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Notes on the design What does design mean? It is essential to

which are of interest. such as the roof of the
Olympic stadium in Munich or ProfessQr Frei
define at least approximately what one means
of cable roofs by the design of cable roofs before there can
Otto's'roof at Mecca (Fig. 1).
it means choosing the right materials. The
be a meaningful discussion. The designer. size or strength is not really too difficult. It
Peter Rice taced with a problem, starts with an attitude. is choosing the stiffness that can cause diffi- 1
This attitude is the product of his experience culties. Should it be rope or strand? The cor-

and his interpretation of it. When one writes rect size and stiffness of beams in a structure
This paper was given al the International a paper entitled 'Notes on the design of such as the Mecca roof is also very much a
Associalion for Shell Srruc[lJres Pacific Sym- cable roofs' one is codifyil1g an attitude, design decisiOIl.
posium; Parr 2: Tension struC((1ras and space selecting those experiences which have form-
It means specifying a set of cable lengths
frames, which was held in Tokyo and Kyoto, ed it. and describing how and why they
Japan, 77-23 October, 1977. have relevallce to the general problems.
There is. of course, a body of fact. The Young's
which. when manufactured
become the roof.
and assembled.

It means defining the building process so that

modulus of steel rope is- a fact. Whether or
not rope is a more suitable material than spiral we can understand the available tolerances r
The design of cable roofs consists of specify- steel strand is il1 the end an attitude. The
answer will vary from problem to problem and
and the effect inaccuracy of manufacture
will have on the final structure.
illQ a compatible geometry, choosing the right
materials and designing all the bits and from designer to designer. There are other It means designing anchorages, clamps and

pieces. All designers have an attitude to- factors in the design process which cannot other connections. It means choosirtg the
wards the thil1gs they design. This paper be codified imagination and flair are two. level of prestress.
describes the attitude of one designer. It These are not the subject of this paper. It means analysis, checking the firtal struc- Fig.
de$cribes how three unsymmetrical cable One asks again, and now with particular ture for the effects of applied loads: checking Secti
lOaf geometries were defined without the use reference to Cable roofs, what does design overall effects such as dYl1amic stability: and (
of models_ It describes the evolution of the mean? in wind and under other periodic loads.
geometrical shape of the third roof and it It means defining a geometry that is economic It means other things such as the choice of
discusses the factors which govern the selec- and feasible, a geometry which exists and will

suitable cladding materials. the connectioll
tion of manufacturing tolerances, the choice resist the applied loads in a reasonable fash- between the flexible cable roof alld the sur-
between rope and strand and the design of ion, without local soft points, without high rounding rigid structures, the choice of a
fittings. It starts from the premise that cable stress concentrations. There are. of course, site and the location and design of the an-
roofs are meant to be flexible and that they simple geometries, where there is little prob-
should be specified exactly for manufacture. lem. 11 is the more complex geometries
etc .. but the list is already long
Even then only some of the things I
I Fig,

i Flow

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1 can t
the p'
I hay
I thing
I Thet
i three
(1) 1
on ih
,' '
I tensil
(2) f
(3) I
, r Coni
i simp
and t

i termi

r the n

j (Fig.
ses [
in th
,II gene.
\ " , ,./ 'I ./ 'I· , as it
l and I
",;4 \mEmm\ ,::::/ /~/ 1 neSSE
\ ' / j speci
\ / i Moo
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Fig. 1
p,," of Acdiwlicm-Mcc," Cecfee"ce Ceo,,, ",d He'"
Y I boun
6 ~ sprea

. ~.}--
.- .
~~~~ • I
I e
Fig. 2 h Auditorlum- Mecca
Section throug Centre - Hotel
and Conference

~!n cable profile cbecked on CABNET

~""S forces on boundary cable

Boundarycable run on CABNETC<I----_,
on DATCAB, give. lengths, load., etc

Ya" BUcceasiul DATCAB output

Fig.3 ,,~_cJ/
Flow diagram for hanging roof ·~~ .~.
can be dealt with, some aspects of some of
the problems. III the discussion which follows,
I have tried to limit the description to those
things where there are <Jt least some facts to
r \. ./> /".~
/"_: I; """'\ \,
~ ~,;",
I ." ;<././
aI' -----------/

lelate. ....
