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The Philippine Healthcare  WHO's budgets spans every 2 years

o 2020-2021 - almost 4.85 billion dollars

o Up 9% from the previous 2 year period
Delivery System
 WHO is dependent on the reports made and sent to
Healthcare delivery system them
 Is the totality of societal services and activities  Specialized organization of the United Nations
designed to protect or to restore the health of responsible for public health
individuals, families, groups, and communities  Attainment of by all people of the highest possible
level of health
 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS  Helping countries make the air you breathe safer
 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS  Promoting healthy diet to prevent diabetes, cancer,
and heart disease
PHILIPPINE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH  Helping monitor how the children are growing and
 MISSION - VISION know what to do if they're not growing as expected
 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND  Recommending vaccinations to keep the family
 LOCAL HEALTH SYSTEM & DEVOLUTION OF HEALTH healthy and helping countries survey how many
SERVICES people get the immunizations they need
 CLASSIFICATIONS OF HEALTH FACILITIES (DOH AO –  Keeping your food safe to eat and your water safe
0012A) to drink
 PHILIPPINE HEALTH AGENDA  Ensuring availability of safe, modern contraceptives
for everyone
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE (UHC)  Increasing seatbelt and helmet to use to save lives on
THRUSTS Eight Millennium Development Goals
 189 UN member states have agreed to try to
World Health Organization achieve by 2015
 To promote health, keep the world safe and serve  September 2000
the vulnerable  Combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy,
 It acts as an adviser on the health issues but cannot environmental segregation, and discrimination against
impose policies on governments women
 Its three main strands of work
o Aiming for universal health coverage in every  Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
country  Achieve universal primary education
o Preventing and responding to acute  Promote gender equality and empower women
emergencies  Reduce child mortality
o Promoting health and wellbeing for all  Improve maternal health
 What doesn't it do? o Reduce by three quarters the maternal
o WHO is not the world's doctor mortality ratio
o It doesn't provide treatment or conduct o Achieve universal access to reproductive
surveillance on illness health
o The information it collates and publishes is only  Combat HIV/AIDS, MALARIA and other disease
as good as the data it receives  Ensure environmental sustainability
 How is it funded?  Develop a global partnership for development
o WHO has 194 member states - every country
except Liechtenstein  EMDs have been superseded by the SDGs (17
o Paid for via 2 routes integrated goals, broader, deeper and far more
 Assessed contributions ambitious in scope)
 voluntary contributions
Progress made but gaps remain  Affordable and Clean Energy
 HIV, tuberculosis and malaria targets, halting and o Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and
reversing global epidemic were met. modern energy for all.
 Child mortality decreased by 53%.  Decent Work and Economic Growth
 Deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth (maternal o Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable
mortality) fell by more than 40%. economic growth, full and productive employment
 The target for drinking water was met, with 91% of and decent work for all.
the global population using an improved drinking water  Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
source, compared to 76% in 1990. o Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and
 Between 1990 and 2015, the global prevalence of sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
underweight among children aged less than 5 declined  Reduced inequalities
from 25% to 14%. o Reduced inequality within and among countries
 Sustainable cities and communities
 September 2015, more than 150 leader gathered in o Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
UN headquarters to adapt the new post 2015 resilient and sustainable
development agenda  Responsible consumption and production
o Ensure sustainable consumption and production
17 Sustainable Development Goals ( 169 targets) patterns
 Seek to build what is in the MDGs and complete what  Climate action
they did no achieved o Take urgent action to combat climate change and its
 Providing focus and assistance to the least developed impacts
countries and other countries in special occasions  Life below water
 Aim to tackle emerging challenges including the o Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and
