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Pre-intermediate End of Course Test A

Listening Pronunciation
1 Track 12 Listen and underline the correct 3 Track 14 Listen and tick () the words in each
answer, a), b) or c). group that have a different stress pattern.
1 Mary thinks the thief should go to prison for
. 1 Oo 2 oO 3 Ooo
a) three months b)     five years   c) 10 years history extinct geography
2 The woman thinks the new tennis teacher could be delayed  divorced confused
. arrest  business audience
a) English b) Spanish c) Scottish chocolate sculpture souvenirs
3 The woman has just bought some                     . 4 oOo 5 ooOo 6 oOoo
a) milk b) food c) books decision technology ability
4 The woman is buying a sweater for her                     . dictionary education investigate
a) brother b) boyfriend c) father recommend politician electrician
5 The Globe Theatre is in                     . director celebrity performance
a) Queen’s Street b) Queen’s Road c) Prince Road
6 The man went to the doctor because he was
. 5
a) sick b) sleepy c) tired

5 Vocabulary and grammar

4 Cross out the word that does not fit in each
2 Track 13 Listen to the phone calls and complete group.
the notes. 1 company employee salary     tram   
2 racket painting gallery exhibition
Hotel Complaints Book 3 drama languages ocean homework
Date: 15/04/09 4 grapes jogging pineapple mango
5 badminton rugby whale cricket
1) Name: Major 1    Brown   6 technology search engine peas software
Room Number: 2                                        7 lend fax cash earn
Problem: Breakfast eggs were 3                              and 8 waterfall spam volcano rain forest
                              were cooked too much. 9 wild domestic farm insect
Action: Talk to the 5                                        10 suitcase audience band performance
-------------------------------------------- 11 moped staff ship speedboat
2) Name: Mrs 6                                        Peters
Room Number: 7                                        5
Problem: Man in room 8                                       
                                        loudly in the 10                                        .
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
Action: Talk to the 11                                        .
of the words in CAPITALS.
1 John’s parents have got two children and five
grandchildren  . GRAND
2 I had a terrible headache so I took two strong
3 Mark has wanted to be a fashion                                        
since he was six years old. DESIGN
4 She hated history exams because she had to
lists of dates. MEMORY
5 You must make a                                         soon or he’ll
find someone else for the job. DECIDE
6 If you want to go to Paris, I’ll make the

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Pre-intermediate End of Course Test A

6 Underline the correct option to complete the

9 Underline the correct alternative, a), b) or c).
1 He’s the man                     helped me get the job.
1 We’ve been to India     on   / for holiday three
a) which b)     that   c) whose
2 People eat too                     junk food these days.
2 He’s never been keen on / of eating meat.
a) many b) enough c) much
3 They used to smoke forty cigarettes a day but
3 He’s                     asked her to go with him.
they’ve just given out / up.
a) already b) yet c) ever
4 Why don’t we go to Luigi’s restaurant? We
4 We walked around                     garden of his house
haven’t eaten in / out for ages.
while we talked.
5 If she was better at dealing with / for people she’d
a) a b) the c) –
be an excellent boss
5 The schoolchildren                     home early because
6 Last night, thieves broke in / out and stole £50,000
of the bad weather.
worth of paintings.
a) are sent b) sent c) were sent
6 Sorry I’m late. It was                     than I thought.
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form a) further b) far c) more far
of the verbs in the box. 7 When I go to university, I                     have my own
go (x2) make (x2) take (x2) a) – b) ’ll c) don’t
do have play work earn 8 I can’t imagine                     in that hotel – it’s so
1 He won’t want tickets for that play. He     went   to expensive.
see it last weekend. a) staying b) to stay c) stay
2 This CD player doesn’t work so I’m going 9 What                     their new house like?
it back to the shop tomorrow. a) does b) ’s c) are
3 We                                         a delicious picnic by the 10 They told us they                     at nine.
river when it started raining. a) ’d come b) comes c) come
4 His business                                         so well now, he 11 I don’t know                     keys they are.
might take on more staff soon. a) who b) that c) whose
5 When she passes her exams, she                                        
a much better salary.
6 We                                         (not) skiing yet this winter.
7 You have to practise for at least six hours every 10 Complete the article with ONE word in each
day                                         an instrument well. gap.
8 Over fifty television sets                                         back to New mobile 1    phone   technology continues to
the shop because they were faulty. influence and change our lives. People can now sign
9 Tom won’t find it easy                                         friends if up to a new service 2                              will find their
he talks to them so rudely. family and friends on a computer map 3                             
10 She’d soon get promoted in that job if she their mobiles. However, many people are unhappy
well under pressure. about this technology and have made complaints
11 You’ll never learn a foreign language if you about 4                              protection of their privacy. The
(not) mistakes. phone companies have replied, saying that users
10 would have 5                              sign up and agree to be
8 Match 1–6 with a)–f). located. They don’t have to sign up to the service if
1 They didn’t have enough customers     c    they don’t 6                              to. And if they do, they can
2 I don’t often go dancing                     switch 7                              the service whenever they
3 Which films have                     want. The service will 8                              popular with
4 She said she didn’t mind                     parents but their children may 9                              feel the
5 Will you be able                     same. One thing is certain: it’s 10                              easy
6 If you didn’t go to bed so late,                     and convenient way to answer the 11                             
a) lending you her car. frequently asked question on a mobile: ‘Where are
b) you’d sleep better. you?’
c) so they had to close the shop.
d) but I enjoy doing it once in a while.
e) to go out with me this weekend?
f) won an award recently?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Pre-intermediate End of Course Test A

