules and regulations, designed "to entice those
employees who were unproductive due to health reasons to avail of the
incentives being offered therein by way of early retirement package."6
In order to be able to deliver more effective and efficient services, the
law allows local government units the power to reorganize. In doing so,
This contextual background in the passing of Ordinance No. 08, series of
they should be given leeway to entice their employees to avail of
2009, was not contested by respondent Commission on Audit.
severance benefits that the local government can afford. However, local
government units may not provide such when it amounts to a
supplementary retirement benefit scheme. The ordinance, as amended, provides that qualified employees below
sixty (60) years of age but not less than fifty (50) years and sickly
employees below fifty (50) years of age but not less than forty (40) years
In this special civil action for certiorari,1 the city of General Santos asks
may avail of the incentives under the program.7 In other words, the
us to find grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Commission on
ordinance "provides for separation benefits for sickly employees who
Audit (COA). On January 20, 2011, respondent Commission on Audit
have not yet reached retirement age."8 Section 5 of the ordinance states:
affirmed the findings of its Legal Services Sector in its Opinion No.
2010-021 declaring Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, as illegal. This
was reiterated in respondent Commission’s resolution denying the Section 5. GenSan SERVES Program Incentives On Top of Government
motion for reconsideration dated October 17, 2011.2 Service Insurance System (GSIS) and PAG-IBIG Benefits – Any
personnel qualified and approved to receive the incentives of this
program shall be entitled to whatever retirement benefits the GSIS or
Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, was enacted by the city of General
PAG-IBIG is granting to a retiring government employee.
Santos on August 13, 2009. It is entitled An Ordinance Establishing the
GenSan Scheme on Early Retirement for Valued Employees Security
(GenSan SERVES).3 Moreover, an eligible employee shall receive an early retirement
incentive provided under this program at the rate of one and one-half (1
1/2) months of the employee’s latest basic salary for every year of
It is important to view this ordinance in its proper context.
service in the City Government.9

Also, the ordinance provides:

Section 6. GenSan SERVES Post-Retirement Incentives – Upon valid reorganization pursuant to law in order to be valid. The opinion provided for early retirement and voluntary separation. The questioned
availment of early retirement, a qualified employee shall enjoy the concludes as follows: decision mentioned that respondent Commission on Audit would look
following in addition to the above incentives: into this program supposedly adopted by Cebu.27 Assuming Cebu’s
In fine, since Ordinance No. 08 is in the nature of an ERP [Early invocation of Republic Act No. 6683 was proper, respondent
(a) Cash gift of Fifty Thousand Pesos (₱50,000.00) for the Retirement Program] of the City Government of General Santos, a law Commission on Audit explained that this has already been amended by
sickly employees; authorizing the same is a requisite for its validity. In the absence, Republic Act No. 8291, otherwise known as the GSIS Act of 1997.
however, of such law, the nullity of Ordinance No. 08 becomes a Moreover, Section 9 of Republic Act No. 668328 provides for limited
necessary consequence. application.29
(b) Lifetime free medical consultation at General Santos City
It is hoped that the foregoing sufficiently answers the instant query.19 The present petition raises this sole issue:
(c) Annual aid in the maximum amount of Five Thousand
Pesos (₱5,000.00), if admitted at General Santos City Hospital; Petitioner city, through then mayor, Pedro B. Acharon, Jr., filed a letter- WHETHER RESPONDENT COMMISSION ON AUDIT
and reconsideration dated June 7, 2010. They followed through with two COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION WHEN IT
letters addressed to respondent Commission’s chairman dated July 26, CONSIDERED ORDINANCE NO. 08, SERIES OF 2009, IN THE
2010 and October 6, 2010, respectively, for the reconsideration of COA- NATURE OF AN EARLY RETIREMENT PROGRAM REQUIRING
(d) 14 karat gold ring as a token.10 A LAW AUTHORIZING IT FOR ITS VALIDITY
LSS Opinion No. 2010-021.20
As provided, payment would be made in two tranches: 50% paid in I
January 2010 and the remainder in July 2010.11 Petitioner city alleged Respondent Commission on Audit treated these letters as an appeal. On
that out of its 1,361 regular employees, 50 employees applied, from January 20, 2011, it rendered its decision denying the appeal and
which 39 employees qualified to avail of the incentives provided by the affirming COA-LSS Opinion No. 2010-021.21 It also denied This court has consistently held that findings of administrative agencies
ordinance.12 The first tranche of benefits was released in January 2010.13 reconsideration by resolution dated October 17, 2011.22 The dispositive are generally respected, unless found to have been tainted with
portion of its decision reads: unfairness that amounted to grave abuse of discretion:
In a letter dated February 10, 2010, the city’s audit team leader, through
its supervising auditor, sent a query on the legality of the ordinance to WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal is hereby It is the general policy of the Court to sustain the decisions of
respondent Commission on Audit’s director for Regional Office No. XII, DENIED for lack of merit and COA-LSS Opinion No. 2010-021 dated administrative authorities, especially one which is constitutionally-
Cotabato City.14 March 25, 2010 of the OGC, this Commission is hereby AFFIRMED. created not only on the basis of the doctrine of separation of powers but
Accordingly, the ATL of General Santos City is hereby directed to issue also for their presumed expertise in the laws they are entrusted to
a Notice of Disallowance on the illegal disbursements made under the enforce. Findings of administrative agencies are accorded not only
In his second indorsement dated March 15, 2010, respondent Gen[S]san SERVES.23 respect but also finality when the decision and order are not tainted with
Commission’s regional director agreed that the grant lacked legal basis unfairness or arbitrariness that would amount to grave abuse of
and was contrary to the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) discretion. It is only when the COA has acted without or in excess of
Act. He forwarded the matter to respondent Commission’s Office of Respondent Commission on Audit agreed that Ordinance No. 08, series
of 2009, partakes of the nature of a supplementary retirement benefit jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
General Counsel, Legal Services Sector, for a more authoritative excess of jurisdiction, that this Court entertains a petition questioning its
opinion.15 plan proscribed by Section 28, paragraph (b) of Commonwealth Act No.
186 as amended. It also cited Conte v. Commission on Audit24 and rulings. There is grave abuse of discretion when there is an evasion of a
Laraño v. Commission on Audit.25 positive duty or a virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law or to
The Office of General Counsel issued COA-LSS Opinion No. 2010-021 act in contemplation of law as when the judgment rendered is not based
on March 25, 2010. The opinion explained that Ordinance No. 08, series on law and evidence but on caprice, whim and despotism.30 (Emphasis
of 2009, partakes of a supplementary retirement benefit plan. In its view, In its opinion, respondent Commission on Audit observed that GenSan supplied, citations omitted)
Section 28, paragraph (b) of Commonwealth Act No. 186, as amended, SERVES was not based on a law passed by Congress but on ordinances
prohibits government agencies from establishing supplementary and resolutions passed and approved by the Sangguniang Panlungsod
and Executive Orders by the city mayor.26 Moreover, nowhere in Section We have ruled that "not every error in the proceedings, or every
retirement or pension plans from the time the Government Service erroneous conclusion of law or fact, constitutes grave abuse of
Insurance System charter took effect while those plans already existing 76 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government
Code, does it provide a specific power for local government units to discretion."31 Grave abuse of discretion has been defined as follows:
when the charter was enacted were declared abolished.16
establish an early retirement program.
By grave abuse of discretion is meant such capricious and whimsical
The opinion discussed that this prohibition was reiterated in Conte v. exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. Mere abuse
Commission on Audit.17 Laraño v. Commission on Audit,18 on the other Mayor Acharon, Jr. submitted that other local government units such as
Cebu in 2005 and 2008 have adopted their own early retirement of discretion is not enough. It must be grave abuse of discretion as when
hand, ruled that an early retirement program should be by virtue of a the power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of
programs. The resolutions of the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Cebu
invoked Republic Act No. 6683 dated December 2, 1988, which passion or personal hostility, and must be so patent and so gross as to
amount to an evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform Petitioner city adds that GenSan SERVES is a one-time offer. It is payment of appropriate separation pay, retirement, and other benefits
the duty enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of law. x x x.32 available only to qualified employees who applied within two months under existing laws within 90 days from effectivity date of separation.45
from the ordinance’s effectivity. In fact, out of its 1,361 regular
In Yap v. Commission on Audit,33 this court explained that the employees, 50 employees applied. Out of all that applied, only 39 Even President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued Executive Order No.
Commission on Audit has the duty to make its own assessment of the employees qualified to avail of the incentives provided by the 184 entitled Directing the Reorganization and Streamlining of the
merits of the disallowance and need not be limited to a review of the ordinance.37 National Development Company on March 10, 2003. In Section 4, it
grounds relied upon by the auditor of the agency concerned: provides for a separation package anchored on Republic Act No.
These incentives are independent and distinct from the Government 6656.46 Petitioner city submits that if the President can reorganize in the
x x x we rule that, in resolving cases brought before it on appeal, Service Insurance System retirement package.38 absence of any law authorizing her to do so and provide compensation
respondent COA is not required to limit its review only to the grounds based on Republic Act No. 6656, with more reason that a local
relied upon by a government agency’s auditor with respect to Section 5 of Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, was amended by government unit can reorganize as its power to reorganize is expressly
disallowing certain disbursements of public funds. In consonance with Ordinance No. 11, series of 2009, "to exclude those GSIS and PAG- provided in the Local Government Code.47
its general audit power, respondent COA is not merely legally permitted, IBIG benefits the payment[s] of which are passed on [to] the
but is also duty-bound to make its own assessment of the merits of the employer."39 This was to remove any doubt as to its coverage and Respondent Commission on Audit counters that it correctly found
disallowed disbursement and not simply restrict itself to reviewing the applicability and to ensure that no employee will be paid twice.40 The Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, as invalid in the absence of a law
validity of the ground relied upon by the auditor of the government amended provision reads: passed by Congress specifically authorizing the enactment of an
agency concerned. To hold otherwise would render COA’s vital ordinance granting an early retirement scheme.48
constitutional power unduly limited and thereby useless and Section 5. Gen[S]an SERVES Program Incentives On Top of
ineffective.34 Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) and PAG-IBIG Benefits – Respondent Commission on Audit contends that Sections 16 and 76 of
Any personnel qualified and approved to receive the incentives of this the Local Government Code do not confer authority upon any local
Moreover, Article IX-A, Section 7 of the Constitution provides that program shall be entitled to whatever retirement benefits the GSIS or government unit to create a separate or supplementary retirement benefit
"unless otherwise provided by this Constitution or by law, any decision, PAG-IBIG is granting to a retiring government employee, except those plan.49 As for Republic Act No. 6656, this contemplates situations where
order, or ruling of each Commission may be brought to the Supreme benefits the payment of which are passed on to the employer. In which a government position has been abolished, or rendered redundant, or a
Court on certiorari by the aggrieved party within thirty days from receipt case, the benefits granted under this ordinance shall only be considered need to merge, divide or consolidate positions for lawful causes allowed
of a copy thereof." Rule 64, Section 2 of the Revised Rules of Civil as one of the options available to a retiring city employee. by the Civil Service Law exists.50
Procedure also provides that "a judgment or final order or resolution of
the Commission on Elections and the Commission on Audit may be Moreover, an eligible employee shall receive an early retirement According to respondent Commission on Audit, petitioner city failed to
brought by the aggrieved party to the Supreme Court on certiorari under incentive provided under this program at the rate of one and one-half (1 demonstrate arbitrariness on its part as it merely observed the
Rule 65, except as hereinafter provided." 1/2) months of the employee’s latest basic salary for every year of proscription under Section 28, paragraph (b) of Commonwealth Act No.
service in the City Government. (Emphasis supplied) 186 when it found the ordinance a nullity.51
Thus, we proceed to determine whether respondent Commission on
Audit acted with grave abuse of discretion in affirming the opinion of its According to petitioner city, GenSan SERVES is an initial step pursuant We agree with respondent Commission on Audit but only insofar as
Legal Services Sector and finding that the entire Ordinance No. 08, to its organization development masterplan,41 which began with the city Section 5 of the ordinance is concerned. We declare Section 6 on post-
series of 2009, partakes of the nature of a proscribed supplementary mayor’s issuance of Executive Order No. 40, series of 2008, creating retirement incentives as valid.
retirement benefit plan. change management teams.42
II Petitioner city cites Sections 16 and 76 of the Local Government Code as
its authority to reorganize. It argues that these provisions necessarily The constitutional mandate for local autonomy supports petitioner city’s
According to petitioner city, GenSan SERVES does not provide for imply the authority of petitioner city to provide retirement benefits, issuance of Executive Order No. 40, series of 2008, creating change
supplementary retirement benefits, and Conte does not apply.35 separation pay, and other incentives to those affected by the management teams52 as an initial step for its organization development
reorganization.43 masterplan.
Petitioner city explains that unlike the facts in Conte, Ordinance No. 08,
series of 2009, was designed to entice employees who are unproductive Petitioner city also cites Republic Act No. 6656, otherwise known as An Local autonomy also grants local governments the power to streamline
due to health reasons to avail of the incentives by way of an early Act to Protect the Security of Tenure of Civil Service Officers and and reorganize. This power is inferred from Section 76 of the Local
retirement package. In essence, the incentives are severance pay. Those Employees in the Implementation of Government Government Code on organizational structure and staffing pattern, and
who have reached retirement age are disqualified.36 Reorganization.44 According to petitioner city, this not only requires Section 16 otherwise known as the general welfare clause:
good faith in the implementation of reorganization but mandates the
Section 76. Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern. - Every local to them.56 This court then referred to the policy of local autonomy as considered as bad faith when employees are removed as a result of any
government unit shall design and implement its own organizational follows: reorganization:
structure and staffing pattern taking into consideration its service
requirements and financial capability, subject to the minimum standards Thus, consistent with the state policy of local autonomy as guaranteed by SECTION 2. No officer or employee in the career service shall be
and guidelines prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. the 1987 Constitution, under Section 25, Article II and Section 2, Article removed except for a valid cause and after due notice and hearing. A
X, and the Local Government Code of 1991, we declare that the grant valid cause for removal exists when, pursuant to a bona fide
Section 16. General Welfare. - Every local government unit shall and release of the hospitalization and health care insurance benefits reorganization, a position has been abolished or rendered redundant or
exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied given to petitioner’s officials and employees were validly enacted there is a need to merge, divide, or consolidate positions in order to meet
therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its through an ordinance passed by petitioner’s Sangguniang the exigencies of the service, or other lawful causes allowed by the Civil
efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the Panlalawigan.57 Service Law. The existence of any or some of the following
promotion of the general welfare. Within their respective territorial circumstances may be considered as evidence of bad faith in the
jurisdictions, local government units shall ensure and support, among Local autonomy allows an interpretation of Sections 76 and 16 as removals made as a result of reorganization, giving rise to a claim for
other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health granting petitioner city the authority to create its organization reinstatement or reappointment by an aggrieved party:
and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology, development program.
encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant a) Where there is a significant increase in the number of
scientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance positions in the new staffing pattern of the department or
economic prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among Petitioner city’s vision in 2005 of "Total Quality Service" for "the
improvement of the quality of services delivered by the city to the agency concerned;
their residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and
convenience of their inhabitants. delight of its internal and external customers"58 is a matter within its
discretion. It then conducted a process and practice review for each and b) Where an office is abolished and another performing
every unit within the city, resulting in the formulation of an organization substantially the same functions in created;
Section 5, paragraph (a) of the Local Government Code states that "any development masterplan adopted as Executive Order No. 13, series of
provision on a power of a local government unit shall be liberally 2009.59
interpreted in its favor, and in case of doubt, any question thereon shall c) Where incumbents are replaced by those less qualified in
be resolved in favor or devolution of powers x x x." terms of status of appointment, performance and merit;
Resolution No. 004, series of 2009, was later passed requesting for the
mayor’s support for GenSan SERVES. The third preambular clause d) Where there is a reclassification of offices in the department
Section 5, paragraph (c) also provides that "the general welfare states that in order "to transform the bureaucracy into [an] effective and
provisions in this Code shall be liberally interpreted to give more powers or agency concerned and the reclassified offices perform
result[s]-oriented structure, redounding to improved governance, there is substantially the same functions as the original offices; and
to local government units in accelerating economic development and a need to entice employees aged 50-59 years old, to retire earlier than
upgrading the quality of life for the people in the community." These [age] 65 for them to enjoy their retirement while they are still
rules of interpretation emphasize the policy of local autonomy and the healthy."60 Consequently, Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, was passed e) Where the removal violates the order of separation provided
devolution of powers to the local government units. creating the GenSan SERVES program. in Section 3 hereof. (Emphasis supplied)

Designing and implementing a local government unit’s own In Betoy v. The Board of Directors, NAPOCOR,61 this court explained None of these badges of bad faith exist in this case.
