My Busy: Mi Día Ocupado

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Class Notes / Level 3, Unit 2 / Class Summary

Mi Día Ocupado

 I’ve had such a busy day today. It’s only 3 p.m. and  My boss is also busy. She’s already visited 3 clients
I’ve already attended 4 meetings. But I still haven’t today. I have to present in another meeting in a few
eaten lunch. minutes, but my boss hasn’t sent me the PowerPoint
presentation yet.
 I have so many things to do. I’ve already written
10 emails. But I haven’t spoken to the product  Use yet and still to talk about something that
manager yet. isn’t completed.

 Remember:  Use already to talk about something that is completed.

 Use the past participle with has and have for present Usa yet y still para hablar de algo que no está terminado. /
perfect: I’ve had such a busy day. Usa already para hablar de algo que está terminado.

Usa el pasado participio con has y have para formar el

presente perfecto: I’ve had such a busy day (He tenido un
día tan ocupado).

 He tenido un día tan ocupado hoy. Son solo las 3 p.m. y ya he  Mi jefa también está ocupada. Ella ya ha visitado a 3
ido a 4 reuniones. Pero todavía no he almorzado. / Tengo clientes hoy. Tengo que presentar en otra reunión en unos
tantas cosas que hacer. Ya he escrito 10 correos electrónicos. minutos, pero mi jefa no me ha enviado la presentación en
Pero no he hablado con el gerente de producto todavía. Power Point todavía.
Class Notes / Level 3, Unit 2 / Class Summary


¿Cómo Ha Estado tu Semana?

How has your week been?

It’s been so chaotic. I have worked late

every day and now I’m just about to go into
my 5th meeting of the day!

Five meetings in a day? I’ve just finished my

first meeting of the day! Have you ever had
five meetings in one day before?

No, I’ve never had so many meetings in one day,

but our department is still restructuring, which
means nothing is easy these days.

Wow! I can’t believe your company still

doesn’t have your department set up.

Well, they’ve hired new staff, so now we are just

waiting for everyone to start and receive training.
Then things should feel easier.

 Remember:  Use just about to talk about something you’re

going to do in the immediate future.
 Use just with the present perfect to talk about
something you completed very recently.  Use still and just with the present continuous to talk
Usa just con el presente perfecto para hablar acerca de algo about things that are continuing.
que acabas de terminar recientemente. Usa just about para hablar de algo que vas a hacer en el
futuro inmediato. / Usa still y just con el presente continuo
para hablar acerca de cosas que están continuando.

 ¿Cómo ha sido tu semana? / Ha sido caótica. He trabajado hasta tarde todos los días y ahora estoy apunto de entrar a
mi 5ta reunión del día! / ¿Cinco reuniones en un día? Yo he justo terminado (acabo de terminar) mi primera reunión del
día! ¿Has tenido alguna vez cinco reuniones en un día antes? / No, nunca he tenido tantas reuniones en un día, pero nuestro
departamento todavía se está reestructurando, lo que significa que nada es fácil estos días. / ¡Oh! No puedo creer que tu
empresa todavía no tiene organizado tu departamento. / Bueno, han contratado a nuevos colaboradores, así es que ahora
estamos solo esperando que todos comiencen y reciban entrenamiento. Luego las cosas deberían sentirse más fáciles.
Class Notes / Level 3, Unit 2 / Key Tables

Present Perfect: Use

Presente Perfecto: Uso
Use the present perfect to talk about past experiences at Use the past simple to talk about past experiences
unspecific times. at a specific time.
Usa el presente perfecto para hablar acerca de experiencias Usa el pasado simple para hablar de experiencias pasadas
pasadas en momentos no especificados. en un momento específico.

I have flown on an airplane three times. I flew on an airplane when I was 10 years old.
She has gone to Mexico. He went to Mexico last week.
They have visited New York a few times. They visited New York three weeks ago.
He volado en avión tres veces. Yo volé en un avión cuando tenía 10 años.
Ella ha ido a México. Él fue a México la semana pasada.
Ellos han visitado Nueva York unas pocas veces. Ellos visitaron Nueva York hace tres semanas.

Past Participles
Pasados Participios
Regular: Base Verb  Past Participle

arrive arrived talk talked visit visited work worked

Verbs Ending –y: Base Verb  Past Participle Verbs Ending Vowel + Consonant: Base Verb  Past Participle
Verbos Terminados en -y Verbos Terminados en Vocal + Consonante

carry carried try tried drop dropped stop stopped

Past Participles the Same as Past Simple: Base Verb  Past Participle
Pasados Participios que son Iguales al Pasado Simple

have had make made meet met leave left

sell sold send sent spend spent

Irregular Past Participles Ending –en: Base Verb  Past Participle

Pasados Participios Irregulares Terminados en -ed

be been break broken drive driven eat eaten

forget forgotten give given got gotten know known

see seen speak spoken take taken write written

Completely Irregular Past Participles: Base Verb  Past Participle

Pasados Participios Completamente Irregulares

do done drink drunk go gone sing sung

Class Notes / Level 3, Unit 2 / Key Tables

Present Perfect: Form

Presente Perfecto: Forma
  
I’ve been to Tokyo. I haven’t been to Bangkok. Have I been to Tokyo?
You’ve been to Bangkok. You haven’t been to Tokyo. Have you been to Bangkok?
He’s traveled to Russia. He hasn’t traveled to Australia. Has he traveled to Russia?
She’s traveled to Russia. She hasn’t traveled to Australia. Has she traveled to Russia?
We’ve gone to Peru. We haven’t gone to Russia. Have they gone to Peru?
They’ve visited many countries. They haven’t visited Bolivia. Where have they been?

 Remember
 I have = I’ve; you have = you’ve; he has = he’s; she has = she’s; we have = we’ve; they have = they’ve

 She and he has

 Use the past participle of the main verbs in present perfect: You have gone to Turkey.
Usa el pasado participio del verbo principal para formar el presente perfecto. You have gone to Turkey.
(gone = pasado participio de ‘go’)

Yet, Already, Still, Just

Todavía / Aún / Ya, Ya, Aún, Recién / Acabar de
Already Yet Still Just

Use for completed tasks Use for uncompleted tasks Use for ongoing tasks Use for recent tasks
Úsalo para tareas terminadas Úsalo para tareas no Úsalo para tareas que Úsalo para tareas recientes
completadas están en marcha

I’ve already had three cups Have you had breakfast yet? I still haven’t finished my I’ve just called Susan.
of coffee this morning. I haven’t eaten yet. report. Recién he llamado a Susan.
Ya he tomado tres tazas ¿Ya has tomado desayuno? Aún no he terminado mi reporte.
de café esta mañana. No he comido aún.

 Remember
 Use already and just in between the has/have and the verb of positive sentences.

 Use yet at the end of questions and negative sentences.

 Use still before the present perfect in negative sentences.

Usa already y just entre el has/have y el verbo en oraciones positivas. / Usa yet al final de preguntas y oraciones negativas. /
Usa still antes del presente perfecto en oraciones negativas

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