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Summary of WHO Recommendations

Who? Adults and Children with Children <5 Children >5, adolescents and Patients: ● Prisoners
adolescents HIV adults ● Initiating anti-TNF ● Healthcare workers
with HIV treatment ● Immigrants from countries
● Receiving dialysis with high TB burden
● Preparing for organ or ● Homeless people
haematological ● People using illicit drugs
● Silicosis
Setting N/A N/A N/A Countries with Countries with N/A Countries with low incidences
low incidences high

Household contact Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

Treatment Preventive Preventive Preventive Systematically May be given Tested and treated for Systemically tested and
treatment treatment TB tested TB preventive LTBI treated for LTBI
regardless of irrespective Treated for treatment
ART status of degree of LTBI

Recommendation Strong Strong Strong Strong Conditional Strong Conditional

Evidence Moderate High High High-moderate Low Low-very low Low-very low

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