"organizational structure and staffing pattern" also implies the power to that a streamlining of organization for a more efficient system must pass
revise and reorganize. Without such power, local governments will lose the test of good faith in order to be valid: Petitioner city followed the order of priority under Section 4 of its
the ability to adjust to the needs of its constituents. Effective and ordinance.64 It required applicants to undergo medical examination with
efficient governmental services especially at the local government level the local hospital and considered the hospital chief’s recommendations.65
require rational and deliberate changes planned and executed in good A reorganization involves the reduction of personnel, consolidation of
faith from time to time. offices, or abolition thereof by reason of economy or redundancy of
functions.62 It could result in the loss of one's position through removal Unfortunately, these allegations showing good faith is not enough to
or abolition of an office. However, for a reorganization for the purpose declare the program created by petitioner city as a reorganization that
This was implied in Province of Negros Occidental v. Commissioners, of economy or to make the bureaucracy more efficient to be valid, it justifies the creation of a retirement benefit plan.
Commission on Audit.53 In that case, this court declared as valid the must pass the test of good faith; otherwise, it is void ab
ordinance passed by the province granting and releasing hospitalization initio.63 (Emphasis supplied)
and health care insurance benefits to its officials and employees. This Petitioner city alleged that the positions occupied by those who qualified
court held that Section 2 of Administrative Order No. 10354 requiring the for GenSan SERVES remained vacant, and it would neither hire
President’s prior approval before the grant of any allowance or benefit is There are indicia of bad faith, none of which are present in this case. replacements nor promote employees earlier than June 30, 2011.66 This
applicable only to offices under the executive branch.55 Section 2 does means the positions left by those who availed of the program will
not mention local government units, thus, the prohibition does not apply Republic Act No. 6656 invoked by petitioner city as authority for the eventually be filled up by others. Their positions were not abolished or
creation of GenSan SERVES, for example, enumerates situations merged with other positions for streamlining in the service.
IV This means that even employees other than those who are unproductive (d) those who must have served the City Government of
due to health reasons may apply under the ordinance. Albeit last in General Santos a minimum of fifteen (15) continuous years.
The assailed decision by respondent Commission on Audit was anchored priority, they may still qualify to avail of the incentives pursuant to
on Section 28, paragraph (b) of Commonwealth Act No. 186, otherwise Section 4, paragraph (d), as amended: Under paragraph (d), employees should have served for a minimum of
known as the Government Service Insurance Act,67 as amended by 15 years to qualify. This requirement is consistent with the definition of
Republic Act No. 4968.68 This proscribes all supplementary retirement or Section 4. Prioritization. – The following applicants shall be prioritized a retirement plan as a form of reward for an employee’s loyalty and
pension plans for government employees: in availing the program: service to the employer. Moreover, pension plans as defined permit
employees to retire with relative security, especially for those who have
(b) Hereafter no insurance or retirement plan for officers or employees a) First – Employees below sixty (60) years of age but not less been incapacitated by illness.72
shall be created by any employer. All supplementary retirement or than fifty (50) years who are determined by the Chief of
pension plans heretofore in force in any government office, agency, or General Santos City Hospital to be qualified to avail of the Section 5 states that "an eligible employee shall receive an early
instrumentality or corporation owned and controlled by the government, program; retirement incentive provided under this program at the rate of 1 1/2
are hereby declared inoperative or abolished: Provided, That the rights of months of the employee’s latest basic salary for every year of service in
those who are already eligible to retire thereunder shall not be affected. b) Second – Employees below sixty (60) years of age but not the City Government." This may be more than the amount of annuity
less than fifty (50) years who are under continuous medication provided in Section 11, paragraph (a) of Commonwealth Act No. 186 as
Jurisprudence has discussed the nature and purpose of retirement as determined by the Chief of General Santos City Hospital; amended,73 considering that an applicant must have rendered at least 15
benefits and pension plans as follows: years of service in the city government to qualify.74
c) Third – Employees below fifty (50) years of age but not less
Retirement benefits are, after all, a form of reward for an employee’s than forty (40) years who are determined by the Chief of Section 5 refers to an "early retirement incentive," the amount of which
loyalty and service to the employer, and are intended to help the General Santos City Hospital to be physically or mentally is pegged on the beneficiary’s years of service in the city government.
employee enjoy the remaining years of his life, lessening the burden of incapacitated to further continue rendering service with the The ordinance provides that only those who have rendered service to the
worrying about his financial support or upkeep. On the other hand, a City Government and recommended to avail of the program; city government for at least 15 years may apply.75 Consequently, this
pension partakes of the nature of "retained wages" of the retiree for a and provision falls under the definition of a retirement benefit. Applying the
dual purpose: to entice competent people to enter the government definition in Conte, it is a form of reward for an employee’s loyalty and
service, and to permit them to retire from the service with relative service to the city government, and it is intended to help the employee
d) Fourth – Employees below sixty (60) years of age but not enjoy the remaining years of his or her life by lessening his or her
security, not only for those who have retained their vigor, but more so less than fifty (50) years who are desirous to avail of the
for those who have been incapacitated by illness or accident.69 (Emphasis financial worries.
Moreover, Section 3 of the ordinance, as amended, enumerates those
In Conte v. Commission on Audit,  this court discussed the purpose who are covered by the program and may thus apply under the
behind the proscription found in Section 28, paragraph (b), as amended. ordinance: In any case, those who availed of the GenSan SERVES were separated
It was to address the need to prevent the proliferation of inequitous from the service. Those who are separated from the service, whether
plans: compulsorily for lawful cause,76 or voluntarily when incentivized to
Section 3. Coverage. – GenSan SERVES program covers the following retire early for streamlining purposes,77 should consequently be entitled
employees of the City Government: to a form of separation or severance pay.
x x x Sec. 28 (b) as amended by RA 4968 in no uncertain terms bars the
creation of any insurance or retirement plan – other than the GSIS – for
government officers and employees, in order to prevent the undue and (a) personnel occupying permanent positions; Petitioner city invoked Republic Act No. 6656, which provides that
inequitous proliferation of such plans. x x x. To ignore this and rule employees separated from the service as a result of any reorganization
otherwise would be tantamount to permitting every other government (b) those who are below sixty (60) years of age but not less shall be entitled to separation pay, retirement, and other benefits:
office or agency to put up its own supplementary retirement benefit plan than fifty (50) years on the date of application;
under the guise of such "financial assistance.71 Section 9. All officers and employees who are found by the Civil Service
(c) those who are below fifty (50) years of age but not less Commission to have been separated in violation of the provisions of this
Section 2 of the ordinance, as amended, defined "applicants" as referring than forty (40) years on the date of application but confirmed Act, shall be ordered reinstated or reappointed as the case may be
to "qualified employees below sixty (60) years of age but not less than by the Chief of General Santos City Hospital to be sickly and without loss of seniority and shall be entitled to full pay for the period of
fifty (50) years and sickly employees below fifty (50) years of age but recommended to avail early retirement; and separation. Unless also separated for cause, all officers and employees,
not less than forty (40) years old from the effectivity of this Ordinance who have been separated pursuant to reorganization shall, if entitled
and shall have rendered service in the City government for at least 15 thereto, be paid the appropriate separation pay and retirement and other
years." benefits under existing laws within ninety (90) days from the date of the
effectivity of their separation or from the date of the receipt of the The purpose of Section 6 is also different from the benefits proscribed in Furthermore, unlike in Conte, Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, was a
resolution of their appeals as the case may be: Provided, That application Conte v. Commission on Audit,79 and the nature of its benefits must be one-time limited offer.86 The availment period was only within two
for clearance has been filed and no action thereon has been made by the taken in the context of its rationale. The benefits provided in Section 6 months from the ordinance’s effectivity.87
corresponding department or agency. Those who are not entitled to said serve its purpose of inducing petitioner city’s employees, who are
benefits shall be paid a separation gratuity in the amount equivalent to unproductive due to health reasons, to retire early. Respondent In any case, petitioner city is authorized by the Local Government Code
one (1) month salary for every year of service. Such separation pay and Commission on Audit’s observation that the benefit provided is broader to approve ordinances to provide for the care of the sick:
retirement benefits shall have priority of payment out of the savings of than that provided in Conte v Commission on Audit fails to take this
the department or agency concerned. (Emphasis supplied) rationale into consideration. Furthermore, the benefits under GenSan
SERVES were only given to a select few—the sickly and unproductive SECTION 458. – Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. – (a)
due to health reasons. Certainly, this negates the position that the The Sangguniang Panlungsod, as the legislative body of the city, shall
Separation or severance pay has been defined as "an allowance usually enact ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the
based on length of service that is payable to an employee on severance x benefits provide for supplementary retirement benefits that augment
existing retirement laws. general welfare of the city and its inhabitants pursuant to section 16 of
x x, or as compensation due an employee upon the severance of his this Code and in the proper exercise of the corporate powers of the city
employment status with the employer."78 as provided for under section 22 of this Code, and shall:
In Conte v. Commission on Audit80 cited by respondent Commission on
Section 6 of the ordinance on post-retirement incentives provides for Audit, this court held that the "financial assistance" option for the
difference of benefits under Republic Act No. 660 and Republic Act No. xxxx
benefits that are not computed based on years of service. They are lump
sum amounts and healthcare benefits: 1616 violated Section 28, paragraph (b) as amended. Social Security
System (SSS) Resolution No. 56 subject of that case provides in part: (5) Approve ordinances which shall ensure the efficient and effective
delivery of the basic services and facilities as provided for under Section
Section 6. GenSan SERVES Post-Retirement Incentives – Upon 17 of this Code, and in addition to said services and facilities, shall:
availment of early retirement, a qualified employee shall enjoy the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That all the SSS employees
following in addition to the above incentives: who are simultaneously qualified for compulsory retirement at age 65 or
for optional retirement at a lower age be encouraged to avail for xxxx
themselves the life annuity under R.A. 660, as amended; x x x.81
(e) Cash gift of Fifty Thousand Pesos (₱50,000.00) for the
sickly employees; (xiv) Provide for the care of disabled persons, paupers, the aged, the
The fifth preambular clause of Resolution No. 56 also states that "it is sick, persons of unsound mind, abandoned minors, juvenile delinquents,
the policy of the Social Security Commission to promote and to protect drug dependents, abused children and other needy and disadvantaged
(f) Lifetime free medical consultation at General Santos City the interest of all SSS employees, with a view to providing for their well- persons, particularly children and youth below eighteen (18) years of
Hospital; being during both their working and retirement years."82 The financial age; and, subject to availability of funds, establish and provide for the
assistance provides benefits to all Social Security System employees operation of centers and facilities for said needy and disadvantaged
(g) Annual aid in the maximum amount of Five Thousand who are retirable under existing laws and who are qualified to apply. It is persons[.] (Emphasis supplied)
Pesos (₱5,000.00), if admitted at General Santos City Hospital; available to all present and future Social Security System employees
and upon reaching retirement age.83 This is also consistent with the constitutional mandate for a
comprehensive approach to health development, with priority for the
(h) 14 karat gold ring as token. Without doubt, this financial assistance of Conte augments the needs of the sick:
retirement benefits provided under existing laws, in violation of Section
The text of the ordinance indicates its purpose of encouraging 28, paragraph (b), as amended. ARTICLE XIII
employees, especially those who are unproductive due to health reasons, Social Justice and Human Rights
to avail of the program even before they reach the compulsory retirement On the other hand, Section 3 of Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009 limits
age. Section 6 provides for a form of severance pay to those who availed its coverage.1a\^/phi1 Only qualified employees below sixty (60) years HEALTH
of GenSan SERVES, which was executed in good faith. of age but not less than fifty (50) years and sickly employees below fifty
(50) years of age but not less than forty (40) years from the effectivity of
the ordinance, with at least 15 years of service, are considered. Out of Section 11. The State shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive
We should not be misled by the use of the term "retirement" in Section 6 approach to health development which shall endeavor to make essential
in determining the nature of the benefits it provides. Labels are not 1,361 regular employees of petitioner city, only 50 employees applied,
from which only 39 employees qualified to avail of the ordinance goods, health and other social services available to all the people at
determinative of substantive content. It is the purpose behind these affordable cost. There shall be priority for the needs of the
incentives, as read from the text of the ordinance and as inferred from benefits.84 Petitioner city alleged that there was one more applicant who
was supposed to qualify, but she had died of acute renal failure underprivileged, sick, elderly, disabled, women, and children. The State
the effect of the ordinance as applied, which must govern. shall endeavor to provide free medical care to paupers.
secondary to diabetes nephropathy before her application was acted
Thus, the cash gift for the sickly employees, lifetime free medical
consultation in petitioner city's hospital, and other similar benefits under
Section 6 of the ordinance are valid. VITUG, J.:

The proscription under Section 28, paragraph (b) of Commonwealth Act

No. 186, as amended, does not apply to Section 6 of the The 1987 Constitution enunciates the policy that the territorial and
ordinance.1âwphi1 Consequently, the Commission on Audit acted with political subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy. 1 In obedience to that,
grave abuse of discretion when it declared the entire ordinance void and mandate of the fundamental law, Republic Act ("R.A.") No.7160,
of no effect. otherwise known as the Local Government Code, 2 expresses that the
territorial and political subdivisions of the State shall enjoy genuine and
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The assailed meaningful local autonomy in order to enable them to attain their fullest
Commission on Audit decision dated January 20, 2011 and resolution development as self-reliant communities and make them more effective
dated October 17, 2011 are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION insofar partners in the attainment of national goals, and that it is a basic aim of
as Section 6 of Ordinance No. 08, series of 2009, as amended by the State to provide for a more responsive and accountable local
Ordinance No. 11, series of 2009, is declared as VALID. government structure instituted through a system of decentralization
whereby local government units shall be given more powers, authority,
responsibilities and resources.chanrobles virtual lawlibrary
While the Constitution seeks to strengthen local units and ensure their
viability, clearly, however, it has never been the intention of that organic
law to create an imperium in imperio and install an intra sovereign
political subdivision independent of a single sovereign state.

