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I was awake way before my alarm went off, I just couldn’t be bothered to
move. Maybe I won’t go in today? Bad idea. I took last period off yesterday,
and people would start to notice if I wasn’t in today.

I got up and headed for the shower. Throwing my pyjamas to one side, I got in,
letting the warm water cascade down my body. I didn’t bother to wash my
hair, I didn’t need to.

I got out and grabbed a thick towel, drying myself off. I got changed quickly,
throwing on a t-shirt, jeans, and my favourite red Jimmy Choos. I ran a brush
through my hair and styled it quickly, not bothering to put on any makeup.

Just as I was about to leave my room, my Blackberry buzzed and revealed a

message from Ree.

Don’t need a ride, going with Matt. Love ya xxx

I didn’t bother to text back, so I headed out the door and downstairs. Because
my family had been killed years ago, I lived on my own. Sure it might be a little
bit lonely from time to time, I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. So it
wasn’t all bad.

I skipped to the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice and took a glug,
walking over to the window to see what the weather was like. When I saw, I
sighed with relief. The sun was out and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue. I
hated the cold, it wasn’t appealing to me. I walked back to the fridge and put
the carton back, not bothering to get any food. It’s not like I’m gonna die of
hunger, although I did find that amusing. I heard a knock at my front door and
frowned. I walked to the door, looking at the clock in the hall. 6:46, way too
early for post. I opened it, surprised to see who it was.

“Morning princess.” He said, leaning on the door frame.

I smiled and pushed the door open, letting him in. I should have known it
would have been him.
I walked back into the kitchen, Ash at my heels. I turned suddenly and almost
collided with his chest. He looked down at me, a confused expression on his

“Why are you here so early?” I asked, not bothering to take a step back. I liked
the closeness between us. It felt...right.

“I err, was ready to early?” He answered unconvincingly. I smirked and turned

around, walking to the fridge for the third time today. Opening it, I reached
inside and pulled out the first thing my fingers met. I grabbed onto the object
and pulled it out. A box full of strawberries, fair enough.

I popped my head round the fridge door, looking at Ash who was leaning one
of the counters, looking totally relaxed. “You hungry?” I asked

He shook his head lazily, flipping through a magazine.

I shrugged and grabbed my strawberries, kicking the fridge door shut. I placed
the strawberries opposite Ash and pulled up a stool, sitting down and tucking
in. He pushed the magazine aside and looked at me, our eyes locked.

After a few seconds, I started to feel strange. Why was he looking at me with
such a intense look? Like he was ready to jump in front of a bullet for me. I
shook my head and tore my eyes from his.

“I can’t understand why you don’t want one of these, there delicious.” I said,
waving a strawberry in front of his face. His eyes followed it for a second, and
then rested on mine. In one clean movement, he opened his mouth and bit
into the strawberry I held between my fingers, eating only half. My eyebrows
rose and he smiled, a very seductive smile. I smiled straight back, eating the
other half of the strawberry.

My eyes never leaving his.

We talked for a while, him telling me stories about the places he’s been, who
he’s met. I just listened, eating my strawberries. Ash led a very interesting life.
He had been to nearly all the countries I could think of, yet he had only just
turned eighteen.
“What about your parents?” I asked casually, moving the now empty tray that
held the strawberries to one side.

He looked down, suddenly fascinated with the pattern on the counter. He ran a
finger over the little black spirals, not once meeting my eye.

“They’re dead.” He said simply.

I was shocked. Like, really shocked. Him too? I had never met someone who
was in the same situation as me, alone. But of course he wasn’t alone; he had
his Uncle, someone he could trust. I didn’t have that.

Ash was still looking down at the counter, and I felt a pang of sympathy. I had
had years to get over my loss; I bet Ash only had a few years, if that. I reached
over and grabbed his hand, waiting till he looked up.

When he did, I smiled. “It does get better you know. Mine are gone too.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “So, who do you live with?”

“Just me.”

His eyes widened a bit more, if that was possible. After a slight hesitation he
squeezed my hand. “I’m moving in.”

I giggled and squeezed his hand back, ignoring the thought that I actually
wanted him too.

“We better get to school.” I announced, letting go of his hand and standing up.
He groaned and I looked at him, eyebrows raised. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to go.” He said, pouting like a little kid, which made me smile. I
grabbed my bag and keys off the counter and walked around to where he was
sitting, tugging at his hand.

“Come on Ash.” I said.

He shook his head. “Do we have to Kay?” When I nodded he pouted again,
looking sad. “I don’t want to. You can’t make me.” He said, grinning.
I rolled my eyes and bent down, kissing his cheek. My lips lingered there until
moving down to his jaw bone, kissing there. After a few more pecks on the
cheek, I stood up straight and slung my bag over my shoulder.

“If you come to school, I’m sure there’s a lot more where that came from.” I
said teasingly. With that, he stood up, and sprinted to my car, almost ripping
my front door off its hinges. I chuckled and followed him, only...not as fast.

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