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General Mathematics Hand-outs

Mr. Jonas Harold Fortuna Denso

The symbol ⌊ d ⌋ denotes the greatest integer function or
PIECEWISE FUNCTIONS floor function applied to d. The floor function gives the
__________________________________________________ largest integer less than or equal to d. (Ex.
⌊ 5.3 ⌋ =⌊5.6 ⌋ =5)
In Mathematics, a piecewise – defined function (also
called a piecewise function or a hybrid function) is a function Ex. 2:
defined by multiple sub – functions, each sub – function A user is charged P300.00 monthly for a particular mobile
applying to a certain interval of the main function’s domain (a plan, which includes 100 free text messages. Messages in
sub – domain). excess of 100 are charged P1.00 each. Represent the amount a
consumer pays each month as a function of the number of
messages m sent in a month.

Let t(m) represent the amount paid by the consumer each
month. It can be expressed by the piecewise function

t ( m )= 300 , if ∧0<m ≤100

{300+m , if ∧m>100

Ex. 3:
Water can exist in three states: solid ice, liquid water, and
gaseous water vapour. It takes a certain amount of heat before
water can change state. Use the following information to
sketch the graph of the function representing the temperature
Examples of Piecewise Functions of water as a function of the amount of heat added in Joules
f ( x )= 2 2x+3 ,∧x< 0
{ x −1 ,∧x ≥ 0  A solid block of ice is at -25°C and heat is added
until it completely turns into water vapour.
 The temperature of the ice increases steadily and
−3 x ,∧x <2
2) f ( x )= 5 ,∧x =2
x +6 , x> 2

reaches 0°C after 940 J of heat is applied.
The temperature stays constant at 0°C until all the ice
melts, which happens once a total of 6,950 J of heat
is applied.
 The temperature increases steadily and reaches
x 2+ 2 x +1 ,∧x ≤1
3) f ( x )= 4 x−6 ,∧1< x< 5
7 , x ≥5

100°C after a total of 14,470 J of heat is applied.
The temperature stays constant at 100°C until all the
water evaporates, which happens after a total of
55,260 J of heat is applied.
 When all the water is in gaseous state, its temperature
Piecewise Functions im Real Life can rise above 100°C (This is why steam can cause
third – degree burns!).
Ex. 1:
A jeepney ride costs P8.00 for the first 4 kilometers, and each Try These!!
additional kilometre adds P1.50 to the fare. Use a piecewise 1) A videoke machine can be rented for P1,000 for three
function to represent the jeepney fare in terms of the distance days, but for the fourth day onwards, an additional
d in kilometers. cost of P400 per day is added. Represent the cost of
renting a videoke machine as a piecewise function of
Solution: the number of days it is rented and plot its graph.
The input value is distance and the output is the cost of the
jeepney fare. If f(d) represents the fare as a function of 2) The cost of hiring a catering service to serve food for
distance, the function can be represented as follows: a party is P150 per head for 20 persons or less, P130
per head for 21 to 50 persons, and P110 per head for
8.00 , if ∧0<d ≤ 4 51 to 100 persons. For more than 100 persons, the
f ( d )= {8.00+1.5 ⌊ d ⌋ ,if ∧d > 4
cost is at P100 per head. Represent the total cost as a

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General Mathematics Hand-outs
Mr. Jonas Harold Fortuna Denso
piecewise function of the number of attendees of the

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