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30 Hawthorne Ave.

Holmdel, NJ 07733 USA

30 Hawthorne Ave., Holmdel, NJ 07733 USA

(C) 732-788-8813 (H) 732-888-4956


(C) 732-788-8813
(H) 732-888-4956

30 Hawthorne Ave.
Holmdel, NJ 07733 USA


OBJECTIVE Seeking a challenging position as a Solution Architech, System Engineer, Data

Engineer, or Big Data Solutions Engineer

SUMMARY I have extensive experience in system engineering for IT industry. In my most recent
experience, I was intimately involved working with Mobility 5G Optimization, ECOMP
Homing, License and Scheduling optimization for SD-WAN, ADIOD, FlexWare,
Netbond, ADIG and vPE VNF’s. Mobility Topology (LTE and 3G), AT&T Mobility
System Integration, FirstNet (First Responder), E911Cloud, AT&T Telecom System
Integration, Network Routing, Service Ordering, Billing, Network Provisioning, Network
Management involving LTE, Ethernet, IPAG, VoIP, Frame Relay, ATM/SONET,
NODAL, Wireless CDMA, UMTS, TCP/IP, switched network. I have specific knowledge
of Big Data Solution, ECOMP, Network optimization, Virtualization, Mobility, Ordering,
Provisioning, Billing, VoIP, CoreIP, TCP/IP, SNMP, MIB traps definitions. Preferred
working environment: UNIX, Windows with Python, JSON, microService, REST, API,
YAML, NOSQL, C/C++, Java, CORBA, XML, HTML, VB, and Oracle applications. I
have excellent communication skills and good interpersonal working
relationship.relationship. Strong Linux/Unix skills and practical knowledge of KSH.
Implement various parts of the application using Perl/Python
OBJECTIVE Seeking a challenging position as a System Engineer, Data Engineer or Big Data Solution
Enhsing Lin
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SUMMARY I have extensive experience in system engineering for IT industry. My most recent
experience has involved working on Mobility 5G Optimization, ECOMP Homing, License and Scheduling
optimization for SD-WAN, ADIOD, FlexWare, Netbond, ADIG and vPE VNF’s. Mobility Topology (LTE and
3G), AT&T Mobility System Integration, Cloud, AT&T Telecom System Integration, Network Routing,
Service Ordering, Billing, Network Provisioning, Network Management involving LTE, Ethernet, IPAG,
VoIP, Frame Relay, ATM/SONET, NODAL, Wireless CDMA, UMTS, TCP/IP, switched network.
I have specific knowledge of Big Data Solution, ECOMP, Network optimization, Virtualization,
Mobility, Ordering, Provisioning, Billing, VoIP, CoreIP, TCP/IP, SNMP, MIB traps definitions.
Preferred working environment: UNIX, Windows with Python, JSON, microService, REST, API,
YAML, NOSQL, C/C++, Java, CORBA, XML, HTML, VB, and Oracle applications.
I have excellent communication skills and good interpersonal working relationship.

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering and Applied Columbia University
M. S., Chemical Engineering and Applied Columbia University
B.S., Chemical Engineering National Taiwan University

Systems: Linux, WINDOWS, HP-UX, SUN OS, MS-DOS, , UNIX, Solaris
Software: MS Azure, Google Cloud, VMWare, Hyper-V, KVM, ECOMP, Business
Object, ATG Dynamo, DreamWeaver, BEA Weblogic, WFA, Sybase, Oracle, Informix,
VBA, MS Access, MS SQL, NOSQL, Remedy, HP Openview, MS Excel, MS Visual C++,
MS Visual BASIC, MS Visual J++, MS Vizio, MS Project
Hardware: Fujitsu, Cisco and Juniper physical and virtual routers/switches, Nortel
DMS, Lucent 5ESS, 4ESS, Lucent Softswitch, Cajun switch/router, APX8000, RNC, SUN
Sparc 2000E, HP 9000/I70.
Languages: Python, Json, REST, YAML, XMPP, XML, Java, Javascript, ASP, Ksh, Sh,
SQL, C, C++, FORTRAN, BASIC, AWK, Perl, CGI, HTML, Tcl/Tk, Expect, Visual Basic,
Networks: Ethernet, IPAG, SIP, IP, CoreIP, LTE, CDMA 3G, UMTS 3G, GSM, ADL4,
Other: MS AZURE DATA Engineering, Machine Learning, AI, SAFe Agile, Data
Scientist, CCNA, CCNP training, Networking, Unit Testingg

Certifications: Nanodegree for Data Analyst including machine learning.