)./~.;'<" -:::
'. \ \
The beginning is the shJpe. In general terms
~ //·.(I'''~~''''' .--~
\ "' ... -......
three types of shape are used
,. ' ,,
(1) The anti clastic curvature broadly based , /
O~the hyperbolic paraboloid, or on minimum
tension nets
,, ,, !
(2) Heavyweight cable roofs of regular or ir-
regular shape
(3) Prestressed cable trusses, either with or
without shear stiffness
These can be irregular in shape (Fig. 4 Mecca
Conference Oasis-Plan). With any of these
systems the approximate design is easy. A
simple funicular diagram of the most curved
and the least curved areas will suffice to de-
termine the general stress levels. The diffi-
culties arise ill definillg the geometry exactly,
particularly if the support is provided through
boundary cables. How this was done on two
irregular structures is now explained. One is Fig. 4
the main Auditorium roof for the Hotel and Plan of Conference Oasis Kafess-Mecca
Conference Centre at Mecca, Saudi Arabia
(Architects: Rolf GLJ\brod and Frei Otto)
(Fig. 1) and the other is the radial cable trus-
ses of the Conference Oasis Kafess (Fig. 4)
also at Mecca. Model analysis, which is the
most direct method for defining complex
geometries. was not used. The use of models
in this context is discussed elsewhere'. The
generation of the geometry of a third stru(;-
ture, Hirst's Amphitheatre. is also described
as it provided me with one or two surprises
and leads quite well into a discussion on stiff-
nesses. Before beginning. it is relevant to say
I _J
that I believe that cable roofs should be
specified exactly for the manufacturer. To '" "
adjust a cable roof is not easy.
Mecca Auditorium roof geometry
I- 16metres
~~ ,
The Mecca Auditorium roof (Figs. 1 and 2.)
is a heavyweight cable roof susperrded from a
steel frame at one end arrd at the other from
boundary cables. which span between guyed Fig.5
masts. The roof has three panels. each of Profiles of three radials of Confererrce Oasis Kafess-Mecca
\A'hich is about 6 m across at the frame and
spreads out to 2.5 m at the boundary cable

---- ---
T J-
--- - b.1

• ·W WI
Fig.6 Ci
Prestress diagram

O","",e ~/fl from preslress dl.gram CO
V 'w~"m,"~"",M"'"
{flrot !terotion only) ~
Chooso preotre.s level
~lculale I>or!>onlai profile ofrboundary oable

c.lculate vertic.1 profUo of bound.ry cable 1\
g""k luI! bound.ry cable

Y.e .uooe.slu! boundary cable

Fig. 7 Fig.8 I In
Flow diagram for prestressed roof Plan of Hirst's Amphitheatre
! ~

end. There is a ridge line in the centre of the

i ~b
centre panel and the roofs fall away to allow I n
rainwater to flow dway. A vertical clerestorey
connects the centre and side panels. The

generators are 75 mm x 75 mm double
angles spaced 500 mm apart. The cables are
2.6 mm strand.
[ H

When defining the geometry of a single cable.
one needs to know the relative position of the r •
two end supports. the pattern of load and
I ;
the length. Here the frame support is known.
At the other end the points of support of the
boundary cable are known but the boulldary
cable profile is not known. This boundary •
cable profile cannot be fOllnd until the magni-
tude and direction of the applied cable forces t •~
are known. These reqllire a knowledge of the
boundary cable. On any of the roof panels Fig. 9 I ~~
the free cable profiles were incompatible with
the straight generators. To establish the geo-
Sections through Hirst's Amphitheatre
I • ~

metry. define the cable lengths and angle

lengths, an iterative system was used. As part
I ~
of the routine. two existing cable analysis
programs were used. These were called
was then rlln on the FINDEF program and the
geometry under load was found. On the early
mine the necessary prestress and to blJild IIp
a picture of the prestressed condition. I ~

CABNET and FINDEF, CABNET was a three
dimensional cable network program using
runs the answer from the FINDEF rlJn differed
considerably from the input geometry. In
For initial design pllrpOSeS a simple model
was created for a radial cable pair. In the fol-
particular the boundary cable moved con- lowing, f is the sag and I the length between
the method of steepest descent' FINDEF d,
siderably. Therefore the output of the FINDEF support points and T" and T, are the hori"
was a three dimellsional modified stiffness pi
program was used to give a new set of bOllnd" zontal components of the tension in the upper
program developed at Manchester University
ary cable forces and the boundary cable was "g'
by Dr. Brotton3, With FINDEF. bending stiff- and lower cables respectively and T, the Sllm
re-calculated on CABNET. The cycle had oIT.andT,.
ness can be mixed with cables. b,
started again (See Fig. 3). The iterative pro- For lJniform load a small deflection theory
The iterative procedure is shown in Fig. 3.