The Court is asked in this instance to resolve the issue of whether under
the present set up the power of the Land Registration Office ("LTO") to
register, tricycles in particular, as well as to issue licenses for the driving
thereof, has likewise devolved to local government units.

The Regional Trial Court (Branch 2) of Butuan City held: 3 that the
authority to register tricycles, the grant of the corresponding franchise,
the issuance of tricycle drivers’ license, and the collection of fees
therefor had all been vested in the Local Government Units ("LGUs").
Accordingly, it decreed the issuance of a permanent writ of injunction
against LTO, prohibiting and enjoining LTO, as well as its employees
and other persons acting in its behalf, from (a) registering tricycles and
(b) issuing licenses to drivers of tricycles. The Court of Appeals, on
appeal to it, sustained the trial court.

[G.R. No. 131512. January 20, 2000.] The adverse rulings of both the court a quo and the appellate court
prompted the LTO to file the instant petition for review on certiorari to
LAND TRANSPORTATION OFFICE [LTO], represented by annul and set aside the decision, 4 dated 17 November 1997, of the
Assistant Secretary Manuel F. Bruan, LTO Regional Office, Region Court of Appeals affirming the permanent injunctive writ order of the
X represented by its Regional Director, Timoteo A. Garcia; and Regional Trial Court (Branch 2) of Butuan City.
LTO Butuan represented by Rosita G. Sadiaga, its
Registrar, Petitioners, v. CITY OF BUTUAN, represented in this Respondent City of Butuan asserts that one of the salient provisions
case by Democrito D. Plaza II, City Mayor, Respondents. introduced by the Local Government Code is in the area of local taxation
which allows LGUs to collect registration fees or charges along with, in
DECISION its view, the corresponding issuance of all kinds of licenses or permits
for the driving of tricycles.
The 1987 Constitution declaration of the validity of SP Ordinance No.962-93 and the The LTFRB, upon the other hand, is the governing body tasked by E.O.
prohibition of the registration of tricycles-for-hire and the issuance of No. 202, dated 19 June 1987, to regulate the operation of public utility or
"Each local government unit shall have the power to create its own licenses for the driving thereof by the LTO. "for hire" vehicles and to grant franchises or certificates of public
sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to such convenience ("CPC"). 11 Finely put, registration and licensing functions
guidelines and limitations as the Congress may provide, consistent with LTO opposed the prayer in the petition. are vested in the LTO while franchising and regulatory responsibilities
the basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges shall had been vested in the LTFRB.
accrue exclusively to the local governments." 5 On 20 March 1995, the trial court rendered a resolution; the dispositive
portion read:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary Under the Local Government Code, certain functions of the DOTC were
Section 129 and Section 133 of the Local Government Code transferred to the LGUs, "In view of the foregoing, let a permanent injunctive writ be issued
against the respondent Land Transportation Office and the other "SECTION 458. Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. —
"SECTION 129. Power to Create Sources of Revenue. — Each local respondents, prohibiting and enjoining them, their employees, officers,
government unit shall exercise its power to create its own sources of attorney’s or other persons acting in their behalf from forcing or "x       x       x
revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to the provisions compelling Tricycles to be registered with, and drivers to secure their
herein, consistent with the basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, licenses from respondent LTO or secure franchise from LTFRB and "(3) Subject to the provisions of Book II of this Code, enact ordinances
fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to the local government from collecting fees thereon. It should be understood that the granting franchises and authorizing the issuance of permits or licenses,
units."cralaw virtua1aw library registration, franchise of tricycles and driver’s license/permit granted or upon such conditions and for such purposes intended to promote the
issued by the City of Butuan are valid only within the territorial limits of general welfare of the inhabitants of the city and pursuant to this
"SECTION 133. Common Limitations on the Taxing Powers of Local Butuan City. legislative authority
Government Units. — Unless otherwise provided herein, the exercise of
the taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays "No pronouncement as to costs." 6 "x       x       x.
shall not extend to the levy of the
Petitioners timely moved for a reconsideration of the above resolution "(VI) Subject to the guidelines prescribed by the Department of
"x       x       x. but it was to no avail. Petitioners then appealed to the Court of Appeals. Transportation and Communications, regulate the operation of tricycles
In its now assailed decision, the appellate court, on 17 November 1997, and grant franchises for the operation thereof within the territorial
"(I) Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor vehicles and for sustained the trial court. It jurisdiction of the city." (Emphasis supplied)
the issuance of all kinds of licenses or permits for the driving thereof,
except tricycles."cralaw virtua1aw library "WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DISMISSED and the questioned LGUs indubitably now have the power to regulate the operation of
permanent injunctive writ issued by the court a quo dated March 20, tricycles-for-hire and to grant franchises for the operation thereof. "To
Relying on the foregoing provisions of the law, the Sangguniang 1995 AFFIRMED." 7 regulate" means to fix, establish, or control; to adjust by rule, method, or
Panlungsod ("SP") of Butuan, on 16 August 1992, passed SP Ordinance established mode; to direct by rule or restriction; or to subject to
No.916-92 entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Coming up to this Court, petitioners raise this sole assignment of error, governing principles or laws. 12 A franchise is defined to be a special
Tricycles-for-Hire, providing mechanism for the issuance of Franchise, to privilege to do certain things conferred by government on an individual
Registration and Permit, and Imposing Penalties for Violations thereof or corporation, and which does not belong to citizens generally of
and for other Purposes." The ordinance provided for, among other "The Court of Appeals [has] erred in sustaining the validity of the writ of common right. 13 On the other hand, "to register" means to record
things, the payment of franchise fees for the grant of the franchise of injunction issued by the trial court which enjoined LTO from (1) formally and exactly, to enroll, or to enter precisely in a list or the like,
tricycles-for-hire, fees for the registration of the vehicle, and fees for the registering tricycles-for-hire and (2) issuing licenses for the driving 14 and a "driver’s license" is the certificate or license issued by the
issuance of a permit for the driving thereof. thereof since the Local Government Code devolved only the franchising government which authorizes a person to operate a motor vehicle. 15
authority of the LTFRB. Functions of the LTO were not devolved to the The devolution of the functions of the DOTC, performed by the LTFRB,
Petitioner LTO explains that one of the functions of the national LGU’s." 8 to the LGUs, as so aptly observed by the Solicitor General, is aimed at
government that, indeed, has been transferred to local government units curbing the alarming increase of accidents in national highways
is the franchising authority over tricycles-for-hire of the Land The petition is impressed with merit. involving tricycles. It has been the perception that local governments are
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board ("LTFRB") but not, it in good position to achieve the end desired by the law-making body
asseverates, the authority of LTO to register all motor vehicles and to The Department of Transportation and Communications 9 ("DOTC"), because of their proximity to the situation that can enable them to
issue to qualified persons of licenses to drive such vehicles. through the LTO and the LTFRB, has since been tasked with address that serious concern better than the national government.
implementing laws pertaining to land transportation. The LTO is a line
In order to settle the variant positions of the parties, the City of Butuan, agency under the DOTC whose powers and functions, pursuant to It may not be amiss to state, nevertheless, that under Article 458 (a)[3-
represented by its City Mayor Democrito D. Plaza, filed on 28 June 1994 Article III, Section 4 (d) (1), 10 of R.A. No.4136, otherwise known as VI] of the Local Government Code, the power of LGUs to regulate the
with the trial court a petition for "prohibition, mandamus, injunction Land Transportation and Traffic Code, as amended, deal primarily with operation of tricycles and to grant franchises for the operation thereof is
with a prayer for preliminary restraining order ex-parte" seeking the the registration of all motor vehicles and the licensing of drivers thereof. still subject to the guidelines prescribed by the DOTC. In compliance
therewith, the Department of Transportation and Communications zone." 16 Government Code, is tangential. Police power and taxation, along with
("DOTC") issued "Guidelines to Implement the Devolution of LTFRBs eminent domain, are inherent powers of sovereignty which the State
Franchising Authority over Tricycles-For-Hire to Local Government Such as can be gleaned from the explicit language of the statute, as well might share with local government units by delegation given under a
units pursuant to the Local Government Code." Pertinent provisions of as the corresponding guidelines issued by DOTC, the newly delegated constitutional or a statutory fiat. All these inherent powers are for a
the guidelines : powers pertain to the franchising and regulatory powers theretofore public purpose and legislative in nature but the similarities just about end
exercised by the LTFRB and not to the functions of the LTO relative to there. The basic aim of police power is public good and welfare.
"In lieu of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board the registration of motor vehicles and issuance of licenses for the driving Taxation, in its case, focuses on the power of government to raise
(LTFRB) in the DOTC, the Sangguniang Bayan/Sangguniang thereof . Clearly unaffected by the Local Government Code are the revenue in order to support its existence and carry out its legitimate
Panlungsod (SB/SP) shall perform the powers of LTO under R.A. No.4136 requiring the registration of all objectives. Although correlative to each other in many respects, the grant
kinds of motor vehicles "used or operated on or upon any public of one does not necessarily carry with it the grant of the other. The two
"(a) Issue, amend, revise, renew, suspend, or cancel MTOP and prescribe highway" in the country. Thus — powers are, by tradition and jurisprudence, separate and distinct powers,
the appropriate terms and conditions therefor; varying in their respective concepts, character, scopes and limitations.
"SECTION 5. All motor vehicles and other vehicles must be registered. To construe the tax provisions of Section 133(1) indistinctively would
"x       x       x. — (a) No motor vehicle shall be used or operated on or upon any public result in the repeal to that extent of LTO’s regulatory power which
highway of the Philippines unless the same is properly registered for the evidently has not been intended. If it were otherwise, the law could have
"Operating current year in accordance with the provisions of this Act (Article 1, just said so in Section 447 and 458 of Book III of the Local Government
Chapter II, R.A. No. 4136). Code in the same manner that the specific devolution of LTFRB’s power
"1. For safety reasons, no tricycles should operate on national highways on franchising of tricycles has been provided. Repeal by implication is
utilized by 4 wheel vehicles greater than 4 tons and where normal speed The Commissioner of Land Transportation and his deputies are not favored. 20 The power over tricycles granted under Section 458(a)
exceed 40 KPH. However, the SB/SP may provide exceptions if there is empowered at anytime to examine and inspect such motor vehicles to (3)(VI) of the Local Government Code to LGUs is the power to regulate
no alternative routs. determine whether said vehicles are registered, or are unsightly, unsafe, their operation and to grant franchises for the operation thereof. The
improperly marked or equipped, or otherwise unfit to be operated on exclusionary clause contained in the tax provisions of Section 133(1) of
"2. Zones must be within the boundaries of the municipality/city. because of possible excessive damage to highways, bridges and other the Local Government Code must not be held to have had the effect of
However, existing zones within more than one municipality/city shall be infrastructures. 17 The LTO is additionally charged with being the withdrawing the express power of LTO to cause the registration of all
maintained, provided that operators serving said zone shall secure central repository and custodian of all records of all motor vehicles. 18 motor vehicles and the issuance of licenses for the driving thereof. These
MTOP’s from each of the municipalities/cities having jurisdiction over functions of the LTO are essentially regulatory in nature, exercised
the areas covered by the zone. The Court shares the apprehension of the Solicitor General if the above pursuant to the police power of the State, whose basic objectives are to
functions were to likewise devolve to local government units; he achieve road safety by insuring the road worthiness of these motor
"3. A common color for tricycles-for-hire operating in the same zone vehicles and the competence of drivers prescribed by R. A. 4136. Not
may be imposed. Each unit shall be assigned and bear an identification insignificant is the rule that a statute must not be construed in isolation
number, aside from its LTO license plate number. "If the tricycle registration function of respondent LTO is decentralized, but must be taken in harmony with the extant body of laws. 21
the incidence of theft of tricycles will most certainly go up, and stolen
"4. An operator wishing to stop service completely, or to suspend service tricycles registered in one local government could be registered in The Court cannot end this decision without expressing its own serious
for more than one month, should report in writing such termination or another with ease. The determination of ownership thereof will also concern over the seeming laxity in the grant of franchises for the
suspension to the SB/SP which originally granted the MTOP prior become very difficult. operation of tricycles-for-hire and in allowing the indiscriminate use by
thereto. Transfer to another zone may be permitted upon application. such vehicles on public highways and principal thoroughfares. Senator
"Fake driver’s licenses will likewise proliferate. This likely scenario Aquilino C. Pimentel, Jr., the principal author, and sponsor of the bill
"5. The MTOP shall be valid for three (3) years, renewable for the same unfolds where a tricycle driver, not qualified by petitioner LTO’s testing, that eventually has become to be known as the Local Government Code,
period. Transfer to another zone, change of ownership of unit or transfer could secure a license from one municipality, and when the same is has aptly
of MTOP shall be construed as an amendment to an MTOP and shall confiscated, could just go another municipality to secure another
require appropriate approval of the SB/SP. : virtuallawlibrary "Tricycles are a popular means of transportation, specially in the
countryside. They are, unfortunately, being allowed to drive along
"6. Operators shall employ only drivers duly licensed by LTO for "Devolution will entail the hiring of additional personnel charged with highways and principal thoroughfares where they pose hazards to their
tricycles-for-hire. inspecting tricycles for road worthiness, testing drivers, and passengers arising from potential collisions with buses, cars and
documentation. Revenues raised from tricycle registration may not be jeepneys.
"7. No tricycle-for-hire shall be allowed to carry more passengers and/or enough to meet salaries of additional personnel and incidental costs for
goods than it is designed for. tools and equipment." 19 "The operation of tricycles within a municipality may be regulated by
the Sangguniang Bayan. In this connection, the Sangguniang concerned
"8. A tricycle-for-hire shall be allowed to operate like a taxi service, i.e., The reliance made by respondents on the broad taxing power of local would do well to consider prohibiting the operation of tricycles along or
service is rendered upon demand and without a fixed route within a government units, specifically under Section 133 of the Local across highways invite collisions with faster and bigger vehicles and
impede the flow of traffic." 22 No pronouncements on costs.

The need for ensuring public safety and convenience to commuters and Let copies of this decision be likewise furnished the Department of
pedestrians alike is paramount. It might be well, indeed, for public Interior and Local Governments, the Department of Public Works and
officials concerned to pay heed to a number of provisions in our laws Highways and the Department of Transportation and Communication.
that can warrant in appropriate cases an incurrence of criminal and civil
liabilities. Thus — SO ORDERED.
