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Image Sampling and Quantization

1. A continuous image is digitised at _______ points.
a) random
b) vertex
c) contour
d) sampling
Ans :- sampling
2. The transition between continuous values of the image function and its digital
equivalent is called ______________
a) Quantisation
b) Sampling
c) Rasterisation
d) None of the Mentioned
Ans :- Quantisation
3. Images quantised with insufficient brightness levels will lead to the occurrence of
a) Pixillation
b) Blurring
c) False Contours
d) None of the Mentioned
Ans :- False Contours
4. The smallest discernible change in intensity level is called ____________
a) Intensity Resolution
b) Contour
c) Saturation
d) Contrast
Ans :- Intensity Resolution
5. What is the tool used in tasks such as zooming, shrinking, rotating, etc.?
a) Sampling
b) Interpolation
c) Filters
d) None of the Mentioned
Ans:- Interpolation
5. The type of Interpolation where for each new location the intensity of the immediate
pixel is assigned is ___________
a) bicubic interpolation
b) cubic interpolation
c) bilinear interpolation
d) nearest neighbour interpolation
Ans :- nearest neighbour interpolation

6. The type of Interpolation where the intensity of the FOUR neighbouring pixels is used
to obtain intensity a new location is called ___________
a) cubic interpolation
b) nearest neighbour interpolation
c) bilinear interpolation
d) bicubic interpolation
Ans :- nearest neighbour interpolation

7. The type of Interpolation where for each new location the intensity of the immediate
pixel is assigned is ___________
a) bicubic interpolation
b) cubic interpolation
c) bilinear interpolation
d) nearest neighbour interpolation
Ans :- nearest neighbour interpolation

8. Dynamic range of imaging system is a ratio where the upper limit is determined by
a) Saturation
b) Noise
c) Brightness
d) Contrast
Ans :- Saturation

9. For Dynamic range ratio the lower limit is determined by

a) Saturation
b) Brightness
c) Noise
d) Contrast
Ans :- Noise

10. Quantitatively, spatial resolution cannot be represented in which of the following

a) line pairs
b) pixels
c) dots
d) none of the Mentioned
Ans:- none of the Mentioned
11. The spatial coordinates of a digital image (x,y) are proportional to:
a) Position
b) Brightness
c) Contrast
d) Noise
Ans :- Brightness

12. Among the following image processing techniques which is fast, precise and flexible.
a) Optical
b) Digital
c) Electronic
d) Photographic
Ans :- Digital

13. An image is considered to be a function of a(x,y), where a represents:

a) Height of image
b) Width of image
c) Amplitude of image
d) Resolution of image
Ans ;- Amplitude of image

14. What is pixel?

a) Pixel is the elements of a digital image
b) Pixel is the elements of an analog image
c) Pixel is the cluster of a digital image
d) Pixel is the cluster of an analog image
Ans :- Pixel is the elements of a digital image

15. The range of values spanned by the gray scale is called:

a) Dynamic range
b) Band range
c) Peak range
d) Resolution range
Ans:- Dynamic range

16. Which is a colour attribute that describes a pure colour?

a) Saturation
b) Hue
c) Brightness
d) Intensity
Ans :- Hue

17. Which gives a measure of the degree to which a pure colour is diluted by white light?
a) Saturation
b) Hue
c) Intensity
d) Brightness
Ans:- Saturation

18. Which means the assigning meaning to a recognized object.

a) Interpretation
b) Recognition
c) Acquisition
d) Segmentation
Ans:- Interpretation
19. 9. A typical size comparable in quality to monochromatic TV image is of size.
a) 256 X 256
b) 512 X 512
c) 1920 X 1080
d) 1080 X 1080
Ans :- 512 X 512

20. The number of grey values are integer powers of:

a) 4
b) 2
c) 8
d) 1
Ans :- 2

21. What is the first and foremost step in Image Processing?

a) Image restoration
b) Image enhancement
c) Image acquisition
d) Segmentation
Ans:- Image acquisition
22. In which step of processing, the images are subdivided successively into smaller
a) Image enhancement
b) Image acquisition
c) Segmentation
d) Wavelets
Ans:- Wavelets

23. What is the next step in image processing after compression?

a) Wavelets
b) Segmentation
c) Representation and description
d) Morphological processing
Ans:- Morphological processing
(Image acquisition-> Image enhancement-> Image restoration-> Color image processing-
> Wavelets and multi resolution processing-> Compression-> Morphological processing-
> Segmentation-> Representation & description-> Object recognition.)

