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Sample Syllabus

Below is a sketch of the astronomy syllabus modeled on a 28-week course. This sample can be
adapted based on your course schedule. Navigate the chapters and lessons for more detail.

Week Unit Sample of Topics Covered

Week Achievements of early astronomers, the zodiac, the ideas

The History of Astronomy
1 of Copernicus, types of calendars

Week How Scientists Think and Definition of science, the scientific method, kinds of
2 Work0 research methods, Occam's Razor

Week Types and properties of matter, phase change, the atom,

Matter in Astronomy
3 elements

Definition of light, electromagnetic waves, color, an

Light in Astronomy overview of quantum physics, calculations with Wien's
Law and the Stefan-Boltzmann Law

Week A look at the three laws of motion, difference between

Newton's Laws in Astronomy
5 mass and weight, force, friction, acceleration

Linear momentum, the significance of energy, definition

Momentum and Energy of pressure, conversion among units of pressure, the
Ideal Gas Law

Week Rotational Motion and Differences between rotational and translational motion,
7 Momentum rotational inertia, angular momentum, equilibrium


Week Stages of planetary development, how the Earth was

Earth's Spheres
8 formed, the Earth's layers, the atmosphere

Week Differences between weather and climate, factors that

Climate Influences
9 determine climate, global warming

How to calculate orbital speeds, Kepler's Laws of

Week Orbits, Gravity and Orbital
Planetary Motion, causes of the tides, practice problems
10 Motion
in free fall

Week The Earth's rotational cycle, the cycle of the seasons,

The Earth, Sky and Moon
11 theories regarding the moon's origin, eclipses

Week The Formation and Phases of Theories on how the moon formed, lunar geology and
12 the Moon atmosphere, moon phases and motion

How gas is gained or lost in the atmosphere, the

Earth and Planet Atmospheres surfaces and atmospheres on Earth, Venus, Mercury and
Week Layers of the sun, solar wind, sunspots, the life cycle of
The Sun and Energy
14 the sun

The solar system's age, the Jovian problem, planetary

The Solar System Formation motion, discrepancies between the theoretic and actual
temperatures of planets

Week The Solar System The planets and their important features, moons,
16 Characteristics planetary geology

The Solar System's Smaller Satellite formation, Jovian satellites, meteorites,

Objects and Satellites Lesson meteoroids, shooting stars, asteroids, comets, dwarf
Plans planets

Determining the size of a star, brightness, how stars

Star Qualities generate and transport energy, the spectral sequence
and temperature

Week Groupings by color, size and life cycle, star clusters,

Star Types
19 binary stars

The interstellar medium, types of nebulae, nuclear fusion

The Birth and Life of Stars and stellar structure, ways several types of stars are

Week Star Death and Stellar Supernovae and supergiants, death of massive stars,
21 Remnants pulsars, black holes


Week How galaxies are formed, the galaxy's nucleus, the Milky
The Milky Way Galaxy
22 Way's shape and its location in the universe, dark matter

Week The cosmic distance ladder, spiral galaxies, Hubble's

Properties of Galaxies
23 Law, quasars

Week The Big Bang, the development of the early universe,

Universe Theories
24 models of the universe, the age of the universe

Week Theories regarding the origins of life on Earth, natural

Life in the Universe
25 selection, predictors of life on other planets

Week Units of time, celestial coordinates, the Tropics of Cancer

Celestial Time and Navigation
26 and Capricorn

Week Classical relativity, time dilation, space contraction, the

Relativity in Time and Space
27 impact of gravity on space and time

Radio, refracting and reflecting telescopes, how

Telescopes telescopes work, telescope mounts, factors that hinder
astronomical observing from Earth

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