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Physical Education Lesson Plan

Needed Equipment Instructor: Andy Galvan Major Content: Basketball

Ball Date: 09/29/20 Intro/IA/Warm-up: Dynamic Warm Up

Cones Grade Level: 9-12 Fitness: Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength

Playground/Court (Open Time: 7:45-8:35 Lesson Focus: Passing, Dribbling, Crossover, Shooting,
Space) Defending
Minutes of instruction: 50
Game: 5v5
Students: 40

CA Physical Education Content Standards Covered:

Time Lesson Content Organization/Management/Teachin Assessment
Grade Level: 9-12 g Hints
Allotted (Include Tasks, refinements,
1.1 Combine
extensions, andelements,
critical apply movement patterns, simple to complex, in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual
checks for understanding) (what are you looking for the students to be
able to know and do? Specific skills? How will
1.7 Analyze
Closure and evaluate feedback from proprioception, from others, and from the performance of complex motor
you know if you need to reteach the content or
(movement) activities to improve performance in aquatic, rhythms/dance, individual activities, and dual activities.
move on to the next progression?)
3.9 Recognize and evaluate the role of cooperation and positive interactions with others when participating in
physical activity. Looking for the students to understand what
dribbling in a basketball game is. A quick
Intro/Explanation of Lesson and Today we will be learning the fundamentals of
demonstration will test the students if they
Main Instructional Objectives (Measurable): dribbling. The learning objective is to be able to
Purpose of what you will be
5mins forward dribble properly. know what skill I performed (dribble). In
PM: Students will engage in activities, games, and drills assigned to them throughout class.
addition, I am looking to see if the students
COG: Students will demonstrate academic knowledge of basketball such as rules, concepts, skills
mastered to dribble forward with their
eyes in front of them and not always on the
AFF: Students will help each other and engage in conversations with each other such as giving tips.
ball. Once students can achieve this level, it will
be time for progressions.


Have the students jog around court, then have

them back to perform static dribbles.

Learn to forward dribble by having

control of the ball and eye coordination.
Lesson Focus:


. 15mins

1. Dribble forward in zig-zags.

3. Dribble forward whilst protecting the ball.

Dribble forward in full speed.

Modified Game to Include

Skills/Concepts learned in class

Name of the Game:

Beep Test
15mins Purpose: Have students lined up horizontally and
have them dribble forward. To progress
this game, the teacher will hold a beeper
which students will have to beat.
Students start here

Closure Questions to Check for


Ball control, can a student dribble without

losing control of the ball whilst keeping
eye coordination to know where to
dribble. https://youtu.be/vkA45NmsoFo

Intro/Explanation of Lesson and Today we will learn to efficiently chest

Purpose of what you will be pass the ball to teammates. The learning
teaching: objective is to throw the ball precisely
and with enough power to reach

Looking for students to understand what a
chest pass is, as opposed to bounce passes. Do
students understand how to throw the ball and
Warm-Up: Have the students dribble around the how to add more force/velocity into the throw.
court as they will gain a feel for the ball. I will be looking at their precision ability as they
pass the ball to each other. Once they reach this
Static dribble, practice without looking at level, students will move on to passing the ball
the ball. at a higher pace in order to work up to
gameplay speed.


Learn to chest pass straight to

Lesson Focus: teammates.


Dribble then chest pass.

Off look chest pass (passing to teammate

without looking directly at teammate).
Chest pass against wall to increase faster
release and boost receiving skills.

Modified Game to Include

Skills/Concepts learned in class
Round Circle
Name of the Game:
Students will split into groups of six/five.
15mins Students will pass balls to each other and
run directly towards the student to take
that spot. Receiving student will throw to
another student before the initial student
reaches their spot. This teaches students
to speed up their passing and get open.
Efficient chest passes, can students pass
to each other with precision, enough
power and urgency to make throws.
Closure Questions to Check for


Today we will learn a dribble move, the

crossover. The learning objective is to be
able to control the ball while doing the

Intro/Explanation of Lesson and

Purpose of what you will be


Students will split into groups of five and

form vertical lines. They will dribble then
pass to teammate, which after will go
back in line. Looking for students to know what a crossover
is, as there many different basketball moves.
Furthermore, I will be assessing the students’
ability to do a crossover. Looking closely at their
ball control, once they can master a crossover, I
will have the students perform crossovers
continuously to build their ball control of the
ball, and use the move on the field.
Learn to do the crossover.


Lesson Focus:

Practice crossover without watching the


Dribble forward then switch directions by

doing a crossover.

Dribble forward, perform crossover then

1min Progressions: chest pass to a teammate.


Crossover Suicides

15mins 3. Students will race each other from one

end of the court to the other with cones
in between. As a student comes to a
cone, they must perform a crossover then
keep dribbling forward to finish the race.
Modified Game to Include
Skills/Concepts learned in class

Name of the Game:

Purpose: Students start here

Ball control, can students perform

15mins crossovers without losing control of the
ball. https://youtu.be/ItC5FomGa_A

Closure Questions to Check for



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