Lesson: Proper Etiquette and Safety in The Use of Facilities and Equipments

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1. Take care in using facilities and equipment.

In consideration of the school's effort and of other students who will benefit from using the facilities and equipments, it is in good
form to handle them with care and use them solely on their purpose.
This is to prevent having them misplaced, stolen or become unnecessary clutters in the training area than can cause accidents.

2. Only use equipments that you already know how to use do not leave or pass on equipments that is in complete disarray or dirty.

3. Be Alert and Aware in the training area.

4. In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good form first
5. Bring back all equipment in place after use.
6. Do not Hug the equipment.

7. Return the equipment properly or leave the venue clean.

Doing exercises in improper form deficit it's benefits.
Do not monopolize the equipments. Allow everyone a fair use of the facilities.

8. Check Yourself - practice proper hygiene and care.

Take a bath or a deodorant if needed. Do not force yourself to engage in physical activity if you are feeling sick.
9. Move on the double; do not loiter around the venue or hang on the equipment doing nothing.
Do not handle it until such time the teacher gives instructions on how to operate the said equipment. You could break the equipment or
cause harm to yourself or others.

10. Be nice, as a general rule!


Uphold the rules of the facility

Read, understand, and follow all rules, expectations, and posted signs
Observe all posted equipment instructions and warnings
If there is a piece of equipment you do not know how to use, don’t assume you know how to use it and ask for assistance

Using a piece of equipment someone else is using

 Ask if you can “work in between their sets” – if they say no, please be patient and wait
 Acceptable reasons for denying the “work in” request include the following:
 2 or more individuals are already using the equipment
 The equipment is loaded with a large amount of weight and the user is almost done
 When “working in” allow the other person to use the equipment after each set and re-set all equipment adjustments
back to where they were before you started
 If someone begins exercising on a piece of equipment while you are resting between sets…
 You should say “I only have X number of sets left, you can work in with me if you’d like
 If you were working in between someone else’s sets, make the other person aware someone is already sharing the
 If while waiting in line to use the equipment you leave to get a drink or to use the restroom, tell the person behind
you that you are coming right back so they are aware that you are waiting
 If someone sneaks ahead of you, you should say “I just went to, I believe I was here before you.”
 You cannot claim a piece of equipment by setting a towel or water bottle on it or next t it
 Allow others to work in between your sets
 Do not rest on the equipment; it is better to walk around to accelerate your recovery
 When using cardio equipment, please do not exceed the 45 minute time limit
 Wipe down all equipment following each set with the provided pre-moistened wipes
 then discard the wipes appropriately
 When done with a piece of equipment
When done with a piece of equipment
 Wipe down the equipment with the provided pre-moistened wipes then discard the wipes appropriately
 Take all extra personal equipment with you – includes water bottles, towels, weight belts, etc.
 Put all equipment away – rack free weights in their designated location, return cable accessories to the stand,
dumbbells and kettle bells, jump ropes, and stretch cords returned to the appropriate rack, stability balls, balance
balls, and foam rollers are to be wiped down, then returned to the storage area
 DO NOT mix weight plates on the same storage bar
Being aware of the exercise areas
 Stay clear of free weight areas when in use
 Do not exercise in walking areas – gray floor pathways and in front of water fountains, water and ice machine, wall-
mounted wipes containers and trash/recycle receptacles
 Do not stand in front of dumbbell rack
 Before using a wall-mounted mirror, look around to make sure you are not in someone else’s space

Using spotters for safety

 Ask for a spot when going heavy on higher risk exercises such as bench press or squat
 Limit the number of times you ask for a spot
 Use the weight you can handle
 Only go heavy occasionally
 Seldom exercise to performance failure on higher risk exercises
 Communicate with the spotter before you start the exercise
 Ask them to spot you in a specific manner if that is important to you
 Indicate your desired number of repetitions
 Don’t expect a spotter to assist beyond one assisted repetition (max rep)
 Once you complete an assisted repetition, rack the weight


Basic understanding of an EVENT Preparing an event is an ART and a SCIENCE.
– Friedmann (1997)

Basic understanding of an EVENT ART – it requires enthusiasm and creativity

Basic understanding of an EVENT SCIENCE – it requires factual knowledge, discipline, and methodical work

Basic understanding of an EVENT EVENT- generally understood as an organized, functional specific happening, with limited time
scale, and the participation of a group of people