Firstly. the approximate main cable profiles
cess was considered finished when the dif"
ference between the deflected shape of the
gives a linear relationshipbelWeen the cable
tensions and applied external load w for any
were checked by CABNET (the support at PI
boundary cable on the CABNET run and the sag ratio f ,If,. This can be expressed graphi- ~
the boundary cable end was presumed to lie
on the line betv,'een the tops of the two masts
FINDEF run was rlO more than 5 mm in the
direction of the main cables and 20 mm normal
cally as shown in the prestress diagram (Fig. "

as the first approximation) An approximate to the main cables. Once this was done, the
6). The results of the linear analysis were 1\ - th
boundary cable was defined and analysed roof was checked strllcturally on FINDEF for
tested on the computer using the three di- to
llnder the main cable forces. This defined the mensional cable program CAB NET for a range I w
all likely load conditions. of profile shapes. The deviations from the b,
boundary cable support points. These support
Four quite separate but similar geometries linear prestress diagram were small. Iii
points were then used to recalculate the main
were defined in this way. One has been built Using the general architectural considera"
cable profiles. The modified forces on the
and three others should be erected in July. tions for Sllrface continllity and the need to
boundary cables from the main cables were
lJsed to define a more correct boundary Mecca Kafess structure keep all the cables the same size, the ratio of
cable without a change of length. Using this Kafess is an Arabic word for a timber lattice. cable sags 1"/1, was chosen and from that the u
boundary cable profile and the two extreme In this case it will be used 10 provide shade to approximate cable profiles were calculated.
cables of the roof (e.g. both edge cables or an internal courtyard. The kafess strllcture is As with the main audit::nillm the boundary I",
the ridge cable and side cable). the specially a free form radial system of prestressed cable cable support points had to be assllmed. Us-
written program DATCAB was run to establish
an inplJt data for the Brotton stiffness pro-
gram FINDEF. The two defining edge cables
trusses which are supported from a central
boundary cable and connected to a building
at the outer boundary.
ing the level of prestress required in the most
highly stressed radial pair, the horizontal
profile of the boundary cable was checked by

hand and the level of prestress on each radial 01
were slJbdivided and connected with the
generators, The remaining cables were de-
The boundary cable and t~e points at which
the radial planes Slart had to be defined ac- pair was found. Where this was excessive or ,
fined by interpolation along the generators curately. The radial planes. which differed when the boundary cable tension was ex- d,
8 which therefore had no moment. This input from each other, had to be formed to deter- cessive, the boundary cable profile was ad- ;1
justed. This adjustment changed the force When these first desiqlls were checked on the minimum radius of curvature of large dia-
balance and herlce the prestress level of the computer. the vertical deflection was dis- meter steel strands is carefully controlled.
radial pairs. When an acceptable balance had covered to be about 300 mm under the maxi- The last factor is that ropes ar8 much easier
been found. the horizontal profile of the mum wind 01 snow load. This caused an in- to grip. either as end sockets or swages or in
boundary cable V'/as checked on the computer crease in total horizontal tellsion from 29.5 clamps. This is discussed below.
(CABNET) 'Nilh the radial pairs included as tons to 38.4 tons or approximately 30%. It In spite of this. there are occasions when one
springs. Once the horizontal profile was fixed, was apparent that the deflections were large can legitimately prefer strand to rope. Whereas
the vertical profile was checked. by finding the and that the small deflectioll theory expres- I would always prefer rope to strand for pre-
vertical loads on the boundary cable from sed in the prestress diagram was 1I0t working stressed systems and for all boundary cables.
the basic geometries defined earlier. A simple too well Furthermore, the assumption that there is plobably flO need 10 use rope for
funicular polygon sufficed to give a good idea the ring was a pinned system was proving single curvature heavyweight cable roofs,
of the vertical profile of the boundary cable, difficult to substantiJte at a detailed level, Here the deflectiol1 in response to load is
as the horizontal component of the tension pins are Ilotoriously expensive and difficult largely geometric and the eHect of cable strain
was known. The whole boundary cable. to design and manufacture, It also became is less important.