G.R. No. 210551, June 30, 2015
The Revised Penal Code —
"ARTICLE 208. Prosecution of offenses; negligence and tolerance. — BAUTISTA, CITY COUNCIL OF QUEZON CITY, CITY
The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum period and TREASURER OF QUEZON CITY, AND CITY ASSESSOR OF
suspension shall be imposed upon any public officer, or officer of the QUEZON CITY, Respondents.
law, who, in dereliction of the duties of his office, shall maliciously
refrain from instituting prosecution for the punishment of violators of the
law, or shall tolerate the commission of offenses."cralaw virtua1aw DECISION
The Civil Code —
Before this Court is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules
"ARTICLE 27. Any person suffering material or moral loss because a
of Court with prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order
public servant or employee refuses or neglects, without just cause, to
(TRO) seeking to declare unconstitutional and illegal Ordinance Nos.
perform his official duty may file an action for damages and other relief
SP-2095, S-2011 and SP-2235, S-2013 on the Socialized Housing Tax
against the latter, without prejudice to any disciplinary administrative
and Garbage Fee, respectively, which are being imposed by the
action that may be taken."cralaw virtua1aw library
"ARTICLE 34. When a member of a city or municipal police force
refuses or fails to render aid or protection to any person in case of danger The Case
to life or property, such peace officer shall be primarily liable for
damages, and the city or municipality shall be subsidiarily responsible On October 17, 2011,1 respondent Quezon City Council
therefor. The civil action herein recognized shall be independent of any enacted Ordinance No. SP-2095, S-2011,2 or the Socialized Housing
criminal, proceedings, and a preponderance of evidence shall suffice to Tax of Quezon City, Section 3 of which provides:
support such action."cralaw virtua1aw library chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
SECTION 3. IMPOSITION. A special assessment equivalent to one-half
"ARTICLE 2189. Provinces, cities and municipalities shall be liable for percent (0.5%) on the assessed value of land in excess of One Hundred
damages for the death of, or injuries suffered by, any person by reason of Thousand Pesos (Php100,000.00) shall be collected by the City
the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and Treasurer which shall accrue to the Socialized Housing Programs of the
other public works under their control or supervision."cralaw virtua1aw Quezon City Government. The special assessment shall accrue to the
library General Fund under a special account to be established for the purpose.
The Local Government Code — Effective for five (5) years, the Socialized Housing Tax (SHT) shall be
utilized by the Quezon City Government for the following projects: (a)
"SECTION 24. Liability for Damages. — Local government units and land purchase/land banking; (b) improvement of current/existing
their officials are not exempt from liability for death or injury to persons socialized housing facilities; (c) land development; (d) construction of
or damage to property." chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary core houses, sanitary cores, medium-rise buildings and other similar
structures; and (e) financing of public-private partnership agreement of
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision which enjoins the Land the Quezon City Government and National Housing Authority (NHA)
Transportation Office from requiring the due registration of tricycles and with the private sector.3 Under certain conditions, a tax credit shall be
a license for the driving thereof is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. enjoyed by taxpayers regularly paying the special assessment:
SECTION 7. TAX CREDIT. Taxpayers dutifully paying the special FLOOR AREA IMPOSABLE FEE the property owners who must pay the SHT and the garbage fee,
assessment tax as imposed by this ordinance shall enjoy a tax credit. The Less than 40 sq. m. PHP25.00 exacting from them funds for basic essential public services that they
tax credit may be availed of only after five (5) years of continue[d] should not be held liable. Even if a Rule 65 petition is improper,
41 sq. m. – 60 sq. m. PHP50.00
payment. Further, the taxpayer availing this tax credit must be a taxpayer petitioner still asserts that this Court, in a number of cases like
in good standing as certified by the City Treasurer and City Assessor. 61 sq. m. – 100 sq. m. PHP75.00 in Rosario v. Court of Appeals,13 has taken cognizance of an improper
101 sq. m. – 150 sq. m. PHP100.00 remedy in the interest of justice.
The tax credit to be granted shall be equivalent to the total amount of the 151 sq. m. – 200 sq. [m.] or more PHP200.00
special assessment paid by the property owner, which shall be given as On high-rise Condominium Units We agree that respondents neither acted in any judicial or quasi-judicial
follows: capacity nor arrogated unto themselves any judicial or quasi-judicial
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary a) High-rise Condominium – The Homeowners Association of high- prerogatives.
1.  6th year  -   20% rise condominiums shall pay the annual garbage fee on the total size A respondent is said to be exercising judicial function where he has the
of the entire condominium and socialized Housing Unit and an power to determine what the law is and what the legal rights of the
2.  7th year  -   20% additional garbage fee shall be collected based on area occupied for parties are, and then undertakes to determine these questions and
every unit already sold or being amortized. adjudicate upon the rights of the parties.
3.  8th year  -   20% b) High-rise apartment units – Owners of high-rise apartment units shall
pay the annual garbage fee on the total lot size of the entire Quasi-judicial function, on the other hand, is “a term which applies to
4.  9th year  -   20% apartment and an additional garbage fee based on the schedule the actions, discretion, etc., of public administrative officers or bodies …
prescribed herein for every unit occupied. required to investigate facts or ascertain the existence of facts, hold
5.  10th year  -   20% The collection of the garbage fee shall accrue on the first day of January hearings, and draw conclusions from them as a basis for their official
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary and shall be paid simultaneously with the payment of the real property action and to exercise discretion of a judicial nature.”
Furthermore, only the registered owners may avail of the tax credit and tax, but not later than the first quarter installment.8 In case a household
owner refuses to pay, a penalty of 25% of the garbage fee due, plus an Before a tribunal, board, or officer may exercise judicial or quasi-judicial
may not be continued by the subsequent property owners even if they are
interest of 2% per month or a fraction thereof, shall be acts, it is necessary that there be a law that gives rise to some specific
buyers in good faith, heirs or possessor of a right in whatever legal
charged.9ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary rights of persons or property under which adverse claims to such rights
capacity over the subject property.4
are made, and the controversy ensuing therefrom is brought before a
Petitioner alleges that he is a registered co-owner of a 371-square-meter tribunal, board, or officer clothed with power and authority to determine
On the other hand, Ordinance No. SP-2235, S-20135 was enacted on residential property in Quezon City which is covered by Transfer the law and adjudicate the respective rights of the contending parties.14
December 16, 2013 and took effect ten days after when it was approved Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 216288, and that, on January 7, 2014, he chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
by respondent City Mayor.6 The proceeds collected from the garbage paid his realty tax which already included the garbage fee in the sum of For a writ of certiorari to issue, the following requisites must concur: (1)
fees on residential properties shall be deposited solely and exclusively in Php100.00.10ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary it must be directed against a tribunal, board, or officer exercising judicial
an earmarked special account under the general fund to be utilized for
or quasi-judicial functions; (2) the tribunal, board, or officer must have
garbage collections.7 Section 1 of the Ordinance set forth the schedule The instant petition was filed on January 17, 2014. We issued a TRO on acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
and manner for the collection of garbage fees: February 5, 2014, which enjoined the enforcement of Ordinance Nos. discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and (3) there is no
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary SP-2095 and SP-2235 and required respondents to comment on the appeal or any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course
SECTION 1. The City Government of Quezon City in conformity with petition without necessarily giving due course of law. The enactment by the Quezon City Council of the assailed
and in relation to Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local thereto.11ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary ordinances was done in the exercise of its legislative, not judicial or
quasi-judicial, function. Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160, or
SCHEDULE AND MANNER FOR THE ANNUAL COLLECTION OF Respondents filed their Comment12 with urgent motion to dissolve the the Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC), local legislative power shall
GARBAGE FEES, AS FOLLOWS: TRO on February 17, 2014. Thereafter, petitioner filed a Reply and a be exercised by the Sangguniang Panlungsod for the city.15 Said law
Memorandum on March 3, 2014 and September 8, 2014, respectively. likewise is specific in providing that the power to impose a tax, fee, or
On all domestic households in Quezon City;
charge, or to generate revenue shall be exercised by the sanggunian of
LAND AREA IMPOSABLE FEE Procedural Matters the local government unit concerned through an appropriate
Less than 200 sq. m. PHP 100.00 ordinance.16ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
A.  Propriety of a Petition for Certiorari
201 sq. m. – 500 sq. m. PHP 200.00
Also, although the instant petition is styled as a petition for certiorari, it
501 sq. m. – 1,000 sq. m. PHP 300.00 Respondents are of the view that this petition for certiorari is improper essentially seeks to declare the unconstitutionality and illegality of the
1,001 sq. m. – 1,500 sq. m. PHP 400.00 since they are not tribunals, boards or officers exercising judicial or questioned ordinances. It, thus, partakes of the nature of a petition for
1,501 sq. m. – 2,000 sq. m. or more PHP 500.00 quasi-judicial functions. Petitioner, however, counters that in enacting declaratory relief over which this Court has only appellate, not original,
On all condominium unit and socialized housing projects/units in Ordinance Nos. SP-2095 and SP-2235, the Quezon City Council jurisdiction.17ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Quezon City; exercised quasi-judicial function because the ordinances ruled against
Despite these, a petition for declaratory relief may be treated as one for appraisal and assessment of real properties for taxation purposes are in accordance with the well-entrenched principle that rules of
prohibition or mandamus, over which We exercise original jurisdiction, properly executed.23 Anent the SHT, the Department of Finance (DOF) procedure are not inflexible tools designed to hinder or delay, but to
in cases with far-reaching implications or one which raises Local Finance Circular No. 1-97, dated April 16, 1997, is more specific: facilitate and promote the administration of justice. Their strict and
transcendental issues or questions that need to be resolved for the public chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary rigid application, which would result in technicalities that tend to
good.18 The judicial policy is that this Court will entertain direct resort to 6.3 The Assessor’s office of the Id.ntified LGU shall: frustrate, rather than promote substantial justice, must always be
it when the redress sought cannot be obtained in the proper courts or eschewed.26
when exceptional and compelling circumstances warrant availment of a a. immediately undertake an inventory of lands within chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
remedy within and calling for the exercise of Our primary its jurisdiction which shall be subject to the levy of B.  Locus Standi of Petitioner
jurisdiction.19ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary the Social Housing Tax (SHT) by the local
sanggunian concerned; Respondents challenge petitioner’s legal standing to file this case on the
Section 2, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court lay down under what
ground that, in relation to Section 3 of Ordinance No. SP-2095,
circumstances a petition for prohibition may be filed:
b. inform the affected registered owners of the petitioner failed to allege his ownership of a property that has an
effectivity of the SHT; a list of the lands and assessed value of more than Php100,000.00 and, with respect to
SEC. 2. Petition for prohibition. - When the proceedings of any tribunal,
registered owners shall also be posted in 3 Ordinance No. SP-2335, by what standing or personality he filed the
corporation, board, officer or person, whether exercising judicial, quasi-
conspicuous places in the city/municipality; case to nullify the same. According to respondents, the petition is not a
judicial or ministerial functions, are without or in excess of its or his
class suit, and that, for not having specifically alleged that petitioner
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
c. furnish the Treasurer’s office and the local filed the case as a taxpayer, it could only be surmised whether he is a
excess of jurisdiction, and there is no appeal or any other plain, speedy,
sanggunian concerned of the list of lands affected; party-in-interest who stands to be directly benefited or injured by the
and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, a person aggrieved
judgment in this case.
thereby may file a verified petition in the proper court, alleging the facts
It is a general rule that every action must be prosecuted or defended in
with certainty and praying that judgment be rendered commanding the 6.4 The Treasurer’s office shall:
the name of the real party-in-interest, who stands to be benefited or
respondent to desist from further proceeding in the action or matter
injured by the judgment in the suit, or the party entitled to the avails of
specified therein, or otherwise granting such incidental reliefs as law and a. collect the Social Housing Tax on top of the Real the suit.
justice may require. Property Tax, SEF Tax and other special
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary assessments; Jurisprudence defines interest as "material interest, an interest in issue
In a petition for prohibition against any tribunal, corporation, board, or and to be affected by the decree, as distinguished from mere interest in
person – whether exercising judicial, quasi-judicial, or ministerial b. report to the DOF, thru the Bureau of Local the question involved, or a mere incidental interest. By real interest is
functions – who has acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or with Government Finance, and the Mayor’s office the meant a present substantial interest, as distinguished from a mere
grave abuse of discretion, the petitioner prays that judgment be rendered, monthly collections on Social Housing Tax (SHT). expectancy or a future, contingent, subordinate, or consequential
commanding the respondents to desist from further proceeding in the An annual report should likewise be submitted to the interest." "To qualify a person to be a real party-in-interest in whose
action or matter specified in the petition. In this case, petitioner's primary HUDCC on the total revenues raised during the year name an action must be prosecuted, he must appear to be the present real
intention is to prevent respondents from implementing Ordinance Nos. pursuant to Sec. 43, R.A. 7279 and the manner in owner of the right sought to be enforced."27
SP-2095 and SP-2235. Obviously, the writ being sought is in the nature which the same was disbursed. chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
of a prohibition, commanding desistance.
“Legal standing” or locus standi calls for more than just a generalized
Petitioner has adduced special and important reasons as to why direct grievance.28 The concept has been defined as a personal and substantial
We consider that respondents City Mayor, City Treasurer, and City recourse to Us should be allowed. Aside from presenting a novel interest in the case such that the party has sustained or will sustain direct
Assessor are performing ministerial functions. A ministerial function is question of law, this case calls for immediate resolution since the injury as a result of the governmental act that is being challenged.29 The
one that an officer or tribunal performs in the context of a given set of challenged ordinances adversely affect the property interests of all gist of the question of standing is whether a party alleges such personal
facts, in a prescribed manner and without regard for the exercise of his or paying constituents of Quezon City. As well, this petition serves as a test stake in the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete
its own judgment, upon the propriety or impropriety of the act case for the guidance of other local government units (LGUs). Indeed, adverseness which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the
done.20 Respondent Mayor, as chief executive of the city government, the petition at bar is of transcendental importance warranting a relaxation court depends for illumination of difficult constitutional
exercises such powers and performs such duties and functions as of the doctrine of hierarchy of courts. In Social Justice Society (SJS) questions.30ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
provided for by the LGC and other laws.21 Particularly, he has the duty to Officers, et al. v. Lim,24 the Court cited the case of Senator Jaworski v.
ensure that all taxes and other revenues of the city are collected, and that Phil. Amusement & Gaming Corp.,25 where We ratiocinated: A party challenging the constitutionality of a law, act, or statute must
city funds are applied to the payment of expenses and settlement of chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary show “not only that the law is invalid, but also that he has sustained or is
obligations of the city, in accordance with law or ordinance.22 On the Granting arguendo that the present action cannot be properly treated as a in immediate, or imminent danger of sustaining some direct injury as a
other hand, under the LGC, all local taxes, fees, and charges shall be petition for prohibition, the transcendental importance of the issues result of its enforcement, and not merely that he suffers thereby in some
collected by the provincial, city, municipal, or barangay treasurer, or involved in this case warrants that we set aside the technical defects indefinite way.” It must be shown that he has been, or is about to be,
their duly-authorized deputies, while the assessor shall take charge, and take primary jurisdiction over the petition at bar. x x x This is denied some right or privilege to which he is lawfully entitled, or that he
among others, of ensuring that all laws and policies governing the
is about to be subjected to some burdens or penalties by reason of the The requisites in order that an action may be dismissed on the ground cases are intimately related and/or intertwined with one another such that
statute complained of.31ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary of litis pendentia are: (a) the identity of parties, or at least such as the judgment that may be rendered in one, regardless of which party
representing the same interest in both actions; (b) the identity of rights would be successful, would amount to res judicata in the other.