04/14 ~ Present
AT&T ECOMP Solution Engineer,
SNIRO (System, Network, Interfaces, Resources Optimization) and Conductor
SystemsOptimizations for ECOMP Homing, Licensing and Scheduling, AT&T,
Middletown, NJ
04/14 ~ Present

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 AT&T Consulting provides a life cycle of transformation services to help government

agencies plan, design and implement an appropriate NG9-1-1 solution. Organizations have
a Trusted Advisor in AT&T
 Program Management focuses on coordinating and leading all aspects of the NG9-1-1
engagement for the client. AT&T Consulting provides deep expertise in NG9-1-1 solution
development to aid customers in assessing, implementing, and/or operating NG9-1-1
 SNIRO (System, Network, Interfaces, Resources Optimization) and Conductor Systems
Engineer – Lead the development efforts forresponsible for supporting homing and
licensing optimization design engineering for Mobility 5G Cell Sites Scheduling Confliction,
Mobility 5G Cell sites traffic offload, PCI/RSI conflict avoidenceavoidance, Cell Sites
Energy Saving, SD-WAN, ADIOD, vPE, Netbond and ADIG vPE, FirstNet VNF’s.

 Solution Engineer for AIC projects – responsible for designinglead the design efforts for
ETE solutions for AIC small, medium and large.

 Data Engineer for VNF data in SD-WAN for data modeling.

Completing Nano degree for Data Analyst including machine learning.

09/11 ~ 04/14
AT&TLead LPP System Engineer,
Mobility Inventory and topology LTE, AT&T, Middletown, NJ
09/11 ~ 04/14
 INSTAR Lead System Engineer for supporting Netbond – responsible for inventorying and
provisioning of vNAT.
 INSTAR Lead System Engineer for supporting Gamma (Flexware) – responsible for model
and design of VM’s for TOA and vPE.
 CANOPI System Engineer for MINT project – Migrated the ATT Research tool for Mobility
topology to CANOPI for LTE. Responsible for modeling the mobility CE and PE devices in
 INSTAR System Engineer for LTE Phase 2 Phone APN Enablement for Prepaid & Smart
Limits to allow INSTAR to provide physical inventory and topology for connections from
DST routers to PE routers. The DST to PE connection is made via a COR routers which
must also be included.
 INSTAR System Engineer for LTE R6 Service Assurance -– INSTAR, Managed will begin
to inventory Mobility CE inventory and include PE-CE topology (aka connectivity)
associated with the Mobility PE’s and CE’s that are stored in INSTAR.
 Developed Merge jobs in Python to extract and load data into MySQL database and
Successfully migrated the Django database from SQLite to MySQL to PostgreSQL with
complete data integrity.
 INSTAR System Engineer for LTE PHASE 3 Subscriber Test & Tools to enable INSTAR to
inventory MSC devices and send MSN-CE, CE (COR)-PE (MIPE) and MSN-PE (MIPE)
topology to CANOPI. CANOPI will in turn send to GCP which will be retrieved by GFP-M.
 INSTAR System Engineer for Cloud and VAN for Fruity Co with 100 GE connections via
 INSTAR System Engineer lead for Team10 devices, responsible for modeling cluster and
MIPE routers in CANOPI Cramer DB.

09/09 ~ 09/11

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AT&T System Engineer, SA Team – Requirements Lead

Mobility Service Assurance Automation (4/3/2G), AT&T, Middletown, NJ
09/09 ~ 09/11
 Requirements Lead (Tier 1 System Engineer) and Planner/Architect for AT&T USOP
(Universal Service Operation Platform) projects, responsibilities y included s planning and
producing Business requirements, System requirements for Data Storage, Processing,
Architecture and Tooling and Network Visualization.
 Requirements Lead for AT&T ESSMAN and OPTEMAN move the IP Architecture project,
successfully delivered baselined BRD and SRD to support the automation of fault alarms,
ticketing for the Metro Ethernet flow.
 Requirements Lead and End to End Test Lead for AT&T LTE Evolved Packet Core
projects, responsibility includes producing Business requirements, System requirements
and supporting UAT, UCT, and ORT. This project is to support Mobility (LTE) Ethernet
Backhaul alarms (fault and performance) and ticketing correlations. Requirements Lead for
Single Wireless Wireline Test Platform project, successfully delivered baselined BRD and
SRD to support the automation of testing using CTP and integration of SA (RUBY, AOTS,
GFP, CTS) and SD (ICORE, INSTAR, BPP, B2Bi, EFMS) for Ethernet (1GigE and 10

05/06 ~ 05/09
AT&T System Engineer , Team – Requirements Lead
Mobility Network Integration, Network Field Services, Network Maintenance, AT&T,
Middletown, NJ
05/06 ~ 05/09
 Requirements Lead (Tier 1 System Engineer) and Project Manager for Service Assurance
Network Services project, responsibility includes planning and producing Business
requirements, Functional Requirements and Non Functional Requirements for Mobility
Network integration. Successfully delivered projects for Transport Ticket Automation, auto
Mobility dispatch and 3rd party vendor trouble ticket referral.
 Used existing Deal Model in Python to inherit and create object data structure for regulatory
reporting and Used standard Python modules e.g. csv, itertools, pickle, jinja2, lxml for
 System Engineering for Layer 1 network automation for Power, Switch, Transport and
Architect for Mobility network migration across multiple technology and vendors,
automation for Trouble Ticketing, Fault Management and Performance Management.
 Planner for defining the system solution and architecture for Workcenter consolidation and
Mobility network integration which includes DACS, MSN, Voice Mail, Transport, Core
Switches, Power alarms monitoring.