growing impact of noncommunicable diseases marine resources for sustainable development
(diabetes and heart disease) and the changing social  Life on land
and environmental determinants affect health o Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of
(increasing urbanization, pollution, and climate change) terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests,
 To ensure health, lives, and promote wellbeing for all combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
at all ages degradation and halt biodiversity loss
 Peace and Justice, and Strong Institutions
 No Poverty o Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for
o End Poverty in all its forms everywhere sustainable development, provide access to justice
o Economic growth must be inclusive to provide for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive
sustainable jobs and promote equality. institutions at all levels
o Donate what you don’t use. 836 million people live in  Partnerships for the Goals
extreme poverty o Strengthen the means of implementation and
 Zero Hunger revitalize the global partnership for sustainable
o End Hunger, achieve food security and improved development
nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
 Good Health and Well-Being  Invent, innovate and campaign
o Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at
all ages 4 principles of SDG
 Quality Education  Universality
o Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and o First and most important, these goals apply to
promote lifelong learning opportunities for all every nation … and every sector. Cities,
 Gender Equality businesses, schools, organizations, all are
o Achieve gender equality and empower all women and challenged to act.
girls  Integration
 Clean water and sanitation o Second, it is recognized that the goals are all
o Ensure availability and sustainable management of interconnected, in a system. We cannot aim to
water and sanitation for all achieve just one goal. We must achieve them
 Leave no one behind  Blood Adequacy
 Participation o We have attained blood donations at least 1% of the
 Transformation total population
o And finally, it is widely recognized that o Type ng bayan - blood typing event
achieving these goals involves making very big,  Zero Unmet Need for Family Planning
fundamental changes in how we live on Earth. o Universal access to reproductive health services
 HIV AIDS Reversed
 Social progress o Decreasing trend of HIV AIDS
 Economic Development  Access to Health Services for all
 Climate and Environment o Deploy 1 health worker per barangay
 Zero Open Defecation
 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by o All filipinos have access to sanitary toilet facilities
all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared  Expenditure on Health Increased
blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the o Government as well as private sectors investing in
planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 health
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent  Reduce Out of Pocket Expenditures for Health
call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in o Ensure health insurance coverage
a global partnership.  Ensuring Good Data for Decision Making
 They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations  Reducing Malnutrition
must go together with strategies that improve health and o Rise against hunger
education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all o Provide supplemental meals for pregnant women in a
while tackling climate change and working to preserve our nutritionally at risk community
oceans and forests.  Community Based Drug Rehabilitation Program in all
 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Communities
 Broad ownership of the SDG's must translate into a strong o Community is involved in rehabilitating in drug
commitment by all stakeholders to implement the Global dependence and also preventing drug addiction and
Goals. drug abuse
 Quality Management Systems in all Government Hospitals
Philippine Department of Health o Filipinos that go to the hospitals are valued and cared
 Least prioritized department of the country for.
 Aims accessible, equitable, quality health services for
all filipinos with special focus on the poor, Historical Background
marginalized, and the vulnerable population groups  1991
Mission & Vision o A major devolution of national government
 MISSION o first wave of health sector reform (Local
 To lead the country in the development of a Government Code of 1991).
productive, resilient, equitable and people-centered  The code revolved basic services for
health system agriculture extension, forest
 VISION management, health services,
 Filipinos are among the healthiest people in Southeast barangay or township roads, and social
Asia by 2022, and Asia by 2040 welfare to local government units