Tested by the foregoing, petitioner in this case clearly has legal standing asserted and relief prayed for, the relief being founded on the same facts,
to file the petition. He is a real party-in-interest to assail the and (c) the identity of the two cases such that judgment in one, D. Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies
constitutionality and legality of Ordinance Nos. SP-2095 and SP-2235 regardless of which party is successful, would amount to res judicata in
because respondents did not dispute that he is a registered co-owner of a the other. Respondents contend that petitioner failed to exhaust administrative
residential property in Quezon City and that he paid property tax which remedies for his non-compliance with Section 187 of the LGC, which
already included the SHT and the garbage fee. He has substantial right to xxxx mandates:
seek a refund of the payments he made and to stop future imposition. chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
While he is a lone petitioner, his cause of action to declare the validity of The underlying principle of litis pendentia is the theory that a party is Section 187. Procedure for Approval and Effectivity of Tax Ordinances
the subject ordinances is substantial and of paramount interest to not allowed to vex another more than once regarding the same subject and Revenue Measures; Mandatory Public Hearings. – The procedure
similarly situated property owners in Quezon City. matter and for the same cause of action. This theory is founded on the for approval of local tax ordinances and revenue measures shall be in
public policy that the same subject matter should not be the subject of accordance with the provisions of this Code: Provided, That public
C.  Litis Pendentia controversy in courts more than once, in order that possible conflicting hearings shall be conducted for the purpose prior to the enactment
judgments may be avoided for the sake of the stability of the rights and thereof: Provided, further, That any question on the constitutionality or
Respondents move for the dismissal of this petition on the ground of litis status of persons, and also to avoid the costs and expenses incident to legality of tax ordinances or revenue measures may be raised on appeal
pendentia. They claim that, as early as February 22, 2012, a case numerous suits. within thirty (30) days from the effectivity thereof to the Secretary of
entitled Alliance of Quezon City Homeowners, Inc., et al., v. Hon. Justice who shall render a decision within sixty (60) days from the date
Herbert Bautista, et al., docketed as Civil Case No. Q-12-7-820, has Among the several tests resorted to in ascertaining whether two suits of receipt of the appeal: Provided, however, That such appeal shall not
been pending in the Quezon City Regional Trial Court, Branch 104, relate to a single or common cause of action are: (1) whether the same have the effect of suspending the effectivity of the ordinance and the
which assails the legality of Ordinance No. SP-2095. Relying on City of evidence would support and sustain both the first and second causes of accrual and payment of the tax, fee, or charge levied therein: Provided,
Makati, et al. v. Municipality (now City) of Taguig, et al.,32 respondents action; and (2) whether the defenses in one case may be used to finally, That within thirty (30) days after receipt of the decision or the
assert that there is substantial identity of parties between the two cases substantiate the complaint in the other. lapse of the sixty-day period without the Secretary of Justice acting upon
because petitioner herein and plaintiffs in the civil case filed their the appeal, the aggrieved party may file appropriate proceedings with a
respective cases as taxpayers of Quezon City. The determination of whether there is an identity of causes of action for court of competent jurisdiction.
purposes of litis pendentia is inextricably linked with that of res chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
For petitioner, however, respondents’ contention is untenable since he is judicata, each constituting an element of the other. In either case, both
The provision, the constitutionality of which was sustained in Drilon v.
not a party in Alliance and does not even have the remotest identity or relate to the sound practice of including, in a single litigation, the
Lim,40 has been construed as mandatory41 considering that –
association with the plaintiffs in said civil case. Moreover, respondents’ disposition of all issues relating to a cause of action that is before a
A municipal tax ordinance empowers a local government unit to impose
arguments would deprive this Court of its jurisdiction to determine the court.37
taxes. The power to tax is the most effective instrument to raise needed
constitutionality of laws under Section 5, Article VIII of the 1987 chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
revenues to finance and support the myriad activities of local
There is substantial identity of the parties when there is a community of government units for the delivery of basic services essential to the
interest between a party in the first case and a party in the second case promotion of the general welfare and enhancement of peace, progress,
Litis pendentia is a Latin term which literally means “a pending suit” and
albeit the latter was not impleaded in the first case.38 Moreover, the fact and prosperity of the people. Consequently, any delay in implementing
is variously referred to in some decisions as lis pendens and auter action
that the positions of the parties are reversed, i.e., the plaintiffs in the first tax measures would be to the detriment of the public. It is for this reason
pendant.34 While it is normally connected with the control which the
case are the defendants in the second case or vice-versa, does not negate that protests over tax ordinances are required to be done within certain
court has on a property involved in a suit during the continuance
the identity of parties for purposes of determining whether the case is time frames. x x x.42
proceedings, it is more interposed as a ground for the dismissal of a civil
dismissible on the ground of litis chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
action pending in court.35 In Film Development Council of the
Philippines v. SM Prime Holdings, Inc.,36 We elucidated: The obligatory nature of Section 187 was underscored in Hagonoy
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Market Vendor Asso. v. Municipality of Hagonoy:43cralawlawlibrary
In this case, it is notable that respondents failed to attach any pleading
Litis pendentia, as a ground for the dismissal of a civil action, refers to a x x x [T]he timeframe fixed by law for parties to avail of their legal
connected with the alleged civil case pending before the Quezon City
situation where two actions are pending between the same parties for the remedies before competent courts is not a “mere technicality” that can be
trial court. Granting that there is substantial identity of parties between
same cause of action, so that one of them becomes unnecessary and easily brushed aside. The periods stated in Section 187 of the Local
said case and this petition, dismissal on the ground of litis pendentia still
vexatious. It is based on the policy against multiplicity of suit and Government Code are mandatory. x x x Being its lifeblood, collection of
cannot be had in view of the absence of the second and third requisites.
authorizes a court to dismiss a case motu proprio. revenues by the government is of paramount importance. The funds for
There is no way for Us to determine whether both cases are based on the
the operation of its agencies and provision of basic services to its
same set of facts that require the presentation of the same evidence. Even
xxxx inhabitants are largely derived from its revenues and collections. Thus, it
if founded on the same set of facts, the rights asserted and reliefs prayed
is essential that the validity of revenue measures is not left uncertain for
for could be different. Moreover, there is no basis to rule that the two
a considerable length of time. Hence, the law provided a time limit for an ordinance rests heavily upon the party challenging its of the laws since it favors informal settlers who occupy property not
an aggrieved party to assail the legality of revenue measures and tax constitutionality. They insist that the questioned ordinances are proper their own and pay no taxes over law-abiding real property owners who
ordinances.”44 exercises of police power similar to Telecom. & Broadcast Attys. of the pay income and realty taxes.
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary Phils., Inc. v. COMELEC52 and Social Justice Society (SJS), et al. v.
Hon. Atienza, Jr.53 and that their enactment finds basis in the social Petitioner further contends that respondents’ characterization of the SHT
Despite these cases, the Court, in Ongsuco, et al. v. Hon. Malones,45 held
justice principle enshrined in Section 9,54 Article II of the 1987 as “nothing more than an advance payment on the real property tax” has
that there was no need for petitioners therein to exhaust administrative
Constitution. no statutory basis. Allegedly, property tax cannot be collected before it is
remedies before resorting to the courts, considering that there was only a
due because, under the LGC, chartered cities are authorized to impose
pure question of law, the parties did not dispute any factual matter on
As to the issue of publication, respondents argue that where the law property tax based on the assessed value and the general revision of
which they had to present evidence. Likewise, in Cagayan Electric
provides for its own effectivity, publication in the Official Gazette is not assessment that is made every three (3) years.
Power and Light Co., Inc. v. City of Cagayan de Oro,46 We relaxed the
necessary so long as it is not punitive in character, citing Balbuna, et al.
application of the rules in view of the more substantive matters. For the
v. Hon. Secretary of Education, et al.55 and Askay v. Cosalan.56 Thus, As to the rationale of SHT stated in Ordinance No. SP-2095, which, in
same reasons, this petition is an exception to the general rule.
Ordinance No. SP-2095 took effect after its publication, while Ordinance turn, was based on Section 43 of the UDHA, petitioner asserts that there
No. SP-2235 became effective after its approval on December 26, 2013. is no specific provision in the 1987 Constitution stating that the
Substantive Issues ownership and enjoyment of property bear a social function. And even if
Additionally, the parties articulate the following positions: there is, it is seriously doubtful and far-fetched that the principle means
Petitioner asserts that the protection of real properties from informal that property owners should provide funds for the housing of informal
settlers and the collection of garbage are basic and essential duties and On the Socialized Housing Tax settlers and for home site development. Social justice and police power,
functions of the Quezon City Government. By imposing the SHT and the petitioner believes, does not mean imposing a tax on one, or that one has
garbage fee, the latter has shown a penchant and pattern to collect taxes Respondents emphasize that the SHT is pursuant to the social justice to give up something, for the benefit of another. At best, the principle
to pay for public services that could be covered by its revenues from principle found in Sections 1 and 2, Article XIII57 of the 1987 that property ownership and enjoyment bear a social function is but a
taxes imposed on property, idle land, business, transfer, amusement, etc., Constitution and Sections 2 (a)58 and 4359 of R.A. No. 7279, or the reiteration of the Civil Law principle that property should not be enjoyed
as well as the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) from the National “Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 (UDHA). and abused to the injury of other properties and the community, and that
Government. For petitioner, it is noteworthy that respondents did not the use of the property may be restricted by police power, the exercise of
raise the issue that the Quezon City Government is in dire financial state Relying on Manila Race Horse Trainers Assn., Inc. v. De La which is not involved in this case.
and desperately needs money to fund housing for informal settlers and to Fuente,60 and Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v. Municipality of Victorias,
pay for garbage collection. In fact, it has not denied that its revenue etc.,61 respondents assert that Ordinance No. SP-2095 applies equally to Finally, petitioner alleges that 6 Bistekvilles will be constructed out of
collection in 2012 is in the sum of P13.69 billion. all real property owners without discrimination. There is no way that the the SHT collected. Bistek is the monicker of respondent City Mayor.
ordinance could violate the equal protection clause because real property The Bistekvilles makes it clear, therefore, that politicians will take the
Moreover, the imposition of the SHT and the garbage fee cannot be owners and informal settlers do not belong to the same class. credit for the tax imposed on real property owners.
justified by the Quezon City Government as an exercise of its power to
create sources of income under Section 5, Article X of the 1987 Ordinance No. SP-2095 is also not oppressive since the tax rate being On the Garbage Fee
Constitution.47 According to petitioner, the constitutional provision is not imposed is consistent with the UDHA. While the law authorizes LGUs
a carte blanche for the LGU to tax everything under its territorial and to collect SHT on properties with an assessed value of more than Respondents claim that Ordinance No. S-2235, which is an exercise of
political jurisdiction as the provision itself admits of guidelines and P50,000.00, the questioned ordinance only covers properties with an police power, collects on the average from every household a garbage
limitations. assessed value exceeding P100,000.00. As well, the ordinance provides fee in the meager amount of thirty-three (33) centavos per day compared
for a tax credit equivalent to the total amount of the special assessment with the sum of P1,659.83 that the Quezon City Government annually
Petitioner further claims that the annual property tax is an ad paid by the property owner beginning in the sixth (6th) year of the spends for every household for garbage collection and waste
valorem tax, a percentage of the assessed value of the property, which is effectivity of the ordinance. management.62ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
subject to revision every three (3) years in order to reflect an increase in
the market value of the property. The SHT and the garbage fee are On the contrary, petitioner claims that the collection of the SHT is In addition, there is no double taxation because the ordinance involves a
actually increases in the property tax which are not based on the assessed tantamount to a penalty imposed on real property owners due to the fee. Even assuming that the garbage fee is a tax, the same cannot be a
value of the property or its reassessment every three years; hence, in failure of respondent Quezon City Mayor and Council to perform their direct duplicate tax as it is imposed on a different subject matter and is of
violation of Sections 232 and 233 of the duty to secure and protect real property owners from informal settlers, a different kind or character. Based on Villanueva, et al. v. City of
LGC.48ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary thereby burdening them with the expenses to provide funds for housing. Iloilo63 and Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v. Municipality of Victorias,
For petitioner, the SHT cannot be viewed as a “charity” from real etc.,64 there is no “taxing twice” because the real property tax is imposed
For their part, respondents relied on the presumption in favor of the property owners since it is forced, not voluntary. on ownership based on its assessed value, while the garbage fee is
constitutionality of Ordinance Nos. SP-2095 and SP-2235, required on the domestic household. The only reference to the property
invoking Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v. Municipality of Victorias, Also, petitioner argues that the collection of the SHT is a kind of class is the determination of the applicable rate and the facility of collection.
etc.,49People v. Siton, et al.,50 and Hon. Ermita v. Hon. Aldecoa- legislation that violates the right of property owners to equal protection
Delorino.51 They argue that the burden of establishing the invalidity of
Petitioner argues, however, that Ordinance No. S-2235 cannot be confiscatory. A rule which has gained acceptance is that factors relevant without which they cannot exist. As it creates, so it may destroy. As it
justified as an exercise of police power. The cases of Calalang v. to such an inquiry are the municipal conditions as a whole and the nature may destroy, it may abridge and control. Unless there is some
Williams,65Patalinghug v. Court of Appeals,66 and Social Justice Society of the business made subject to imposition.70 constitutional limitation on the right, the legislature might, by a single
(SJS), et al. v. Hon. Atienza, Jr.,67 which were cited by respondents, are chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary act, and if we can suppose it capable of so great a folly and so great a
inapplicable since the assailed ordinance is a revenue measure and does wrong, sweep from existence all of the municipal corporations in the
For an ordinance to be valid though, it must not only be within the
not regulate the disposal or other aspect of garbage. State, and the corporation could not prevent it. We know of no limitation
corporate powers of the LGU to enact and must be passed according to
on the right so far as to the corporation themselves are concerned. They
the procedure prescribed by law, it should also conform to the following
The subject ordinance, for petitioner, is discriminatory as it collects are, so to phrase it, the mere tenants at will of the legislature.
