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Holy Angel University

School of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Civil Engineering

STHEORY-Structural Theory
First Semester, AY 2020 - 2021

Name / Student No. : _______________________________________________________

Section and Schedule : _______________________________________________________
Date of Examination : _______________________________________________________
Instructor : _______________________________________________________

1. Highlight the letter of your final answer in the answer sheet.
2. An item in the answer sheet with an erasure, in any form, will be considered void.
3. Analyze each situation and show your complete solution. Highlight your answers in your computation.
4. Anybody caught cheating will be marked ZERO as stated in the university student manual.


PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 1 of 8

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 2 of 8
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Shade the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet.
(1-point each)
1. It a structure whose unknown forces cannot be determined by the conditions of static equilibrium
alone and will require, in addition, a consideration of the compatibility conditions of different parts of
the structure for its complete analysis.
a. Determinate structure
b. Indeterminate structure
c. Super structure
d. Composite Structure
e. None
2. Which of the following is NOT a factor in Designing structures.?
a. safety
b. location of structure
c. esthetics and serviceability
d. economic and environmental constraints
e. None
3. Which of the following is TRUE ?
a. the reduce live load is limited to not less than 50% of the Lo for member supporting one floor.
b. the reduce live load is limited to less than 40% of Lo.
c. reduction is allowed for load exceeding 100 lb/ft2(4.79 kN/m2).
d. reduction is allowed for structures used for public assembly, garages or roofs.
e. None
4. This methods include both the material and load uncertainties into a single factor of safety.
a. ASD
c. MDM
d. SFM
e. None

5. Which of the following indicates that the structure is statically determinate?

a. 𝑟 ≠ 3𝑛
b. 𝑟 ≤ 3𝑛
c. 𝑟 ≥ 3𝑛
d. 𝑟 = 3𝑛
e. None

6. Is a structure composed of slender members joined together at their end points.

a. beam
b. column
c. truss
d. cables
e. None

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 3 of 8

7. How many zero force member in the given truss?

a. 6 b. 4 c. 8 d. 9 e. None

8. Classify the given Truss.

a. determinate b. stable c. unstable d. indeterminate e. None

9. Which of the following is the number of reaction in a Guide support.?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. None

10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE for the given internal hinge support?

a. Prevent relative displacement of member

b. Allowed both rotation and horizontal and vertical displacement
c. Equal and oppositely directed horizontal and vertical forces
d. Allowed moment/bending moment
e. None
11. Are usually straight horizontal members used primarily to carry vertical loads.

a. columns

b. frames

c. beams

d. truss

e. None

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 4 of 8

12. Which of the following is the general cable theorem?
a. 𝐹𝐻 = 𝑇 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
b. 𝐻𝑦𝑧 = 𝑀𝑧
𝑤𝑜 𝐿2
c. 𝐹𝐻 = 2ℎ
ℎ𝑥 2
d. 𝐹𝐻 = 𝐿2
e. None

13-15. Identify the internal loading/force at specified point.

16. It is a graph that shows the variation of that function at any given point on a structure due to the
application of a unit load at any point on the structure.
a. shear and moment diagram
b. Deflection curve
c. Elastic curve
d. Influence Line
e. none
17. This principle states that "ordinate of ILD-Influence Line Diagram for a reactive force is given by
ordinate of elastic curve if a unit deflection is applied in the direction of reactive force."
a. Muller Breslau’s Principle
b. Macauley”s Function
c. Archimedes Principle
d. Bernaulli’s Principle
e. None
18. Use to reduce the bending moments in long span structures
a. Column
b. stringer
c. Arch
d. truss
e. None
19. The sum of the ordinate of the Influence line diagram of shear for a specific point in a beam is
a. 1 unit b. 2 units 3. 3 units 4. 4 units e. none
20. The absolute maximum shear of moving loads in a simple supported and cantilever beam occur at
a. mid span
b. middle third of the span
c. end support
d. free end

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 5 of 8

e. None

Situation A. ( 5 pts.)
21-25. A prestressed, reinforced concrete tee-beam whose cross section is shown in the Figure. Beam is
constructed with lightweight concrete which weighs W lbs/ft3.
Let W be the sum of the digits of your ID number

Determine the Area of segment:

21. a,
22. b,
23. c,
24. D
25. Determine the deadweight of a 1-ft-long segment of the prestressed, reinforced concrete tee-beam.

Situation B. ( 5 pts.)
26-30. The uniformly distributed live load on the floor plan in the Figure shown is Lo lb/ft2. Establish the
loading ( Reaction) for floor beam B1. Consider the live load reduction if permitted by the ASCE standard.
Let Lo be the sum of the digits of your ID number

26. Identify if B1 is a one way or two way slab

27. Determine the influence area of B1
28. What is the reduce factor of the live load?
29. Determine the live load acting on B1
30. Determine the reaction at B1

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Situation C. ( 2 pts.)
31-32. Classify the given frame as statically determinate, statically indeterminate, or unstable. If
indeterminate, specify the degree of indeterminacy. All internal joints are fixed connected.

