Humiliation Against HIV-AIDS Patients

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Humiliation against HIV-AIDS Patients

HIV-AIDS cases are increasing every year

here in the Philippines. Victims’ age-range were
also dropped to young ones. The spread of this
disease is extremely fast, incurable disease that is
being attached and cursed to the patient until
his/her death.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS) from Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
might lead to death by attacking the immune
system of the patient. This infectious disease can
be transmitted through sexual intercourse, blood
transmission, organ donor and a
mother who’s pregnant can pass
this to her child. Once you have this
disease you can’t be cured, you’ll be
suffering- DEATH.
I’m not talking to the literal and
simple meaning of death but its
profound definition experience by
the victims. Most of the victims are
humiliated; they felt that they are
isolated from the other people. They
most likely to experience loneliness,
identity crises, fear, lack of self-
confidence and low self-esteem that
leads to isolation and depression.
They felt death even they are alive because they can’t even live a normal life. Lots of
people felt gross when they encounter or when they are with the same place with the
victim. It might hurt their feelings because of discrimination and insult that they have
received from the public, this situation is killing them inside.
Philippine Government takes legal action to protect those victims that are HIV-
AIDS positive, a law that will provide protection and equality. Republic Act 11166
known as the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act. In this act, Anti-Retroviral o ARV
Treatment for the entire HIV-AIDS positive is free. ARV will help them minimize the
spread of the virus inside their body and to extend their life. The said act also covers
their protection, those individuals who are insulting and degrading them will be
punished by the law. This law protects their identity. It’s up to the victims if he or she
will show their identity as positive in HIV-AIDS because this case must be
confidential to avoid discrimination and for them to live a normal life without
HIV-AIDS positives have rights to live free from humiliation. They are also
human-beings with feelings. They have the right to live a happy life interacting with
non-HIV-AIDS individuals. This disease may be stringed to them until their death but
at least by equality we don’t let them feel that they didn’t belong in the society. We
should let them feel the equality and experience a meaningful life full of love.

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