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Lesson 2: Ancient Science - Mayan Priest & Warrior – blessing

of the warrior in fighting to protect

the ruins.
Pre-Colonial Era
- The golden age of the Maya Empire
Mesoamerica – 2000 years ago (2
began around 250 A.D. and grew to
some 40 cities. At its peak, the Maya
Meso = middle; America = North & South
population may have reached
- Mesoamerica is the region that is
now Mexico and Central America.
- Mayan ruins include huge Ziggurat
The Olmec and observatories used by
- 1200 B.C. – 600 A.D. - Astronomy
- First known civilization in Latin o Chichen Itza in Mexico –
popular Ziggurat
- Scriptures and temples indicate that
o Study astronomy for planting
kings or priests led the Olmec
and harvesting time
o Accurate calendar system – 18
o This focus on religious
months per year, known as
leadership influenced later
Tzolkin – 19 symbols
civilizations in the religion.
- Mayan Tools – for crops and
- At former religious centers
building cities
characterized by pyramid-shaped
- Arts – colorful; masks
temples, giant stone heads weighing
o System of Writing –
10 tons stood up to 11 feet tall.
The Maya - Mathematics – concept of zero
o The Maya Number System and
- 250 A.D. – 900 A.D. – The Classic
Long Count Units
- Mayan Rubber – the Mayans cut slits
- Now called the Yucatan Peninsula
in the bark if the rubber tree and
- The Mayan lived in modern-day
collected its sap.
southern Mexico and Central
o They used the dried sap to make
o Including the areas that are water-resistant shoes and
today Belize, El Salvador,
o Rubber was also used to make
Guatemala, and Honduras.
- The use of heads balls.
- Agriculture – maize (corn), sweet o The Mayans played games in
potatoes, and chilies. – Staple Food enclosed I-shaped courts with
of Ancient Mayans rubber balls
- Their central location made it very o These ballgames took on a
easy for the Maya to trade and ritual significance and were an
interact with other cultures from important part of Mayan
North and South America Culture
o The court was shaped like an o Approximately 30 million in the
upper case and many believe it entire empire
to be the first team sport - Toltec Empire – fought for their land
- Tikal - At the height of the civilization there
- Collapsed – warfare, volcanic were over 300,000 people living in
eruption, or drought the capital city of Tenochtitlan and
approximately 300 million living in
The Inca
the entire empire; abundant resources
- 1438 A.D. – 1533 A.D. - Aztec Religion – the god of all gods
- The Incas developed in the Andes is the son; they took a person and
Mountains in what is now Peru sacrifice him/her
- The Incas were ruled by an emperor - Contributions:
who had absolute power o Mandatory Education
- The Incas grew mostly corn and o Chocolate
potatoes o Antispasmodic Medication – for
- Built 14,000 miles of roads stomachache
- To farm the steep land: o Chinampa – floating garden;
o They cut terraces into the marketplace
mountainside o Aztec Calendar
o Built aqueducts to irrigate crops o Invention of the canoe – water
- Inca civilization transpo; artistic boat made of
o Roads paved with stones wood
o Stone buildings
o Irrigation system and technique
for storing water Lesson 3: Development of Science in Asia
o Calendar with 12 months
o First suspension bridge
o Quipu, a system of knotted - Medicine – earliest established
ropes; like small rosary beads o Ayurveda – herbal medicine
used for counting o Susruta Samhita – book of
o Inca Textiles – fabrics; clothing herbal medicines
- Farming in the Andes - Astronomy
o Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata (The
The Aztec
Great Indian Astronomer and
- 1200 A.D. – 1521 A.D. Mathematician)
- Built their capital on what is now o The Sun (Surya) is the center of
called Mexico creation, the point at which the
- Aztec people settled in the Valley of seen and unseen worlds unite
Mexico and what is now Mexico and is the visible source of the
City world in which we live.
- The capital city of Tenochtitlan - Mathematics
o Hindu-Arabic numeral system
o Mohenjodaro Ruler – made of o Banaue Rice Terraces –
wood sophisticated products of
o Based their faith from
- Chinese Ancient Compass abundance
- Paper making - Magellan’s Expedition (March 16,
- Gun powder – 75% saltpeter; 15% 1521) landed on Homonhon
charcoal; 10% sulfur o Wasn’t successful, real purpose:
find spices in Indonesia
Middle East
- Mathematics
o Khwarizmi (The Father of
Algebra) – al-jabr (thesis;
o Ibn Al-haytham - Ptolemy the
second (Ptolemaeus Secundus);
Father of modern optics
- Medicine
o Ibn-sina - physician
- Chemistry
o Oil and gold
- Medicine
- Metallurgy – metals; tools

Development of Science in the Philippines

Pre-Colonial Period
- Herbs and Herbal Medicines
- Fire, Light & Heat
- Jars (Manungguul, Bulol)
- Alibata (Writing System)
- Agricultural Revolution
o Methods in Farming
o Stones for recording purposes
o Clay pottery and soil minerals
for metallurgy
o Barter of different goods and
- Agricultural abundance

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