under its full loads. was then checked on apparent that a system of erection where the
CABNET. The new positions of the inside end ring was tensioned at ground level would be Tolerances
of the radial pairs were used when the radial much easier to handle than one where the For tolerances one might read erection prob-
pairs were redefined (using the same ratio tensioning was done ill the air. This was lems. because for completely pretabricated
I./f,) The new forces were fed into a flew particularly true as it was intl;'nded to re-use cable structures the two are almost synony-
boundary cable Tun. Two iteratiolls or the the building on a number of sites in the sum- mous. As with any discussion on tolerances.
computer part of the sequence were usually mer. This led to the concept that inside the prejudice plays a large part. My central belief
sufficient to get good (lgreement for the frame there should be a continuous compres- is that no Jllowance should be made for ad-
boundary cable shape. sion ring which could be pre-tensioned and justment except at points where the cable
lifted into position, with deflated airbags system is joined to concrete. Thus on the
One sample computer check on a modified
placed on it. Early design checks of this sys- Mecca heavyweight main roof no adjustrnel1t
'Nhole kafess structure (using reduced num-
tem. to determine the overall stability of the is allowed on the cable to boundary cable
ber of radial pairs) was carried out and gave
truss. particularly during lifting. were dOlle connection or at the masts. or the main beam.
satisfactory results, The iterative system is
using a simplified truss (See Fig. 9) It was It is therefore very important that the cables
set cut in Fig. 7.
obvious that 1his straight system WBS ideal are accurately manufactured and specified.
Hirst's Amphitheatre for easy erection and the early indications The rationale for this decision is that small
Shortly after the design of the Mecc(l kafess errors could create havoc while erecting a roof
showed that it did not deflect much more than
structure had been completed. another design and it would be extremely difficult to define a
the previous geometry. Detailed checks on the
opportunity arose in vvhich the general ex- base against vvhich to assess errors, The size
computer using the non-linear cable pro·
perience developed there was put to use. A of tolerable error can. of course. be defined, It
grams showed that the additional tension in-
site in the centre of LOlldon had been chosel1 is related to the overall elastic extension of the
duced .at the ring because of tile straight
for a temporary theatre required for three cables was onty from 29,5 tons under no cables under load. As an example. if the cables
months during the winter. The theatre had to on Mecca had an eX1ension ul1der working
load to 42.3 tons under full load. compared
be re-usable, This site. which was irregular
. in shape. was surrounded by grass and it was
with 28.5 tons to 38.4 tons. This was. of
course, helped a great deal by the fact that
load of approximately 60 mm thell 50 mm
extra length would cause overloading in other

a condition of the lease that the construction cables. Conversely a short cable would
rope with a low Young's Modulus was being
. company should not damage the grass. An at1ract a high load. In general, it is probably
used. A simple analysis was then carried out
existing band·stal1d at one end acted as a true that occasiol1al errors of up to 40% of the
to find the minimum number of vertical mem-
stage. MaXimum Site use was reqUired. As working extension are acceptable, This i5
bers alld their disposition. The local effect of

ihe buiiding was to be used as a circus. it had usually achievable in practice. This has been
applying load to the straight prestressed
.. a natural centre which dictated the seating checked on a specially constructed trial erec-
cables was accommodated by the ability
plan. The solutiOn was generated by the plan- tion structure erected at Tours. Fral1ce. which
of the system to strain sufficiently to develop a
~ing and It IS shown on Fig. 8 superimposed was also used to train personl1el who can enter
curvature to resist 1he loads, The stressing
on a site plan. It has vertical walls. 13 m high Mecca, Errors of perhaps 25% call also be
assumed that the ropes would be just taut ill
and a prestressed ring structure. The roofing accepted in prestressed systems. though there
the horizontal position when the drum height
is made of large pneumatic air bags sus- will be some distortion of the surface when
was zero, Once this system had been defil1ed.
... pended between the vertical planes of the errors occur. These errors do not affect the
the effect of tolerance errors and stressing
'. prestressed cables and spilling out over the ultimate capdcity of the roof. Overall errors
inaccuracies was easy to account for. At the
1 edges, Initially the desigll of the walls and do not much aflect heavyweight roofs. but
' ring was seen as a number of similar shear
time of writing. this structure has been manu-
they can have a big effect on prestressed
I panel segments pinned together. With a
factured (includillg the pneumatic
but has not been used for financial reasons.
pill ned compression ring at the top. This was
There are hopes that it will be used in the near An alternative solution. adopted for the Mecca
stabilized by the spring s,-,pport of the cable
future, kaless structure where all the cobles are con-
planes, which. once they are tenSioned. act
nected at one end to the surrounding concrete
In both tension and compression,
1 The curvature of both the lOp and bottom
cable was chosen equal, so that under small
Relative stiffnesses
or rope versus

The correct choice between rope and strand

structlJre, is to use adjustable friction fi1tings.