24. What is the step that is performed before color image processing in image processing?
a) Wavelets and multi resolution processing
b) Image enhancement
c) Image restoration
d) Image acquisition
Ans:- Image restoration

25. ow many number of steps are involved in image processing?

a) 10
b) 9
c) 11
d) 12

26. What is the expanded form of JPEG?

a) Joint Photographic Expansion Group
b) Joint Photographic Experts Group
c) Joint Photographs Expansion Group
d) Joint Photographic Expanded Group
Ans:- Joint Photographic Experts Group

27. Which of the following step deals with tools for extracting image components those
are useful in the representation and description of shape?
a) Segmentation
b) Representation & description
c) Compression
d) Morphological processing
Ans :- Morphological processing

28. In which step of the processing, assigning a label (e.g., “vehicle”) to an object based
on its descriptors is done?
a) Object recognition
b) Morphological processing
c) Segmentation
d) Representation & description
Ans:- Object recognition

29. What role does the segmentation play in image processing?

a) Deals with extracting attributes that result in some quantitative information of
b) Deals with techniques for reducing the storage required saving an image, or the
bandwidth required transmitting it
c) Deals with partitioning an image into its constituent parts or objects
d) Deals with property in which images are subdivided successively into smaller
Ans :- Deals with partitioning an image into its constituent parts or objects

30. What is the correct sequence of steps in image processing?

a) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image
processing->Compression->Wavelets and multi resolution processing-
>Morphological processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object

b) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image

processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression-
>Morphological processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object

c) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Color image processing->Image

restoration->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression-
>Morphological processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object

d) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image

processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression-
>Morphological processing->Representation & description->Segmentation->Object
Ans:- b) Image acquisition->Image enhancement->Image restoration->Color image
processing->Wavelets and multi resolution processing->Compression->Morphological
processing->Segmentation->Representation & description->Object recognition

31. To convert a continuous sensed data into Digital form, which of the following is
a) Sampling
b) Quantization
c) Both Sampling and Quantization
d) Neither Sampling nor Quantization
Ans:- Both Sampling and Quantization

32. To convert a continuous image f(x, y) to digital form, we have to sample the function
in __________
a) Coordinates
b) Amplitude`
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Ans:- All of the mentioned

33. For a continuous image f(x, y), how could be Sampling defined?
a) Digitizing the coordinate values
b) Digitizing the amplitude values
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Ans:- Digitizing the coordinate values
34. For a continuous image f(x, y), Quantization is defined as
a) Digitizing the coordinate values
b) Digitizing the amplitude values
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Ans:- Digitizing the amplitude values
35. How is sampling been done when an image is generated by a single sensing element
combined with mechanical motion?
a) The number of sensors in the strip defines the sampling limitations in one direction
and Mechanical motion in the other direction.
b) The number of sensors in the sensing array establishes the limits of sampling in
both directions.
c) The number of mechanical increments when the sensor is activated to collect data.
d) None of the mentioned.
Ans:- The number of mechanical increments when the sensor is activated to collect data
36. How does sampling gets accomplished with a sensing strip being used for image
a) The number of sensors in the strip establishes the sampling limitations in one image
direction and Mechanical motion in the other direction
b) The number of sensors in the sensing array establishes the limits of sampling in
both directions
c) The number of mechanical increments when the sensor is activated to collect data
Ans:- The number of sensors in the strip establishes the sampling limitations in one
image direction and Mechanical motion in the other direction

