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Group 1


The Tourist spot that our group wan’t to go is the Island Of Siargao,
Siargao is located in the province of Surigao Del Norte, with its
teardrop shaped island, which is super unique.

Why Siargao some Might Ask, well that’s our question to but
clearly the picture says it all siargao is one of the famous places
in the Philippines know to its islands and Fascinating views, and
the clear water where you can swim freely, and it is a home for
surfers, because the perfect cloud 9 wave that the waters are
making, That’s why it is known to be the Philippines surfing

Siargao is really Rich Island and a rich place in terms of its

History culture and the place itself with many colors telling a
story and giving memories for all the people to come and visit
here that’s why we want to go to Siargao, a place of peace,
sincerity, relaxation, and a place to make happy memories with
your love ones and bond.

There might be a question that is lingering from you right now, why is the description of this place so
short and has less information, The answer to that my friend is you can never explain a true experience
why try it yourself and visit Siargao a Place to remember.

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