These are there to counteract concrete errors,
The philosophy of this choice is somewhat
deflection theory the effective tension ap- is often clouded by the simple issues. Strand tortuous but real for all that. It was to mJke the
plied to the outside compression ring did not can be up to 30% cheaper than rope for the fittings adjustable but difficult to use. thus
change (See Fig. 6). It can be seen from the same load carried. Strand is light and, in the placing a positive emphasis 011 accurate
geometry that an artificial centre node has smaller diameters. easy to handle. It is stable fabrication
"been chosen for the ring, The engle sub- and predictable in performance and its elastic
tended at the boundary is the same for all the modulus E is well known. It is stiffer than rope Design of fittings
circular elements. The large angles are ap- and therefore deflects less. But is this what is Fittings are the attachments which grip
proximately equal to three times the smaller wanted 7 Being stiffer, it also extends less and cables either at the end or along their length.
angles. Thus all trusses were from the same in a prestressed structure this means a much They can be classified by the method used to
size rope, the corner trusses being simply greater emphasis on accurate specification grip the coble. Three kinds are in common use
three standard trusses. It was anticipated that and manufacture of the cables and a much in cable roofs cast zinc sockets which are
the changes in tension applied at the ring greater range of prestress if any errors occur. always end fittings; pressed or swaged fit-
which would result from the deflection. would Being stiffer it deflects less and this means that tings and friction fittings which clamp on the
be accommodated by small changes ill the the benefits of non-linearity are less. A struc- cable. Each is appropriate in different circum-
ring profile under use. These small changes ture where the load carfying capacity has stances. Cast zinc sockets are used 011 large
would most likely arise due to tolerance errors been defined on static geometry has a large rope and on strand. Pressed fittings are usual
in the mallufacture of the rope or the ring. as additional reserve of strength from its non- as el1d fittings on smaller ropes. Friction fit-
well as unsymmetrical load. linearity (perhaps 20-30% before prestress is tings are usual for intermediate fittings on a
Under wind load the rillg acted as a hori- lost). But the biggest disadvantage comes cable, either strand or rope. Sockets and pres-
zontal frame rather like a bicycle wheel. trans- from its bendil1g stiffness. All but the smallest sed fittings are supplied with the cable and are
ferring load to the vertical shear panels. The spiral steel strallds have a substantio,1 bending normally fully tested and guaral1teed by the
relative size of these willd forces was small stiffness, This is most a'Nkward when handling manufacturer. As such, the choice between
compared to the net prestress forces (maxi- the cable and if mishandled one often finds them is not a problem and the only compara-
mum 25 kN compared with a totat average wires buckle out. This belldil1g stiffness can tive comment that can be made is that one
prestress force for the top and bottom cables al50 cause local overstressing under clamping imagines pressed fittings would be better in
of 300 kN). Full sno','.' load of 720 N/m< and forces. The exact bending' which exists is fire. However. there is no direct evidence on
a wind uplift of 740 N/m2 were used in the difficult to calculate and the only guide knowll this and very little evidence on the fire resis-
design. The first estimate of a design geometry to me is given in Wyatt's paper~. Altogether tance of fittings generally. The design prob-
is showll in Fig, 9. great care has to be taken to ensure that the lems arise with friction fittillgs. 9
The central problem with friction fittings is alth
pldte, anchorage and bolts. Towers varied in
the choice of a co-efficient of friction. The co-
efficient of friction determines the clamping
Stressed rock- height from 23-76 m. Uplift forces varied from
52.000 to 104,000 kg. For the purpose of
force and hence the size of the clamp. (Certain
people feel that the length of clamp also
anchor antenna- design, two types of footirlg were developed,
one for towers from 23 m to 46 m and the
affects the co-efficient of friction but this is
support towers lan(
not well documented). Recently a series of
tests was made on friction fittings, giving
quite different results. In each test the cables
were galvanized. The three tests were:
Bob Kelman and
other for 53 m to 76 m.
