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Direction de l’Enseignement Supérieur BACCALAUREAT PROFESSIONNEL ET

S ervice de l’ E valuation et de la
S colarité SESSION 2006

Secteur : AGRICOLE Epreuve de  :

Filières : Agriculture - Elevage Durée  : 2
Code Matière : 002 Coefficient  : 2



Theoretically, the earth will be able to produce enough food to sustain its expected
population in the year 2000 provided that a major effort is made to boost agriculture
production. So concludes a report presented at the 22 nd general conference of the FAO.
At the same time, on the basis of currently available data, at least 35 of the 117 countries
which make up the Third World have no chance of becoming self-sufficient in food
production by the end of the century (…)
It is in Africa that the food problem is most acute. Twenty years ago, Africa was able
to provide enough food for its people, but since then it has fallen further and further
behind the rest of the world, and at an increasing speed (…)
According to the FAO, the critical situation has been caused by several factors :
 Poor crops as a result of a drought.
 Animal diseases and particularly a serious outbreak of cattle disease which
killed much livestock.
 The mushrooming of armed conflicts and growing insecurity on the continent,
leading to a sharp growth in the number of refugees.
 On the other side, the population does not stop growing up. The birthrate is
always higher than deathrate (…)
Africa’s battle against famine, moreover, is rended more difficult by the world
economic recession, which has already given rise to a high level of indebtedness (…).
By Ginette COT AfriAsia (adapted)



I°- Answer the questions (1 pt x 8)

1. What is the text about ?
2. When was this report presented ?
3. What is the problem in Africa ?
4. Give two factors which have caused this problem.
5. What does FAO stand for ?
6. The writer seems to be pessimistic. Why ?
7. Is climate one factor which contributes to this problem ?
8. Why is there a lot of refugees on the continent ?

II°- True or False ? (0,5 pt x 4)
1. Africa has no problem of food.
2. The Third World is made up of 117 countries.
3. The population is increasing.
4. There are more birthrates than deathrates.

III°- Find in the text (0,5 pt x 4)

1. The synonyms of : a) sharp
b) consequence
2. The opposites of : a) rich
b) low

B°- GRAMMAR (4 points)

I°- Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (0,5 pt x 4)

1. They (to dance) when we (to arrive) last night.
2. If I (to follow) mum’s advice I (to be) rich now.

II°- Guided Reformulation

Rewrite the sentences as indicated (0,5 pt x 4)
1. They are building a house
 A house………………………………………………………….
2. “ I shall fly to Paris tomorrow ” David told us.
 David told us……………………………………………………
3. Jane has got brown eyes.
 Jane is a ………………………………………………girl.
4. I won’t come if you don’t phone me.
 …………………………………unless…………………………
I°- Complete the dialogues (0,5 pt x 2)
1. A : Ouch ! You’ve walked on my foot.
B : ……………………………………..
2. A : I’ve passed my exam !
B : ……………………………..

II°- Match the utterances in column A with the situations in B (1 pt x 3 )

1- How about going to the cinema? a- on the phone
2- Speaking! b- Advising
3 – You should learn your lessons seriously. c- Inviting
d- At the post-office.

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