37. How is sampling accomplished when a sensing array is used for image acquisition?
a) The number of sensors in the strip establishes the sampling limitations in one image
direction and Mechanical motion in the other direction
b) The number of sensors in the sensing array defines the limits of sampling in both
c) The number of mechanical increments at which we activate the sensor to collect data

Ans:- The number of sensors in the sensing array defines the limits of sampling in both

38. The quality of a digital image is well determined by ___________

a)The number of samples
b)The discrete gray levels
c)All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

Ans:- All of the mentioned

39. Which of the following is a receptor in the retina of human eye?

a) Rods
b) Cones
c) Rods and Cones
d) Neither Rods nor Cones

Ans:- Rods and Cones

40.a good image is difficulty to define because image quality
(a)high subjective ,weakly dependent
(b)lowly subjective, weakly dependent
(c)high subjective ,strongly dependent
(d)lowly subjective, strongly dependent

41. for coordinates p(2,3)the 4 neighbors of pixel p are


42. D distance is also called as

(a)city block distance
(b)chess board distance
(c)Euclidean distance
(d)mean distance

43. image transforms are needed for

(a)conversion information form spatial to frequency
(b)spatial domain
(c)time domain
(d)both b&c

44. image restoration is used to improve the ________image


45.the walsh and hadamard transforms are ___________in nature

(d)cosine and sine

46. unsampling is a process of ____________the spatial resolution of the image


47. Discrete cosine transforms (DCTs) express a function or a signal in terms of

a. Sum of cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies
b. Sum of cosine functions oscillating at same frequencies
c. Sum of cosine functions at different sampling intervals
d. Sum of cosine functions oscillating at same sampling intervals
48) FFT may be used to calculate
1) DFT
3) Direct Z transform
4) In direct Z transform

a. 1, 2 and 3 are correct

b. 1 and 2 are correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All the four are correct

49. 1. Which of the following make an image difficult to enhance?

a) Narrow range of intensity levels
b) Dynamic range of intensity levels
c) High noise
d) All of the mentioned

50. Which of the following is a second-order derivative operator?

a) Histogram
b) Laplacian
c) Gaussian
d) None of the mentioned

51. Response of the gradient to noise and fine detail is _____________ the Laplacian’s.
a) equal to
b) lower than
c) greater than
d) has no relation with

52. Dark characteristics in an image are better solved using ____________________.

a) Laplacian Transform
b) Gaussian Transform
c) Histogram Specification
d) Power-law Transformation

53. What is the smallest possible value of a gradient image?

a) e
b) 1
c) 0
d) -e

54. Which of the following fails to work on dark intensity distributions?

a) Laplacian Transform
b) Gaussian Transform
c) Histogram Equalization
d) Power-law Transformation

55. _________________________ is used to detect diseases such as bone infection and

a) MRI Scan
b) PET Scan
c) Nuclear Whole Body Scan
d) X-Ray

56. How do you bring out more of the skeletal detail from a Nuclear Whole Body Bone Scan?
a) Sharpening
b) Enhancing
c) Transformation
d) None of the mentioned

57. An alternate approach to median filtering is ______________

a) Use a mask
b) Gaussian filter
c) Sharpening
d) Laplacian filter

58. Final step of enhancement lies in ________________ of the sharpened image.

a) Increase range of contrast
b) Increase range of brightness
c) Increase dynamic range
d) None of the mentioned

59)In general, which of the following assures of no ringing in the output?

a) Gaussian Lowpass Filter
b) Ideal Lowpass Filter
c) Butterworth Lowpass Filte
d) All of the mentioned

60) The lowpass filtering process can be applied in which of the following area(s)?
a) The field of machine perception, with application of character recognition
b) In field of printing and publishing industry
c) In field of processing satellite and aerial images
d) All of the mentioned

61) The edges and other abrupt changes in gray-level of an image are associated
a) High frequency components
b) Low frequency components
c) Edges with high frequency and other abrupt changes in gray-level with low frequency
d) Edges with low frequency and other abrupt changes in gray-level with high frequency

