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Module 2 lesson1 analysis

Every individual have been affected by this coronavirus pandemic in so many ways. involving rules

and regulation toward combating of this illness has turned everyone’s life upside down. We have been struggling to find

ways to control ourselves to stay at home. To learn new ideas within our household and for many to add the continuation

of education of their children during the day while schools remain closed. Furthermore, our anxiety and stress are rising

by the fear of having virus as we see each day the numbers of confirmed positive cases and deaths from coronavirus. Our

worry goes especially endless as we encounter the reality of death or the struggling for survival of friends or family

members as a result of this disease. We see many around us, if not even ourselves, who have lost jobs. Jobs that have

sustained them and their families just disappeared literally overnight as the American economy had to shut down in order

to curtail the spread of the virus. And furthering these emotions, people of faith are experiencing a great suffering of their

spirit through the ongoing inability to worship as a church community.

There have been changes in our lifestyle, too. Since we are not allowed to go outside, we have to

find ways to avoid sitting around for too long. We find time to exercise to make our bodies healthier. In terms of eating

habits, we avoid eating junk foods and unhealthy foods. I also noticed that there is always fruits in our table. We also drink

vitamins every day. We made these things as a habit to prevent being infected by the virus and also to adapt to the new


We see and experience so much suffering on many levels for so many people, and we pray

prayers of thanksgiving if we have been spared from this illness and the devasting turbulent side effects from it. And

through this experience we have come to realize a deep sense of gratitude for those who are continuing the frontline

battle against this disease. Those doctors and nurses, all hospital workers, who are putting their lives on the line to save

others. And for all those who continue to leave their homes each day, endangering their own health, to keep us fed and

sustained with life essential things. Grocery store clerks, delivery drivers, postal workers, truck drivers, food service and

supply warehouse workers, all doing their part to help us endure and survive within our new isolated realities.
Analysis: Based on the previous lesson, you are asked to observe things inside your home and list down all the things you
have observed in a narrative form. (Edited)

1) Observation: Neighborhoods are starting to go out of their houses

Type of research: Age, Gender, Behavior, reason in oing out

2) Observation: People inside the house are doing physical exercises

Type of research: Naturalistic research because it tackles about the observation on a natural environment as
effect of this pandemic.
Variables: Behaveiour, type of exercices, health

3) Observation: The weather is constantly unpredictable.

Type of research: : Descriptive and Correlational research, having the effects of gadgets to overall health and by
observing the development of learning
Variables: weather

4) Observation: household is observing health issues more frequently

Type of research: Descriptive and Correlational research, having the effects of gadgets to overall health and by
observing the development of learning
Variables: age, gender, behaviour

5) Observation: The network connection is performing good, inversely when there is heavy rain.
Type of research: Descriptive Research would be applicable to this kind of topic because conducting a survey can
help the researchers gather information from people experiencing internet problem during rainy season.
Variables: weather, network connection

6) Observation: Usage of different devices is a routine in the family

Type of research: Descriptive and Correlational research, having the effects of gadgets to overall health and by
observing the development of learning
Variables: Technology, Environment, Age, Location, Gender, Behavior,

7) Observation: Elder in the household who provides food and necessity are starting to monitor the consumptions.
Type of research: The research method that can be used is correlational. It can be used to determine whether
there is a significant relationship between the variables.
Variables: grocery items, level of consumption, daily routine

8) Observation: Availability of face mask and disinfection is strictly monitored before going out and getting inside the
Type of research: The type of research used was correlation because the two variable has relationship that affect
to each other which is the pandemic and the usual hygiene
Variables: Age, Gender, location and Health

9) Observation: Watching different online streaming services is a drill night and day for the family since the lockdown
Type of research: Correlative Research can be used with this observation as the researcher can explore what
kind of relationship exist between the recent lockdown and the frequency of using smart tv for watching Netflix
series at home.
Variables: Lockdown, internet access, frequency of using smart T.V. for Netflix

