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Unit Lesson Plan

Subject : Contemporary India and Education Days : 24 Days (14 Sept-16 to 21 Nov-16)
Unit Name: Elementary Education
Standard: B.Ed. -!st year
Summary of Unit: Meaning of Elementary Education, Means of universalisation of
elementary education in India, Problems of elementary education in India, Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan , Minimum level of learning, Mid day meal Scheme, Kasturba Gandhi Balika
Vidyalaya , Right to Education,2009.
- To enable pupil-teacher to understand the meaning of Elementary Education.
- To enable pupil-teacher to identify the need of universalisation of elementary
- To enable pupil-teacher to recognize the problems in the universalisation of
elementary education.
- To enable pupil-teacher to be aware about the different schemes by the government
in the field of education.
- To enable pupil teacher to understand the role of NGOs in the field of education.

Materials: Notes, PPTs.

Resources: Books – Contemporary India and Education by Prof. Raman Bihari Lal & Dr.
Krishna Kant, Contemporary India and Education by Dr. Ram Shakal Pandey.
Lesson 1 Title: Universalisation of Elementary Education Time: 5 Lectures
Date: ( Sept.)
Lesson 2 Title: Problems at Elementary Education stage Time: 4 Lectures
Date: ( Sept & 3,4 Oct)
Lesson 3 Title: Education for All –Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Time: 3 Lectures
Date: ( Oct)
Lesson 4 Title: Minimum Level of Learning Time: 2 Lectures
Date: (Oct.)
Lesson 5 Title: Mid Day Meal Scheme Time: 3 Lectures
Date: (Oct. & Nov.)
Lesson 6 Title: Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Yogna Time: 3 Lectures
Date: (Nov.)
Lesson 7 Title: Right to Education,2009. Time: 3 Lectures
Date: (Nov.)

Assignment and Activities : 1. Write a report on the functioning of different primary

2. Study of voluntary agency working in the field of educational and school
development of the society.
Evaluation: Unit Test, Group Discussion.
Notes: To improve the quality education at elementary level, the Indian government
introduced the DPEP in the year 1994, SSA in the year 2001. SSA focused on certain
Aspects like proper training of teachers, offering improved learning materials and
offering textbooks for special children.

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