requirements: (1) not contrary to the Constitution or any statute; (2) not
garbage fee only from domestic households and not from restaurants,
unfair or oppressive; (3) not partial or discriminatory; (4) not prohibit
food courts, fast food chains, and other commercial dining places that This basic relationship between the national legislature and the local
but may regulate trade; (5) general and consistent with public policy; and
spew garbage much more than residential property owners. government units has not been enfeebled by the new provisions in the
(6) not unreasonable.71 As jurisprudence indicates, the tests are divided
Constitution strengthening the policy of local autonomy. Without
into the formal (i.e., whether the ordinance was enacted within the
Petitioner likewise contends that the imposition of garbage fee is meaning to detract from that policy, we here confirm that Congress
corporate powers of the LGU and whether it was passed in accordance
tantamount to double taxation because garbage collection is a basic and retains control of the local government units although in significantly
with the procedure prescribed by law), and the substantive (i.e.,
essential public service that should be paid out from property tax, reduced degree now than under our previous Constitutions. The power to
involving inherent merit, like the conformity of the ordinance with the
business tax, transfer tax, amusement tax, community tax certificate, create still includes the power to destroy. The power to grant still
limitations under the Constitution and the statutes, as well as with the
other taxes, and the IRA of the Quezon City Government. To bolster the includes the power to withhold or recall. True, there are certain notable
requirements of fairness and reason, and its consistency with public
claim, he states that the revenue collection of the Quezon City innovations in the Constitution, like the direct conferment on the local
Government reached Php13.69 billion in 2012. A small portion of said government units of the power to tax, which cannot now be withdrawn
amount could be spent for garbage collection and other essential by mere statute. By and large, however, the national legislature is still
An ordinance must pass muster under the test of constitutionality and the
services. the principal of the local government units, which cannot defy its will or
test of consistency with the prevailing laws.73 If not, it is
modify or violate it.77
void.74 Ordinance should uphold the principle of the supremacy of the
It is further noted that the Quezon City Government already collects chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Constitution.75 As to conformity with existing statutes, Batangas CATV,
garbage fee under Section 4768 of R.A. No. 9003, or the Ecological Solid
Inc. v. Court of Appeals76 has this to say: LGUs must be reminded that they merely form part of the whole; that
Waste Management Act of 2000, which authorizes LGUs to impose fees
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary the policy of ensuring the autonomy of local governments was never
in amounts sufficient to pay the costs of preparing, adopting, and
It is a fundamental principle that municipal ordinances are inferior in intended by the drafters of the 1987 Constitution to create an imperium
implementing a solid waste management plan, and that LGUs have
status and subordinate to the laws of the state. An ordinance in conflict in imperio and install an intra-sovereign political subdivision
access to the Solid Waste Management (SWM) Fund created under
with a state law of general character and statewide application is independent of a single sovereign state.78 “[M]unicipal corporations are
Section 4669 of the same law. Also, according to petitioner, it is evident
universally held to be invalid. The principle is frequently expressed in bodies politic and corporate, created not only as local units of local self-
that Ordinance No. S-2235 is inconsistent with R.A. No. 9003 for while
the declaration that municipal authorities, under a general grant of government, but as governmental agencies of the state. The legislature,
the law encourages segregation, composting, and recycling of waste, the
power, cannot adopt ordinances which infringe the spirit of a state law or by establishing a municipal corporation, does not divest the State of any
ordinance only emphasizes the collection and payment of garbage fee;
repugnant to the general policy of the state. In every power to pass of its sovereignty; absolve itself from its right and duty to administer the
while the law calls for an active involvement of the barangay in the
ordinances given to a municipality, there is an implied restriction that the public affairs of the entire state; or divest itself of any power over the
collection, segregation, and recycling of garbage, the ordinance skips
ordinances shall be consistent with the general law. In the language of inhabitants of the district which it possesses before the charter was
such mandate.
Justice Isagani Cruz (ret.), this Court, in Magtajas vs. Pryce Properties granted.”79ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
Corp., Inc., ruled that:
Lastly, in challenging the ordinance, petitioner avers that the garbage fee
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary LGUs are able to legislate only by virtue of a valid delegation of
was collected even if the required publication of its approval had not yet
The rationale of the requirement that the ordinances should not legislative power from the national legislature; they are mere agents
elapsed. He notes that on January 7, 2014, he paid his realty tax which
contravene a statute is obvious. Municipal governments are only agents vested with what is called the power of subordinate
already included the garbage fee.
of the national government. Local councils exercise only delegated legislation.80 “Congress enacted the LGC as the implementing law for
legislative powers conferred on them by Congress as the national the delegation to the various LGUs of the State’s great powers, namely:
The Court’s Ruling lawmaking body. The delegate cannot be superior to the principal or the police power, the power of eminent domain, and the power of
exercise powers higher than those of the latter. It is a heresy to suggest taxation. The LGC was fashioned to delineate the specific parameters
Respondents correctly argued that an ordinance, as in every law, is that the local government units can undo the acts of Congress, from and limitations to be complied with by each LGU in the exercise of these
presumed valid. which they have derived their power in the first place, and negate by delegated powers with the view of making each LGU a fully functioning
An ordinance carries with it the presumption of validity. The question of mere ordinance the mandate of the statute. subdivision of the State subject to the constitutional and statutory
reasonableness though is open to judicial inquiry. Much should be left chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary limitations.”81ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
thus to the discretion of municipal authorities. Courts will go slow in
writing off an ordinance as unreasonable unless the amount is so Municipal corporations owe their origin to, and derive their powers and
Specifically, with regard to the power of taxation, it is indubitably the
excessive as to be prohibitive, arbitrary, unreasonable, oppressive, or rights wholly from the legislature. It breathes into them the breath of life,
most effective instrument to raise needed revenues in financing and
supporting myriad activities of the LGUs for the delivery of basic of the taxing power of a municipal corporation. [Underscoring supplied] (b) Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall:
services essential to the promotion of the general welfare and the chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
enhancement of peace, progress, and prosperity of the people.82 As this xxxx (1) be equitable and based as far as practicable on the taxpayer’s ability
Court opined in National Power Corp. v. City of to pay;
Cabanatuan:83cralawlawlibrary Per Section 5, Article X of the 1987 Constitution, “the power to tax is no
In recent years, the increasing social challenges of the times expanded longer vested exclusively on Congress; local legislative bodies are now (2) be levied and collected only for public purposes;
the scope of state activity, and taxation has become a tool to realize given direct authority to levy taxes, fees and other charges.”
social justice and the equitable distribution of wealth, economic progress Nevertheless, such authority is “subject to such guidelines and (3) not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory;
and the protection of local industries as well as public welfare and limitations as the Congress may provide.”
similar objectives. Taxation assumes even greater significance with the chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary (4) not be contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or in
ratification of the 1987 Constitution. Thenceforth, the power to tax is no restraint of trade;
In conformity with Section 3, Article X of the 1987 Constitution,
longer vested exclusively on Congress; local legislative bodies are now
Congress enacted Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
given direct authority to levy taxes, fees and other charges pursuant to (c) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other impositions
Government Code of 1991. Book II of the LGC governs local taxation
Article X, Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution, viz: shall in no case be let to any private person;
and fiscal matters.86
“Section 5. Each Local Government unit shall have the power to create (d) The revenue collected pursuant to the provisions of this Code shall
its own sources of revenue, to levy taxes, fees and charges subject to Indeed, LGUs have no inherent power to tax except to the extent that inure solely to the benefit of, and be subject to the disposition by, the
such guidelines and limitations as the Congress may provide, consistent such power might be delegated to them either by the basic law or by the local government unit levying the tax, fee, charge or other imposition
with the basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, fees and charges statute.87 “Under the now prevailing Constitution, where there is neither unless otherwise specifically provided herein; and,
shall accrue exclusively to the local governments.” a grant nor a prohibition by statute, the tax power must be deemed to
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary exist although Congress may provide statutory limitations and (e) Each local government unit shall, as far as practicable, evolve a
guidelines. The basic rationale for the current rule is to safeguard the progressive system of taxation.
This paradigm shift results from the realization that genuine
viability and self-sufficiency of local government units by directly chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
development can be achieved only by strengthening local autonomy and
granting them general and broad tax powers. Nevertheless, the
promoting decentralization of governance. For a long time, the country’s SECTION 133. Common Limitations on the Taxing Powers of Local
fundamental law did not intend the delegation to be absolute and
highly centralized government structure has bred a culture of Government Units. – Unless otherwise provided herein, the exercise of
unconditional; the constitutional objective obviously is to ensure that,
dependence among local government leaders upon the national the taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays
while the local government units are being strengthened and made more
leadership. It has also “dampened the spirit of initiative, innovation and shall not extend to the levy of the following:
autonomous, the legislature must still see to it that (a) the taxpayer will
imaginative resilience in matters of local development on the part of chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
not be over-burdened or saddled with multiple and unreasonable
local government leaders.” The only way to shatter this culture of (a) Income tax, except when levied on banks and other financial
impositions; (b) each local government unit will have its fair share of
dependence is to give the LGUs a wider role in the delivery of basic institutions;
available resources; (c) the resources of the national government will not
services, and confer them sufficient powers to generate their own
be unduly disturbed; and (d) local taxation will be fair, uniform, and
sources for the purpose. To achieve this goal, Section 3 of Article X of (b) Documentary stamp tax;
the 1987 Constitution mandates Congress to enact a local government
code that will, consistent with the basic policy of local autonomy, set the (c) Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies and other
Subject to the provisions of the LGC and consistent with the basic policy
guidelines and limitations to this grant of taxing powers x x x84 acquisitions mortis causa, except as otherwise provided herein;
of local autonomy, every LGU is now empowered and authorized to
create its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and charges
(d) Customs duties, registration fees of vessel and wharfage on wharves,
Fairly recently, We also stated in Pelizloy Realty Corporation v. which shall accrue exclusively to the local government unit as well as to
tonnage dues, and all other kinds of customs fees, charges and dues
Province of Benguet85 that: apply its resources and assets for productive, developmental, or welfare
except wharfage on wharves constructed and maintained by the local
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary purposes, in the exercise or furtherance of their governmental or
government unit concerned;
The rule governing the taxing power of provinces, cities, municipalities proprietary powers and functions.89 The relevant provisions of the LGC
and barangays is summarized in Icard v. City Council of Baguio: which establish the parameters of the taxing power of the LGUs are as
(e) Taxes, fees, and charges and other impositions upon goods carried
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary follows:
into or out of, or passing through, the territorial jurisdictions of local
It is settled that a municipal corporation unlike a sovereign state is chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
government units in the guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for bridges
clothed with no inherent power of taxation. The charter or statute must SECTION 130. Fundamental Principles. – The following fundamental
or otherwise, or other taxes, fees, or charges in any form whatsoever
plainly show an intent to confer that power or the municipality, cannot principles shall govern the exercise of the taxing and other revenue-
upon such goods or merchandise;
assume it. And the power when granted is to be construed in strictissimi raising powers of local government units:
juris. Any doubt or ambiguity arising out of the term used in granting
(f) Taxes, fees or charges on agricultural and aquatic products when sold
that power must be resolved against the municipality. Inferences, (a) Taxation shall be uniform in each local government unit;
by marginal farmers or fishermen;
implications, deductions – all these – have no place in the interpretation
(g) Taxes on business enterprises certified to by the Board of charges shall not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, confiscatory or thousand pesos (P50,000.00).
Investments as pioneer or non-pioneer for a period of six (6) and four (4) contrary to declared national policy: Provided, further, That the chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
years, respectively from the date of registration; ordinance levying such taxes, fees or charges shall not be enacted
The rationale of the SHT is found in the preambular clauses of the
without any prior public hearing conducted for the purpose.
subject ordinance, to wit:
(h) Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the National Internal chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
Revenue Code, as amended, and taxes, fees or charges on petroleum
On the Socialized Housing Tax WHEREAS, the imposition of additional tax is intended to provide the
City Government with sufficient funds to initiate, implement and
Contrary to petitioner’s submission, the 1987 Constitution explicitly undertake Socialized Housing Projects and other related preliminary
(i) Percentage or value-added tax (VAT) on sales, barters or exchanges
espouses the view that the use of property bears a social function and activities;
or similar transactions on goods or services except as otherwise provided
that all economic agents shall contribute to the common good.90 The
Court already recognized this in Social Justice Society (SJS), et al. v. WHEREAS, the imposition of 0.5% tax will benefit the Socialized
Hon. Atienza, Jr.:91cralawlawlibrary Housing Programs and Projects of the City Government, specifically the
(j) Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation contractors and persons
Property has not only an individual function, insofar as it has to provide marginalized sector through the acquisition of properties for human
engaged in the transportation of passengers or freight by hire and
for the needs of the owner, but also a social function insofar as it has to settlements;
common carriers by air, land or water, except as provided in this Code;
provide for the needs of the other members of society. The principle is
this: WHEREAS, the removal of the urban blight will definitely increase fair
(k) Taxes on premiums paid by way of reinsurance or retrocession;
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary market value of properties in the city[.]
Police power proceeds from the principle that every holder of property, chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
(l) Taxes, fees or charges for the registration of motor vehicles and for
however absolute and unqualified may be his title, holds it under the
the issuance of all kinds of licenses or permits for the driving thereof, The above-quoted are consistent with the UDHA, which the LGUs are
implied liability that his use of it shall not be injurious to the equal
except tricycles; charged to implement in their respective localities in coordination with
enjoyment of others having an equal right to the enjoyment of their
the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, the national
property, nor injurious to the right of the community. Rights of property,
(m) Taxes, fees, or other charges on Philippine products actually housing agencies, the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor, the
like all other social and conventional rights, are subject to reasonable
exported, except as otherwise provided herein; private sector, and other non-government organizations.98 It is the
limitations in their enjoyment as shall prevent them from being injurious,
declared policy of the State to undertake a comprehensive and
and to such reasonable restraints and regulations established by law as
(n) Taxes, fees, or charges, on Countryside and Barangay Business continuing urban development and housing program that shall, among
the legislature, under the governing and controlling power vested in
Enterprises and cooperatives duly registered under R.A. No. 6810 and others, uplift the conditions of the underprivileged and homeless citizens
them by the constitution, may think necessary and expedient.92
Republic Act Numbered Sixty-nine hundred thirty-eight (R.A. No. 6938) in urban areas and in resettlement areas, and provide for the rational use
otherwise known as the “Cooperative Code of the Philippines” and development of urban land in order to bring about, among others,
respectively; and Police power, which flows from the recognition that salus populi est reduction in urban dysfunctions, particularly those that adversely affect
suprema lex (the welfare of the people is the supreme law), is the plenary public health, safety and ecology, and access to land and housing by the
(o) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National Government, its power vested in the legislature to make statutes and ordinances to underprivileged and homeless citizens.99 Urban renewal and resettlement
agencies and instrumentalities, and local government units. promote the health, morals, peace, education, good order or safety and shall include the rehabilitation and development of blighted and slum
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary general welfare of the people.93 Property rights of individuals may be areas100 and the resettlement of program beneficiaries in accordance with
subjected to restraints and burdens in order to fulfill the objectives of the the provisions of the UDHA.101ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
SECTION 151. Scope of Taxing Powers. – Except as otherwise provided
government in the exercise of police power. 94 In this jurisdiction, it is
in this Code, the city, may levy the taxes, fees, and charges which the
well-entrenched that taxation may be made the implement of the state’s Under the UDHA, socialized housing102 shall be the primary strategy in
province or municipality may impose: Provided, however, That the
police power.95ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary providing shelter for the underprivileged and homeless.103 The LGU or
taxes, fees and charges levied and collected by highly urbanized and
the NHA, in cooperation with the private developers and concerned
independent component cities shall accrue to them and distributed in
Ordinance No. SP-2095 imposes a Socialized Housing Tax equivalent to agencies, shall provide socialized housing or resettlement areas with
accordance with the provisions of this Code.
