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General: Nowadays, the environment is suffering from pollution

Specific: growing concerns among the environmental activists who are working to salvage the
environment looking for causes and the effects of pollution

lack of regulations
absence of punishment opens the door for violations
chemical waste is not processed by the factories pouring in the rivers

lack of awareness
ignorance of the impact will lead to further harming acts
survey to measure people awareness

extinction of some animals
toxins will gradually lead to the extinction of weaker species
reports about some extinct animals

people are more vulnerable to be sick
damaging the immune system of humans
reports from the health department
The Essay:

Nowadays, the environment is undergoing a great deal of suffering caused by the alarming
levels of pollution. As a result, growing concerns among the environmental activists who are
working to salvage the environment by looking for the causes and the effects of water
pollution. This idea will be discussed in the following essay.

By the time water pollution threat to the environment is increasing, a major cause is identified
as the absence of environment protection regulations. As the lack of punishment will keep the
door open for violations, factories will continue to pour the chemical waste into rivers without
fearing any legal consequences. Moreover, another catalyst of the problem severity is the lack
of individuals awareness. With the presence of ignorance about the impact of the environment
harming actions, people may continue to pollute the rivers without being aware of the results
of their actions. Some expressed their shock from the damages they may cause to the
environment by some ordinary action during an educational seminar held in the city hall in
north London, this case stands as a proof of the importance of awareness.

On the other hand, the impact of water pollution on both human beings and wildlife is an
undeniable reality. Entire species of animals extinct or on their way to extinction. This issue was
highlighted in a recent study of the wildlife around the River Nile which has revealed the
extinction of weaker species like the yellow-fin perch fish as a result of the increasing toxin
levels in the river. Furthermore, more people are vulnerable more than before to illness.
Affected by the higher doses of toxins slipping in their daily water intake, peoples’ immune
system got weaker against ordinary threats. That was interpreted in the Egyptian health
department annual report through the abnormal increase in the number of patients from the
areas adjacent to the river in Cairo.

In conclusion, it is becoming evident that the water pollution is a serious threat to both the
wildlife and the human beings to such an extent that causes like the lack of regulations and
individual awareness must be addressed sooner to save the planet earth and the life on it.

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