10)Observation: Accumulation of books is happening often since the start of online class
Type of research: It is a descriptive study as it can be studied by the number of books that are stock in the study
Variables: books, online class

11)Observation: Knowing the daily routine seems really tiring

Type of research: Naturalistic observation under descriptive research because the event happened in a natural
Variables: Mental health

12)Observation: Learning to pay more attention to my family

Type of research: Naturalistic observation under descriptive research because the event happened in a natural
Variables: Global pandemic, changes in the environment, new point of view

13)Observation: Taking shower is always observe by everyone in the house

Type of research: Naturalistic observation under descriptive research becausethe event happened in a natural
Variables: Hygiene, social circumstance
14)Observation: Purchasing of Healthy food like Green veggies is managed every weekend
Type of research: Naturalistic observation under descriptive research because the event happened in a natural
Variables: Global pandemic, healthy living

15)Observation: Having anxiety is prevalent day by day among members of the household
Type of research: Naturalistic observation under descriptive research because the event happened in a natural
Variables: Global pandemic, mental health, changes in the environment

16)Observation: listening to music is a way of relaxation for me

Type of research: Naturalistic observation under descriptive research because the event happened in a natural
Variables: Mental health, changes in the environment, hobbies

17)Observation: As day passed by, the eagerness to learn new cooking recipes is a new thing for me
Type of research: Naturalistic research because it tackles about the observation on a natural environment as
effect of this pandemic.
Variables: cooking recipes, Global pandemic

18)Observation: Using of rubbing alcohol more frequently, makes my skin very dry.
Type of research: Correlational research method can be used to examine if there is a significant relationship in
using rubbing alcohol In prevention of virus.
Variables: Usage of rubbing alcohol, type of skin.

19)Observation:Using of Aircon makes my mood to do school works

Type of research: Naturalistic observation under descriptive research because the event happened in a natural
Variables: Mental health, changes in the environment, hobbies

20)Observation: Members of the family tends to buy often in online shopping platforms like lazada and Shoppee
Type of research: Correlative Research can be used with this observation as theresearcher can explore what kind
of relationship exist between the recent lockdown and the frequency of using online shopping apps.
Variables: frequency of using online shopping apps, lock down, level of income, age
Checkpoint # 1. Identify the possible effects in each scenario.

We received seven inches of rain in four hours Flood may occur and land slide for places located in high areas

I never brush my teeth Tooth decay and awful breath

Smoking cigarettes Health issues concerning respiratory system

Many buffalo were killed Food chain in the environment will be ruined

The streets were snow-packed and icy Stranded individuals are reported

He broke his arm Inability to use his/her arm in physical activities

The boss was busy Burden will be passed to his subordinates

A basketball player was traveling Called by referee for a violation

I flipped the light switch on Clear sight in the area

An oil spill Fire may occur

Sedentary lifestyle Unhealthy body

Checkpoint # 2. Identify the cause and effect in each of the sentence.

1. When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.

2. A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place to live.

3. Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work.

4. The moon has gravitational pool, consequently the oceans have tides.

5. Since school was cancelled, we went to the mall.

6. John made a rude comment, so Elise hit him.

7. When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die.

8. The meal we ordered was cheaper than expected, so we ordered dessert.

9. Since helium rises, a helium balloon floats.

10. There has been an increase in greenhouse gases, therefor global warming is happening.
11. Betty completed each task perfectly, therefore she was promoted.

12. because a large meteor hit the earth. Some believe dinosaurs died out

13. since I spilled my juice. I had to get the mop

14. when tectonic plates shift. Tsunamis happen

15. Fred was driving 75 in a 35 mile zone, therefore he got a speeding ticket.

16. Because of changes in classifications, Pluto is no longer a planet.

17. Maria didn‘t follow the recipe correctly, so the cake did not come out

18. The weather forecast called for rain, so he took his umbrella.

19. Because of a price increase, sales are down.

20. when two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine. Water is formed

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