0.5% on the assessed value of land in excess of Php100,000.00. This basic services and facilities such as potable water, power and electricity,
special assessment is the same tax referred to in R.A. No. 7279 or the and an adequate power distribution system, sewerage facilities, and an
The rates of taxes that the city may levy may exceed the maximum rates
UDHA.96 The SHT is one of the sources of funds for urban development efficient and adequate solid waste disposal system; and access to primary
allowed for the province or municipality by not more than fifty percent
and housing program.97 Section 43 of the law provides: roads and transportation facilities.104 The provisions for health,
(50%) except the rates of professional and amusement taxes.
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary education, communications, security, recreation, relief and welfare shall
Sec. 43. Socialized Housing Tax. – Consistent with the constitutional also be planned and be given priority for implementation by the LGU
SECTION 186. Power To Levy Other Taxes, Fees or Charges. – Local
principle that the ownership and enjoyment of property bear a social and concerned agencies in cooperation with the private sector and the
government units may exercise the power to levy taxes, fees or charges
function and to raise funds for the Program, all local government units beneficiaries themselves.105ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
on any base or subject not otherwise specifically enumerated herein or
are hereby authorized to impose an additional one-half percent (0.5%)
taxed under the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as
tax on the assessed value of all lands in urban areas in excess of Fifty Moreover, within two years from the effectivity of the UDHA, the
amended, or other applicable laws: Provided, That the taxes, fees, or
LGUs, in coordination with the NHA, are directed to implement the public generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class, require For the purpose of undertaking a comprehensive and continuing urban
relocation and resettlement of persons living in danger areas such as an interference with private rights, but the means adopted must be development and housing program, the disparities between a real
esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose and not property owner and an informal settler as two distinct classes are too
waterways, and other public places like sidewalks, roads, parks, and unduly oppressive upon individuals. It must be evident that no other obvious and need not be discussed at length. The differentiation
playgrounds.106 In coordination with the NHA, the LGUs shall provide alternative for the accomplishment of the purpose less intrusive of conforms to the practical dictates of justice and equity and is not
relocation or resettlement sites with basic services and facilities and private rights can work. A reasonable relation must exist between the discriminatory within the meaning of the Constitution. Notably, the
access to employment and livelihood opportunities sufficient to meet the purposes of the police measure and the means employed for its public purpose of a tax may legally exist even if the motive which
basic needs of the affected families.107ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary accomplishment, for even under the guise of protecting the public impelled the legislature to impose the tax was to favor one over
interest, personal rights and those pertaining to private property will not another.118 It is inherent in the power to tax that a State is free to select
Clearly, the SHT charged by the Quezon City Government is a tax which be permitted to be arbitrarily invaded. the subjects of taxation.119 Inequities which result from a singling out of
is within its power to impose. Aside from the specific authority vested one particular class for taxation or exemption infringe no constitutional
by Section 43 of the UDHA, cities are allowed to exercise such other Lacking a concurrence of these two requisites, the police measure shall limitation.120ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
powers and discharge such other functions and responsibilities as are be struck down as an arbitrary intrusion into private rights – a violation
necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and effective provision of the due process clause.111 Further, the reasonableness of Ordinance No. SP-2095 cannot be
of the basic services and facilities which include, among others, chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary disputed. It is not confiscatory or oppressive since the tax being imposed
programs and projects for low-cost housing and other mass therein is below what the UDHA actually allows. As pointed out by
As with the State, LGUs may be considered as having properly exercised
dwellings.108 The collections made accrue to its socialized housing respondents, while the law authorizes LGUs to collect SHT on lands
their police power only if there is a lawful subject and a lawful method
programs and projects. The tax is not a pure exercise of taxing power or with an assessed value of more than P50,000.00, the questioned
or, to be precise, if the following requisites are met: (1) the interests of
merely to raise revenue; it is levied with a regulatory purpose. The levy ordinance only covers lands with an assessed value exceeding
the public generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class,
is primarily in the exercise of the police power for the general welfare of P100,000.00. Even better, on certain conditions, the ordinance grants a
require its exercise and (2) the means employed are reasonably necessary
the entire city. It is greatly imbued with public interest. Removing slum tax credit equivalent to the total amount of the special assessment paid
for the accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly oppressive upon
areas in Quezon City is not only beneficial to the underprivileged and beginning in the sixth (6th) year of its effectivity. Far from being
homeless constituents but advantageous to the real property owners as obnoxious, the provisions of the subject ordinance are fair and just.
well. The situation will improve the value of the their property
In this case, petitioner argues that the SHT is a penalty imposed on real
investments, fully enjoying the same in view of an orderly, secure, and On the Garbage Fee
property owners because it burdens them with expenses to provide funds
safe community, and will enhance the quality of life of the poor, making
for the housing of informal settlers, and that it is a class legislation since
them law-abiding constituents and better consumers of business In the United States of America, it has been held that the authority of a
it favors the latter who occupy properties which is not their own and pay
products. municipality to regulate garbage falls within its police power to protect
no taxes.
public health, safety, and welfare.121 As opined, the purposes and policy
Though broad and far-reaching, police power is subordinate to underpinnings of the police power to regulate the collection and disposal
We disagree.
constitutional limitations and is subject to the requirement that its of solid waste are: (1) to preserve and protect the public health and
exercise must be reasonable and for the public good.109 In the words welfare as well as the environment by minimizing or eliminating a
Equal protection requires that all persons or things similarly situated
of City of Manila v. Hon. Laguio, Jr.:110cralawlawlibrary source of disease and preventing and abating nuisances; and (2) to defray
should be treated alike, both as to rights conferred and responsibilities
The police power granted to local government units must always be costs and ensure financial stability of the system for the benefit of the
imposed.113 The guarantee means that no person or class of persons shall
exercised with utmost observance of the rights of the people to due entire community, with the sum of all charges marshalled and designed
be denied the same protection of laws which is enjoyed by other persons
process and equal protection of the law. Such power cannot be exercised to pay for the expense of a systemic refuse disposal
or other classes in like circumstances.114 Similar subjects should not be
whimsically, arbitrarily or despotically as its exercise is subject to a scheme.122ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
treated differently so as to give undue favor to some and unjustly
qualification, limitation or restriction demanded by the respect and
discriminate against others.115 The law may, therefore, treat and regulate
regard due to the prescription of the fundamental law, particularly those Ordinances regulating waste removal carry a strong presumption of
one class differently from another class provided there are real and
forming part of the Bill of Rights. Individual rights, it bears emphasis, validity.123 Not surprisingly, the overwhelming majority of U.S. cases
substantial differences to distinguish one class from
may be adversely affected only to the extent that may fairly be required addressing a city's authority to impose mandatory garbage service and
by the legitimate demands of public interest or public welfare. Due fees have upheld the ordinances against constitutional and statutory
process requires the intrinsic validity of the law in interfering with the challenges.124ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
An ordinance based on reasonable classification does not violate the
rights of the person to his life, liberty and property.
constitutional guaranty of the equal protection of the law. The
A municipality has an affirmative duty to supervise and control the
requirements for a valid and reasonable classification are: (1) it must rest
xxxx collection of garbage within its corporate limits.125 The LGC specifically
on substantial distinctions; (2) it must be germane to the purpose of the
assigns the responsibility of regulation and oversight of solid waste to
law; (3) it must not be limited to existing conditions only; and (4) it must
To successfully invoke the exercise of police power as the rationale for local governing bodies because the Legislature determined that such
apply equally to all members of the same
the enactment of the Ordinance, and to free it from the imputation of bodies were in the best position to develop efficient waste management
constitutional infirmity, not only must it appear that the interests of the programs.126 To impose on local governments the responsibility to
regulate solid waste but not grant them the authority necessary to fulfill of the basic services and facilities which include, among others, solid whether it is a tax or a fee, and that the lack of any standards for such
the same would lead to an absurd result.”127 As held in one U.S. case: waste disposal system or environmental management system and imposition gives the presumption that the same is a tax.
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary services or facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation.134 R.A. We accordingly say that the designation given by the municipal
x x x When a municipality has general authority to regulate a particular No. 9003, or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of authorities does not decide whether the imposition is properly a license
subject matter, the manner and means of exercising those powers, where 2000,135 affirms this authority as it expresses that the LGUs shall be tax or a license fee. The determining factors are the purpose and effect of
not specifically prescribed by the legislature, are left to the discretion of primarily responsible for the implementation and enforcement of its the imposition as may be apparent from the provisions of the ordinance.
the municipal authorities. x x x Leaving the manner of exercising provisions within their respective jurisdictions while establishing a Thus, “[w]hen no police inspection, supervision, or regulation is
municipal powers to the discretion of municipal authorities "implies a cooperative effort among the national government, other local provided, nor any standard set for the applicant to establish, or that he
range of reasonableness within which a municipality's exercise of government units, non-government organizations, and the private agrees to attain or maintain, but any and all persons engaged in the
discretion will not be interfered with or upset by the judiciary."128 sector.136ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary business designated, without qualification or hindrance, may come, and a
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary license on payment of the stipulated sum will issue, to do business,
Necessarily, LGUs are statutorily sanctioned to impose and collect such subject to no prescribed rule of conduct and under no guardian eye, but
In this jurisdiction, pursuant to Section 16 of the LGC and in the proper
reasonable fees and charges for services rendered.137 “Charges” refer to according to the unrestrained judgment or fancy of the applicant and
exercise of its corporate powers under Section 22 of the same,
pecuniary liability, as rents or fees against persons or property, while licensee, the presumption is strong that the power of taxation, and not
the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Quezon City, like other local legislative
“Fee” means a charge fixed by law or ordinance for the regulation or the police power, is being exercised.”
bodies, is empowered to enact ordinances, approve resolutions, and
inspection of a business or activity.138ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
appropriate funds for the general welfare of the city and its
inhabitants.129 Section 16 of the LGC provides: In Georgia, U.S.A., assessments for garbage collection services have
The fee imposed for garbage collections under Ordinance No. SP-2235
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary been consistently treated as a fee and not a tax.140 In another U.S.
is a charge fixed for the regulation of an activity. The basis for this could
SECTION 16. General Welfare. – Every local government unit shall case,141 the garbage fee was considered as a "service charge" rather than
be discerned from the foreword of said Ordinance, to wit:
exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied a tax as it was actually a fee for a service given by the city which had
therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its previously been provided at no cost to its citizens.
WHEREAS, Quezon City being the largest and premiere city in the
efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the
Philippines in terms of population and urban geographical areas, apart
promotion of the general welfare. Within their respective territorial Hence, not being a tax, the contention that the garbage fee under
from being competent and efficient in the delivery of public service,
jurisdictions, local government units shall ensure and support, among Ordinance No. SP-2235 violates the rule on double taxation142 must
apparently requires a big budgetary allocation in order to address the
other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health necessarily fail.
problems relative and connected to the prompt and efficient delivery of
and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology,
basic services such as the effective system of waste management, public
encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant Nonetheless, although a special charge, tax, or assessment may be
information programs on proper garbage and proper waste disposal,
scientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance imposed by a municipal corporation, it must be reasonably
including the imposition of waste regulatory measures;
economic prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among commensurate to the cost of providing the garbage service.143 To pass
their residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and judicial scrutiny, a regulatory fee must not produce revenue in excess of
WHEREAS, to help augment the funds to be spent for the city’s waste
convenience of their inhabitants. the cost of the regulation because such fee will be construed as an illegal
management system, the City Government through the Sangguniang
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary tax when the revenue generated by the regulation exceeds the cost of the
Panlungsod deems it necessary to impose a schedule of reasonable fees
The general welfare clause is the delegation in statutory form of the or charges for the garbage collection services for residential (domestic
police power of the State to LGUs.130 The provisions related thereto are household) that it renders to the public.
Petitioner argues that the Quezon City Government already collects
liberally interpreted to give more powers to LGUs in accelerating chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
garbage fee under Section 47 of R.A. No. 9003, which authorizes LGUs
economic development and upgrading the quality of life for the people in
Certainly, as opposed to petitioner’s opinion, the garbage fee is not a tax. to impose fees in amounts sufficient to pay the costs of preparing,
the community.131 Wide discretion is vested on the legislative authority
In Smart Communications, Inc. v. Municipality of Malvar, adopting, and implementing a solid waste management plan, and that it
to determine not only what the interests of the public require but also
Batangas,139 the Court had the occasion to distinguish these two has access to the SWM Fund under Section 46 of the same law.
what measures are necessary for the protection of such interests since
concepts: Moreover, Ordinance No. S-2235 is inconsistent with R.A. No. 9003,
the Sanggunian is in the best position to determine the needs of its
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary because the ordinance emphasizes the collection and payment of garbage
In Progressive Development Corporation v. Quezon City, the Court fee with no concern for segregation, composting and recycling of wastes.
declared that “if the generating of revenue is the primary purpose and It also skips the mandate of the law calling for the active involvement of
One of the operative principles of decentralization is that, subject to the
regulation is merely incidental, the imposition is a tax; but if regulation the barangay in the collection, segregation, and recycling of garbage.
provisions of the LGC and national policies, the LGUs shall share with
is the primary purpose, the fact that incidentally revenue is also obtained
the national government the responsibility in the management and
does not make the imposition a tax.” We now turn to the pertinent provisions of R.A. No. 9003.
maintenance of ecological balance within their territorial
jurisdiction.133 In this regard, cities are allowed to exercise such other
In Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v. Municipality of Victorias, the Court Under R.A. No. 9003, it is the declared policy of the State to adopt a
powers and discharge such other functions and responsibilities as are
reiterated that the purpose and effect of the imposition determine systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management
necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and effective provision
program which shall, among others, ensure the proper segregation,
collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste considered, provided that such technologies conform with the standards SEC. 47. Authority to Collect Solid Waste Management Fees – The local
through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental practices set pursuant to this Act; government unit shall impose fees in amounts sufficient to pay the costs
in ecological waste management.145 The law provides that segregation of preparing, adopting, and implementing a solid waste management
and collection of solid waste shall be conducted at the barangay level, (4) the types of wastes to be reduced pursuant to Section 15 of this Act; plan prepared pursuant to this Act. The fees shall be based on the
specifically for biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes, while following minimum factors:
the collection of non-recyclable materials and special wastes shall be the (5) the methods that the LGU will use to determine the categories of chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
responsibility of the municipality or city.146 Mandatory segregation of solid wastes to be diverted from disposal at a disposal facility through re- (a) types of solid waste;
solid wastes shall primarily be conducted at the source, to include use, recycling and composting; and
household, institutional, industrial, commercial and agricultural (b) amount/volume of waste; and
sources.147Segregation at source refers to a solid waste management (6) new facilities and of expansion of existing facilities which will be
practice of separating, at the point of origin, different materials found in needed to implement re-use, recycling and composting. (c) distance of the transfer station to the waste management facility.
solid waste in order to promote recycling and re-use of resources and to chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal.148 Based on Rule
The LGU source reduction component shall include the evaluation and The fees shall be used to pay the actual costs incurred by the LGU in
XVII of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
identification of rate structures and fees for the purpose of reducing the collecting the local fees. In determining the amounts of the fees, an LGU
Administrative Order No. 2001-34, Series of 2001,149 which is the
amount of waste generated, and other source reduction strategies, shall include only those costs directly related to the adoption and
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. No.