Various prestressing systems were examined
and the FreVssiner System was chosel1. It
proved most easily adaptable to the design
1I VIIal
(a) A cast and galvanized intermediate clamp
Harry Holmes < and offered cable capacities most suited to It v
the renge 01 forces required. Anchorage forces skil
200 mm long on a 60 mm spiral steel Introduction
strand with a clamping force of 200 tons. At the time of its inception in 1964. the East-
available from the ground were assumed to be
the weight of a 60° inverted cone with its
The co-efficient of sliding friction was West route linking Port Pirie in South vertex at the anchorage depth (Fig. 2) No toe
0.10. Australia with Northam, 80 miles north-east
of Perth (job no. A165), was the longest
advantage was taken of soil cohesion, in- f EPl
(b) The same clamp ungalvanized with the ternal friction or tensile strength in sailor toe
same force and strand. The co-efficient of microwave route yet considered. rock. A factor of safety was taken at 1.6 for stru
sliding friction was 0.23. Of the total route length of 2250 km, the cen- the weight of the soil cone over uplift forces oed
tral section crossed 1100 km of barren, fea- exerted by the tower under design '-"lind speed kite
(c) A 150 mm galvanized end clamp on a
16 mm rope with a clamping force of 44 tureless plain. virtually devoid of any services, of 160 km/h. \ witl
with summer temperatures reaching 50°C. .6d
tons. The co-efficient of sliding friction
was 0.3 and that for sustained friction and with no recognized sources of water.
To ensure that the stressing force was re-
strained beD.'Veenthe footing bearing on the I slB
Supply of materials, maintenance of equip" ground and the pile anchored at its lower ex- bv,

was 0.28.
ment and adequate accommodation for men tremit'(, a slip joint was provided through the dat
In each case the co-efficient of friction was over a period of a year, presented formidable depth of the footing. If this were omitted. the At
measured against the nett compression on the
cable without any effect of tension bending in
the clamp (i.e. twice the bolt tension) Bend-
problems. The normal gravity type of founda-
tion for a 75 m tower contained nearly 80 m'
risk would exist of the pile resisting the stres-
sing force as a column in compression, and ."'
• d
of concrete for each leg. and it was obvious the stressing operation, designed to load test wa:
ing curvature was not considered likely. In that any design which could reduce excava- the pile anchorage for each foundation, would stre
the case of the rope clamp, the result was the
same \Nil€tller the cable '..vaswholly inside the
tion and concrete quantities was desirable. give no indicJtion oj pile slip. f tg.

Furthermore, little knowledge of locel geo-
clamp or sticking out the other side. These
results indicate the \Nide range of results that
logy existed and there were few known
A test programme, prior to anV field con-
r tp,

can occur and are indicative of the care that

sources of supply of concrete materials. Such
were the considerations that led to the de-
struction. was designed to perfect and prove r co,
each phase of the operation and to establish am
must be taken.
It is not however, eesy to define the effective
of stressed rock-anchor foun-
safe values for bcnd between cable and grout r pco

compression on the clamp in use. This is Site investigation

and between concrete and rock.
The basic problem to be overcome was the
I ;oq
particularly true of illtermediate clamps. The
tests described above were done when there
At the time of tendering, only the sites for the
end sections of the route were firmly estab-
means of placing and anchoring cables 9 m
down irl the ground, with efficient protection
r Dt,
was no tension in the supporting cable. As lished. Provisional sites existed for the central from corrosion over a long period. It was sus- I D.,
the supporting cable is tensioned, the dia-
meter will decrease (how much is not kl10wn)
section. A site investigation was carried out
by George Wimpey and Co. Ltd. during which
pected that ground water, if present. could be
high in sulphates and chlorides, and the r D.,
The resultant diameter decrease will represent
a loss of strain in the clamping bolts. Many
test bores for soil investigetion were carried
out at all accessible establisll€d sites, and the
Nullarbor limestones were known to be
porous. It was not considered that sufficient
people, including rTlost manufacturers, recorTI-
mend using long high tensile bolts to coul1ter"
central section of the route sampled by dril-
lillg approximately every fifth provis'ional site.
corrosion protection could be given to cables
il these \'vere simply grouted into a bored hole.
r D.,
act this. However. high tensile bolts. particu- The results ,-,vere encouraging and indicated It was therefore decided to cast J concrete
larly it cadmium plated. are prone to failure
and are less able to accept distortions in the
clamp than ordinarv mild steel bolts. Professor
three wnes with transition areas in between.