 1992
12 Legacies of the DOH for 2022 o Devolved the management and delivery of
 A benchmark or indicator that we already attained Universal health services from the National Department
healthcare in our country of Health to locally elected provincial, city and
 Battle cry in the essence that everyone should be involved municipal governments.

 Universal Health Insurance Coverage for ALL Filipinos  1992-1997

o All filipinos are covered by the national health o A breakdown in management systems:
insurance program ✓ levels of government
✓ declining utilization particularly in the o Provide emergency services
hospital sector o Out-patient services
✓ poor staff morale o ancillary services: pharmacy, radiology etc
 Specialty
✓ decline in maintenance of infrastructure
o Specific cases
✓ under financing of operational costs of o Limited services
services. o Focused
o Specialized services
Local Health System o Madonna (before) only cater pregnant women
 Republic Act 7160 o Specific age group
o under this law, all structures, personnel and
budgetary allocations from the provincial  According to Function and Capacity
health level down to the barangays were o General Hospital (level 1, level 2 and level 3)
developed to the local government units to o Level 1
facilitate health service delivery.  Limited services
 Emergency or Operating room
Devolution of Health Services o Level 2
 RA 7160 or commonly known as the Local  More advanced services
Government Code. The code aims to: transform local  More specialty units (NICU)
government units into self-reliant communities and  Advanced diagnostics and exams
active partners in the attainment of national goals o Level 3
through a more responsive and accountable local  More variety of services offered
government structure instituted through a system of  Cancer unit
decentralization.  Training hospital
o 79 provinces
 Cater affiliations for different courses
o 113 cities o Specialty Hospitals
o 1496 municipalities o Offer specific procedures
o 41 943 barangays o Trauma Capability of Hospitals
o Provide emergent care and response to
Classification of Health Facilities (DOH AO - 0012A) trauma cases
 According to Ownership (Government & Private)
 Government Classification of other Health Facilities
o Funded and supported by the government
 Category A: Primary Care Facility
o NMMC, JR Borja general Hospital, camp
 Birthing homes, infirmary
evangelista hospital  Limited services
 Private  Normal delivery, newborn care
o Funded or supported by a group of people,
 Category B: Custodial Care Facility
mostly doctors or healthcare related  Has a custody for long term services
professionals or businessmen, who decided to  Drug abuse patients, psychiatric concerns, nursing
build their own hospitals home
o Polymedic Medical group: polymedic plaza
 Category C: Diagnostic / Therapeutic Facility
(kauswagan), polymedic general hospital  Offers services specifically for exams or diagnostics
(velez), polymedic hospital (tagoloan), Capitol exams
University Medical Center, Maria Reyna,  Lab centers, drug testing centers, clinical laboratories
Cagayan de Oro Medical Center, Madonna and  Category D: Specialized Out-Patient Delivery Facility
Child hospital  Patient just goes there and go home after the care
 According to Scope of Services (General and Specialty) or procedure is done
 General  Dialysis patient, stem-cell facility
o Provide various services for various numbers
of disease conditions or illnesses
o Have medical services for specific systemic
Philippine Health Agenda Health Insurance Program and prescribes
A- Advance quality, health promotion and primary care complementary reforms in the health system.
C- Cover all Filipinos against health-related financial risk  That all people and communities can use the
H- Harness the power of strategic HRH development promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and
I- Invest in eHealth and data for decision-making palliative health services they need, of sufficient
E- Enforce standards, accountability and transparency quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the
V- Value all clients & patients, especial y the poor, use of these services does not expose the user to
marginalized, & vulnerable financial hardship.
E- Elicit multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder support for Providing :
health o adequate resources
o Health human resources
 PHA 2016-2022 we will achieve a health system with o Health facilities
values of equity, quality, efficiency, transparency, o Health financing
accountability, sustainability, resilience towards lahat para sa
kalusugan tungo sa kalusugan para sa lahat Objectives
 Improve the health of the community
 Educate members on how to access timely, quality,
affordable health services without selling or losing
property or assets
 Improve provider cost recovery and financial planning
 Create link between providers and community