including but not limited to, programs and economic incentives provided implementation of the plan and the setting and collection of the local
9003, barangays shall be responsible for the collection, segregation, and
under Sec. 45 of this Act to reduce the use of non-recyclable materials, fees.
recycling of biodegradable, recyclable, compostable and reusable
replace disposable materials and products with reusable materials and chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
wastes.150 For the purpose, a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), which
products, reduce packaging, and increase the efficiency of the use of
shall receive biodegradable wastes for composting and mixed non- Rule XVII of the IRR of R.A. No. 9003 sets forth the details:
paper, cardboard, glass, metal, and other materials. The waste reduction
biodegradable wastes for final segregation, re-use and recycling, is to be chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
activities of the community shall also take into account, among others,
established in every barangay or cluster of Section 1. Power to Collect Solid Waste Management Fees. – The Local
local capability, economic viability, technical requirements, social
barangays.151ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary SWM Board/Local SWM Cluster Board shall impose fees on the SWM
concerns, disposition of residual waste and environmental impact:
services provided for by the LGU and/or any authorized organization or
Provided, That, projection of future facilities needed and estimated cost
According to R.A. 9003, an LGU, through its local solid waste unit. In determining the amounts of the fees, a Local SWM Board/Local
shall be incorporated in the plan. x x x154
management board, is mandated by law to prepare a 10-year solid waste SWM Cluster Board shall include only those costs directly related to the
management plan consistent with the National Solid Waste Management adoption and implementation of the SWM Plan and the setting and
Framework.152 The plan shall be for the re-use, recycling and composting The solid waste management plan shall also include an implementation collection of the local fees. This power to impose fees may be ceded to
of wastes generated in its jurisdiction; ensure the efficient management schedule for solid waste diversion: the private sector and civil society groups which have been duly
of solid waste generated within its jurisdiction; and place primary chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary accredited by the Local SWM Board/Local SWM Cluster Board;
emphasis on implementation of all feasible re-use, recycling, and SEC. 20. Establishing Mandatory Solid Waste Diversion. – Each LGU provided, the SWM fees shall be covered by a Contract or Memorandum
composting programs while identifying the amount of landfill and plan shall include an implementation schedule which shows that within of Agreement between the respective board and the private sector or
transformation capacity that will be needed for solid waste which cannot five (5) years after the effectivity of this Act, the LGU shall divert at civil society group.
be re-used, recycled, or composted.153 One of the components of the least 25% of all solid waste from waste disposal facilities through re-use,
solid waste management plan is source reduction: recycling, and composting activities and other resource recovery The fees shall pay for the costs of preparing, adopting and implementing
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary activities: Provided, That the waste diversion goals shall be increased a SWM Plan prepared pursuant to the Act. Further, the fees shall also be
(e) Source reduction – The source reduction component shall include a every three (3) years thereafter: Provided, further, That nothing in this used to pay the actual costs incurred in collecting the local fees and for
program and implementation schedule which shows the methods by Section prohibits a local government unit from implementing re-use, project sustainability.
which the LGU will, in combination with the recycling and composting recycling, and composting activities designed to exceed the goal.
components, reduce a sufficient amount of solid waste disposed of in chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary Section 2. Basis of SWM Service Fees
accordance with the diversion requirements of Section 20.
The baseline for the twenty-five percent (25%) shall be derived from the
Reasonable SWM service fees shall be computed based on but not
waste characterization result155 that each LGU is mandated to
The source reduction component shall describe the following: limited to the following minimum factors:
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
(1) strategies in reducing the volume of solid waste generated at source; a) Types of solid waste to include special waste
In accordance with Section 46 of R.A. No. 9003, the LGUs are entitled
to avail of the SWM Fund on the basis of their approved solid waste
(2) measures for implementing such strategies and the resources b) amount/volume of waste
management plan. Aside from this, they may also impose SWM Fees
necessary to carry out such activities;
under Section 47 of the law, which states:
c) distance of the transfer station to the waste management facility
(3) other appropriate waste reduction technologies that may also be
d) capacity or type of LGU constituency Quezon City, which purportedly stands at 0.66 kilogram per day, and the additional garbage fee shall be collected based on area occupied for
increasing trend of waste generation for the past three every unit already sold or being amortized.
e) cost of construction years.157 Respondents did not elaborate any further. The figure presented b) High-rise apartment units – Owners of high-rise apartment units shall
does not reflect the specific types of wastes generated – whether pay the annual garbage fee on the total lot size of the entire
f) cost of management residential, market, commercial, industrial, construction/demolition, apartment and an additional garbage fee based on the schedule
street waste, agricultural, agro-industrial, institutional, etc. It is prescribed herein for every unit occupied.
g) type of technology reasonable, therefore, for the Court to presume that such amount pertains For the purpose of garbage collection, there is, in fact, no substantial
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary to the totality of wastes, without any distinction, generated by Quezon distinction between an occupant of a lot, on one hand, and an occupant
City constituents. To reiterate, however, the authority of a municipality of a unit in a condominium, socialized housing project or apartment, on
Section 3. Collection of Fees. – Fees may be collected corresponding to
or city to impose fees extends only to those related to the collection and the other hand. Most likely, garbage output produced by these types of
the following levels:
transport of non-recyclable and special wastes. occupants is uniform and does not vary to a large degree; thus, a similar
schedule of fee is both just and equitable.159ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
a) Barangay – The Barangay may impose fees for collection and
Granting, for the sake of argument, that the 0.66 kilogram of solid waste
segregation of biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes from
per day refers only to non-recyclable and special wastes, still, We cannot The rates being charged by the ordinance are unjust and inequitable: a
households, commerce, other sources of domestic wastes, and for the use
sustain the validity of Ordinance No. S-2235. It violates the equal resident of a 200 sq. m. unit in a condominium or socialized housing
of Barangay MRFs. The computation of the fees shall be established by
protection clause of the Constitution and the provisions of the LGC that project has to pay twice the amount than a resident of a lot similar in
the respective SWM boards. The manner of collection of the fees shall
an ordinance must be equitable and based as far as practicable on the size; unlike unit occupants, all occupants of a lot with an area of 200 sq.
be dependent on the style of administration of respective Barangay
taxpayer’s ability to pay, and not unjust, excessive, oppressive, m. and less have to pay a fixed rate of Php100.00; and the same amount
Councils. However, all transactions shall follow the Commission on
confiscatory.158ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary of garbage fee is imposed regardless of whether the resident is from a
Audit rules on collection of fees.
condominium or from a socialized housing project.
In the subject ordinance, the rates of the imposable fee depend on land or
b) Municipality – The municipal and city councils may impose fees on
floor area and whether the payee is an occupant of a lot, condominium, Indeed, the classifications under Ordinance No. S-2235 are not germane
the barangay MRFs for the collection and transport of non-recyclable
social housing project or apartment. For easy reference, the relevant to its declared purpose of “promoting shared responsibility with the
and special wastes and for the disposal of these into the sanitary landfill.
provision is again quoted below: residents to attack their common mindless attitude in over-consuming
The level and procedure for exacting fees shall be defined by the Local
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary the present resources and in generating waste.”160 Instead of
SWM Board/Local SWM Cluster Board and supported by LGU
On all domestic households in Quezon City; simplistically categorizing the payee into land or floor occupant of a lot
ordinances, however, payments shall be consistent with the accounting
or unit of a condominium, socialized housing project or apartment,
system of government. LAND AREA IMPOSABLE FEE respondent City Council should have considered factors that could truly
Less than 200 sq. m. PHP 100.00 measure the amount of wastes generated and the appropriate fee for its
c) Private Sector/Civil Society Group – On the basis of the stipulations
201 sq. m. – 500 sq. m. PHP 200.00 collection. Factors include, among others, household age and size,
of contract or Memorandum of Agreement, the private sector or civil
501 sq. m. – 1,000 sq. m. PHP 300.00 accessibility to waste collection, population density of the barangay or
society group shall impose fees for collection, transport and tipping in
1,001 sq. m. – 1,500 sq. m. PHP 400.00 district, capacity to pay, and actual occupancy of the property. R.A. No.
their SLFs. Receipts and invoices shall be issued to the paying public or
1,501 sq. m. – 2,000 sq. m. 9003 may also be looked into for guidance. Under said law, SWM
to the government. PHP 500.00
or more service fees may be computed based on minimum factors such as types
of solid waste to include special waste, amount/volume of waste,
On all condominium unit and socialized housing projects/units in
From the afore-quoted provisions, it is clear that the authority of a distance of the transfer station to the waste management facility,
Quezon City;
municipality or city to impose fees is limited to the collection and capacity or type of LGU constituency, cost of construction, cost of
transport of non-recyclable and special wastes and for the disposal of FLOOR AREA IMPOSABLE FEE management, and type of technology. With respect to utility rates set by
these into the sanitary landfill. Barangays, on the other hand, have the Less than 40 sq. m. PHP25.00 municipalities, a municipality has the right to classify consumers under
authority to impose fees for the collection and segregation reasonable classifications based upon factors such as the cost of service,
41 sq. m. – 60 sq. m. PHP50.00
of biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes from households, the purpose for which the service or the product is received, the quantity
commerce, other sources of domestic wastes, and for the use of barangay 61 sq. m. – 100 sq. m. PHP75.00 or the amount received, the different character of the service furnished,
MRFs. This is but consistent with Section 10 of R.A. No. 9003 directing 101 sq. m. – 150 sq. m. PHP100.00 the time of its use or any other matter which presents a substantial
that segregation and collection of biodegradable, compostable and 151 sq. m. – 200 sq. [m.] or difference as a ground of distinction.161cralawlawlibrary
reusable wastes shall be conducted at the barangay level, while the more [A] lack of uniformity in the rate charged is not necessarily unlawful
collection of non-recyclable materials and special wastes shall be the On high-rise Condominium Units discrimination. The establishment of classifications and the charging of
responsibility of the municipality or city. different rates for the several classes is not unreasonable and does not
a) High-rise Condominium – The Homeowners Association of high rise violate the requirements of equality and uniformity. Discrimination to be
In this case, the alleged bases of Ordinance No. S-2235 in imposing the condominiums shall pay the annual garbage fee on the total size of unlawful must draw an unfair line or strike an unfair balance between
garbage fee is the volume of waste currently generated by each person in the entire condominium and socialized Housing Unit and an those in like circumstances having equal rights and privileges.
Discrimination with respect to rates charged does not vitiate unless it is The text of the ordinance or resolution shall be disseminated and posted are DIRECTED to REFUND with reasonable dispatch the sums of
arbitrary and without a reasonable fact basis or justification.162 in Filipino or English and in the language or dialect understood by the money collected relative to its enforcement.
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary majority of the people in the local government unit concerned, and the
secretary to the sanggunian shall record such fact in a book kept for the The temporary restraining order issued by the Court on February 5, 2014
On top of an unreasonable classification, the penalty clause of Ordinance
purpose, stating the dates of approval and posting. is LIFTED with respect to Ordinance No. SP-2095. In contrast,
No. SP-2235, which states:
respondents are PERMANENTLY ENJOINED from taking any
(c) The gist of all ordinances with penal sanctions shall be published in a further action to enforce Ordinance No. SP. 2235.
SECTION 3. Penalty Clause – A penalty of 25% of the garbage fee due
newspaper of general circulation within the province where the local
plus an interest of 2% per month or a fraction thereof (interest) shall be
legislative body concerned belongs. In the absence of any newspaper of SO ORDERED.cralawlawlibrary
charged against a household owner who refuses to pay the garbage fee
general circulation within the province, posting of such ordinances shall
herein imposed.
be made in all municipalities and cities of the province where the
sanggunian of origin is situated.
lacks the limitation required by Section 168 of the LGC, which provides:
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary (d) In the case of highly urbanized and independent component cities,
SECTION 168. Surcharges and Penalties on Unpaid Taxes, Fees, or the main features of the ordinance or resolution duly enacted or adopted
Charges. – The sanggunian may impose a surcharge not exceeding shall, in addition to being posted, be published once in a local
twenty-five (25%) of the amount of taxes, fees or charges not paid on newspaper of general circulation within the city: Provided, That in
time and an interest at the rate not exceeding two percent (2%) per the absence thereof the ordinance or resolution shall be published in
month of the unpaid taxes, fees or charges including surcharges, until any newspaper of general circulation.
such amount is fully paid but in no case shall the total interest on the
unpaid amount or portion thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months. SECTION 188. Publication of Tax Ordinances and Revenue Measures.
(Emphasis supplied) – Within ten (10) days after their approval, certified true copies of all
chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary provincial, city, and municipal tax ordinances or revenue measures shall
be published in full for three (3) consecutive days in a newspaper of
Finally, on the issue of publication of the two challenged ordinances.
local circulation: Provided, however, That in provinces, cities and
municipalities where there are no newspapers of local circulation, the
Petitioner argues that the garbage fee was collected even if the required
same may be posted in at least two (2) conspicuous and publicly
publication of its approval had not yet elapsed. He notes that he paid his
accessible places. (Emphasis supplied)
realty tax on January 7, 2014 which already included the garbage fee.
Respondents counter that if the law provides for its own effectivity,
publication in the Official Gazette is not necessary so long as it is not On October 17, 2011, respondent Quezon City Council enacted
penal in nature. Allegedly, Ordinance No. SP-2095 took effect after its Ordinance No. SP-2095, which provides that it would take effect after its
publication while Ordinance No. SP-2235 became effective after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation.163 On the other hand,
approval on December 26, 2013. Ordinance No. SP-2235, which was passed by the City Council on
December 16, 2013, provides that it would be effective upon its
The pertinent provisions of the LGC state: approval.164 Ten (10) days after its enactment, or on December 26, 2013,
chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary respondent City Mayor approved the
SECTION 59. Effectivity of Ordinances or Resolutions. – (a) Unless same.165ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
otherwise stated in the ordinance or the resolution approving the local
development plan and public investment program, the same shall take The case records are bereft of any evidence to prove petitioner’s
effect after ten (10) days from the date a copy thereof is posted in a negative allegation that respondents did not comply with the posting and
bulletin board at the entrance of the provincial capitol or city, municipal, publication requirements of the law. Thus, We are constrained not to
or barangay hall, as the case may be, and in at least two (2) other give credit to his unsupported claim.
conspicuous places in the local government unit concerned.
(b) The secretary to the sanggunian concerned shall cause the posting of constitutionality and legality of Ordinance No. SP-2095, S-2011, or the
an ordinance or resolution in the bulletin board at the entrance of the “Socialized Housing Tax of Quezon City,” is SUSTAINED for being
provincial capitol and the city, municipal, or barangay hall in at least two consistent with Section 43 of Republic Act No. 7279. On the other hand,
(2) conspicuous places in the local government unit concerned not later Ordinance No. SP-2235, S-2013, which collects an annual garbage fee
than five (5) days after approval thereof. on all domestic households in Quezon City, is hereby declared

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