03/06 ~ 05/06
System Analyst, Verizon DSL Installation Support AnalysisAnalyst, Verizon
03/06 ~ 05/06
 System Analyst for Verizon DSL project, responsibility includes DSL Disconnect analyses
and identified the touch points in the DSL installation processes and root causes and
proposed solutions for the improvement in the DSL installation processes.

10/05 ~ 03/06
System Analyst, BellSouth Work Center ManagementArchitecture for BellSouth Broadband
Transformation project, BellSouth 10/05 ~ 03/06
 Was responsible for defining detailed system requirements and domain architecture
documents for a mechanized Fallout Management application that track and fix the fallouts
from cross domains orders including pre-sale, ordering, provisioning and billing fallouts.

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Deliverables are sets of Domain Architecture document, Flow Process, System


11/04 ~ 09/05
System Analyst and Architecture for BellSouth Broadband Transformation project. The
responsibility includes defining detailed system requirements and domain architecture documents
for a mechanized Fallout Management application that track and fix the fallouts from cross domains
orders including pre-sale, ordering, provisioning and billing fallouts. Deliverables are sets of
Domain Architecture document, Flow Process, System Requirements.

Lead Architect and System Engineer, SoftFrontier Solutions

 Lead the design for defining detailed architecture and system requirements for SSO
application with Identity management function across multi domains, and Instant
Messaging audio and video broadcasting using SIP, XMPP.
11/04 ~ 09/05
10/03 ~ 10/04Lead Architect and System Engineer for foreign Telecomm company
which provide Broadband, VoIP and Wireless services. The responsibility
includes defining detailed architecture and system requirements for SSO
application with Identity management function across multi domains, and
Instant Messaging audio and video broadcasting using SIP, XMPP.

System Engineer and Production Support Specialist, Nodal Flowthrough Provisioning project,
AT&T, Middletown, NJ AT&T Network Routing
Management 10/03 ~ 10/04
 System Engineer and Production Support for AT&T Nodal Flowthrough Provisioning
project. The responsibility includes defining detailed system requirements for development
team and interface with users to collect business requirements for application development
and system integration, also as Production Support to support production and generate
enhancement requirements. The application involves Web application Tomcat for Nodal
orders using WebLogic and Java to interface with SSIRS and TIRKS and various systems
for inventory verification and implementation.

11/02 ~ 10/03
Architect and System Engineer, for AT&T Local Service Integrated Order management project.
AT&T IOM (Integrated Order Management), AT&T, Middletown, NJ
 11/02 ~ 10/03
 Architect and System Engineer for AT&T Local Service Integrated Order management
project. The responsibility includes defining Architecture approach and Technical Plan to
handle lifecycle eCustomer ordering AT&T high end services including voice ,data and
VoIP. The project includes end to end integration from pre-sales to billing.

2/02 ~ 11/02
System Engineer and Project Manager, AT&T Billing Service Order Management Team
, AT&T, Middletown, NJ 2/02
~ 11/02
 System Engineer and Project Manager for AT&T Local Service Billing Service Order
management. The responsibility includes defining detail system requirements for
development of a gateway to process the BSR (Billing Service Request) to the billing
system for All in One voice orders which involves MCAD (Moves, Change, Add and
Disconnect.) and brand new orders.

10/01~ 2/02

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System Engineer and Product Manager, Wireless Network Engineering and Configuration
Lucent Wireless Team, Lucent 10/01~ 2/02
 System Engineer and Product Manager for Wireless Network Engineering and
Configuration for Pre-sales and Post-sales bid and proposal. The responsibility includes
building tools and requirements for 3G CDMA and UMTS applications by Java, WAP,
C++, mainly on CDMA CoreIP project. The project involves RAN (Radio Access
Network), and CoreIP(Circuit Switched and IP) deployments, ATM Switch, Cajun
switch, IP routers, DSP, NGN integration. Interface with presale and post-sale teams
to define detail system requirement on equipment performance based on traffic of
BTS, Busy Hour call attempts, Erlangs. ATM switches connection T3, E3, OC3,
OC12, OC48 service definitions.

