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(Crematogranhy Mise en scene Sound Eating Sevetue ‘camera shot ‘Compostion ‘lege (itn the word ofthe fim | Quick cuts Hero's journey rsloe {Egg lw key high | what te character can hoe) Cong ets Three at cructre Movement (pant, | key) Non-iegee iss te wad ofthe | Shot sequences | Expostion trsking, 200m) Colour f= oly tne suderce hears) Cross cutinypaate | Turing pints Henahelccemera | Costume Music ating lima ‘ator placement Sound fects Dissaves andfades | Denouementrosaision ‘tors body language | Voce over Montage CConvastiusapostion ‘a performance contrat on near Set dooan Ihstapostion ‘ishforrardamashboack Slow mation Foreshadowing neneved Mert Brcetonce Tay) show (ete wat apes h The shat ade us to fous on. “This cose up reveals he character feis.because we ‘The amount of space aoundibetween,Indetes, ‘The (camera movement) moves for. ‘The camera angle places (character) in 8 poston of srenghineaknese because the decir wens US (0 ‘ealselundertand ‘The ing of is chet sow koy-shadow, or high koy-alotof ih) ‘Tho ighing ems fom... he ight gathers around. ‘The colours tha ominaie n te shot ae ‘Thaightaglaiour creates a moodatmosphere ot. “The cavacters costume thay are wearing i nth sholsequencelscere we can her. ‘This syoives because, ‘The use of (ectrique) makes he ‘sions fos (abou character action or vert) ‘Thi intuencing us to thinetetbebeve. “The rectors ensuring that we iieetboteve because they want us to Tis important bat we thinkes because. other eotnqe at futher creates tis at ‘Tae 20 cover ther uss ofthis ociigu) inthe lm Fr example. ‘This was coord ty the way that ‘Ths contrasts wih aotner use ots tschnigu, ‘Tra dtr uses this ecbave again ‘e. “The drector was the audience to consierthink about (heme ard sacl) sch ie ahr fina fs gore ito of fimidevsons the valves of presents characters ‘Who. Joepors an aspect of human nature that Its human natre to. the drat expose Pow (ur vnaaatandng ofthe theme of. developed by ‘This fim pesensicnalenges th preconception of. This fim present 3 res neh nto be tome of. “fim inverting presen one aauience because The muses (otioudaslstow et) and has ape, erates amo, “The sound cc of ~Isfoud, so high screching, scratchy te) Tho ous dung this part of the scone ar culekena) ‘The shot uses. to ame, “The coast this shot betweon..and.makes us ote Ths makes us sympatiselompatise wih, becaue.. ‘This contrasts wih an eavierfater scone where. ‘The technique together win.10 ohive ‘The reason why the drctr has used hs combraten ‘This kt ter events ote fim when. veal ie scone develop he characters by. ‘Tha mpreesio ofthe characters the rector wants to have ‘The erecta Intuereng us fo have an Impresion oon. cause ‘The forces ur to conscer he pont ct view allowing us to understane ‘This nhuenees our opinion of kleacs eto tne. This shovangcivse of sound reatos 3 rmooditonafamesphere oti Sigacant because ‘The use onthe way allows ust realoe ‘he crectorisitentonaly ‘manipdatingnftuencing vs so that we trio

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