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Recreational activities are experiences or organized activities that you do or actively participate
in with others, to have fun and enjoy life during your free time. This includes experiences that
require physical activity and interactions and playing with other people. They are not things that
you do all by yourself (although you can attempt to do some by yourself but you will miss the
fun of doing it with others).

Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The "need to do something
for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and psychology. Recreational activities
are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun"

Recreation is the expenditure of time with an intent to gain some refreshment. It is a break from
monotony and a diversion from the daily routine. It is a positive change from the stereotypical
lifestyle and involves an active participation in some entertaining activity. Recreation is anything
that is stimulating and rejuvenating for an individual. The idea behind these activities is to
expand the mind and body in a positive, healthy way.

Recreational Education is an assistive tool to enable the individual to:

1) gain a broader understanding of where, why, how, and with whom he can pursue his
recreational interests and experiences and

2) unlearn non-adaptive and learn more functional responses, i.e. to develop different
modes of leisure behavior which will enable the individual to adapt to the
environment to meet his free time needs .


1. Mental Health
2. Physical Health
3. Emotional Stability
4. Social Fitness
5. Spiritual Wellness

Everyone needs to plan and best utilize daily free time for recreation. If leisure time is used correctly and
to the fullest, it will: recreate the body, mind, and spirit through and through

Bring forth renewed vigor, spirit, and creative effort

Recreational activities gives you opportunity to be creative, to express your basic needs, and to be your
real self. All work and no play makes a person not only dull but a sick, unbalanced, and unhappy
individual according to medical authorities. Students who correctly balance work and play are more
productive and tend to be in better physical, mental, social, and emotional health. Students who are
disciplined, well-organized, and have life goals well in mind will have better chances of being successful.
These will help them build a lifelong habit.

Recreational activities like sports will develop muscular strength, agility, power, flexibility, and improve
one’s health. Engaging in group activities develops social skills that will lead to the development of
proper conduct and behavior and social graces. Worthwhile recreational activities give students or youth
opportunities to be busy with meaningful activities instead of roaming around and doing harmful vices
like abusing dangerous drugs. Other Values that you can derive from engaging in worthwhile
recreational activities.

Regular family activities can help everyone become more active and healthier. This gives both parents
and children the opportunity to interact as a family and have fun together. In addition, some community
facilities include senior citizen programming. Indoor recreational programs can include martial arts,
table tennis, racquetball, bowling, indoor swimming, indoor treadmills, indoor bicycling, arts and crafts,
indoor skating, and more. Recreation Center in other Colleges: In recent years, universities have come to
the realization that their academic prestige alone is not enough to attract the world’s top students,
athletes, and overall academic participants. In an era when students are more mobile and discerning
than ever, university officials have gone on a major building boom that has seen designer dorms,
stunning libraries, and amazing recreation centers characterize campuses across the world.


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