62) A type of Image is called as VHRR image. What is the definition of VHRR image?
a) Very High Range Resolution image
b) Very High Resolution Range image
c) Very High Resolution Radiometer image
d) Very High Range Radiometer Image

63) In bit plane slicing the most of the information of an image is contained by
a) highest order plane
b) lowest order plane
c) mid order plane
d) all planes

64)band pass filter is a combination of high pass & low pass_ filters
65)butterworth filter has ___________transition
a. smooth
b. sudden
c. paek
d. b&c

66)these are the noises that are not random ,but very systematic errors
a . artefacts noise
b. salt&pepper noise
c. Gaussian noise
d. white noise

67) Mathematical morphology is a

a) set theory
b) logic diagram
c) graph
d) map
68) image morphology is an important tool in extraction of image _____________
a. features
b. colour
c. intensities
d. nature

69) the difference between the original image and the eroded is creates__________
a. higher level gray levels
b low lever gray level
c. boundary
d. unfilled regions

70)tap-hat transform is used for ____________

a. highlighting the bright peaks
b. highlighting the dark peaks
c. highlighting the bright and dark peaks
d. highlighting the dark and bright peaks

71)the theory of mathematical morphology is based on______________

a. image size
b. set theory
c. probability
d. correlation

72)well transform is used for ____________

a. highlighting the bright peaks
b. highlighting the dark peaks
c. highlighting the bright and dark peaks
d. highlighting the dark and bright peaks

73)thinning operation is used to remove the _________pixels

a. foreground
b. back ground
c. object
d. image

74).morphlogical gradient gives__________

a. transition from spatial to frequency
b. transition from dark to bright
c. transition from frequency to spatial

75)structering element is a _____________

A. mask
b. colour
c. background
d. pixel

76)____________is a process of removing of the extra tail pixels in an image

a) erosion
b) dilation
c) hit-miss transform
d) pruning

77) whatershed is process of _____________ the object

a) histogram
b) locating
c) transform
d) highliting

78) Two main operations of morphology are_______

A. erosion
B. dilation
C. set theory
D. Both A and B

79) Dilation followed by erosion is called

A. opening
B. closing
C. blurring
D. translation

80)Reflection and translation of the image objects are based on

A. pixels
B. frames
C. structuring elements
D. coordinates

81)Opening smooths the image's

A. pixels
B. lines
C. contour
D. boundary

82)Structuring elements have origins at

A. top left
B. top right
C. center
D. bottom left

83) Structuring element is also called

A. pixels
B. lines
C. subimage
D. noise

84) With dilation process images get

A. thickened
B. shrinked
C. thinner
D. sharpened

85)Opening and closing are each others

A. neighbors
B. duals
C. centers
D. corners

86) Erosion followed by dilation is called

A. opening
B. closing
C. blurring
D. translation

87) Opening is represented by

A. A o B
B. A+B
C. A-B
D. AxB

88) Subimages used to probe the image is called

A. pixels
B. frames
C. structuring elements
D. coordinates

89) Closing produces

A. narrow breaks
B. lines
C. dots
D. noise

90)A o B is the subset of

A. A
B. B
C. -A
D. -B

91)Dilation is used for

A. bridging gaps
B. compression
C. decompression
D. translation

92) AoB.oB is equal to

A. A.B
B. A+B
C. A o B
D. AxB
93)With erosion boundaries of the image are
A. expanded
B. shrinked
C. blurred
D. sharpened

94) In morphology the dilation is denoted as -------

A. A⊕B B. A B C. A B D. A B

95) ___________ arithmetic operation is used to reduce noise from the image
A. Addition
B. Subtraction
C. Multiplication
D. Division