01/00 ~ 10/01
System Engineer, AT&T ePortal Team, AT&T, Middletown, NJ
1/00 ~ 10/01

 System Engineer for Login/Registration, Personalization features. Define system

requirements for customers and users to access AT&T Homepage. Using ATG
Dynamo Personalization tools to customize the member homepage, BEA WebLogic
to interface with other business systems. Integrate various business units to the
Portal with Single Sign On implementation. Also work on target marketing, data
mining features. Customer support application with KANA email engine set up, POP,
SMTP and TCP/IP are implemented on the portal platform on the SUN servers. Define
data fields on DBOR of Oracle.

10/97 ~ 12/99

System Engineer and Project Manager, AT&T ePortal Team, AT&T, Middletown, NJ
AT&T Business Provisioning Platform, Facility Provisioning Team
10/97 ~ 12/99
 System Engineer and Project Manager for Network Facility Provisioning. Interface with
users to define detail system requirements for Facility Provisioning features. Provisioning
platform provide the access to TIRKS, SOTS, CLMAIN and various MVS legacy systems
by TN3270 emulator and perform T3, circuit, channel status inquiry to check if they are
spare, in effect and provision afterward with application programs.

 My responsibility includes:
 Interface with AT&T Network Architecture team to define requirement for Nortel DMS
250 switch provisioning – OC3, OC 48, SPM and ConnectVu service definitions.

 Defined ATM/SONET provisioning system requirement on Government Market
workcenter, including implementing mini ATM on VFAX with SPVC application and
Mediation Manger. ATM Conversion by using the Facility Designer application.

07/96 ~ 10/97
Developer, AT&T Managed Network Service/ACCUWAN Network Management team, AT&T,
Middletown, NJAT&T Managed Network Service/ACCUWAN Network Management team

 Lead development efforts for Developer on the network management tool by using
HP Openview. Alarm correlation, coding traps to track the equipment on the
network. SNMP and MIB definition.
 Configured Cisco and Bay routers on Frame Relay network to allow users to dial in
through Out-of-Band access and managed the Frame Relay network

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 Schedule/On-demand In-Band Non-Intrusive Dial Backup Testing.

 Performed the 1x1 In-Band Non-Intrusive test on Cisco and Bay router platform.
 Scheduled and conducted Out-of-Band intrusive testing on Cisco and Bay router
platform. Tests include Frame Relay, ISDN, POTS and SW56 using Paradyne and Cray
 Configured Cisco and Bay routers on Frame Relay network to allow users to dial in
through Out-of-Band access and managed the Frame Relay network.
 Schedule/On-demand In-Band Non-Intrusive Dial Backup Testing.
 Performed the 1x1 In-Band Non-Intrusive test on Cisco and Bay router platform.
Scheduled and conducted Out-of-Band intrusive testing on Cisco and Bay router platform. Tests include
Frame Relay, ISDN, POTS and SW56 using Paradyne and Cray modems

11/92 ~ 06/96
Consultant, Duracell, Inc

Duracell Inc.
Position: Consultant 11/92~6/96
 Improved performance of commercialized batteries by mathematical modeling and
 Analyzed simulation data and optimized cell physical structure.

1994 ~ 1996
Research Assistant, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY
 Research on simulations and mathematical modeling to improve performance of various
commercial batteries including Alkaline, Nickel Metal Hydride and Lithium batteries.

1991 ~ 1994
Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY
 Conducted recitations, graded problem sets, determined solution sets, proctored
exams, held office hours and set up experiments in Unit Operation laboratory

1986 ~ 1988
Sales Engineer, Mobile Oil, Co., Taiwan
 Marketed industrial lubricants
 Provided technical assistance to customers
 Evaluated system performance for the customers

Columbia University.
Position: Research Assistant, Dept. of Chemical Engineering 1994~1996
 Research on simulations and mathematical modeling to improve performance of various
commercial batteries including Alkaline, Nickel Metal Hydride and Lithium batteries.

Position: Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Chemical Engineering 1991~1994

 Conducted recitations, graded problem sets, determined solution sets, proctored exams,
held office hours and set up experiments in Unit Operation laboratory

Mobil Oil Co., Taiwan

Position: Sales Engineer 1986~1988
 Marketed industrial lubricants
 Provided technical assistance to customers
 Evaluated system performance for the customers

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EDUCATION PhD., Chemical Engineering and Applied Science Columbia University

MS, Chemical Engineering and Applied Science Columbia University
BS, Chemical Engineering National Taiwan University

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of a Cylindrical Nickel Metal-
Hydride Batteries, Columbia University, Ph.D Thesis

Experimental Investigation of the Furfural Production, Mississippi State

University, MS 1990.

REFERENCES Available upon request

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