Sport for DEVELOPMENT EVENT – means that there are specific objectives that need to be achieved through the event, and
the event itself would be the vehicle for raising awareness to the participants and general public
This could be the integration of relevant life skills and using the event to raise awareness about relevant social issues.
Social Issues
 Malnutrition (Obesity)
 Bullying
 HIV/Aids
 Drugs

Characteristics of an Event

Uniqueness : Each event is different. The same kind of event can be repeated several times, but each time there will be
something different. E.g. The participants, the venue, or the message you want to spread
Personal Interaction : As you can imagine, an event has lots of personal interaction. In a sports event you definitely have
personal interaction. First of all the players have interaction. But also the spectators play a crucial role. They are not only
watching the event- the crowd is also helping to create a unique atmosphere
Fixed Timescale : Events follow a fixed timescale: they have a fixed beginning and a fixed end. -The timescale can be short
(One-Day event) or rather long (UAAP)
Perishability: If the event is unique, then it is without any doubt also perishable. The event cannot be repeated exactly the
same as the event before
Intangibility: Generally speaking, an EVENT is intangible. You cannot really see or touch the activity.
Ambiance and Service: When it comes to events, ambiance and service are two very important factors. An event with the
right ambiance and a good service can be a great success. On the other hand, an event with the wrong ambiance and bad
service can be a failure

Sports Event Management

Event Management – the act of organizing something that takes place in a given place at a given time (FIFA/CIES,2010)
Sports Event Management – the coordination of resources, technologies, processes, personnel and situational contingencies for the
efficient production and exchange of sport services (Chelladurai,1994)

Why run a Sport for Development Event?

When you plan an event, it is advantageous to know why and for whom you want to hold the event. - Delivering a well-
organized event can have a lot of advantage.

Benefits of Running a Well Organized Event

Raise awareness for your project Promote your activity to newcomers
Provide an avenue for competition Deliver benefits to sponsors and members
Raise funds Media coverage
Educate youth Highlight certain life skills issues’
Spread a relevant message

Who is the Event for? Children and Youth

Who is the Event for?
Children and Youth -Our main aim is to educate children and youth. Therefore, they are our main target group. But
nonetheless, you also have sub-target groups like parents, elderly and the local authority. Keep in mind that your event can attract the
Furthermore, the event is also for YOU organizers. The planning and organizing will improve your management skills and
will empower you to become a better Event Manager.

Community Members of your organization/team Supporters
Potential members Sponsors
Participants Potential Sponsors
Spectators Media
Sports Event

Sport for Development Event Implications

 Social community implications - teamwork, cooperation, and unity may develop since the community/society is involve or
engage in the event
 Economic Implications - Managing an event deals with money - It cannot be fully implemented without financial stability. - It
could also be means of income generation
 De velopment Implications - Skills and more importantly values of the participating individuals of the event are developed
Risk :

 Insufficient consideration of the organizing structure, aims, and objectives.

 Not appointing an event coordinator
 Insufficient planning time
 Poor communication and coordination with subcommittees or individuals
 Unwieldy committee, subcommittee or work unit structure
 Poor relationships with local authorities, governing bodies or competitors
 No or bad catering
 Lack of hospitality or visitors
 Program running into overtime
 No budget
 No first-aid

Sports Event Management Process

 Planning
 Organizing
 Leading
 Controlling

Objectives and Getting Started
Why do I have to hold an event?
When will it be held?
Do I have the respective facilities needed for the tournament?
Do I know all my stakeholders?
Do I have enough equipment?
Do I have enough manpower?
Do I and the participants have the time?
Do I have enough budget?
How can I reach as many participants as possible?
How do I review the event?
1: Compiling of an EVENT CONCEPT
A. Idea
B. Nature of the Event
C. Purpose of the Event
D. How should it operate?
E. What benefits are there for participants?
2. Steps in Planning a Sports Event Step
A. When you start planning a tournament, it is crucial to set objectives, as they can serve as guidelines.
B. It is important to set realistic dates, know your budget and know your target group
C. They serve as reference points to evaluate your objectives or goals for your even
It should be SMART :
SPECIFIC - you have to be precise about what you want to achieve
MEASURABLE - you have to quantify your objectives
ACHIEVABLE - Can I achieve my goals and objectives?
REALISTIC - Do I have enough resources to achieve my goal?
TIME-BOUNDED - You have to set time frame for your tournament

Make any event proposal by following the STEPS IN PLANNING A SPORTS EVENT STEP.
Output shall put Short bond paper.

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