(a) Western Australia (Northam to Kal-
pile in the ground, with a central 100 mm
duct for the cables. Minimum pile diameter r Wit

Otto is on record as preferring mild steel bolts

decomposed granite
a sandy soil over was considered to be 230 mm. Equipment
selected for boring the 230 mm pile hole was I lIor
These can be re-tightened after the initial
strain in the boundary cable to counteract (b) Central Nullarborregion-Nullarborlime-
stones. porous and verV variable and
the Ingersoll-Rand rotary percussion 'Down
the Hole' hammer used in conjunction with a
r th,
the cable reduction.
likely to contain cavities of considerable Pioneer rotary drill and compressors. D6
Conclusions After several attempts at 'casting in' the
The conclusions are simple, that is if con-
South Australia (Ceduna to Whyalla)-
100 mm duct, it was successfully achieved bv f ;co
clusions, other than a built design, can be said
to exist for the designer. Cable structures are hard igneous rock often close to, or at
casting a solid pile vvith a concentric cage of
reinforcement and then drilling a 100 mm r pjj,
flexible. Their true strength lies in their ability
to absorb large distortions. They should be Design
the surface
duct down the centre. The reinforcement cage
acted as a guide to the drill. Three full scale
t CO'
conceived and designed as flexible S',Istems,
with materials and parts carefully chosen. In
The design of rock-anchor foundation had to
satisfy certain requirements. It had to provide:
foundations were constructed and a routine
established for setting out. drilling, con-
r m
specification, manufacture and erection they (1) adequate anchorage against uplift forces creting. grouting and stressing. r stri

are akin to precast concrete. Accurate de-

sign and specificetion and control atthe manu-
(2) adequate resistance to dowilward forces
(3) adequate stability against sliding or over-
The experience gained during the test pro-
r 'bt0
gremrne, itself the result of collaboration be-
facturing stage are essential for simple erec- turning under combillations of vertical to
tween Arups and the contractors, Electric
tion. The need for accurate specification need al1d horizontal forces and 6"
Power Transmission Pty Ltd. (EPT), was
not hillder advellturous design. Perhaps if this
reality were accepted. cable systems would
(4) edequate factor of safety against over-
load and long term corrosion.
incorporated in the fillal design. EPT were able
to go into the field with a new form of con-
f M
be less expensive, less frightening for the con-
tractor and they could take their rightful place
In principle it is simple. The tower leg base
plate (Fig. 1) is directly connected to the
struction with which they were already ex- I ~
in the designer's catalogue. stressing anchorage plate throllgh the holding
down bolts. Uplift forces are conveyed to the
perienced, with the result that field procedure
generally ran smoothly and efficiently. I •
(1) Frei Otto at Work. Architectural Design,
anchorage zone at the lower end of the pile.
Under no-load conditions, the stressing forces
Field work commenced at Whyalla in Novem-
r M
41, pp. 137-167. March 1971. ber 1967 and at the western end of the route ~
are restrained by the bearillg of tile footing on
(2) BUCHHOLDT, H. A. and others. The
analysis of cable nets. Journal of the In-
the soil or rock. Not until the tower uplift
forces exceed the residual stress is there any
in February 1968.
Each gang was fully equipped to construct t •~ I~

stitute of mathemmics and its applic8[ions,

4, pp. 339-358, December 1968.
tendency for the footing to lift.
The disadvantage is that the downward load
both stressed and mass type of foundations,
although only two mass types were con-
r m
(3) BROOKS. D. F. and BROTTON, D. M on any footing is doubled, as it must resist structed in the west. Each gang was accom- ~
Formulation of a general space frame pro- panied by a resident engineer and Clerk of ~
the stressi ng force together with the maxi mum
gramme for a large computer. Structural En- downward tower leg force. Thus a founda- Works provided by Arups. Th
gineer. 44 (11), pp. 381-396, November 1966.
(4) WYATT, T. A. Secondary stresses in
tion bearing value of about 6.4 MN/m< wes
considered essential if the stressed footings
Conditions along the route Ilad improved con-
siderably since the time of tendering. The road f •D
I •
parallel wire suspension cables. ASCE Proc- were to be much smaller than gravity footings. over the Nullarbor Plain was carrying much
ceedings: Journal of the Structural Division,
10 86 (ST 7), pp. 37-59, July 1960.
On sound igneous rock, the stressed footing
pad was just sufficient to accommodate base
more traffic and, from the West Australian
border to Perth, was substantially sealed, r •

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