96) A commercial use of Image Subtraction is ___________

A. Mask mode radiography
B. MRI scan
C. CT scan
D. None of the Mentioned

97) The AND operation is similar to the _____________operation of set theory

A. intersection
B. union
C. complement

98) The OR operation is similar to the _____________operation of set theory

A. intersection
B. union
C. complement

99)The NOT operation is similar to the _____________operation of set theory

A. intersection
B. union
C. complement

100) .color is a ___________phenomenon

a. physiopsychological
b. visual
c. identification
d. none

101)human perception of colour closely resembles the ____________clour model

a. CMY
b. RGB
c. HSI
102)____________is a mathematical model using which colours are represented ,created and
a. image
b. colour
c. colour space
d. none

103)the amount of white light present in a spectrum is called as ____________

a. intensity
b. saturation
c. hue
d. colour

104)a 24-bit colour image is called as ____________

a. binary image
b. RGB colour image
c. HSI colour model
d. true colour image

105)tonal image gives ____________

a. distribution of colour intensities
b. distribution of intensities
c. distribution of gray level intensities
d. distribution of low intensities

106)colour depth is ____________

a. number of bits used to represent the colour
b.number of bits used to represent the image size
c. number of bits used to represent the hue
d. number of bits used to represent the saturation

107) to correct the intensity variations of phosphor dots ,_________ correction is used
a. linear
b. gamma
c. alpha
d. wavelength

108)acromatic image is nothing but____________

a. colour image
b. B&W image
c. HSI colour image
d. CMYK colour image

109)chromaticity diagram is useful for ___________

a. colour mixing
b. colour changing
c. colour painting
d. colour complement

110) What is the basis for numerous spatial domain processing techniques
A. Transformations
B. Scaling
C. Histogram
D. None of the Mentioned

111)________________is process of partition the digital image in to multiple regions


112)__________is set of connected pixel that lie on the boundary between two regions.

113)the objective of the sharpening filter is _________

a.highlight the intensity transitions
b. highlight the low transitions
c.highlight the bright transitions
d. highlight the colour transitions

114)_____________has number of peaks

a.bimodel histogram
b.multimodel histogram

115)____________is the starting pixel of region growing process.

a.seed pixel
b.base pixel
c.original pixel

116)___________is a deformable model that fits a model for segmenting ROI


117)_______________is the position of sign change of the first derivative among neighboring

118)_________ has unimodel histogram pixel peak valley intensity level

119) abrivate ROI_______________

a.region of image
b.region of interest
c.region of indicator
d.restoration of image

120) the hough transform is used to fit points as _________________


121) 1. Digitizing the image intensity amplitude is called

A. sampling
B. quantization
C. framing
D. Both A and B

122) Image compression comprised of

A. encoder
B. decoder
C. frames
D. Both A and B

123) Coding redundancy works on

A. pixels
B. matrix
C. intensity
D. coordinates

124) Sequence of code assigned is called

A. code word
B. word
C. byte
D. nibble

125) Every run length pair introduce new

A. pixels
B. matrix
C. frames
D. intensity

126)In the coding redundancy technique we use

A. fixed length code
B. variable length code
C. byte
D. Both A and B

127)Morphology refers to
A. pixels
B. matrix
C. frames
D. shape

128) Types of data redundancy are

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

129)Information per source is called

A. sampling
B. quantization
C. entropy
D. normalization

130) 19. Compression is done for saving

A. storage
B. bandwidth
C. money
D. Both A and B

131) Shannons theorem is also called

A. noiseless coding theorem
B. noisy coding theorem
C. coding theorem
D. noiseless theorem

132) Which of the following algorithms is the best approach for solving Huffman codes?
a) exhaustive search
b) greedy algorithm
c) brute force algorithm
d) divide and conquer algorithm

133) In Huffman coding, data in a tree always occur?

a) roots
b) leaves
c) left sub trees
d) right sub trees

134) The type of encoding where no character code is the prefix of another character code is
a) optimal encoding
b) prefix encoding
c) frequency encoding
d) trie encoding

135) What is the running time of the Huffman encoding algorithm?

a) O(C)
b) O(log C)
c) O(C log C)
d) O( N log C)

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