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1 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)
1 You will feel better if you o_________ u___ to someone about your problems.
2 You need to s______ d____ and take things easy!
3 Let’s c______ o___ this weekend. I don’t want to do anything stressful.
4 Sarah has to f______ u___ to the fact that she needs to do more exercise.
5 I have c____ d________ on the amount of sugar I eat since I saw that TV programme.

2 The bold words are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (5 marks)
1 You should stretch before exercise to avoid a(n) dislocated. ____________
2 My skin is very injury. I can’t stop scratching it. ____________
3 Karen has got broken muscles after running in the marathon. ____________
4 My leg is itchy from my fall. I can’t walk. ____________
5 I’ve got a(n) aching shoulder – it happened during the rugby match. ____________

3 Complete with the words in the box. There is one extra word which you do not need to use. (5 marks)
accessible advisable caution
cautious national snow
1 There was a lot of _______________ on the mountain.
2 It isn’t ________________ to swim in that lake because it is very deep.
3 The ______________ dish of Scotland is haggis.
4 Drivers should be _______________ while driving in the rain because the roads are slippery.
5 The beach is only ________________ by boat.


4 Match words 1–5 to definitions A–E. (5 marks)

1 etiquette __ A when people communicate with each other
2 netiquette __ B good behaviour
3 politeness __ C social rules that determine how people behave
4 interaction __ D recognizing the value of something
5 appreciation __ E social rules that determine how people
behave on the internet

5 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)

1 Emma is always r________________ to other people. She is polite and considerate.
2 Many people live in p___________ and don’t have enough to eat or anywhere to live.
3 Tina’s family is very w___________ ; they have a lot of money.
4 The male bird will try to attract a m________ with his colourful feathers.
5 Annie always has good m______________ and is very polite.

6 Complete the sentences with if or unless and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 marks)
1 ________ we ______________ (not hurry), we will miss the bus.
2 I’ll go for a run, but only ________ you ________ (come) with me.
3 ________ I had known you were ill, I _________ ___________________ (not ask) you to help me tidy up.
4 We _____________ (go) to the beach tomorrow ____________ the weather is bad.
5 ________ I _________________ (study) harder for the exam, I would have got better marks.

7 Write sentences using the conditional form in brackets. (10 marks)

1 I / lie / sun / too / long / I / get / sunburn!
(first conditional)
2 you / be / late / you / not hurry up.
(first conditional)
3 Tom / be / very happy / his football team / win / tonight. (first conditional)
4 Karen / study / Spanish / at school / get /
that job. (third conditional)
5 we / not meet / I / not move / to / London.
(third conditional)

8 Write subject questions, object questions or questions with prepositions. Use the tenses in brackets. (10
1 who / design / these / clothes? (past simple)
2 what / they / work / on? (past continuous)

3 who / your / brother / talk / to?
(present continuous)
4 what / she / do? (present simple)
5 who / the / product / aim / at?
(present simple passive)

9 Complete the sentences with the verbs using the conditional form in brackets. (10 marks)
be buy eat like go have
not meet not move pass win
1 __________ you ___________ a big house if you ____________ the lottery?
(second conditional)
2 Ann __________ happy if she __________ her exam. (first conditional)
3 We _____________________ and got married if I ________________ from my flat in Madrid to that shared
house in London. (third conditional)
4 I __________________ more vegetables if I ____________ them. (second conditional)
5 We _________________ on that holiday if we _________ the money. (second conditional)

10-.Complete the dialogue with the words. There are two words you do not need. (10 marks)
could don’t have not should sure unlikely
Maisie It’d be great if we (1) __________ go to the film festival.
Jordan Hmm. It’s (2) _____________ that we’ll get tickets – it’s very popular.
Maisie Why (3) _________ we check the website to see if there are any tickets left.
Jordan We’d better (4) __________ leave it too late to check the website. Let’s do it now.
Maisie OK. There are (5) __________ to be a few tickets left, I think.

Listening _____ /10 Reading _____ /15

Vocabulary _____ /20 Writing _____ /15
Grammar _____ /30
Practical English _____ /10 TOTAL _____ /100
Writing _____ / 10


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