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la siguiente canción muchas veces y apréndela de memoria)

When you care for all your pets (uen its taim for skul)

(juen iu ker for ol iur pets) And my Mommy tells me,

And you´re gentle with them, (And may Mommy tells mi)

(and yur yentel uit dem) “I´m so proud of you”

When you finish all your chores (Aim sou praud of iu)

(juen iu finish ol iur chors) Responsibility is important

Before you go to bed. (Risponsibiliry is important)

(bifor iu gou tu bed) Responsibility is for me to know

You didn´t wait to be told, (Risponsabiliry is for mi tu now)

(iu dident ueit tu bi tould) What I need to do

Don´t put your chores on hold (Uat ai nid tu du)

(Don’t put iur chors on jold) And then I stick to it,

Always try your best (and den ai stick tu it,)

(Olwis tray iur best) Responsibility´s up to me

And be responsible. (Risponsabilirys ap tu miii)

(and bi risponsibol) When you come back home from school

Responsibility is important, (uen iu com back jom from skul)

(Risponsibiliry is important) There´s always something to do,

Responsibility is for me to know (ders olwis somding tu do,)

(Risponsibiliry is for mi, tu now) But before you have some fun,

What I need to do (bat bifor iu jav som fan)

(uat ai nid tu du) Make sure your homework is done,

And then I stick to it. (Meik chur iur jomwork is don,)

(and den ai stick tu it.) Show your family and friends

Responsibility´s up to me. (show iur family and frendz)

(Risponsibilirys ap tu miii) So you can start a trend

Wake up early in the morning (sou iu start a trend)

(ueikap erly in de morning.) To be responsible

So you´re not late for school. (tu bi risponsibol)

(sou iur not leit for skul) And that´s how you should be

Make sure to brush (And dats jau iu shud bi)

(Meik chur tu brash) Now you know about

Your teeth and hair (Nau iu now abaut)

(iur tid and jer) responsibility.


And lace up your shoes,

(and leisap iur chus)

It shows you know what to do

(It shous iu nou uat tu du)

When it´s time for school.

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