31. What is the determinacy of the given frame.

32. Determine the stability of the frame

Situation D. ( 4 pts.)
33-37. The clip angle connecting the beam’s web at
A to the column may be assumed equivalent to a
Pin support, Assume member BD acts as an axially
Loaded pinned compressed strut.
Let q be the sum of the digits of your ID number

33. Determine the force at the strut

34. Determine the vertical reaction at pin A.
35. Determine the horizontal reaction at pin A.
36. Determine the shear at the left of B
37. Calculate the moment at B

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Situation E. ( 6 pts.)
38-43. Consider a continuous beam subjected to external loads as shown below. Determine the
reaction at the supports. Let q be the sum of the digits of your ID number

Determine the support reaction at:

38. A,
39. B,
40. D
41. Calculate the shear just to left of the concentrated load
42. Determine the shear just to right of the concentrated load.
43. Determine the moment at the midpoint of CD

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Situation E. ( 3 pts.)
44-46. Determine all Force of member IJ, MD, and CD. Indicate if force is tension or compression.
Let P be the sum of the digits of your ID number.

Calculate the force at member:

44. IJ,
45. MD,
46. CD

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Situation F. ( 2 pts.)
47-48. Cable AB supports a load uniformly distributed along the horizontal as shown. Knowing that
the lowest point of the cable is located at a distance a = 0.6 m below A.
Let q be the sum of the digits of your ID number

47. Determine the horizontal component of tension in the cable in kN

48. Determine the maximum tension in the cable in kN.

Situation G. ( 5 pts.)
49-55. Two loads are suspended as shown from the cable ABCD. Knowing that 𝒉𝑩 = 𝟏. 𝟖𝒎 ,
Use The General Cable Theorem. Let q be the sum of the digits of your ID number

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 10 of 8

Determine the reaction at support:
49. A,
50. D
51. Determine the moment at B in the equivalent simply supported beam.
52. Calculate the horizontal component of the tension in the cable.
53. What is the sag at point C?
54. What is the moment at C in the equivalent simply supported beam?
55. Determine the maximum tension in the cable.

Situation H. ( 7 pts.)
56 -62. A three-hinged arch is subjected to two concentrated loads, as shown.
Let q be the sum of the digits of your ID number

56-59. Determine the horizontal and vertical reaction of the following support.
56. Horizontal reaction at A

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57. Vertical reaction at A
58. Horizontal reaction at E
59. Vertical reaction at E
60-61. Calculate the horizontal and vertical force at the hinge.
60. Horizontal force at C
61. Vertical force at C
62. Determine the moment at D.

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Situation I. ( 4 pts.)
63-66. From the given truss. Determine the following:
Let P be the sum of the digits of your ID number

63. Force at member 2

64. Force at member 3
65. Force at member 4
66. Force at member 5

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 13 of 8

Situation J. ( 2 pts.)
67-68. For the given figure of rigid frame. Select the origin at point C.
Let q be the sum of the digits of your ID number

67. Write the equation of shear between BC.

68. Write the equation of bending moment between BC.

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Situation K. ( 4 pts.)
69-72. From the figure below find the following;

69-70. Determine the highest ordinate of the influence line diagram for reaction at C.
71-72. Determine the highest ordinate of the reaction moment influence line diagram at A.

Situation L. ( 8 pts.)
73-80. From the given Girder determine the ordinates of the following;

73-74. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for reaction at B.

75-76. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for reaction at F.
77-78. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for shear at panel CD.
79-80. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for moment at D.

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 15 of 8

0 A 1.25 - 1/4 - 1/4 -2
4 B 1 0 0 0
8 C 3/4 1/4 1/4 2
12 D 1/2 1/2 1/2 4
16 E 1/4 3/4 1/4 2
20 F 0 1 0 0
24 G - 1/4 1 1/4 - 1/4 -2
28 H - 1/2 1 1/2 - 1/2 -4

Situation M. ( 8 pts.)
81-88. From the given Truss determine the ordinates of the following;
Assume h is the sum of the digits of your ID number

81-82. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for reaction at A.

83-84. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for reaction at D.
85-86. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for member BC.
87-88. Enumerate the ordinates of the influence line for member CH.

0 A 1 0 0 0 0.00
1h B 2/3 1/3 2/3 0.47
2h C 1/3 2/3 1/3 0.47
3h D 0 1 0 0.00
4h E - 1/3 1 1/3 - 1/3 -0.47
5h F - 2/3 1 2/3 - 2/3 -0.94

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Situation N. ( 4 pts.)
89-92. A series of concentrated loads is applied at 30 ft simply supported beam as shown.
Let P be the sum of the digits of your ID number

89. Determine the resultant of the forces applied in the beam.

90. Where is the location of the resultant with respect to 3P
91. Determine the absolute shear on the beam.
92. Determine the maximum absolute moment produced on the beam.

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 17 of 8

Situation O. ( 5 pts.)
93-97. The beam shown is to be designed to support its deadweight of (9/16)q kip/ft and a live load
that consists of a 37.5q-kip concentrated load and a variable length, uniformly distributed live load
of q kip/ft. The live loads can act anywhere on the span. The influence line for moment at point C is
given as shown. Let q be the sum of the digits of your ID number

93-94. Compute the maximum positive values of live load moment at C.

95-96. Compute the maximum negative values of live load moment at C.
97. Compute the moment at C due to dead load.

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Situation P. ( 5 pts.)
98-102. The 80-ft bridge girder shown must be designed to support the wheel loads shown.
Determine the maximum value of moment at panel point B. The wheels can move to the left
direction. The influence line for moment at panel point B is given as shown.
Let P be the sum of the digits of your ID number

PRELIM EXAM / STHEORY – Set A Page 19 of 8

98. Determine the moment where load 1 is position at B.(Case 1)
99. Determine the moment where load 2 is position at B. (Case 2)
100. Determine the moment where load 3 is position at B. (Case 3)
101. Determine the moment where load 4 is position at B. (Case 4)
102. Which case will give the maximum moment?

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