To attain UHC, three strategic thrusts are to be pursued,

 Financial risk protection through expansion in enrollment and
benefit delivery of the National Health Insurance Program
 Improved access to quality hospitals and health care
facilities; and
 Attainment of health-related Millennium Development Goals
Universal Health Care (UHC)
Financial Risk Protection
Legal Basis
 Protection from the financial impacts of health care
Background and Rationale, Objectives and Thrusts
is attained by making any Filipino eligible to enroll, to
know their entitlements and responsibilities, to avail
 Universal health care lowers health care costs
of health services, and to be reimbursed by
for an economy.
PhilHealth with regards to health care expenditures.
 The government controls the price of medication and o PhilHealth Operations are to redirected
medical services through negotiation and regulation.
towards enhancing national and regional health
 It eliminates the administrative costs of dealing with
insurance system
different private health insurers o NHIP enrollment shall be rapidly expanded to
 Referred as Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (KP), is the
improve population coverage
“provision to every Filipino of the highest possible o The availment of outpatient and inpatient
quality of health care that
services shall be intensively promoted
 Is accessible, efficient, equitably distributed, o The use of information technology shall be
adequately funded, fairly financed, and appropriately
maximized to speed up philhealth claims
used by an informed and empowered public”
 Bill into law (Republic Act No. 11223) that
automatically enrolls all Filipino citizens in the National
Improved Access to Quality Hospitals and Health Care Care (UHC) Bill into law (Republic Act No. 11223) that
Facilities automatically enrolls all Filipino citizens in the National
 Financial efforts shall be provided to allow immediate Health Insurance Program and prescribes
rehabilitation and construction of critical health complementary reforms in the health system.
facilities. In addition to that, treatment packs for
hypertension and diabetes shall be obtained and UHC is a political choice
distributed to RHUs.  In the Philippines, like elsewhere, universal health
 The DOH licensure and PhilHealth accreditation for coverage is foremost a political choice. The UHC Act
hospitals and health facilities shall be streamlined and embodies this choice, and was carried by a broad
unified. coalition of parliamentarians across the political
 Achieved in a number of approaches spectrum.
o Quality of government owned and operated
hospitals and health facilities is to be upgraded Senator Ejercito - Chair of the Health Committee
to accommodate larger capacity to attend to  “During our visits to hospitals in different provinces,
all types of emergencies and to handle non- my own eyes have seen the deplorable state of our
communicable disease countrymen – in hot and cramped wards, enduring
o The health facility enhancement program the lack of government support. It is sad that our
(HFEP) provide hands to improve facility for fellow citizens who, rather than be healed, are
preparedness for trauma or other worried about being infected with the illness of
emergencies another patient.”
 Aim: upgrade to 20% of TOH hospitals,
46% provincial hospitals, 46% district Senator Angara - Chair of the Ways and Means Committee
hospitals, 51% rural health unit  “The majority of Filipinos only consult a doctor when
their illnesses are already at their worst because of
Attainment of Health-related MDGs the lack of government support to the health
 Further efforts and additional resources are to be department.”
applied on public health programs to reduce maternal
and child mortality, morbidity and mortality from Why now?
Tuberculosis and Malaria, and incidence of HIV/AIDS.  Parliamentarians and health stakeholders have made
Localities shall be prepared for the emerging disease concerted efforts to pass a UHC bill for the past
trends, as well as the prevention and control of two years, but in reality, the Philippines has
non-communicable diseases. experienced a 50-year process of health reform,
o Organization of community health teams in under different names. The UHC Act is the
each priority population areas is one way to culmination of decades of progress, and two years
achieve health related MDGs of dedicated political and technical work.
 CHTs are a group of volunteers who
will educate families in their health Developing and refining the bill
needs, provide health education and  WHO’s global drive for UHC came at an opportune
facilitate communication with other time to advocate and inform the consultation and
health providers drafting process of the Bill in the Senate during the
 Another effort will be the provision of necessary second half of 2017. By that time the Bill had
services using the life cycle approach. These already passed the House of Representatives. In
services include family planning, ante-natal care, order to get it passed through the upper house, the
delivery in health facilities, newborn care. Bill needed technical refinement to ensure that it
o DOH was comprehensive, practical and feasible, and
o DepEd would eventually achieve universal health coverage.
o DILG  The Act will mean all Filipinos get the health care
they need, when they need it, without suffering
UHC Act in the Philippines: A new dawn for health care financial hardship as a result. Although there is much
 It is a time for celebration in the Philippines. President work to be done to implement the UHC Act, it takes
Rodrigo Duterte has just signed a Universal Health a critical step towards achieving health for all in the
Philippines. It is a new dawn for health care and real
progress towards achieving UHC.

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