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CH#1: Experimental Chemistry

Mass: quantity of matter contained in an object/body.

SI unit: Kg Apparatus: Beam/Electronic Balance [diagrams]

Other units: tonne, g, mg

1 tonne = 1000 Kg,

1 Kg = 1000 g,

1 g = 1000 mg.

Volume: amount of space occupied by an object.

SI unit: cm3

Other units: dm3, m3

1 m3 = 1000 dm3

1dm3 = 1000 cm3/1 l

1 cm3 = 1 ml


Graduated beaker: approximate readings (50 cm3, 500 cm3)

Measuring cylinder: readings accurate to nearest cm3

Burette: readings accurate to nearest 0.1 cm3

Pipette: exact volume (10cm3, 25 cm3)

Volumetric flask: used to prepare solutions of exact volumes (250 cm3, 1 dm3)

Gas syringe: used to measure gas

Plastic syringe: used to measure smaller volumes of gas

Meniscus: curved liquid surface.

Upper measure for colored liquid, lower measured for colorless liquids.

[diagrams of meniscus, and example of each scenario]


Measurement of hotness/coldness of a body.

Units used: C, K

Instruments: Electronic/mercury-in-glass thermometer


Instance between two occurrences

Units: Second, minutes, hours

Instruments: Stopwatch, clock

1 hour = 60 min/3600 secs

1 min = 60 secs
Collection of Gases

Depends on the density of the gas and its solubility in water.

Three ways of collection:

1) Downward delivery of gas/upward displacement of air: for collecting heavy

gases (HCl, Cl, CO2)

2) Upward delivery of gas/downward displacement of air: for collecting light gases

(NH3, H2)

3) Over water: for collecting colorless insoluble gases (H2)

Physical Properties of Gases

Gas Color Density(vs. air) Water solubility
Ammonia (NH3) Colorless Lightest Extremely soluble
Hydrogen (H2) Colorless Very light Insoluble
Chlorine (Cl2) Green-Yellow Much heavier Soluble
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Colorless Slightly heavier Slightly soluble
Oxygen (O2) Colorless Slightly heavier Slightly soluble
Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) Colorless Heavier Very soluble

In chemical reactions that give off gases, volume of gas given off/loss of mass as
gas escapes into the air can be used to measure the speed of reaction.

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