Purposive Communication

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Purposive Communication

Why Do People Communicate?

There are more reasons why people communicate and why we do need

it. First thing first! Communication is very important especially when we do

need to know some stuffs we wanted to know. We know that communication

means we able us to pass the information to other people and accepting it.

As a receiver, we try to understand what is said to us. So, we will ask other

person or a friend in order to know the answers about our curiosity inside

our mind. Because of communication this brings people together and close

to each other. And that is called they’re building up a ‘’relationship’’ to each

other. Like for example; to be your close friend, a friend, a relative or maybe

as your special friend such as to be your love one. There is a specific answer

why do people communicate. And that is to understand what he or she says.

Anyway there is a quote related to our topic that, ‘’When people talk, listen

completely.’’ This shows most people never listen at times. And it leads to a

misunderstanding at times because of poor communication skills. In our life

or personal life, having good communication skills may improve your

personal relationships to understand everything. Those our important

function of communication especially to our job. And that is to inform,

persuade, and to motivate. When we at school having conflicts in subjects

that we can’t understand we use to communicate to our teachers or

instructors and especially to our friends or classmates. And even in the end

of life care, communication is very important. It helps ensure a dying person

says what his or her last message to avoid unnecessary distress. Maybe

communication might affect a person because some people failed to deliver

his or her message to the receiver. We should communicate because it helps

us to express our ideas and feelings at the same time so we should

communicate in manner always.

Name: Greshaine Joyce T. Moralda

Section: BS Pharmacy 1-A Stub 34

Why Do People Communicate?

There are more reasons why people communicate and why we do need

it. First thing first! Communication is very important especially when we do

need to know some stuffs we wanted to know. We know that communication

means we able us to pass the information to other people and accepting it.

As a receiver, we try to understand what is said to us. So, we will ask

another person or a friend in order to know the answers about our curiosity

inside our mind. Because of communication this brings people together and

close to each other. And that is called they’re building up a ‘’relationship’’ to

each other. Like for example; to be your close friend, a friend, a relative or

maybe as your special friend such as to be your loved one. There is a

specific answer to why do people communicate. And that is to understand

what he or she says. Anyway, there is a quote related to our topic that,

‘’When people talk, listen completely.’’ This shows most people never listen

at times. And it leads to a misunderstanding at times because of poor

communication skills. In our life or personal life, having good communication

skills may improve your personal relationships to understand everything.

Those our important functions of communication especially to our job. And

that is to inform, persuade, and to motivate. When we at school having

conflicts in subjects that we can’t understand we use to communicate with

our teachers or instructors and especially to our friends or classmates. And

even at the end of life care, communication is very important. It helps

ensure a dying person says what his or her last message to avoid

unnecessary distress. Maybe communication might affect a person because

some people failed to deliver his or her message to the receiver. We should

communicate because it helps us to express our ideas and feelings at the

same time so we should communicate in a manner always..

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