11 Read the article and underline the correct
answer, a), b) or c).
Grandmother fails test again
A sixty-eight-year-old grandmother from the South
Korean city of Jeonju has just failed her written
driving test for the 771st time. The woman’s name,
which was given only as Cha, first took the written
part of the exam in April 2005. At the time, she
thought it would help if she had a car for her job.
In the beginning, Cha went to the licence office
almost every day. Now, she no longer works but still
goes to the office once a week. The office said she’s
spent more than £1,600 on exam fees.
‘You have to get at least sixty points to pass the
written part,’ said Kim Rahn, who wrote about Cha
in the Korea Times, an English-language daily
newspaper. ‘She usually gets under fifty.’
Bloggers have already responded to the news about
Mrs Cha’s misfortunes with comments that range
from sympathy to anger. One wrote, ‘There’s a time
in every person’s life when, if they fail something
over 700 times, they should stop.’
Other bloggers complained about a system that
allows people to take a driving test so many times.
One man commented: ‘It’s not a very good system if
you can take the test as often as you want. I mean,
she might be a danger to other people even if she
passes the test after the 1,001st try.’
Mrs Cha seems to be ignoring the bloggers. She said
that she’d be back for another attempt. If she passes,
then she can begin to prepare for the practical test.

1 Cha has taken the written test more than

a) 700 times b) 800 times c)     750 times  
2 She wanted to learn to drive because                               .
a) she didn’t have a car
b) it would be useful for her work
c) it was her dream
3 Cha usually takes the written test                               .
a) four times a month
b) every day
c) occasionally
4 Bloggers have written                               things about
a) positive
b) negative
c) both positive and negative
5 One blogger thinks that Cha                               drive a
car if she passes the test.
a) should b) can c) shouldn’t
6 Mrs Cha                               planning to give up trying
to pass the written test.
a) isn’t b) is c) will

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Pre-intermediate End of Course Test A

12 Read the poster and the message. Then

complete the notes.

Island Tour

Take a boat trip around ten beautiful islands.

Mon–Fri: 10.00a.m. to 1.00p.m
Sat and Sun: 10.00a.m. to 4.30p.m.

Leaves from the boat tour office in the port.

£10 (Mon–Fri with coffee/cold drink)
£25 (Sat/Sun with lunch and drinks)

I’m just going shopping for the afternoon. Hope
your game of golf was good. I’ve just seen an
ad for a boat trip round the islands. We can't go
tomorrow because we have the coach trip to
the old Greek ruins. How about Saturday? We
can have a lovely day sailing around the
islands with lunch included! Do you think you
could get the tickets? I'm sure you'll love it.


Name of tour: 1    Island   Tour

Day: 2                                       
Time: 3                              to 4.30p.m.
Number of tickets: 4                                       
Price per ticket: 5                                       
Leaves from: 6                                        tour office

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Pre-intermediate End of Course Test A

15 Match the underlined words in the email to
13 Match sentences 1–11 with responses a)–k).
formal phrases a)–f).
1 I hope to see you again soon.     a  
¹Hi, Mr White
2 Can I speak to the manager please?                    
²Just a quick note about the plans for the new airport
3 I get really nervous when I have to speak in
public.                     in Bigsby. I think it’s ³a great idea. I travel to Paris a
4 Can you show me where it hurts?                     lot and the airport will make my life much easier.
5 Do you know where the study centre is?                     ⁴Also, it’ll bring foreign tourists to our town.
6 Is the theatre open in the mornings?                     ⁵Write back soon,
7 Do you sell that stuff for deleting mistakes in your ⁶Bye,
writing?                     Sally Evans
8 Everyone should go to the gym at least three times
a week.                     a) In addition                    
9 Go straight on until you reach the corner.                     b) Yours sincerely                    
10 I’m afraid I have a complaint. The shower in my c) Dear     1   
room doesn’t work.                     d) I look forward to hearing from you                    
11 Would you be able to recommend a good clothes e) I’m writing about                    
shop?                     f) an excellent                    

a) Yes, let’s keep in touch. 5

b) Why don’t you do a course to help you?
c) The corner. Thanks.
d) Yes, it’s next to the library over there. 16 Write an answer to the question below in 75–
e) Correction fluid? Yes, we do. 100 words. Include at least two positive and
f) I’m sorry, I don’t know any. I don’t live here. two negative points in your answer.
g) Of course. Can I ask who’s calling?
h) It might be, but maybe you should phone and ‘How do you think technology will change our lives
check. in the next twenty years?’
i) I’m sorry, there’s nothing we can do at the
moment. The water’s been cut off.   It seems to me that/In my opinion,  ...
j) Here, on my right foot.                                                               
k) I’m afraid I don’t agree. Not everybody likes                       
14 Complete with conversation with ONE word                       
in each gap.                                                               
A: Would you 1    like   to be famous?                       
B: I don’t 2                              . Why?                                                               
A: I watched the news earlier. They 3                                                    
talking about the paparazzi.                                                               
B: What – those people 4                              follow                       
celebrities around all the time?                                                               
A: Exactly. I 5                              they should stop it.                       
B: How can they do that?                                                               
A: They could arrest them, and give them large                       
fines. Or put them 6                              prison!                                                               
B: Maybe, but it’s not their fault. It’s 7                                                    
newspapers that pay a lot of 8                              for the                                                               
A: Yes, I suppose you’re 9                              .                                                               
B: But I agree with you. I 10                              stand those                       
photos of celebrities having fun with their friends or                                                               
A: Right. If I was famous, I 11                              hate it.                                                               
B: Me too.                       

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Pre-intermediate End of Course Test A



Total: 100

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